7 Things Liberals REALLY MEAN When They Cry “Racism”

Every point is dead on..

Who is John Hawkins? Oh no....[[[groaning]]]] another blogger, otherwise known on the right as an expert authority.

Oh, it's Townhall.com....[[[groaning again]]]... the rightwing nut's answer to Daily Kos.


Not only that:

I am a Tea Party conservative. I run a website called Right Wing News. In fact, I’m so far to the Right that I was blackballed from the 2008 and 2012 Republican National Conventions for being too tough on our last two presidential nominees. I didn’t think either of them were particularly good politicians, but I also didn’t believe they were conservative enough.
I'm A Conservative And They Lied When They Said I Hate You - John Hawkins - Page 1

Is there any question as to why the most prolific posters in this forum are ignorant loons, warped by fanaticism???

Yeah that John Hawkins sounds like a lunatic:

Maybe you agree with what I just said and maybe you don’t. Well meaning, intelligent people can disagree – and let’s face it, conservatism isn’t for everyone. If you love nothing more than abortion on demand and Obamacare, you’re better off voting for the Democrats.
I'm A Conservative And They Lied When They Said I Hate You - John Hawkins - Page full

PC: Strategic hypersensitivity deployed to put your target on the defensive and thereby control the conversation. Intellectually dishonest, cowardly, destructive, but highly politically effective for decades now.

Republicans only see racism when the subject is black AND conservative.

If you dont meet that bar there is no such thing as racism...in fact they are befuddled at the idea there is any

You know what's racist? A party that tells people of color that they can neither survive or succeed without the protection of their party.

I know definitions and your paranoid translations dont cut it.

Frankly, I'm shocked

Are you shocked Nancy? Really?

that more and more minority people don't call the Democrats on their bullshit. In America in 2014, any person, regardless of race, gender or sexual preference can succeed. Society is full of just such people as examples. For instance, Barack Obama.

Thanks for that...If the Miss America pagent ever needs someone to write answers for them I'll throw you in as a reference

All you had to do was say, "I ain't got nuttin'" and not made yourself look like such a fool with your juvenile attempt at being a smart ass. You get a D-.
Every point is dead on..

7 Things Liberals REALLY MEAN When They Cry ?Racism? - John Hawkins - Page full

1) You disagree with me:

2) I need more attention and/or money:

3) Let’s take a choice away from black Americans:

4) You are disagreeing with a minority:

5) Your attack is damaging us:

6) You won't do what I want!:

7) Stop trying to do outreach to black Americans:


It means that you believe that people who are of a different race are inferior to you.

It's a pretty simple concept.

And you can't hide it with code talking.


Liberals believe that minorities can't survive or succeed without THEIR "protection". Why? Because they see those people as inferior. Damned racists.
Liberals believe that minorities can't survive or succeed without THEIR "protection". Why? Because they see those people as inferior. Damned racists.
Why do they need protection? Because they are minorities kept at bay by the white majority who treat them as inferior, and always have. Just stupid spics and ******* to you guys, which is why they don't vote for the party of Whitey.
Liberals believe that minorities can't survive or succeed without THEIR "protection". Why? Because they see those people as inferior. Damned racists.
Why do they need protection? Because they are minorities kept at bay by the white majority who treat them as inferior, and always have. Just stupid spics and ******* to you guys, which is why they don't vote for the party of Whitey.

Interesting....so you consider white conservative people as a MAJORITY...

Wow. You are really digging deep in an attempt to win a debate.

FYI.....the deeper you dig, the harder it will be to get out.
Liberals believe that minorities can't survive or succeed without THEIR "protection". Why? Because they see those people as inferior. Damned racists.
Why do they need protection? Because they are minorities kept at bay by the white majority who treat them as inferior, and always have. Just stupid spics and ******* to you guys, which is why they don't vote for the party of Whitey.

Interesting....so you consider white conservative people as a MAJORITY...

Wow. You are really digging deep in an attempt to win a debate.

FYI.....the deeper you dig, the harder it will be to get out.
Try to keep two thoughts in your head at the very same time, if you can. 1. White people keep spics and ******* down. 2. The GOP is party of Whitey, at least the Dems try to make things better.
Why do they need protection? Because they are minorities kept at bay by the white majority who treat them as inferior, and always have. Just stupid spics and ******* to you guys, which is why they don't vote for the party of Whitey.

Interesting....so you consider white conservative people as a MAJORITY...

Wow. You are really digging deep in an attempt to win a debate.

