7-year-old playing an imaginary game at school gets suspended for real

I know damn well ...
No you don't.

There are things I trust my son's teachers to teach him and then there are some things I make sure I teach him myself. If a parent is involved enough, they really don't have too much to fear from teachers. That's MHO anyway.
Thing is, schools will not tolerate the mere mention of any weapon. Kids normally play pretend and often copy super heroes or maybe even their fathers fighting for our country. And for that harmless play, they are treated like bad children and get suspended from school. The lesson is that what they did, in this case pretending to get the bad guys, is wrong. For all we know, the kid was imitating Obama getting bin Laden. It's wrong to kill the bad guys, eh?

Because of the overly strict policy of no guns or any mention of guns allowed, I take it to mean that children will never sit in class or elsewhere in the school and discuss gun rights. If there is a discussion of the constitution and bill of rights, how do they get around talking about guns?

No pretending, no imagining being a good guy after the bad guys, no slipping and saying gun, even though guns are legal and it's our right to own them. No discussion the war in history class because that involves weapons. But, hey, kiddies, let's create a commie flag. I know damn well that no liberal teacher is going to encourage a child to create a commie or socialist flag in a negative manner. That is because they see socialism, or communism, as a positive thing.

You are full of shit and you corporatists are next to communists.
If a kid can't say the word "gun" or the word "firearm" at school how can they be taught about the entire 2nd amendment?

They can't.

That's part of the indoctrination kids at our public schools are subjected to on a daily basis. Liberal teachers teach the liberal agenda. Conservative teachers have to be careful what they teach or say or they miss a promotion or lose a job.
Just another example of the pussification of American youth. The left has no problem putting out movies depicting hero's of one manner or the other, but heaven forbid a child would try to imitate one of them in their play. You keep sending these mixed messages and you will wind up with another whole generation of loons that will no idea of what acceptable behavior is. Then you'll be asking yourself again where all these mass murders are coming from?
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The school system doesn't teach about the constitution anymore. It is merely mentioned as the document which was the beginning of the USA. They don't teach about the bill of rights at all. Doing that would remove them from the power base that they have built to keep students social and manipulated.
When I was in grade school the teachers were the most violent things in school. If I got into trouble at school I paid for it there and again when I got home. My dad loved me enough to reinforce the line between acceptable behavior and what was not. I learned to stand up for what was right and how to use an open mind and critical thinking to examine situations. Those are subjects that all children should learn.
Schools have absolutes and no room for imagination or completely harmless fun. Also no room for common sense. The kid was pretending to rescue the world from bad guys. Not allowed if you throw a pretend grenade and make a pshh sound when you do it. Teachers immediately pushed the panic button. Have schools become so narrow minded that they can no longer comprehend the nature of kids, especially young boys, who mimic super heroes or even our brave military? This crap needs to stop. Meanwhile, some older child is being bullied in high school while teachers turn their backs and it will be that child that gets pushed off the edge. No wonder they are ineffective at stopping violence. They pick on children for totally innocent things and ignore the real problems. The new rules seem designed to stifle the children's imagination and train them to think like mind-numbed idiots.

7-year-old playing an imaginary game at school gets suspended for real

A 2nd grader has been suspended from school in Loveland for a make believe game he was playing.

The 7-year-old says he was trying to save the world. But school administrators say he broke a key rule during his pretend play.

“I was trying to save people and I just can’t believe I got dispended,” says Alex Evans, who doesn’t understand his suspension any better than he can pronounce it.

“It’s called ‘rescue the world,’” he says.

He was playing a game during recess at Loveland’s Mary Blair Elementary School and threw an imaginary grenade into a box with pretend evil forces inside.

“I pretended the box, there’s something shaking in it, and I go ‘pshhh.’”
The boy didn’t throw anything real or make any threats against anyone. He explains he was pretending to be the hero. “So nothing can get out and destroy the world.”

But his imaginary play broke the school’s real rules. The school lists “absolutes” designed to keep a safe environment. The list includes absolutely no fighting, real or imaginary; no weapons, real or imaginary. Click here to see the Mary Blair “Absolutes”
7-year-old playing an imaginary game at school gets suspended for real | KDVR.com ? Denver News, Weather & Sports from FOX 31 News in Denver, Colorado

That'll teach that kid! He shouldn't be pretending to have grenades in the 2nd grade and should have real ones, right gun nuts? Grenades are arms and a little fragging will put that teacher in her place.

Retard, moron, idiot, you fill all 3 of those to a T.
I know damn well ...
No you don't.

