7-in-10 speech-watchers say trump boosted optimism

He really knocked it out of the park.

(CNN)President Donald Trump's first address to Congress received largely positive reviews from viewers, with 57% who tuned in saying they had a very positive reaction to the speech, according to a new CNN/ORC poll of speech-watchers.

Nearly 7-in-10 who watched said the President's proposed policies would move the country in the right direction and almost two-thirds said the president has the right priorities for the country. Overall, about 7-in-10 said the speech made them feel more optimistic about the direction of the country.

7 in 10 Speech-Watchers Say Trump Boosted Optimism - CNNPolitics.com

7 in 10 Americans are as gullible as [insert the most gullible person you know].

Spoken like a true democrat!

Let's just do away with that thing since the majority is so wrong.
The gripe of the right has always been lefties want more power in the hands of less people. The desire of the left has always been to "help" people, regardless of if those people want said help. For the left, assuming the people are "too stupid to know what they want" is a main tenet of their "faith" if you will.

People on the right trust people to do the right thing as individuals far more than those on the left do. That implies a certain trust in individuals, and their intelligence.

I don't think leftists are stupid, I think they are wrong.
No, it is the right who think that kniggers are too stupid to know what is good for them. You see it constantly on these boards,

You wanted to sat that word sooo bad you used a letter to get past the word filter?


I think the black community has been sold a bad bill of goods by progressives since the 1960's. It doesn't make them stupid, it makes them victims.
Thank you for proving my point. You think Blacks are too stupid to realize whether they have been sold a bad bill of goods.

Not at all. They were promised that massive government programs would help them get out of poverty, and the programs didn't work. Now the self proclaimed leaders of their communities are so in bed with progressives in general that the momentum for changing said alignment is almost nil.

Trump is probably their worst nightmare (progressive blacks) because he has said he wants to reach out to the black community and try to figure out a way to help them.

I think sooner or later someone, if not Trump, will break the political stranglehold progressives have on the black community, and their politics will align more with the rest of the country as opposed to the monolithic block we see now.
Trump is just like all the others, says he wants to help, but has no ideas. like the ones who want Blacks off of welfare without providing employment. Democrats try to help, sometimes they are successful many times not. There is no success without attempt. trump is just like the Republicans, he has people fooled that he will help them when he is only going to help the rich. And the working middle class fall for it.

If the current situation is "successful", then I think you are the one with the low opinion of the black community, not me. I guess giving them enough to keep them from rioting is you goal, right?

And your projection on Trump, just a month or so into his term, without any evidence is telling as well.
He really knocked it out of the park.

(CNN)President Donald Trump's first address to Congress received largely positive reviews from viewers, with 57% who tuned in saying they had a very positive reaction to the speech, according to a new CNN/ORC poll of speech-watchers.

Nearly 7-in-10 who watched said the President's proposed policies would move the country in the right direction and almost two-thirds said the president has the right priorities for the country. Overall, about 7-in-10 said the speech made them feel more optimistic about the direction of the country.

7 in 10 Speech-Watchers Say Trump Boosted Optimism - CNNPolitics.com

7 in 10 Americans are as gullible as [insert the most gullible person you know].

Spoken like a true democrat!

Let's just do away with that thing since the majority is so wrong.

I'm not a Democrat.

Do away with what? People are gullible because they'll believe something that under the slightest scrutiny looks absurd.
No, it is the right who think that kniggers are too stupid to know what is good for them. You see it constantly on these boards,

You wanted to sat that word sooo bad you used a letter to get past the word filter?


I think the black community has been sold a bad bill of goods by progressives since the 1960's. It doesn't make them stupid, it makes them victims.
Thank you for proving my point. You think Blacks are too stupid to realize whether they have been sold a bad bill of goods.

Not at all. They were promised that massive government programs would help them get out of poverty, and the programs didn't work. Now the self proclaimed leaders of their communities are so in bed with progressives in general that the momentum for changing said alignment is almost nil.

Trump is probably their worst nightmare (progressive blacks) because he has said he wants to reach out to the black community and try to figure out a way to help them.

I think sooner or later someone, if not Trump, will break the political stranglehold progressives have on the black community, and their politics will align more with the rest of the country as opposed to the monolithic block we see now.
Trump is just like all the others, says he wants to help, but has no ideas. like the ones who want Blacks off of welfare without providing employment. Democrats try to help, sometimes they are successful many times not. There is no success without attempt. trump is just like the Republicans, he has people fooled that he will help them when he is only going to help the rich. And the working middle class fall for it.

If the current situation is "successful", then I think you are the one with the low opinion of the black community, not me. I guess giving them enough to keep them from rioting is you goal, right?

