7 Things Liberals REALLY MEAN When They Cry “Racism”

Some folks make their living out of calling racism where there really is no racism.

Some racists use that as a cover to say, "SEE, they just say everything is racist."

Doesn't matter. It's not rocket science. I know real racism when I see it. I know a false cry of racism when I hear it.

A lot of racists think they are sneaky enough to disguise it. And then act all offended when you let 'em know they didn't pull it off.

How many racists will tell you they are racists? Almost none.

No problems - they aren't hard to spot.
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Every point is dead on..

7 Things Liberals REALLY MEAN When They Cry ?Racism? - John Hawkins - Page full

1) You disagree with me:

2) I need more attention and/or money:

3) Let’s take a choice away from black Americans:

4) You are disagreeing with a minority:

5) Your attack is damaging us:

6) You won't do what I want!:

7) Stop trying to do outreach to black Americans:

LOL - every point is dull and ridiculous, No one knows what every liberal thinks on any specific issue.

LMAO...that is refuting the OP?

Wow. I guess this thread spoke volumes. The liberals are having trouble refuting it.
1. Your beliefs are racist.

2. Your speech is racist.

3. Your parents taught you racist ideas.

4. Your self-loathing and fear of minorities makes you a hateful bigot.

5. Haters gonna hate.

6. I wish you were gone from this country.

7. Who knew that electing a black President would bring all of you out from the pile of shit you hid under when Johnson sent in the troops.

8. How do we get your children away from you and save them?

Oops, I guess that's eight things I mean when I say racist.
1. Your beliefs are racist.

2. Your speech is racist.

3. Your parents taught you racist ideas.

4. Your self-loathing and fear of minorities makes you a hateful bigot.

5. Haters gonna hate.

6. I wish you were gone from this country.

7. Who knew that electing a black President would bring all of you out from the pile of shit you hid under when Johnson sent in the troops.

8. How do we get your children away from you and save them?

Oops, I guess that's eight things I mean when I say racist.

aren't you the one who started a post about a republican memo regarding the suggested tactics of a republican candidate....criticizing the memo....and, of course, the candidate.....


it was pointed out to you that it was a democratic memo regarding the suggested tactics of a democratic candidate......


Then you ran from the thread without saying a word.

In other words.....you admitted you have no credibility WHATSOEVER.
I see he touched a nerve..

Not a single post refutes a single point he made.. instead they attack him personally. A sure sign that he's dead on target.
There is no way to refute nonsense, and no need. I don't spent time trying to refute a toddler who says little green men live on the moon, I ask what they eat? Children, like Hawkins and you, are indulged...
1. Your beliefs are racist.

2. Your speech is racist.

3. Your parents taught you racist ideas.

4. Your self-loathing and fear of minorities makes you a hateful bigot.

5. Haters gonna hate.

6. I wish you were gone from this country.

7. Who knew that electing a black President would bring all of you out from the pile of shit you hid under when Johnson sent in the troops.

8. How do we get your children away from you and save them?

Oops, I guess that's eight things I mean when I say racist.

So child like,coming from one of the board great haters impressive.
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Wow. You are easily fooled.

No, it usually means you are a fucking racist

Generally, the receipient acts outraged and screams...Race Card! Race Card!


You are easily fooled.

I have been called a racist numerous times in this forum...and my intent had no racial meaning....

One can find racial undertones in anything one says...if they wish to spin it racially.

I guess you don't realize that.

FYI....there a poor white people. There are white people that don't have ID's. There are white people that are on welfare. There are white people that are not in the 1%.

It usually works something like this:

Conservative poster: I really hate that n*gger in the White House

Liberal: You are such a racist

Conservative Poster: Race Card! Race Card!

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No, it usually means you are a fucking racist

Generally, the receipient acts outraged and screams...Race Card! Race Card!


You are easily fooled.

I have been called a racist numerous times in this forum...and my intent had no racial meaning....

One can find racial undertones in anything one says...if they wish to spin it racially.

I guess you don't realize that.

FYI....there a poor white people. There are white people that don't have ID's. There are white people that are on welfare. There are white people that are not in the 1%.

It usually works something like this:

Conservative poster: I really hate that n*gger in the White House

Liberal: You are such a racist

Conservative Poster: Race Card! Race Card!

