7 Things Liberals REALLY MEAN When They Cry “Racism”

I see he touched a nerve..

You wish. I've repeatedly said on this board, maybe a thousand times, that the rightie's go-to source for anything deemed relevant is always a blog. Fuck Reuters, AP and McClatchy. They're not tossing red meat to you idiots, they're just reputable news agencies.

Red Alert, Mushroom brain....ANYBODY CAN WRITE A BLOG ON THE INTERNET.....even you!

It's a waste of time to read endless opinions by radicals. At least it's a waste of my time.

The author is irrelevant.

The points made have been made many times in the past and are credible.

The only ones who see it otherwise are those that wish to paint the GOP as racists.

It means that you believe that people who are of a different race are inferior to you.

It's a pretty simple concept.

And you can't hide it with code talking.


Liberals believe that minorities can't survive or succeed without THEIR "protection". Why? Because they see those people as inferior. Damned racists.
Well no.

Liberals "believe" that if people are in desperate straits and in need of help?

They should get it.

Don't know why that's such a hard concept for you folks to get.

And don't know why you folks have to mess with Orwellian descriptions of that help.

Uh-huh, sure. That's why the left beats the race, gender and sexual orientation drum non-stop trying to convince people they are victims, because you're asked to. Got it.

It means that you believe that people who are of a different race are inferior to you.

It's a pretty simple concept.

And you can't hide it with code talking.


Liberals believe that minorities can't survive or succeed without THEIR "protection". Why? Because they see those people as inferior. Damned racists.
Well no.

Liberals "believe" that if people are in desperate straits and in need of help?

They should get it.

Don't know why that's such a hard concept for you folks to get.

And don't know why you folks have to mess with Orwellian descriptions of that help.

We do get it Sallow. But we believe one is better served otherwise....and we can have that debate some other time...

But for you to call one a racist for disagreeing does not make sense....unless you feel that all those that are in desperate straits are minorities and THAT is why we are against it.

Do you feel that there are no whites that find themselves in desperate straights?

Or do you believe that us racist whites are willing to sacrifice the white poor so we can be assured them there blackies don't get stuff from us?

It means that you believe that people who are of a different race are inferior to you.

It's a pretty simple concept.

And you can't hide it with code talking.


Liberals believe that minorities can't survive or succeed without THEIR "protection". Why? Because they see those people as inferior. Damned racists.
Well no.

Liberals "believe" that if people are in desperate straits and in need of help?

They should get it.

Don't know why that's such a hard concept for you folks to get.

And don't know why you folks have to mess with Orwellian descriptions of that help.

I will be damned if that doesn't sound more Democratic than Liberal.
Liberals are supposed to believe in you do your thing I will do mine!!
Now if you wish to unquestionably aid those in desperate straits and need of help with you and your parties resources, mine and my parties resources may have other priorities than yours...... we also may question said situation or may have to prioritize to make the most out of available resources.

So as a liberal, go be liberal and let me be me, I am a grown man who does neither need or want your guidance or interference. Now you have your Orwellian priorities and we have ours, when they differ, does not give you the right to force your views or practices on me or mine!!
Liberals believe that minorities can't survive or succeed without THEIR "protection". Why? Because they see those people as inferior. Damned racists.

Step 1: make a false statement
step 2: Inquire about false statement to attempt to legitimize false statement
Step 3: Answer own question with false conclusion

Example: KWC hates Asians because they are better a karate than he is. Why? Because he's a jealous little prick face. Stupid Jerk!

Pay attention.

He was responding to PaintMyHouse who said that the black community is being held down by whites and therefore need "protection" to succeed.

Pay attention, thats has shit to do with his false statement, inquiry then false conclusion
Liberals believe that minorities can't survive or succeed without THEIR "protection". Why? Because they see those people as inferior. Damned racists.
Well no.

Liberals "believe" that if people are in desperate straits and in need of help?

They should get it.

Don't know why that's such a hard concept for you folks to get.

And don't know why you folks have to mess with Orwellian descriptions of that help.

Uh-huh, sure. That's why the left beats the race, gender and sexual orientation drum non-stop trying to convince people they are victims, because you're asked to. Got it.