And your projection on Trump, just a month or so into his term, without any evidence is telling as well.
What has he proposed to help the epidemic of poverty in the inner city? And I love it when you Whites lecture us minorities.Give me a reason why we should listen to you?
You wanted to sat that word sooo bad you used a letter to get past the word filter?


I think the black community has been sold a bad bill of goods by progressives since the 1960's. It doesn't make them stupid, it makes them victims.
Thank you for proving my point. You think Blacks are too stupid to realize whether they have been sold a bad bill of goods.

Not at all. They were promised that massive government programs would help them get out of poverty, and the programs didn't work. Now the self proclaimed leaders of their communities are so in bed with progressives in general that the momentum for changing said alignment is almost nil.

Trump is probably their worst nightmare (progressive blacks) because he has said he wants to reach out to the black community and try to figure out a way to help them.

I think sooner or later someone, if not Trump, will break the political stranglehold progressives have on the black community, and their politics will align more with the rest of the country as opposed to the monolithic block we see now.
Trump is just like all the others, says he wants to help, but has no ideas. like the ones who want Blacks off of welfare without providing employment. Democrats try to help, sometimes they are successful many times not. There is no success without attempt. trump is just like the Republicans, he has people fooled that he will help them when he is only going to help the rich. And the working middle class fall for it.

If the current situation is "successful", then I think you are the one with the low opinion of the black community, not me. I guess giving them enough to keep them from rioting is you goal, right?

And your projection on Trump, just a month or so into his term, without any evidence is telling as well.
What has he proposed to help the epidemic of poverty in the inner city? And I love it when you Whites lecture us minorities.Give me a reason why we should listen to you?

Well he's meeting with people from the community, and he's only a month or so in, so time will tell.

You don't have to listen to anything I or he says. And I am not lecturing anyone, I am discussing something with a fellow citizen. If you want to balkanize the conversation, its on you, not me.
Thank you for proving my point. You think Blacks are too stupid to realize whether they have been sold a bad bill of goods.

Not at all. They were promised that massive government programs would help them get out of poverty, and the programs didn't work. Now the self proclaimed leaders of their communities are so in bed with progressives in general that the momentum for changing said alignment is almost nil.

Trump is probably their worst nightmare (progressive blacks) because he has said he wants to reach out to the black community and try to figure out a way to help them.

I think sooner or later someone, if not Trump, will break the political stranglehold progressives have on the black community, and their politics will align more with the rest of the country as opposed to the monolithic block we see now.
Trump is just like all the others, says he wants to help, but has no ideas. like the ones who want Blacks off of welfare without providing employment. Democrats try to help, sometimes they are successful many times not. There is no success without attempt. trump is just like the Republicans, he has people fooled that he will help them when he is only going to help the rich. And the working middle class fall for it.

If the current situation is "successful", then I think you are the one with the low opinion of the black community, not me. I guess giving them enough to keep them from rioting is you goal, right?

And your projection on Trump, just a month or so into his term, without any evidence is telling as well.
What has he proposed to help the epidemic of poverty in the inner city? And I love it when you Whites lecture us minorities.Give me a reason why we should listen to you?

Well he's meeting with people from the community, and he's only a month or so in, so time will tell.

You don't have to listen to anything I or he says. And I am not lecturing anyone, I am discussing something with a fellow citizen. If you want to balkanize the conversation, its on you, not me.
You just talk around in circles. Good strategy if you are talking to a conservative.
Not at all. They were promised that massive government programs would help them get out of poverty, and the programs didn't work. Now the self proclaimed leaders of their communities are so in bed with progressives in general that the momentum for changing said alignment is almost nil.

Trump is probably their worst nightmare (progressive blacks) because he has said he wants to reach out to the black community and try to figure out a way to help them.

I think sooner or later someone, if not Trump, will break the political stranglehold progressives have on the black community, and their politics will align more with the rest of the country as opposed to the monolithic block we see now.
Trump is just like all the others, says he wants to help, but has no ideas. like the ones who want Blacks off of welfare without providing employment. Democrats try to help, sometimes they are successful many times not. There is no success without attempt. trump is just like the Republicans, he has people fooled that he will help them when he is only going to help the rich. And the working middle class fall for it.

If the current situation is "successful", then I think you are the one with the low opinion of the black community, not me. I guess giving them enough to keep them from rioting is you goal, right?

And your projection on Trump, just a month or so into his term, without any evidence is telling as well.
What has he proposed to help the epidemic of poverty in the inner city? And I love it when you Whites lecture us minorities.Give me a reason why we should listen to you?