No it doesn't.

If a conservative poster says "I hate that ****** in the white house" and the liberal poster says "you are such a racist", the conservative would likely say....."dam straight I am"...

For they are obviously out in the open about it.

But what we are referring to is this....

Conservative poster: I really hate the policies of our current president

Liberal poster: Admit it. You just cant deal with a black man in the white house

Conservative poster: There you go again. Pulling out the race card.

So your post is nothing but a bunch of bullshit.

You are easily fooled.

I have been called a racist numerous times in this forum...and my intent had no racial meaning....

One can find racial undertones in anything one says...if they wish to spin it racially.

I guess you don't realize that.

FYI....there a poor white people. There are white people that don't have ID's. There are white people that are on welfare. There are white people that are not in the 1%.

It usually works something like this:

Conservative poster: I really hate that n*gger in the White House

Liberal: You are such a racist

Conservative Poster: Race Card! Race Card!

No it doesn't.

If a conservative poster says "I hate that ****** in the white house" and the liberal poster says "you are such a racist", the conservative would likely say....."dam straight I am"...

For they are obviously out in the open about it.

But what we are referring to is this....

Conservative poster: I really hate the policies of our current president

Liberal poster: Admit it. You just cant deal with a black man in the white house

Conservative poster: There you go again. Pulling out the race card.

So your post is nothing but a bunch of bullshit.

Usually what happens next is the Conservative poster will say....How can I be racist? My sister married a darkie
Every point is dead on..

LOL - every point is dull and ridiculous, No one knows what every liberal thinks on any specific issue.

LMAO...that is refuting the OP?

Wow. I guess this thread spoke volumes. The liberals are having trouble refuting it.

You are working under the presumption that they want to defend it!! If you take away their martyr card...... let the poor little negro play the poor little persecuted negro!!

1. Your beliefs are racist.
Because I say they are racist, pity the poor me .........

2. Your speech is racist.
Because I say they are racist, pity the poor me .........

3. Your parents taught you racist ideas.
Even though I don't know them or have never met them, I know what is in your head and what your parents taught me. Just as my parents have taught me this hatred and public display of contempt for others and I have accepted without question, making me someones ignorant parent full of hate!!

4. Your self-loathing and fear of minorities makes you a hateful bigot.
But I would never examine my own life before condemning others, making me an even more hateful bigot than you!!

5. Haters gonna hate.
Instigators are going to instigate!!

6. I wish you were gone from this country.
You the feeling is mutual!!

7. Who knew that electing a black President would bring all of you out from the pile of shit you hid under when Johnson sent in the troops.
Talk about a racist who is clueless!!

8. How do we get your children away from you and save them?
At least we parent our children, you ******* seem to be shy of a shit load of fathers and the mothers seem to be overwhelmed......
@ least our children aren't in the hood killing each other out in gangs!!

Oops, I guess that's eight things I mean when I say racist.
No need to reply to this last one .......oooopsssss
1. Your beliefs are racist.

2. Your speech is racist.

3. Your parents taught you racist ideas.

4. Your self-loathing and fear of minorities makes you a hateful bigot.

5. Haters gonna hate.

6. I wish you were gone from this country.

7. Who knew that electing a black President would bring all of you out from the pile of shit you hid under when Johnson sent in the troops.

8. How do we get your children away from you and save them?

Oops, I guess that's eight things I mean when I say racist.

You did not capitalize "black." You must be a racist.
1. Your beliefs are racist.

2. Your speech is racist.

3. Your parents taught you racist ideas.

4. Your self-loathing and fear of minorities makes you a hateful bigot.

5. Haters gonna hate.

6. I wish you were gone from this country.

7. Who knew that electing a black President would bring all of you out from the pile of shit you hid under when Johnson sent in the troops.

8. How do we get your children away from you and save them?

Oops, I guess that's eight things I mean when I say racist.

aren't you the one who started a post about a republican memo regarding the suggested tactics of a republican candidate....criticizing the memo....and, of course, the candidate.....


it was pointed out to you that it was a democratic memo regarding the suggested tactics of a democratic candidate......


Then you ran from the thread without saying a word.

In other words.....you admitted you have no credibility WHATSOEVER.

