70 years after WWII..140,000 troops in Europe/Asia.. Iraq -0 troops

If Hitler had just told everyone that Poland had WMD and tried to buy aluminum tubes from Africa or whatever, then he could have invaded, tortured and killed for years without the entire world joining against him.
Great thread. Sort of sadomasochistic, but lacking in sheer porn.

The only humiliation is where people make guesses, can't spell, and then when confronted with the facts criticize the messenger!
All people like you do is prove YOU have nothing to counter the facts that I presented.
AGAIN I'm just copying and pasting information from sources on the ground. Idiots like you guess proving you are truly dumb!
Save your comments for proving I'm wrong otherwise all you are doing is making yourself feel good which I imagine is done quite often!

So you intend to post some relevant facts at some point, right?

Went WAY over your head!
When the people that knew far better then a C-I-C that had NO military experience told him they should get the
Status of Forces agreement and 15,000 US troops still in Iraq would have NOT had this crisis.
But Obama knew better. Pulled out those troops!

So why do we have those 140,000 troops in Europe/Asia after 70 years?

Iraqis don't want us there. See the difference?
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The Obama Administration ran into the same road block from the Iraqi government as the Bush Administration did. They would not grant our soldiers immunity to Iraqi law. Would you put our soldiers in that position?

Dick Cheney couldn't get an agreement either.

Roadblock? He didn't even try
We're bankrupt and rapidly moving towards Police State/Third World misery. We have enough problems right here at home. Europe, Asia, and the rest can take care of themselves. And many of the Citizens in those places don't want our Troops there anymore. So it is time to bring our money and soldiers home.
Idiot....Bush left the WH in 2009. The total withdraw of US forces was in 2011, that is 2 years yet a scumbag like you blames Bush. :cuckoo:

The "war" was over when Obama stole the WH, but Obama failed to keep any US combat forces in Iraq to maintain the peace and keep out AQ terrorists and Iran....both are now operating inside Iraq thanks to Obama. Oh wait, it's 2014 and you will blame Bush. ...fucking idiot.

Back in the 1940s they understood in order to maintain the peace and help Germany and Japan nevermind their neighbors to rebuild, the US had to keep troops there.

Today we have idiots in charge that don't care about finishing the job and keeping the peace, winning elections is more important. Just look at their idiot supporters on this board....

Actually after Germany surrendered all eyes turned to the east to look at the Red army with great suspicion and apprehension.

The occupation of Iraq was vastly different the the occupation of Germany and Japan.

President Bush simply couldn't get the job done so he punted and agreed to the withdrawal of US forces by the end of 2011. That is the hard cold fact of the matter. The Shiite's in Iraq allied with Iran. Iran was calling the shots when Iraq refused to allow US troops immunity as they knew no US president would allow our troops to be subjected to Iraqi law.
Idiot....Bush left the WH in 2009. The total withdraw of US forces was in 2011, that is 2 years yet a scumbag like you blames Bush. :cuckoo:

The "war" was over when Obama stole the WH, but Obama failed to keep any US combat forces in Iraq to maintain the peace and keep out AQ terrorists and Iran....both are now operating inside Iraq thanks to Obama. Oh wait, it's 2014 and you will blame Bush. ...fucking idiot.

Back in the 1940s they understood in order to maintain the peace and help Germany and Japan nevermind their neighbors to rebuild, the US had to keep troops there.

Today we have idiots in charge that don't care about finishing the job and keeping the peace, winning elections is more important. Just look at their idiot supporters on this board....

Actually after Germany surrendered all eyes turned to the east to look at the Red army with great suspicion and apprehension.

The occupation of Iraq was vastly different the the occupation of Germany and Japan.

President Bush simply couldn't get the job done so he punted and agreed to the withdrawal of US forces by the end of 2011. That is the hard cold fact of the matter. The Shiite's in Iraq allied with Iran. Iran was calling the shots when Iraq refused to allow US troops immunity as they knew no US president would allow our troops to be subjected to Iraqi law.

Bush does deserve most of the blame. Iraq was his blunder. But Obama deserves some too. His funding & arming of these very questionable 'Rebel' groups has caused this current chaos. He was warned not to fund them. But for some strange reason he became hell-bent on getting rid of Assad. It's reminiscent of Bush's obsession with getting rid of Hussein. So both deserve some blame. Both were very ill-advised and made some very bad calls.
For the isolationist idiots on this board....

The reasons why we have troops in Europe and Asia is to maintain the peace and free flow of goods. The US depends on free trade and commerce, otherwise your lives in your ghetto/trailer park would be worse in your isolationist world.

We have troops in Europe and Asia to project power so we can quickly respond to a crisis, see Ukraine. Even though Obama's response was limp dick, we were able to send US paratroopers from Germany and US F-16s from Italy to Poland to reassure them 1938 wasn't happening all over again. When China starts more trouble over water hundreds of miles from their coast to steal resources from their neighbors, our military presence in the region will make them think twice.

But maybe you want to live in your fucked up world where Russia takes over parts of the middle east and Europe, China takes over the western Pacific, AQ takes over Africa and the middle east, and Iran makes their move in the middle east. Your miserable lives here will be even worse under those conditions....so shut the fuck up.
shut the fuck up.