Well he's meeting with people from the community, and he's only a month or so in, so time will tell.

You don't have to listen to anything I or he says. And I am not lecturing anyone, I am discussing something with a fellow citizen. If you want to balkanize the conversation, its on you, not me.
You just talk around in circles. Good strategy if you are talking to a conservative.

How so? Explain yourself please.
Trump is just like all the others, says he wants to help, but has no ideas. like the ones who want Blacks off of welfare without providing employment. Democrats try to help, sometimes they are successful many times not. There is no success without attempt. trump is just like the Republicans, he has people fooled that he will help them when he is only going to help the rich. And the working middle class fall for it.

If the current situation is "successful", then I think you are the one with the low opinion of the black community, not me. I guess giving them enough to keep them from rioting is you goal, right?

And your projection on Trump, just a month or so into his term, without any evidence is telling as well.
What has he proposed to help the epidemic of poverty in the inner city? And I love it when you Whites lecture us minorities.Give me a reason why we should listen to you?

Well he's meeting with people from the community, and he's only a month or so in, so time will tell.

You don't have to listen to anything I or he says. And I am not lecturing anyone, I am discussing something with a fellow citizen. If you want to balkanize the conversation, its on you, not me.
You just talk around in circles. Good strategy if you are talking to a conservative.

How so? Explain yourself please.
You are a smart person, you should figure it out.
If the current situation is "successful", then I think you are the one with the low opinion of the black community, not me. I guess giving them enough to keep them from rioting is you goal, right?

And your projection on Trump, just a month or so into his term, without any evidence is telling as well.
What has he proposed to help the epidemic of poverty in the inner city? And I love it when you Whites lecture us minorities.Give me a reason why we should listen to you?

Well he's meeting with people from the community, and he's only a month or so in, so time will tell.

You don't have to listen to anything I or he says. And I am not lecturing anyone, I am discussing something with a fellow citizen. If you want to balkanize the conversation, its on you, not me.
You just talk around in circles. Good strategy if you are talking to a conservative.

How so? Explain yourself please.
You are a smart person, you should figure it out.

No, I'd rather hear you back your statement up with actual evidence.

It doesn't have to be a dissertation, just explain how I am talking in circles. That is a pretty specific accusation, so I'm sure you have some specific evidence.
Nope. I respect the process. You respect nothing.

I respect doing the right thing.

Once again the left shows their disdain for their fellow citizens, their own smug superiority complex, and their continued inability to understand that this is how you get "More Trump"

Naw... Trump's fellow Republicans want him gone as bad as liberals do. In fact, even the Russian hackers are disappointed.
Nope. I respect the process. You respect nothing.

I respect doing the right thing.

Once again the left shows their disdain for their fellow citizens, their own smug superiority complex, and their continued inability to understand that this is how you get "More Trump"

Naw... Trump's fellow Republicans want him gone as bad as liberals do. In fact, even the Russian hackers are disappointed.

No, you respect your own twisted views on fucking over people you don't like.

You have really bought into the Anti-Trump kool-aid, of course it wasn't a large leap for you to go from basic asshole to mewling lap dog.
No, you respect your own twisted views on fucking over people you don't like.

You have really bought into the Anti-Trump kool-aid, of course it wasn't a large leap for you to go from basic asshole to mewling lap dog.

Guy, if any one is a "lap-dog", its all you wingnuts who love Trump now. You knew it was a bad idea, and you went along with it anyway..because you couldn't see past your own misogyny.
No, you respect your own twisted views on fucking over people you don't like.

You have really bought into the Anti-Trump kool-aid, of course it wasn't a large leap for you to go from basic asshole to mewling lap dog.

Guy, if any one is a "lap-dog", its all you wingnuts who love Trump now. You knew it was a bad idea, and you went along with it anyway..because you couldn't see past your own misogyny.

I was never "in love" with Trump. To me anything that rocks the apple cart is probably worth it. The meltdown of the left we are seeing is just a chuckle-worthy benefit.

He's been doing exactly what he said he was going to do.
I was never "in love" with Trump. To me anything that rocks the apple cart is probably worth it. The meltdown of the left we are seeing is just a chuckle-worthy benefit.

He's been doing exactly what he said he was going to do.

But everything he said he was going to do is crazy, racist and will probably damage the economy.

But man, you guys are loving it.

I think it shows how bitter a lot of you guys are. You'd rather tweek your adversaries than do what is best for the country.

Isn't that a sad commentary?
I was never "in love" with Trump. To me anything that rocks the apple cart is probably worth it. The meltdown of the left we are seeing is just a chuckle-worthy benefit.