Step 1: Lead with False Statement.
Step 2: Add a sprinkle of sarcasm
Step 3: Pretend false statement is real
Well no.

Liberals "believe" that if people are in desperate straits and in need of help?

They should get it.

Don't know why that's such a hard concept for you folks to get.

And don't know why you folks have to mess with Orwellian descriptions of that help.

Uh-huh, sure. That's why the left beats the race, gender and sexual orientation drum non-stop trying to convince people they are victims, because you're asked to. Got it.

Step 1: Lead with False Statement.
Step 2: Add a sprinkle of sarcasm
Step 3: Pretend false statement is real

Only in your fairy tale land, looked like he was pretty much money to me!!
Well no.

Liberals "believe" that if people are in desperate straits and in need of help?

They should get it.

Don't know why that's such a hard concept for you folks to get.

And don't know why you folks have to mess with Orwellian descriptions of that help.

Uh-huh, sure. That's why the left beats the race, gender and sexual orientation drum non-stop trying to convince people they are victims, because you're asked to. Got it.

Step 1: Lead with False Statement.
Step 2: Add a sprinkle of sarcasm
Step 3: Pretend false statement is real

Repeating a lie over and over doesn't make it true. But you can continue beating your head against a brick wall all you want.
Uh-huh, sure. That's why the left beats the race, gender and sexual orientation drum non-stop trying to convince people they are victims, because you're asked to. Got it.

Step 1: Lead with False Statement.
Step 2: Add a sprinkle of sarcasm
Step 3: Pretend false statement is real

Repeating a lie over and over doesn't make it true. But you can continue beating your head against a brick wall all you want.

I know but you continue to lie
Step 1: Lead with False Statement.
Step 2: Add a sprinkle of sarcasm
Step 3: Pretend false statement is real

Repeating a lie over and over doesn't make it true. But you can continue beating your head against a brick wall all you want.

I know but you continue to lie

I have to keep reminding myself of this when I respond to ClosedMinded.

Why do they need protection? Because they are minorities kept at bay by the white majority who treat them as inferior, and always have. Just stupid spics and ******* to you guys, which is why they don't vote for the party of Whitey.

Interesting....so you consider white conservative people as a MAJORITY...

Wow. You are really digging deep in an attempt to win a debate.

FYI.....the deeper you dig, the harder it will be to get out.
Try to keep two thoughts in your head at the very same time, if you can. 1. White people keep spics and ******* down. 2. The GOP is party of Whitey, at least the Dems try to make things better.

So the whites, Dems included, are keeping "spics and *******" down. But the GOP is the party of "Whitey" (because the Dems say so.) But Dems are trying to "make things better" while the white Dems continue to keep the "spics and *******" down.

Did I get that right?
If you look at any GOP gathering you wont see what liberals tell you to see. You'd see a huge majority of the GOP are whites.

To deny that or say "liberals say the GOP is white" makes you look stupid
Interesting....so you consider white conservative people as a MAJORITY...

Wow. You are really digging deep in an attempt to win a debate.

FYI.....the deeper you dig, the harder it will be to get out.
Try to keep two thoughts in your head at the very same time, if you can. 1. White people keep spics and ******* down. 2. The GOP is party of Whitey, at least the Dems try to make things better.

So the whites, Dems included, are keeping "spics and *******" down. But the GOP is the party of "Whitey" (because the Dems say so.) But Dems are trying to "make things better" while the white Dems continue to keep the "spics and *******" down.
Did I get that right?

or this....what I said in post 68.....

Oh.I see.
The majority of Whites are racists trying to keep minorities down.
Except white democrats?
Do white democrats get a pass because they are democrats?
And if they do, you feel that white republicans are the majority over white democrats, black democrats, Hispanic democrats, Asians, Middle Easterners, etc, combined?

LMAO....you truly don't have a clue WHAT you mean.

Admit it, moron.

I see he touched a nerve..

You wish. I've repeatedly said on this board, maybe a thousand times, that the rightie's go-to source for anything deemed relevant is always a blog. Fuck Reuters, AP and McClatchy. They're not tossing red meat to you idiots, they're just reputable news agencies.

Red Alert, Mushroom brain....ANYBODY CAN WRITE A BLOG ON THE INTERNET.....even you!