In your fucked up mind....Saddam's sons would be in charge causing even more trouble for the US, middle east, Israel, etc with even more support for "Sunni AQ" groups.

Idiot....Bush left the WH in 2009. The total withdraw of US forces was in 2011, that is 2 years yet a scumbag like you blames Bush. :cuckoo:

The "war" was over when Obama stole the WH, but Obama failed to keep any US combat forces in Iraq to maintain the peace and keep out AQ terrorists and Iran....both are now operating inside Iraq thanks to Obama. Oh wait, it's 2014 and you will blame Bush. ...fucking idiot.

Actually after Germany surrendered all eyes turned to the east to look at the Red army with great suspicion and apprehension.

The occupation of Iraq was vastly different the the occupation of Germany and Japan.

President Bush simply couldn't get the job done so he punted and agreed to the withdrawal of US forces by the end of 2011. That is the hard cold fact of the matter. The Shiite's in Iraq allied with Iran. Iran was calling the shots when Iraq refused to allow US troops immunity as they knew no US president would allow our troops to be subjected to Iraqi law.

Bush does deserve most of the blame. Iraq was his blunder. But Obama deserves some too. His funding & arming of these very questionable 'Rebel' groups has caused this current chaos. He was warned not to fund them. But for some strange reason he became hell-bent on getting rid of Assad. It's reminiscent of Bush's obsession with getting rid of Hussein. So both deserve some blame. Both were very ill-advised and made some very bad calls.
Every thinking person knew that the Iraqi army could not be trained in two years. The result was the army threw down their weapons and fled.

If Obama did not intend this to happen, he is too incompetent to lead anything. He is too incompetent to listen to his own commanders.
For the isolationist idiots on this board....

The reasons why we have troops in Europe and Asia is to maintain the peace and free flow of goods. The US depends on free trade and commerce, otherwise your lives in your ghetto/trailer park would be worse in your isolationist world.

We have troops in Europe and Asia to project power so we can quickly respond to a crisis, see Ukraine. Even though Obama's response was limp dick, we were able to send US paratroopers from Germany and US F-16s from Italy to Poland to reassure them 1938 wasn't happening all over again. When China starts more trouble over water hundreds of miles from their coast to steal resources from their neighbors, our military presence in the region will make them think twice.

But maybe you want to live in your fucked up world where Russia takes over parts of the middle east and Europe, China takes over the western Pacific, AQ takes over Africa and the middle east, and Iran makes their move in the middle east. Your miserable lives here will be even worse under those conditions....so shut the fuck up.

Outdated and flawed concepts. NATO should be disbanded. We're broke and rapidly on our way to becoming a Police State/Third World nightmare. Our Empire-Building needs to end. We'll survive just fine bringing our money and soldiers home. The time for that has come.
Scum like you created WW2.

For the isolationist idiots on this board....

The reasons why we have troops in Europe and Asia is to maintain the peace and free flow of goods. The US depends on free trade and commerce, otherwise your lives in your ghetto/trailer park would be worse in your isolationist world.

We have troops in Europe and Asia to project power so we can quickly respond to a crisis, see Ukraine. Even though Obama's response was limp dick, we were able to send US paratroopers from Germany and US F-16s from Italy to Poland to reassure them 1938 wasn't happening all over again. When China starts more trouble over water hundreds of miles from their coast to steal resources from their neighbors, our military presence in the region will make them think twice.

But maybe you want to live in your fucked up world where Russia takes over parts of the middle east and Europe, China takes over the western Pacific, AQ takes over Africa and the middle east, and Iran makes their move in the middle east. Your miserable lives here will be even worse under those conditions....so shut the fuck up.

Outdated and flawed concepts. NATO should be disbanded. We're broke and rapidly on our way to becoming a Police State/Third World nightmare. Our Empire-Building needs to end. We'll survive just fine bringing our money and soldiers home. The time for that has come.
Scum like you created WW2.

For the isolationist idiots on this board....

The reasons why we have troops in Europe and Asia is to maintain the peace and free flow of goods. The US depends on free trade and commerce, otherwise your lives in your ghetto/trailer park would be worse in your isolationist world.

We have troops in Europe and Asia to project power so we can quickly respond to a crisis, see Ukraine. Even though Obama's response was limp dick, we were able to send US paratroopers from Germany and US F-16s from Italy to Poland to reassure them 1938 wasn't happening all over again. When China starts more trouble over water hundreds of miles from their coast to steal resources from their neighbors, our military presence in the region will make them think twice.

But maybe you want to live in your fucked up world where Russia takes over parts of the middle east and Europe, China takes over the western Pacific, AQ takes over Africa and the middle east, and Iran makes their move in the middle east. Your miserable lives here will be even worse under those conditions....so shut the fuck up.

Outdated and flawed concepts. NATO should be disbanded. We're broke and rapidly on our way to becoming a Police State/Third World nightmare. Our Empire-Building needs to end. We'll survive just fine bringing our money and soldiers home. The time for that has come.