FYI.....the deeper you dig, the harder it will be to get out.
Try to keep two thoughts in your head at the very same time, if you can. 1. White people keep spics and ******* down. 2. The GOP is party of Whitey, at least the Dems try to make things better.


I see.

The majority of Whites are racists trying to keep minorities down.

Except white democrats?

Do white democrats get a pass because they are democrats?

And if they do, you feel that white republicans are the majority over white democrats, black democrats, Hispanic democrats, Asians, Middle Easterners, etc, combined?

LMAO....you truly don't have a clue WHAT you mean.

Admit it, moron.
Liberals believe that minorities can't survive or succeed without THEIR "protection". Why? Because they see those people as inferior. Damned racists.
Why do they need protection? Because they are minorities kept at bay by the white majority who treat them as inferior, and always have. Just stupid spics and ******* to you guys, which is why they don't vote for the party of Whitey.

Negged for being an asshole of major proportions. Why do liberals still live in 1955? You might want to turn on your TV. We actually elected one of those "*******" as President of the United States. Why we even have negros in just about every elected position from city government all the way up thru national government. They are policemen, firemen, master chefs, actors, singers, athletes, college professors, scientists, etc., etc., etc. They can buy a home anywhere they want and believe it or not, some of them even marry white people without getting lynched!!! WHAT exactly are you "protecting" them from? Conservatives believe that ANYONE can be anything they set their mind to and work to achieve. Liberals.......think they have to protect the inferior minorities to give them a taste of whitey's life. If it weren't for liberals protecting them in 2014, the wimmen folk would be barefoot and pregnant while chained to the stove and the ******* would be choppin our cotton and fetching water.

What a racist asshump you are.
Why do they need protection? Because they are minorities kept at bay by the white majority who treat them as inferior, and always have. Just stupid spics and ******* to you guys, which is why they don't vote for the party of Whitey.

Interesting....so you consider white conservative people as a MAJORITY...

Wow. You are really digging deep in an attempt to win a debate.

FYI.....the deeper you dig, the harder it will be to get out.
Try to keep two thoughts in your head at the very same time, if you can. 1. White people keep spics and ******* down. 2. The GOP is party of Whitey, at least the Dems try to make things better.

I keep hearing this talking point,If whites were the ones keeping spics and ******* down,then why don't they just silence the ones like you?? Simple the spics and ******* are the ones keeping themselves down because as the poor victim the society will take care of your needs. It is sniveling peeps like you who tell them they are inferior and the white man has the POWER to keep them that way!!
Now an intelligent man, no matter the skin color would get an education and rise above all this foolishness.
So let me be the first to tell you even though your jew hating friend does not see you folks as any better than thrash that needs his and his parties protection. Empower your selves, learn about self respect, self sustaining, self sufficient, etc ........
Every point is dead on..


It means that you believe that people who are of a different race are inferior to you.

It's a pretty simple concept.

And you can't hide it with code talking.


Liberals believe that minorities can't survive or succeed without THEIR "protection". Why? Because they see those people as inferior. Damned racists.

Step 1: make a false statement
step 2: Inquire about false statement to attempt to legitimize false statement
Step 3: Answer own question with false conclusion

Example: KWC hates Asians because they are better a karate than he is. Why? Because he's a jealous little prick face. Stupid Jerk!

It means that you believe that people who are of a different race are inferior to you.

It's a pretty simple concept.

And you can't hide it with code talking.


Liberals believe that minorities can't survive or succeed without THEIR "protection". Why? Because they see those people as inferior. Damned racists.

Step 1: make a false statement
step 2: Inquire about false statement to attempt to legitimize false statement
Step 3: Answer own question with false conclusion

Example: KWC hates Asians because they are better a karate than he is. Why? Because he's a jealous little prick face. Stupid Jerk!

Pay attention.

He was responding to PaintMyHouse who said that the black community is being held down by whites and therefore need "protection" to succeed.
Every point is dead on..

7 Things Liberals REALLY MEAN When They Cry ?Racism? - John Hawkins - Page full

1) You disagree with me:

2) I need more attention and/or money:

3) Let’s take a choice away from black Americans:

4) You are disagreeing with a minority:

5) Your attack is damaging us:

6) You won't do what I want!:

7) Stop trying to do outreach to black Americans:

LOL - every point is dull and ridiculous, No one knows what every liberal thinks on any specific issue.

No one said every liberal, Rye Drinker. You are one of the worst offenders.
The truth is not racist.