There are things I trust my son's teachers to teach him and then there are some things I make sure I teach him myself. If a parent is involved enough, they really don't have too much to fear from teachers. That's MHO anyway.

What the schools are trying to teach parents right now is that they shouldn't allow their children to play with toy soldiers, action figures with any kind of weapons or even GI Joe. If a child plays with toy guns, even squirt guns or bubble guns, then they are likely to slip up at school and continue their pretending. And when they do, boy oh boy, are they in big trouble.

It's insane. It's one thing when another child actually threatens another child, like biting, hitting, etc. But to talk about play guns or pretend they are action heroes is perfectly normal and should not be punished. These absolute rules lack common sense and they will do nothing to curb real violence.

It's gone too far and this effort to ban all mentions of any kind of weapons, even toys, are all designed to get the public to obey the new liberal rules. They think we should all be against gun rights and are messing with our children's minds to control what they think.

The schools are way out of line to punish this child. Others have been suspended for equally stupid shit. A piece of paper that looked vaguely like a gun, talking about a damn bubble gun or the kid who drew a picture of a gun in art class. It's gone way too far and the only objective is to shape the way students and parents think about guns. That is not their job and they've no right to even try.

They think placing signs stating they are gun-free zones and brainwashing students to fear all weapons, no matter whose hands they are in is nothing but liberal bullshit. They have outstepped their boundaries when they seek to dictate how children should feel about our right to bear arms.

If a child designed a socialist flag and praised the virtues of socialism or communism, they'd get an A and the teacher would tell them they are smart. If a child drew a picture of their military father who was protecting his country and drew him holding his gun, the child would be severely admonished and suspended. It's pretty clear what the agenda is of many liberal teachers.
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I know damn well ...
No you don't.

There are things I trust my son's teachers to teach him and then there are some things I make sure I teach him myself. If a parent is involved enough, they really don't have too much to fear from teachers. That's MHO anyway.

What the schools are trying to teach parents right now is that they shouldn't allow their children to play with toy soldiers, action figures with any kind of weapons or even GI Joe. If a child plays with toy guns, even squirt guns or bubble guns, then they are likely to slip up at school and continue their pretending. And when they do, boy oh boy, are they in big trouble.

It's insane. It's one thing when another child actually threatens another child, like biting, hitting, etc. But to talk about play guns or pretend they are action heroes is perfectly normal and should not be punished. These absolute rules lack common sense and they will do nothing to curb real violence.

It's gone too far and this effort to ban all mentions of any kind of weapons, even toys, are all designed to get the public to obey the new liberal rules. They think we should all be against gun rights and are messing with our children's minds to control what they think.

The schools are way out of line to punish this child. Others have been suspended for equally stupid shit. A piece of paper that looked vaguely like a gun, talking about a damn bubble gun or the kid who drew a picture of a gun in art class. It's gone way too far and the only objective is to shape the way students and parents think about guns. That is not their job and they've no right to even try.

They think placing signs stating they are gun-free zones and brainwashing students to fear all weapons, no matter whose hands they are in is nothing but liberal bullshit. They have outstepped their boundaries when they seek to dictate how children should feel about our right to bear arms.

You take one or two instances of erring on the side of caution - and launch a campaign against our entire educational system. Kneejerk, speculation, and complete hyperbole.

Just relax and talk to your children (if you have them - if you don't have any children in school, why are you complaining?)
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No you don't.

There are things I trust my son's teachers to teach him and then there are some things I make sure I teach him myself. If a parent is involved enough, they really don't have too much to fear from teachers. That's MHO anyway.

What the schools are trying to teach parents right now is that they shouldn't allow their children to play with toy soldiers, action figures with any kind of weapons or even GI Joe. If a child plays with toy guns, even squirt guns or bubble guns, then they are likely to slip up at school and continue their pretending. And when they do, boy oh boy, are they in big trouble.

It's insane. It's one thing when another child actually threatens another child, like biting, hitting, etc. But to talk about play guns or pretend they are action heroes is perfectly normal and should not be punished. These absolute rules lack common sense and they will do nothing to curb real violence.

It's gone too far and this effort to ban all mentions of any kind of weapons, even toys, are all designed to get the public to obey the new liberal rules. They think we should all be against gun rights and are messing with our children's minds to control what they think.

The schools are way out of line to punish this child. Others have been suspended for equally stupid shit. A piece of paper that looked vaguely like a gun, talking about a damn bubble gun or the kid who drew a picture of a gun in art class. It's gone way too far and the only objective is to shape the way students and parents think about guns. That is not their job and they've no right to even try.

