70 avowed socialists currently in Congress

Folks, the link in the OP is a giant hoax. Only gullible rubes of the most inferior kind drank that piss.

As opposed to the gullible rubes who still insist the National Socialist Worker's Party was "rightwing"? Of course you're an authority on who's "inferior" aren't you? It's part of your philosophy to make that judgement call.

Anyone can post anything they want on a pundit blog, the bed wetters do it all the time. I suppose you're just as dedicated to calling them out aren't you?

I personally like seeing the moonbats get their panties in a wad over it anyway.

I hope I can say this with out getting baned....
there is no Socialist consperiousy (..? spell) in this country. We have way to many conservatives...all you have to do is talk to the people you think are socialist....cons always rule in this country we saw it on .12/7/1941 and we saw it again on 9/11/2001......the heart of Americans today is liberal conservatives..... and its always been like that.
American Socialists Release Names of 70 Congressional Democrats in Their Ranks | The Gateway Pundit

Of course these assholes will claim to be "Democratic" socialists. Like The "Democratic" people's "Republic" of N.Korea has ever held an election and isn't a despotic hell hole that only the likes of obama could envy.

Oh yeah, and don't forget the National Socialist Worker's Party was "right wing", at least according to radical bed wetting bolshevik "academics".

Avowed means "self-asserted" I see nothing in your link which confirms that these seventy individuals have claimed to be socialists.

Furthermore, "of the people, by the people, for the people" is about the most socialistic statement that can be made. It is too bad that 100% of those in congress do not seem to accept or support "of the people, by the people, for the people."

Holy convoluted apeshit Batman!!!

"of the people, by the people, for the people" is from the Gettysburg address!! Shield your moonbat eyes because there's a RELIGIOUS REFERENCE COMING UP:

that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.

Now lets even pretend that Lincoln wouldn't gouge out your eyes and skull fuck you for being that stupid, but how anyone could stretch those 9 words as justifying the enslavement of a country's entire population into servitute in a collectivist state?

If it wasn't for child resistant lids on household chemicals the retards who you call mom and (maybe) dad would have found your blitheringly stupid ass dead under the kitchen sink years ago.

I see you ignored the "avowed = self-asserted" part of the post. Are you hoping we didn't notice you LIED in the OP? :eusa_naughty:
There are actually approx. 5 ppl at the Burger King who are actual snake people and want to overthrow your whopper
Is it against the law to be socialist? I suppose it might be in the modern American state. It seems that unions have effectively been outlawed.

This is how fascism rolls.
This was pretty solidly debunked 3 years ago, when the article was written.
I had to wait till I got home to check, but indeed I was duped. I believed the propaganda I found posted because frankly it sounded entirely plausible to me. After all Bernie Sanders (D) Vermont for instance IS a self described socialist. Articles like this:

Socialist Party endorses President Obama - Rochester Political Buzz | Examiner.com

Reinforce the idea that the democrooks in general side with the hard left. Never mind the fact that batshit crazy bed wetters like Cindy Sheehan and all those Hollywood progs who sucked up to hugo chavez, castro and Ortega all openly promote the democrook party.

So you can see how it would be easy to believe 70 democrook political whores claimed to be socialists.

I digress.

Please accept my apology for posting false information. I'm as human as anyone else. I'm subject to failure like anyone else. I take great pride in analyzing information, collecting facts, rejecting lies and stupidity in order to reach an accurate conclusion based on reasoning. In the future I shall endeavor to ensure my source is sound, and not just a rumor posted on an obscure blog.
I had to wait till I got home to check, but indeed I was duped. I believed the propaganda I found posted because frankly it sounded entirely plausible to me. After all Bernie Sanders (D) Vermont for instance IS a self described socialist. Articles like this:

Socialist Party endorses President Obama - Rochester Political Buzz | Examiner.com

Reinforce the idea that the democrooks in general side with the hard left. Never mind the fact that batshit crazy bed wetters like Cindy Sheehan and all those Hollywood progs who sucked up to hugo chavez, castro and Ortega all openly promote the democrook party.

So you can see how it would be easy to believe 70 democrook political whores claimed to be socialists.

I digress.

Please accept my apology for posting false information. I'm as human as anyone else. I'm subject to failure like anyone else. I take great pride in analyzing information, collecting facts, rejecting lies and stupidity in order to reach an accurate conclusion based on reasoning. In the future I shall endeavor to ensure my source is sound, and not just a rumor posted on an obscure blog.

If only you would apply this to most of everything else you believe in.
I had to wait till I got home to check, but indeed I was duped. I believed the propaganda I found posted because frankly it sounded entirely plausible to me.

Of course you did, because idiots are easily duped.

Right, and you'll continue voting for democrooks.

I can be honest with myself and admit mistakes, reality is not my enemy.

"People" like you are terrified of reality, you're comfortable with lies and don't have enough integrity to admit when you're wrong.

That's how sick bastards like Ted Kennedy can spend his life in the senate instead of prison where he belonged....

because idiots are easily duped.
I had to wait till I got home to check, but indeed I was duped. I believed the propaganda I found posted because frankly it sounded entirely plausible to me. After all Bernie Sanders (D) Vermont for instance IS a self described socialist. Articles like this:

Socialist Party endorses President Obama - Rochester Political Buzz | Examiner.com

Reinforce the idea that the democrooks in general side with the hard left. Never mind the fact that batshit crazy bed wetters like Cindy Sheehan and all those Hollywood progs who sucked up to hugo chavez, castro and Ortega all openly promote the democrook party.

So you can see how it would be easy to believe 70 democrook political whores claimed to be socialists.

I digress.

Please accept my apology for posting false information. I'm as human as anyone else. I'm subject to failure like anyone else. I take great pride in analyzing information, collecting facts, rejecting lies and stupidity in order to reach an accurate conclusion based on reasoning. In the future I shall endeavor to ensure my source is sound, and not just a rumor posted on an obscure blog.

If only you would apply this to most of everything else you believe in.

If only people like you had the ability to do any sort of reflective self assessment.
American Socialists Release Names of 70 Congressional Democrats in Their Ranks | The Gateway Pundit

Of course these assholes will claim to be "Democratic" socialists. Like The "Democratic" people's "Republic" of N.Korea has ever held an election and isn't a despotic hell hole that only the likes of obama could envy.

Oh yeah, and don't forget the National Socialist Worker's Party was "right wing", at least according to radical bed wetting bolshevik "academics".

"I have here a list of communists in the government of the United States". I remember that line, or something very like it from 1952. Do you also drink like a fish? Seems to go with that kind of nonsense rhetoric.
American Socialists Release Names of 70 Congressional Democrats in Their Ranks | The Gateway Pundit

Of course these assholes will claim to be "Democratic" socialists. Like The "Democratic" people's "Republic" of N.Korea has ever held an election and isn't a despotic hell hole that only the likes of obama could envy.

Oh yeah, and don't forget the National Socialist Worker's Party was "right wing", at least according to radical bed wetting bolshevik "academics".

These seventy are as socialist as are the seventy far right GOP fascist.

You just can't make up crap, son.

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