If I tell you that blacks are 6 times more likely than whites, to commit murder, that is a fact, and no more racist than "There are 36 inches in a yard."
Calling people "racist" for pointing out the truth is just stupid, but I suppose, when confronted by an ugly fact, stupid is all you really have.
I see he touched a nerve..

You wish. I've repeatedly said on this board, maybe a thousand times, that the rightie's go-to source for anything deemed relevant is always a blog. Fuck Reuters, AP and McClatchy. They're not tossing red meat to you idiots, they're just reputable news agencies.

Red Alert, Mushroom brain....ANYBODY CAN WRITE A BLOG ON THE INTERNET.....even you!

It's a waste of time to read endless opinions by radicals. At least it's a waste of my time.
Every point is dead on..

LOL - every point is dull and ridiculous, No one knows what every liberal thinks on any specific issue.

No one said every liberal, Rye Drinker. You are one of the worst offenders.
The truth is not racist.

If I tell you that blacks are 6 times more likely than whites, to commit murder, that is a fact, and no more racist than "There are 36 inches in a yard."
Calling people "racist" for pointing out the truth is just stupid, but I suppose, when confronted by an ugly fact, stupid is all you really have.

Then the author of this silly piece shouldn't generalize, now should he
Every point is dead on..


It means that you believe that people who are of a different race are inferior to you.

It's a pretty simple concept.

And you can't hide it with code talking.


Liberals believe that minorities can't survive or succeed without THEIR "protection". Why? Because they see those people as inferior. Damned racists.
Well no.

Liberals "believe" that if people are in desperate straits and in need of help?

They should get it.

Don't know why that's such a hard concept for you folks to get.

And don't know why you folks have to mess with Orwellian descriptions of that help.
Liberals believe that minorities can't survive or succeed without THEIR "protection". Why? Because they see those people as inferior. Damned racists.

Step 1: make a false statement
step 2: Inquire about false statement to attempt to legitimize false statement
Step 3: Answer own question with false conclusion

Example: KWC hates Asians because they are better a karate than he is. Why? Because he's a jealous little prick face. Stupid Jerk!

Pay attention.

He was responding to PaintMyHouse who said that the black community is being held down by whites and therefore need "protection" to succeed.

It's OK Jarhead, ClosedCaption is ClosedMinded and blind to the obvious.
Why do they need protection? Because they are minorities kept at bay by the white majority who treat them as inferior, and always have. Just stupid spics and ******* to you guys, which is why they don't vote for the party of Whitey.

Interesting....so you consider white conservative people as a MAJORITY...

Wow. You are really digging deep in an attempt to win a debate.

FYI.....the deeper you dig, the harder it will be to get out.
Try to keep two thoughts in your head at the very same time, if you can. 1. White people keep spics and ******* down. 2. The GOP is party of Whitey, at least the Dems try to make things better.

The democrat party has always made those things worse. democrats coined those terms and have employed them and what their use represents in more vile and oppressive ways than any other political organization in this country's history. Their current ideology is blatantly based not on making anything better, but gaining the greatest advantage for themselves from things that are bad.
Who is John Hawkins? Oh no....[[[groaning]]]] another blogger, otherwise known on the right as an expert authority.

Oh, it's Townhall.com....[[[groaning again]]]... the rightwing nut's answer to Daily Kos.

Not only that:

I am a Tea Party conservative. I run a website called Right Wing News. In fact, I’m so far to the Right that I was blackballed from the 2008 and 2012 Republican National Conventions for being too tough on our last two presidential nominees. I didn’t think either of them were particularly good politicians, but I also didn’t believe they were conservative enough.
I'm A Conservative And They Lied When They Said I Hate You - John Hawkins - Page 1

Is there any question as to why the most prolific posters in this forum are ignorant loons, warped by fanaticism???

Yeah that John Hawkins sounds like a lunatic:

Maybe you agree with what I just said and maybe you don’t. Well meaning, intelligent people can disagree – and let’s face it, conservatism isn’t for everyone. If you love nothing more than abortion on demand and Obamacare, you’re better off voting for the Democrats.
I'm A Conservative And They Lied When They Said I Hate You - John Hawkins - Page full

I think if you look up AZZHAT in the dictionary his picture would be there.
This is why I despise Tea Baggers. They are fucking idiots of the worst kind who really don't understand anything about personal liberties and civil rights. None. Zero. This guy wouldn't exist if there wasn't a free forum like the internet to support his insipid, fear-based opinions.
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