7-in-10 speech-watchers say trump boosted optimism

Poor people always got medical care. Now though, my insurance plan is brought closer to their level in the name of fairness and fucking me over.

Oohhhh, Poor Baby!

I have to really wonder about this. frankly, my insurance didn't change on iota because of O-care. My copay remained the same, my decutables remained the same. When I switched jobs in 2015, I actually got into a better plan.

But to hear you wingnuts tell it, you are all in some kind of dystopian hell of actually having to pay for your health care or something.

Non-answer. You liked Clinton and he's a skirt chaser that has the right politics, so hypocrites like you give him a pass. Who has done more actual harm to women?

again, probably Trump. The problem with all the women who accused Clinton (actually, only three who've come public) is that every last one of them is a proven liar. Ken Starr spent 70 million dollars sniffing panties and came up with- exactly nothing.

so Clinton did like to have sex outside his marriage with women who wanted to have sex with him, which makes him kind of a jerk. But the same could be said of every other president who had a mistress, which is all of them. Except James Buchanan. He was probably gay.

Trump, on the other hand, has been credibly accused by dozens of women of sexual assault,a nd then there's that tape where he talks about grabbing their pussies.

You are the biggest asshole on this Board, you Mormon hating, Religion trashing, rights stomping fucktard.

Naw, I think that you totally have the right to believe in whatever magic pixies in the sky you want to. You just can't make policy based on what you think your imaginary friend wants.
Poor people always got medical care. Now though, my insurance plan is brought closer to their level in the name of fairness and fucking me over.

Oohhhh, Poor Baby!

I have to really wonder about this. frankly, my insurance didn't change on iota because of O-care. My copay remained the same, my decutables remained the same. When I switched jobs in 2015, I actually got into a better plan.

But to hear you wingnuts tell it, you are all in some kind of dystopian hell of actually having to pay for your health care or something.

Non-answer. You liked Clinton and he's a skirt chaser that has the right politics, so hypocrites like you give him a pass. Who has done more actual harm to women?

again, probably Trump. The problem with all the women who accused Clinton (actually, only three who've come public) is that every last one of them is a proven liar. Ken Starr spent 70 million dollars sniffing panties and came up with- exactly nothing.

so Clinton did like to have sex outside his marriage with women who wanted to have sex with him, which makes him kind of a jerk. But the same could be said of every other president who had a mistress, which is all of them. Except James Buchanan. He was probably gay.

Trump, on the other hand, has been credibly accused by dozens of women of sexual assault,a nd then there's that tape where he talks about grabbing their pussies.

You are the biggest asshole on this Board, you Mormon hating, Religion trashing, rights stomping fucktard.

Naw, I think that you totally have the right to believe in whatever magic pixies in the sky you want to. You just can't make policy based on what you think your imaginary friend wants.


You defend a serial sexual lothario because you like his politics. Fuck you, hack.

again, proof?
If he moves to embrace the immigrants, stops the massive DOD budget, rebuilds the infrastructure without deficit spending, I am all for that.

Trump certainly is no conservative, alt or otherwise.
Trump is nothing but conservative. Welcome to 1700's except that he speaks like he's trying to be an idealist, but he's bad at it.
Now I see why Clinton lost. The Americans don't know how to listen. Clinton boosted negativity because she is a realist. Though she made more sense, because she made the people uncomfortable, they didn't want her. They want kind lies rather than uncomfortable truths that would, in the long run, save their arses.
If he moves to embrace the immigrants, stops the massive DOD budget, rebuilds the infrastructure without deficit spending, I am all for that.

Trump certainly is no conservative, alt or otherwise.
Trump is nothing but conservative. Welcome to 1700's except that he speaks like he's trying to be an idealist, but he's bad at it.
Trump is a neoDem. He will push for a pathway for normalization for immigrants who are family members of anchor baby citizens, he will keep pushing to make the AHCA obamacare lite, and so forth.

Clinton lost because of economic concerns to the upper Midwest.

You defend a serial sexual lothario because you like his politics. Fuck you, hack.

again, proof?

Ken Starr spent 70 million dollars trying to prove Clinton did the things these lying bitches said he did.

He came up with exactly nothing.

I'm all for a 70 million dollar investigation into Trump's sexploits and business deals. I don't think he'll come up as clean as Clinton did.

You defend a serial sexual lothario because you like his politics. Fuck you, hack.

again, proof?

Ken Starr spent 70 million dollars trying to prove Clinton did the things these lying bitches said he did.

He came up with exactly nothing.

I'm all for a 70 million dollar investigation into Trump's sexploits and business deals. I don't think he'll come up as clean as Clinton did.