They think placing signs stating they are gun-free zones and brainwashing students to fear all weapons, no matter whose hands they are in is nothing but liberal bullshit. They have outstepped their boundaries when they seek to dictate how children should feel about our right to bear arms.

You take one or two instances of erring on the side of caution - and launch a campaign against our entire educational system. Kneejerk and complete hyperbole.

There are too many instances across the country. The zero tolerance means that schools come down hard on children who mention guns, pretend to play with guns or draw guns.
I know damn well ...
No you don't.

There are things I trust my son's teachers to teach him and then there are some things I make sure I teach him myself. If a parent is involved enough, they really don't have too much to fear from teachers. That's MHO anyway.

What the schools are trying to teach parents right now is that they shouldn't allow their children to play with toy soldiers, action figures with any kind of weapons or even GI Joe. If a child plays with toy guns, even squirt guns or bubble guns, then they are likely to slip up at school and continue their pretending. And when they do, boy oh boy, are they in big trouble.

It's insane. It's one thing when another child actually threatens another child, like biting, hitting, etc. But to talk about play guns or pretend they are action heroes is perfectly normal and should not be punished. These absolute rules lack common sense and they will do nothing to curb real violence.

It's gone too far and this effort to ban all mentions of any kind of weapons, even toys, are all designed to get the public to obey the new liberal rules. They think we should all be against gun rights and are messing with our children's minds to control what they think.

The schools are way out of line to punish this child. Others have been suspended for equally stupid shit. A piece of paper that looked vaguely like a gun, talking about a damn bubble gun or the kid who drew a picture of a gun in art class. It's gone way too far and the only objective is to shape the way students and parents think about guns. That is not their job and they've no right to even try.

They think placing signs stating they are gun-free zones and brainwashing students to fear all weapons, no matter whose hands they are in is nothing but liberal bullshit. They have outstepped their boundaries when they seek to dictate how children should feel about our right to bear arms.

If a child designed a socialist flag and praised the virtues of socialism or communism, they'd get an A and the teacher would tell them they are smart. If a child drew a picture of their military father who was protecting his country and drew him holding his gun, the child would be severely admonished and suspended. It's pretty clear what the agenda is of many liberal teachers.

Excellent post young lady!
You take one or two instances of erring on the side of caution - and launch a campaign against our entire educational system. Kneejerk, speculation, and complete hyperbole.

Just relax and talk to your children (if you have them - if you don't have any children in school, why are you complaining?)

She just told you what's on her mind and you told her she was exaggerating. Now you want to ask her why again...sheesh..you are full of manure!
What the schools are trying to teach parents right now is that they shouldn't allow their children to play with toy soldiers, action figures with any kind of weapons or even GI Joe. If a child plays with toy guns, even squirt guns or bubble guns, then they are likely to slip up at school and continue their pretending. And when they do, boy oh boy, are they in big trouble.

It's insane. It's one thing when another child actually threatens another child, like biting, hitting, etc. But to talk about play guns or pretend they are action heroes is perfectly normal and should not be punished. These absolute rules lack common sense and they will do nothing to curb real violence.

It's gone too far and this effort to ban all mentions of any kind of weapons, even toys, are all designed to get the public to obey the new liberal rules. They think we should all be against gun rights and are messing with our children's minds to control what they think.

The schools are way out of line to punish this child. Others have been suspended for equally stupid shit. A piece of paper that looked vaguely like a gun, talking about a damn bubble gun or the kid who drew a picture of a gun in art class. It's gone way too far and the only objective is to shape the way students and parents think about guns. That is not their job and they've no right to even try.

They think placing signs stating they are gun-free zones and brainwashing students to fear all weapons, no matter whose hands they are in is nothing but liberal bullshit. They have outstepped their boundaries when they seek to dictate how children should feel about our right to bear arms.

You take one or two instances of erring on the side of caution - and launch a campaign against our entire educational system. Kneejerk and complete hyperbole.

There are too many instances across the country. The zero tolerance means that schools come down hard on children who mention guns, pretend to play with guns or draw guns.

How many instances? I can name instances where people have been attacked by pigeons - but it's not something to get all worked up about. Out of 7.2 million teachers and education professionals, some are going to be idiots. No getting around that.
Somebody should line those teachers up and shoot them with an imaginary firing squad.
You have to admire those public civil servant elementary school intellectuals for their progressive vision.....lol
No you don't.

