70% of the Criminals / Trouble-Makers Arrested In Charlotte Had Out-Of-State Drivers' Licenses

Looked like many were white hipsters to. Matter of fact, many looked likethe white anarchist types you typically see at this shit. Seemed like last night the locals sent them home.





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The 'local's didn't send anyone home...the National Guard coming in broke up that shite!

When this kind of stuff starts the local police need to roll in like the Natl Guard, laying down the law, not tolerating any of the arson, vandalizing, attacks, looting....Lock It Down.
Who Is Behind The Riots? Charlotte Police Says 70% Of Arrested Protesters Had Out Of State IDs
-- Who Is Behind The Riots? Charlotte Police Says 70% Of Arrested Protesters Had Out Of State IDs | Zero Hedge

George Soros and BLM be bussin' 'em in.....

Looked like many were white hipsters to. Matter of fact, many looked likethe white anarchist types you typically see at this shit. Seemed like last night the locals sent them home.

Charlotte’s city limits end on the state line…it’s downtown is less than 15 mins from the border.

A black cop shoots a black man who refuses to drop his weapon and people from across the state line are going to flock there just to loot, burn, assault, and shoot innocent people? Wow - that's a lot of motivated, misguided HATE.

Almost as much as we see from the right wing on this message board every day. The difference is that the hate in Charlotte will fade…you guys seem to never get enough of it.
So the good people of Charlotte themselves can't be blamed for the violence? Is that the point of this thread?
Charlotte’s city limits end on the state line…it’s downtown is less than 15 mins from the border.

A black cop shoots a black man who refuses to drop his weapon and people from across the state line are going to flock there just to loot, burn, assault, and shoot innocent people? Wow - that's a lot of motivated, misguided HATE.

Almost as much as we see from the right wing on this message board every day. The difference is that the hate in Charlotte will fade…you guys seem to never get enough of it.
Thanks for that segment of 'Opinions from the Left' Candy. Have a great weekend.
So the good people of Charlotte themselves can't be blamed for the violence? Is that the point of this thread?
Hardly, just that there are a tremendous amount of out-of-town trouble-makers, just like there were in Fergusson and Baltimore. It was reported that they were actually being bussed into Fergusson and Baltimore.

And PLEASE allow me to remind everyone how the DNC's hacked and leaked emails showed the DNC was actually PLANNING and PAYING 'protestors' to go to events like these to cause 'scenes' and 'trouble'.

Leaked Emails Show DNC Officials Planned Anti-Trump Protests
Looked like many were white hipsters to. Matter of fact, many looked likethe white anarchist types you typically see at this shit. Seemed like last night the locals sent them home.


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And if you watch video from the second night you will notice allot of the same white folks and there are two types. Old fat dyke ministers and weird hipster types with man buns and chicks with shave heads and pierced faces. There is one chick who can be seen a few times on both nights. she has a big crow tattoo on the left arm. I figure they are the paid agitators.
So the good people of Charlotte themselves can't be blamed for the violence? Is that the point of this thread?
Hardly, just that there are a tremendous amount of out-of-town trouble-makers, just like there were in Fergusson and Baltimore. It was reported that they were actually being bussed into Fergusson and Baltimore.

And PLEASE allow me to remind everyone how the DNC's hacked and leaked emails showed the DNC was actually PLANNING and PAYING 'protestors' to go to events like these to cause 'scenes' and 'trouble'.

Leaked Emails Show DNC Officials Planned Anti-Trump Protests

will you EVER stop making shit up?
will you EVER stop making shit up?
What part of operating the link, the link itself, or the facts and information in the article confuses you / do you not understand? I am sorry there are not more PICTURES in it for you.
And if you watch video from the second night ...

Sorry, but the only footage I have seen did not include a large preponderance of non-white individuals. All the footage of vandalism, burning, looting, and violence...like dragging people / beating people / attacking a CNN camera man, trying to throw a photographer in the fire...did not involve fat white ministers or white 'hipsters'...

Maybe I just missed it.
Lotsa folks evidently love this aspect of Sheikh Buraq Hussein Obama's wealth redistribution program, so many flocking to the sight of the newest occurrences.
Similarly, I did not see whites chasing down young black Hillary supporters and beating them at Hillary rallies, such as we have seen blacks do to white teen Trump supporters at Trump rallies...


Wonder if THIS guy was bussed in by Soros, too.
Maybe we should outlaw interstate travel by black people.
Maybe we should add to the punishment of anyone out-of-state arrested committing a crime during a protest ... the farther away you come from the more the penalty. :p
Video Shows White Man Brutally Beaten, Dragged by Charlotte Protesters

Wasn't a 'fat white preacher' or a 'white hipster' who dragged and beat this white mane begging for his life...


#CharlotteProtest Beating man begging for mercy in parking garage. @AC360 @seanhannity @BretBaier Credit:Lenard Bennett (facebook) @ncnaacp pic.twitter.com/YWHEU2UV1n

— Libertarian Queen (@LibertarianQn) September 22, 2016

“This is beyond wrong smh [shaking my head] praying for my city #Charlotte,” Lenard Bennett, who shared the video on Facebook, wrote.
Maybe we should outlaw interstate travel by black people.
Yeah, the fact that they're black is what people object to!

Every time you post, you only prove what a complete douche bag you are.
I KNOW you're not talking about me - the obvious reason to be angry is that out-of-state trouble-makers are coming into, being brought in to, and some probably being PAID to come in, create division, engage is criminal activity, etc.

70% is not a coincidence...just as it was not a coincidence that reports stated 'protestors' were being bussed in during Fergusson:

George Soros funds Ferguson protests, hopes to spur civil action

Billionaire George Soros spent $33MILLION bankrolling Ferguson demonstrators to create 'echo chamber' and drive national protests

Ferguson Rent-A-Mobs Exposed
Charlotte’s city limits end on the state line…it’s downtown is less than 15 mins from the border.

so you believe all the out-of-state protesters are from South Carolina?

Simply pointing out that the city is on the border with another state and it’s not that strange to see people in Charlotte from other places. Do with that what you will.

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