I don;t understand it either,short term memory problems and no self respect what so ever!! I mean after being made fools of and most of the opposing forum members rolling on the floor laughing, they come right back and do it all again as if the first instance never happened.

I wish for the good ole days when fools who made spectacles of themselves in public had no where to hide and did not have the luxury of the anonymity of a screen name and talk forums on the internet!!
Every point is dead on..

LOL - every point is dull and ridiculous, No one knows what every liberal thinks on any specific issue.

LMAO...that is refuting the OP?

Wow. I guess this thread spoke volumes. The liberals are having trouble refuting it.

Another logical error. Not every liberal has read the OP, thus not every liberal has tried to refute it. To assess all liberals have trouble refuting it is silly. The points themselves can't be attributed to every liberal or every set of human beings.

The OP is tantamount to my posting, "conservatives are all anal retentive". That's foolish, many conservatives spread their shit all over the internet.
It usually works something like this:

Conservative poster: I really hate that n*gger in the White House

Liberal: You are such a racist

Conservative Poster: Race Card! Race Card!

No it doesn't.

If a conservative poster says "I hate that ****** in the white house" and the liberal poster says "you are such a racist", the conservative would likely say....."dam straight I am"...

For they are obviously out in the open about it.

But what we are referring to is this....

Conservative poster: I really hate the policies of our current president

Liberal poster: Admit it. You just cant deal with a black man in the white house

Conservative poster: There you go again. Pulling out the race card.

So your post is nothing but a bunch of bullshit.

Usually what happens next is the Conservative poster will say....How can I be racist? My sister married a darkie

Nope. That doesn't happen either.

See? All you have is....well.....nothing.

Just need to make shit up.
LOL - every point is dull and ridiculous, No one knows what every liberal thinks on any specific issue.

LMAO...that is refuting the OP?

Wow. I guess this thread spoke volumes. The liberals are having trouble refuting it.

Another logical error. Not every liberal has read the OP, thus not every liberal has tried to refute it. To assess all liberals have trouble refuting it is silly. The points themselves can't be attributed to every liberal or every set of human beings.

The OP is tantamount to my posting, "conservatives are all anal retentive". That's foolish, many conservatives spread their shit all over the internet.

Oh. OK.

Nice back peddling.
It usually works something like this:

Conservative poster: I really hate that n*gger in the White House

Liberal: You are such a racist

Conservative Poster: Race Card! Race Card!

No it doesn't.

If a conservative poster says "I hate that ****** in the white house" and the liberal poster says "you are such a racist", the conservative would likely say....."dam straight I am"...

For they are obviously out in the open about it.

But what we are referring to is this....

Conservative poster: I really hate the policies of our current president

Liberal poster: Admit it. You just cant deal with a black man in the white house

Conservative poster: There you go again. Pulling out the race card.

So your post is nothing but a bunch of bullshit.

Usually what happens next is the Conservative poster will say....How can I be racist? My sister married a darkie

Please provide all research data and notes out for public examination..... wait you pulled that shit out of your ass didn't you??
LMAO...that is refuting the OP?

Wow. I guess this thread spoke volumes. The liberals are having trouble refuting it.

Another logical error. Not every liberal has read the OP, thus not every liberal has tried to refute it. To assess all liberals have trouble refuting it is silly. The points themselves can't be attributed to every liberal or every set of human beings.

The OP is tantamount to my posting, "conservatives are all anal retentive". That's foolish, many conservatives spread their shit all over the internet.

Oh. OK.

Nice back peddling.

Is that how you admit you're wrong jarhead?

No it doesn't.

If a conservative poster says "I hate that ****** in the white house" and the liberal poster says "you are such a racist", the conservative would likely say....."dam straight I am"...

For they are obviously out in the open about it.

But what we are referring to is this....

Conservative poster: I really hate the policies of our current president

Liberal poster: Admit it. You just cant deal with a black man in the white house

Conservative poster: There you go again. Pulling out the race card.

So your post is nothing but a bunch of bullshit.

Usually what happens next is the Conservative poster will say....How can I be racist? My sister married a darkie

Please provide all research data and notes out for public examination..... wait you pulled that shit out of your ass didn't you??

you would think he would say to himself...

"Jeez. Why do I need to make shit up to win a debate?"

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