There are things I trust my son's teachers to teach him and then there are some things I make sure I teach him myself. If a parent is involved enough, they really don't have too much to fear from teachers. That's MHO anyway.

What the schools are trying to teach parents right now is that they shouldn't allow their children to play with toy soldiers, action figures with any kind of weapons or even GI Joe. If a child plays with toy guns, even squirt guns or bubble guns, then they are likely to slip up at school and continue their pretending. And when they do, boy oh boy, are they in big trouble.

It's insane. It's one thing when another child actually threatens another child, like biting, hitting, etc. But to talk about play guns or pretend they are action heroes is perfectly normal and should not be punished. These absolute rules lack common sense and they will do nothing to curb real violence.

It's gone too far and this effort to ban all mentions of any kind of weapons, even toys, are all designed to get the public to obey the new liberal rules. They think we should all be against gun rights and are messing with our children's minds to control what they think.

The schools are way out of line to punish this child. Others have been suspended for equally stupid shit. A piece of paper that looked vaguely like a gun, talking about a damn bubble gun or the kid who drew a picture of a gun in art class. It's gone way too far and the only objective is to shape the way students and parents think about guns. That is not their job and they've no right to even try.

They think placing signs stating they are gun-free zones and brainwashing students to fear all weapons, no matter whose hands they are in is nothing but liberal bullshit. They have outstepped their boundaries when they seek to dictate how children should feel about our right to bear arms.

You take one or two instances of erring on the side of caution - and launch a campaign against our entire educational system. Kneejerk, speculation, and complete hyperbole.

Just relax and talk to your children (if you have them - if you don't have any children in school, why are you complaining?)

You act like these are exceptions to the rule when they are not. Zero tolerance means zero common sense, when you take common sense out of education it's no longer an education, it's indoctrination. That's not the purpose of our schools.
What the schools are trying to teach parents right now is that they shouldn't allow their children to play with toy soldiers, action figures with any kind of weapons or even GI Joe. If a child plays with toy guns, even squirt guns or bubble guns, then they are likely to slip up at school and continue their pretending. And when they do, boy oh boy, are they in big trouble.

It's insane. It's one thing when another child actually threatens another child, like biting, hitting, etc. But to talk about play guns or pretend they are action heroes is perfectly normal and should not be punished. These absolute rules lack common sense and they will do nothing to curb real violence.

It's gone too far and this effort to ban all mentions of any kind of weapons, even toys, are all designed to get the public to obey the new liberal rules. They think we should all be against gun rights and are messing with our children's minds to control what they think.

The schools are way out of line to punish this child. Others have been suspended for equally stupid shit. A piece of paper that looked vaguely like a gun, talking about a damn bubble gun or the kid who drew a picture of a gun in art class. It's gone way too far and the only objective is to shape the way students and parents think about guns. That is not their job and they've no right to even try.

They think placing signs stating they are gun-free zones and brainwashing students to fear all weapons, no matter whose hands they are in is nothing but liberal bullshit. They have outstepped their boundaries when they seek to dictate how children should feel about our right to bear arms.

You take one or two instances of erring on the side of caution - and launch a campaign against our entire educational system. Kneejerk, speculation, and complete hyperbole.

Just relax and talk to your children (if you have them - if you don't have any children in school, why are you complaining?)

You act like these are exceptions to the rule when they are not. Zero tolerance means zero common sense, when you take common sense out of education it's no longer an education, it's indoctrination. That's not the purpose of our schools.

So how many of our 7.2 million teachers/educators have suspended a kid for pointing his finger at a classman, twitching his thumb, and saying "bang." (or similar)?

Even if 100,000 have done it (which I doubt) they would STILL be the exception rather than the rule.
You take one or two instances of erring on the side of caution - and launch a campaign against our entire educational system. Kneejerk, speculation, and complete hyperbole.

Just relax and talk to your children (if you have them - if you don't have any children in school, why are you complaining?)

You act like these are exceptions to the rule when they are not. Zero tolerance means zero common sense, when you take common sense out of education it's no longer an education, it's indoctrination. That's not the purpose of our schools.

So how many of our 7.2 million teachers/educators have suspended a kid for pointing his finger at a classman, twitching his thumb, and saying "bang." (or similar)?

Even if 100,000 have done it (which I doubt) they would STILL be the exception rather than the rule.

A teacher doesn't have the authority to suspend a student, it takes a school administrator and an administration that backs them up. They make the rules, which means it a systemic problem, not isolated.
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Kid should of said it was not a grenade. It was just a buttplug from his Boy Scout leader Dubya.

It woulda been ok then.

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