He's been doing exactly what he said he was going to do.

But everything he said he was going to do is crazy, racist and will probably damage the economy.

But man, you guys are loving it.

I think it shows how bitter a lot of you guys are. You'd rather tweek your adversaries than do what is best for the country.

Isn't that a sad commentary?
in your opinion, and frankly your opinion is worth slightly less then a queef from SHE WHO MUST NOT BE NAMED's musty old vagina.

Coming from someone who wants to ruin others for political unorthodoxy, your concern is quaint, and 100% bullshit.
in your opinion, and frankly your opinion is worth slightly less then a queef from SHE WHO MUST NOT BE NAMED's musty old vagina.

Coming from someone who wants to ruin others for political unorthodoxy, your concern is quaint, and 100% bullshit.

Whining much. Come on, admit you fucked up.

I mean, I know where you're coming from. I made the mistake of voting for Dubya in 2000 and 2004, and had to spend years defending THAT fuckup.

Trumpenfuhrer isn't fit to shine Dubya's shoes.
No, you respect your own twisted views on fucking over people you don't like.

You have really bought into the Anti-Trump kool-aid, of course it wasn't a large leap for you to go from basic asshole to mewling lap dog.

Guy, if any one is a "lap-dog", its all you wingnuts who love Trump now. You knew it was a bad idea, and you went along with it anyway..because you couldn't see past your own misogyny.

I don't love him and Republicans for their attempt at Obamacare lite, so your premise is gone at it's start.

And what Misogyny have I ever shown on this board to make you think I am a Misogynist?
in your opinion, and frankly your opinion is worth slightly less then a queef from SHE WHO MUST NOT BE NAMED's musty old vagina.

Coming from someone who wants to ruin others for political unorthodoxy, your concern is quaint, and 100% bullshit.

Whining much. Come on, admit you fucked up.

I mean, I know where you're coming from. I made the mistake of voting for Dubya in 2000 and 2004, and had to spend years defending THAT fuckup.

Trumpenfuhrer isn't fit to shine Dubya's shoes.

No screw up here. Trump is still better than what we would have gotten with Hillary on the SC nomination alone.

And it's funny seeing progressive statists showing some Boooosh love. It just proves that only the current running Republican is Hitler, and will be Hitler no matter what.
I don't love him and Republicans for their attempt at Obamacare lite, so your premise is gone at it's start.

of course not. The horror of poor people getting medical care?

And what Misogyny have I ever shown on this board to make you think I am a Misogynist?

You support Trump.

No screw up here. Trump is still better than what we would have gotten with Hillary on the SC nomination alone.

Right. so he wrecks the economy, the environment, alienates our allies, maybe gets us into a war, but man, he managed to put a knuckle-dragger on the Supreme Court, so all is good.

Do you take special pills to be such an asshole?

And it's funny seeing progressive statists showing some Boooosh love. It just proves that only the current running Republican is Hitler, and will be Hitler no matter what.

But you see, this is the thing. Bush was an inept boob, but in his heart, I think he was a good man. He did dumb things, but his heart was in the right place.

Trump, on the other hand, really is a Nazi, and a racist, and a misogynist, but you guys are okay with that because you'll get a few things you want.

Again, are there special pills you take?
I don't love him and Republicans for their attempt at Obamacare lite, so your premise is gone at it's start.

of course not. The horror of poor people getting medical care?

And what Misogyny have I ever shown on this board to make you think I am a Misogynist?

You support Trump.

No screw up here. Trump is still better than what we would have gotten with Hillary on the SC nomination alone.

Right. so he wrecks the economy, the environment, alienates our allies, maybe gets us into a war, but man, he managed to put a knuckle-dragger on the Supreme Court, so all is good.

Do you take special pills to be such an asshole?

And it's funny seeing progressive statists showing some Boooosh love. It just proves that only the current running Republican is Hitler, and will be Hitler no matter what.

But you see, this is the thing. Bush was an inept boob, but in his heart, I think he was a good man. He did dumb things, but his heart was in the right place.

Trump, on the other hand, really is a Nazi, and a racist, and a misogynist, but you guys are okay with that because you'll get a few things you want.

Again, are there special pills you take?

Poor people always got medical care. Now though, my insurance plan is brought closer to their level in the name of fairness and fucking me over.

Non-answer. You liked Clinton and he's a skirt chaser that has the right politics, so hypocrites like you give him a pass. Who has done more actual harm to women?

is he going to steal lolipops from babies right out of the pram as well?

You are the biggest asshole on this Board, you Mormon hating, Religion trashing, rights stomping fucktard.

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