Hard to prove things from a decade before and a he said she said situation. Clinton is a leech, and you know it, but because you like his politics you give him a pass.
He really knocked it out of the park.

(CNN)President Donald Trump's first address to Congress received largely positive reviews from viewers, with 57% who tuned in saying they had a very positive reaction to the speech, according to a new CNN/ORC poll of speech-watchers.

Nearly 7-in-10 who watched said the President's proposed policies would move the country in the right direction and almost two-thirds said the president has the right priorities for the country. Overall, about 7-in-10 said the speech made them feel more optimistic about the direction of the country.

7 in 10 Speech-Watchers Say Trump Boosted Optimism - CNNPolitics.com
And then tweeted about Ah-nold.
Hard to prove things from a decade before and a he said she said situation. Clinton is a leech, and you know it, but because you like his politics you give him a pass.

No, actually, it was VERY easy to prove.

Paula Jones said Clinton's junk had a "distinguishing characteristic". (in this case, a bent Penis). Women who've seen Clinton's junk and didn't sue him said it has no such thing. Paula Jones. Proven Liar.

Kathleen Willey Claimed Clinton groped her. Yet after the alleged groping, she continued to call and write Clinton and his staff for another year looking for a job. Also, she tired to get her friend to lie on her behalf, and Ken Starr even threw that poor woman in jail. Kathleen Willey. Proven Liar.

Okay. Third one. Juanita Brodderick claimed Clinton raped her in the 1970's. Except for 20 years before that, she denied he did. She then couldn't remember the date or the hotel room number this happened in, nor is there any record of her or then Gov. Clinton being at that hotel. Furthermore, she continued to attend Clinton campaign events and accepted an appointment by Clinton to a state board. She swore out TWO affidavits denying she had sex with him. Juanita Brodderick. Proven liar.

See how easy that was?
Hard to prove things from a decade before and a he said she said situation. Clinton is a leech, and you know it, but because you like his politics you give him a pass.

No, actually, it was VERY easy to prove.

Paula Jones said Clinton's junk had a "distinguishing characteristic". (in this case, a bent Penis). Women who've seen Clinton's junk and didn't sue him said it has no such thing. Paula Jones. Proven Liar.

Kathleen Willey Claimed Clinton groped her. Yet after the alleged groping, she continued to call and write Clinton and his staff for another year looking for a job. Also, she tired to get her friend to lie on her behalf, and Ken Starr even threw that poor woman in jail. Kathleen Willey. Proven Liar.

Okay. Third one. Juanita Brodderick claimed Clinton raped her in the 1970's. Except for 20 years before that, she denied he did. She then couldn't remember the date or the hotel room number this happened in, nor is there any record of her or then Gov. Clinton being at that hotel. Furthermore, she continued to attend Clinton campaign events and accepted an appointment by Clinton to a state board. She swore out TWO affidavits denying she had sex with him. Juanita Brodderick. Proven liar.

See how easy that was?

I noticed you didn't provide any links, and you are a known exaggerator and dishonest twat-waddle.

So, for all that typing, all I see is "fuh fufh Clinton Clinton Clinton, fuh fuh fuh, fuck mormons"
I noticed you didn't provide any links, and you are a known exaggerator and dishonest twat-waddle.

So, for all that typing, all I see is "fuh fufh Clinton Clinton Clinton, fuh fuh fuh, fuck mormons"

Yes, that Home School did a great job of teaching you how to read.

But I will accept your cowardly concessions in the spirit it is offered.

It was actually Catholic Schools, 17.5 years worth.

No concession to a witless nitwit such as yourself.

And of course, no links provided.
It was actually Catholic Schools, 17.5 years worth.

Hey, wait, they held you back that many times?

4 years at a Catholic College for my Bachelors, 1.5 years at the same place for my Masters. When I went to Kindergarten there wasn't any at my grade school so that was my only year of Public Education. 8 years Catholic Grade School, 4 years Catholic High school. So 8+4+4+1.5= 17.5 years.

You're welcome for the basic arithmetic lesson.
Figures you run and turn tail when called on to provide actual proof.


Guy, I've provided links to these things on dozens of threads....

Not once Have I heard a right winger say, "Wow, I didn't know that about Juanita Brodderick".

Yet are too lazy to provide them on this one.

I'm not going hunting through your threads for a link, provide it, or kindly FOAD.
Yet are too lazy to provide them on this one.

I'm not going hunting through your threads for a link, provide it, or kindly FOAD.

What would be the point? It's not like you are going to stop calling Bill a rapist to try to cover the fact you put a real masher in the white house....

When did I ever call him a rapist? I've called him a leech, but not a rapist.

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