Yes we know, you're a true-believer in that 'Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace' nonsense. Perpetual war only results in perpetual war. We never get the peace part. So no, it's actually scum like you who create most Wars.
When the people that knew far better then a C-I-C that had NO military experience told him they should get the
Status of Forces agreement and 15,000 US troops still in Iraq would have NOT had this crisis.
But Obama knew better. Pulled out those troops!

So why do we have those 140,000 troops in Europe/Asia after 70 years?

I'm not understanding why you think that is a problem.

He's unaware of NATO.
Shitbag....care to compare the number of dead from WW2 compared to all the "little wars" since WW2???

The US didn't have bases in Europe prior to WW2 and the US didn't have a strong military to keep the peace like today. So Germany, Italy and Japan took advantage of scum like you back in the 1930s more interested in their podunk life here than the big picture around the world...which in the end got many of them killed overseas fighting Germany, Italy and Japan in greater numbers than today....nevermind the millions of innocent civilians caught in the fight.

Today with a professional military and much smaller military, scum like you can live your peon lives in your trailer park without the threat of a draft and any worries of foreign invasion or even a major impact on the economy caused by a foreign enemy.

You're just the typical piece of shit that people like would spit on if given the chance, but I don't like trailer parks.

Scum like you created WW2.

Outdated and flawed concepts. NATO should be disbanded. We're broke and rapidly on our way to becoming a Police State/Third World nightmare. Our Empire-Building needs to end. We'll survive just fine bringing our money and soldiers home. The time for that has come.

Yes we know, you're a true-believer in that 'Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace' nonsense. Perpetual war only results in perpetual war. We never get the peace part. So no, it's actually scum like you who create most Wars.
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Shitbag....care to compare the number of dead from WW2 compared to all the "little wars" since WW2???

The US didn't have bases in Europe prior to WW2 and the US didn't have a strong military to keep the peace like today. So Germany, Italy and Japan took advantage of scum like you back in the 1930s more interested in their podunk life here than the big picture around the world...which in the end got many of them killed overseas fighting Germany, Italy and Japan in greater numbers than today....nevermind the millions of innocent civilians caught in the fight.

Today with a professional military and much smaller military, scum like you can live your peon lives in your trailer park without the threat of a draft and any worries of foreign invasion or even a major impact on the economy caused by a foreign enemy.

You're just the typical piece of shit that people like would spit on if given the chance, but I don't like trailer parks.

Scum like you created WW2.

Yes we know, you're a true-believer in that 'Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace' nonsense. Perpetual war only results in perpetual war. We never get the peace part. So no, it's actually scum like you who create most Wars.

Yes, because obviously more war brings us more peace. So by all means let's continue it. Don't worry at all about us being bankrupt and rapidly becoming a Police State/Third World nightmare. This Empire-Building will end though. It'll end after we have no choice but to end it.
Stupid bitch....it was a rhetorical question.

Oh my bad you need to look up rhetorical now.

When the people that knew far better then a C-I-C that had NO military experience told him they should get the
Status of Forces agreement and 15,000 US troops still in Iraq would have NOT had this crisis.
But Obama knew better. Pulled out those troops!

So why do we have those 140,000 troops in Europe/Asia after 70 years?

I'm not understanding why you think that is a problem.

He's unaware of NATO.
Using your logic.....cities don't need police.

Police have guns with bullets.....oh dangerous weapons that really don't maintain the peace and security of the city. :cuckoo:

The police just cause violence when they visit your trailer park to see what you are doing butt naked in the street at 3am, eh?

Oh yeah, evil people and countries don't exist either in your demented fucked up head.

Shitbag....care to compare the number of dead from WW2 compared to all the "little wars" since WW2???

The US didn't have bases in Europe prior to WW2 and the US didn't have a strong military to keep the peace like today. So Germany, Italy and Japan took advantage of scum like you back in the 1930s more interested in their podunk life here than the big picture around the world...which in the end got many of them killed overseas fighting Germany, Italy and Japan in greater numbers than today....nevermind the millions of innocent civilians caught in the fight.

Today with a professional military and much smaller military, scum like you can live your peon lives in your trailer park without the threat of a draft and any worries of foreign invasion or even a major impact on the economy caused by a foreign enemy.

You're just the typical piece of shit that people like would spit on if given the chance, but I don't like trailer parks.

Yes we know, you're a true-believer in that 'Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace' nonsense. Perpetual war only results in perpetual war. We never get the peace part. So no, it's actually scum like you who create most Wars.

Yes, because obviously more war brings us more peace. So by all means let's continue it. Don't worry at all about us being bankrupt and rapidly becoming a Police State/Third World nightmare. This Empire-Building will end though. It'll end after we have no choice but to end it.
The Obama Administration ran into the same road block from the Iraqi government as the Bush Administration did. They would not grant our soldiers immunity to Iraqi law. Would you put our soldiers in that position?

Dick Cheney couldn't get an agreement either.

Roadblock? He didn't even try

Of course they did.

Thank you. Good article.

Here's another: http://thecable.foreignpolicy.com/p...uest_us_troop_extension_in_our_own_sweet_time

Iraqi Ambassador: We will request U.S. troop extension “in our own sweet time”
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