709,192 dead Americans, thank you, Trump!

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Your stuttering shit clown gets credit for about 500,000 of those murders. "The buck stops here". BWAHAHAHA

Oh, and the 13 marines and the van full of children it droned into the afterlife.

Is there anything that stammering fuck has touched that hasn't turned to shit?

I'll wait.
Certainly not his Depends....
Old Rocks
Jesus. 600,00 died while Trump was POTUS. The rest belong to Bidung. You can thank him yourself dumbass.

Oh and if you're assigning blame them blame China for not locking down their country when this first started. Had they done so no one else would have had to fight of THEIR virus. China is responsible for every death.
As much as I dislike the former ConMan in Chief, I think it was damn near impossible to stop the spread, even with rapid NMI, like masks, which were at first in short supply, social distancing and other stuff.

Over 700,000 Americans have died from the Covid. That high number is primarily due to the lies told by then President Trump. Almost 44 million Americans have had Covid, and that equals a 1.6% death rate, in spite of modern medical knowledge. At present, most of those dying are people that either cannot take the vaccine, or will not take the vaccine. I have no sympathy for the latter group as they are primary in causing the deaths in the former group. It is sadly humorous to see the Trumpanzees lying themselves into graves. But a plus for the nation.

Moron.....are you on China's payroll...they let the virus out, you dumb ass.....why don't you want them to pay for this crime?
Over 700,000 Americans have died from the Covid. That high number is primarily due to the lies told by then President Trump. Almost 44 million Americans have had Covid, and that equals a 1.6% death rate, in spite of modern medical knowledge. At present, most of those dying are people that either cannot take the vaccine, or will not take the vaccine. I have no sympathy for the latter group as they are primary in causing the deaths in the former group. It is sadly humorous to see the Trumpanzees lying themselves into graves. But a plus for the nation.
95% of those old folks would have died of the flu. It isn't the "pandemic" the Democrats would like it to be.

And what were the number dead when Biden stole the presidency? 400,000?? I'm not sure.
Since President Biden has made it possible for every American that can and wants to get vaccinated, none of the deaths belong to Biden. He has done all he can in his position to protect Americans. But no one can protect the stupid and insane from their own actions. So we have all kinds of 'Conservatives' biting the dust. Sadly, they are taking some that simply cannot take the vaccines for medical reasons with them.
sorry rocks it dont work that way..... many of the unvaccinated are minorities who probabably are not very conservative.....when will the "uniter" unite them?....
Over 700,000 Americans have died from the Covid. That high number is primarily due to the lies told by then President Trump. Almost 44 million Americans have had Covid, and that equals a 1.6% death rate, in spite of modern medical knowledge. At present, most of those dying are people that either cannot take the vaccine, or will not take the vaccine. I have no sympathy for the latter group as they are primary in causing the deaths in the former group. It is sadly humorous to see the Trumpanzees lying themselves into graves. But a plus for the nation.
about 300k have died since Biden took over in 9 months, he is almost halfway to Trump using your numbers
Over 700,000 Americans have died from the Covid. That high number is primarily due to the lies told by then President Trump. Almost 44 million Americans have had Covid, and that equals a 1.6% death rate, in spite of modern medical knowledge. At present, most of those dying are people that either cannot take the vaccine, or will not take the vaccine. I have no sympathy for the latter group as they are primary in causing the deaths in the former group. It is sadly humorous to see the Trumpanzees lying themselves into graves. But a plus for the nation.

Over 63 million have been killed due to abortion. Your words fall on deaf ears.
Over 700,000 Americans have died from the Covid. That high number is primarily due to the lies told by then President Trump. Almost 44 million Americans have had Covid, and that equals a 1.6% death rate, in spite of modern medical knowledge. At present, most of those dying are people that either cannot take the vaccine, or will not take the vaccine. I have no sympathy for the latter group as they are primary in causing the deaths in the former group. It is sadly humorous to see the Trumpanzees lying themselves into graves. But a plus for the nation.
What about Joe, Kamala, and Nancy telling people they wouldn’t take the vaccines under Trump? Did their statements not generate vaccine hesitation?
Over 700,000 Americans have died from the Covid. That high number is primarily due to the lies told by then President Trump. Almost 44 million Americans have had Covid, and that equals a 1.6% death rate, in spite of modern medical knowledge. At present, most of those dying are people that either cannot take the vaccine, or will not take the vaccine. I have no sympathy for the latter group as they are primary in causing the deaths in the former group. It is sadly humorous to see the Trumpanzees lying themselves into graves. But a plus for the nation.

Why do you cheer and wish death upon people. You will have to answer for that.
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