It's a waste of time to read endless opinions by radicals. At least it's a waste of my time.

Because an individual can never have a thought that is worthwhile. Damn Thomas Jefferson and his thoughts; I only get my thoughts from the news.
If you look at any GOP gathering you wont see what liberals tell you to see. You'd see a huge majority of the GOP are whites.

To deny that or say "liberals say the GOP is white" makes you look stupid

Assholoe.....no one is denying that 90% of voting blacks, vote democrat.

The debate is why that is.

You say it is because we hate blacks.....thus why the blacks don't vote for us.

We say you tell them we hate blacks....and so they don't vote for us.

Stay with the program or remain a moron.

Whatever works best for you.
Not only that:

I am a Tea Party conservative. I run a website called Right Wing News. In fact, I’m so far to the Right that I was blackballed from the 2008 and 2012 Republican National Conventions for being too tough on our last two presidential nominees. I didn’t think either of them were particularly good politicians, but I also didn’t believe they were conservative enough.
I'm A Conservative And They Lied When They Said I Hate You - John Hawkins - Page 1

Is there any question as to why the most prolific posters in this forum are ignorant loons, warped by fanaticism???

Yeah that John Hawkins sounds like a lunatic:

Maybe you agree with what I just said and maybe you don’t. Well meaning, intelligent people can disagree – and let’s face it, conservatism isn’t for everyone. If you love nothing more than abortion on demand and Obamacare, you’re better off voting for the Democrats.
I'm A Conservative And They Lied When They Said I Hate You - John Hawkins - Page full

I think if you look up AZZHAT in the dictionary his picture would be there.
This is why I despise Tea Baggers. They are fucking idiots of the worst kind who really don't understand anything about personal liberties and civil rights. None. Zero. This guy wouldn't exist if there wasn't a free forum like the internet to support his insipid, fear-based opinions.

Yeah what a horrible thing to say. He should never tell people who disagree with him that they can and probably should vote differently than he does. The nerve.
If you look at any GOP gathering you wont see what liberals tell you to see. You'd see a huge majority of the GOP are whites.

To deny that or say "liberals say the GOP is white" makes you look stupid

Assholoe.....no one is denying that 90% of voting blacks, vote democrat.

The debate is why that is.

You say it is because we hate blacks.....thus why the blacks don't vote for us.

We say you tell them we hate blacks....and so they don't vote for us.

Stay with the program or remain a moron.

Whatever works best for you.

What about the best part of it all. Blacks believe that you hate them. See when we listen to things, watch stuff and put through our brains we determine that the GOP doesnt much care about or for blacks.

Now you're going to show how that happens in a minute because....Blacks have minds of their owns and arent simply believing something because they are told that.

You dont believe that tho...You think that Dems tell blacks stories and blacks are too stupid to realize it...which goes back to the the GOP not being to fond of blacks
Not only that:

I am a Tea Party conservative. I run a website called Right Wing News. In fact, I’m so far to the Right that I was blackballed from the 2008 and 2012 Republican National Conventions for being too tough on our last two presidential nominees. I didn’t think either of them were particularly good politicians, but I also didn’t believe they were conservative enough.
I'm A Conservative And They Lied When They Said I Hate You - John Hawkins - Page 1

Is there any question as to why the most prolific posters in this forum are ignorant loons, warped by fanaticism???

Yeah that John Hawkins sounds like a lunatic:

Maybe you agree with what I just said and maybe you don’t. Well meaning, intelligent people can disagree – and let’s face it, conservatism isn’t for everyone. If you love nothing more than abortion on demand and Obamacare, you’re better off voting for the Democrats.
I'm A Conservative And They Lied When They Said I Hate You - John Hawkins - Page full

I think if you look up AZZHAT in the dictionary his picture would be there.
This is why I despise Tea Baggers. They are fucking idiots of the worst kind who really don't understand anything about personal liberties and civil rights. None. Zero. This guy wouldn't exist if there wasn't a free forum like the internet to support his insipid, fear-based opinions.

Who does not see the irony in this line (in bold and red) being written by a guy who's anonymous internet free forum screen name is NoTeaPartyPleez?
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Also, no the debate is also you believe that the dems only say that the GOP is majority white when the facts show that they are

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