71 Years

So, you are saying that the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was done as an act of revenge on the behalf of China? Is that your position? Can you produce any documents supporting that claim?
The deaths of millions of innocent civilians lay at the feet of the japanese government. Are you denying that? That was the prelude to Hiroshima. Do you deny THAT?

It's clear you are afraid (or mentally incapable) of answering questions, but I'll try again anyway. Do you have any proof or documentation that the bombs were dropped as an act of revenge on behalf of China?
It's clear you don't understand cause and effect. Japan precipitated American involvement in WWII. And despite your inane rhetoric, nobody LIKES what happened as a result. Does that shock you? We didn't wan't it. We didn't want japan to start a war to support oriental fascism. Address THAT.

Do you have a mental condition that prevents you from answering questions?
Yes I do, it's called Unkartism. You now, ignore the obvious and split hairs and pretend to have a point long after somebody contradicted it. Sorry, it's catching.

Let me know when you get some new medication that enables you to answer questions. Until then, shut the fuck up.
The deaths of millions of innocent civilians lay at the feet of the japanese government. Are you denying that? That was the prelude to Hiroshima. Do you deny THAT?

It's clear you are afraid (or mentally incapable) of answering questions, but I'll try again anyway. Do you have any proof or documentation that the bombs were dropped as an act of revenge on behalf of China?
It's clear you don't understand cause and effect. Japan precipitated American involvement in WWII. And despite your inane rhetoric, nobody LIKES what happened as a result. Does that shock you? We didn't wan't it. We didn't want japan to start a war to support oriental fascism. Address THAT.

Do you have a mental condition that prevents you from answering questions?
Yes I do, it's called Unkartism. You now, ignore the obvious and split hairs and pretend to have a point long after somebody contradicted it. Sorry, it's catching.

Let me know when you get some new medication that enables you to answer questions. Until then, shut the fuck up.
You are so adorable when you're pissed off. Japan actually started WWII, you realize somewhere in the back of your reptilian brainstem, that's sort of the the point. It isn't that hard, buckaroo. And they murdered countless million civilians. They deserved hiroshima, yes indeed. Was it revenge? Can't say, but it WAS necessary. That I say with confidence.
..... it WAS necessary. That I say with confidence.

It has been proven here several times that it was not "necessary."
Really. And japan didn't need to bomb Pearl harbor, by that same standard. Funny, Unko, you don't understand mathematics, there are two parts to an equation. But you emphasize one side and devalue the other side. You CAN do that emotionally, YOU can't do that logically. japan started the war at pearl harbor, the west ended it at Nagasaki. There isn't much else you can say.
....... japan started the war at pearl harbor, the west ended it at Nagasaki. ......

So you ARE claiming that the atomic bombs WERE an act of revenge. Just come out and say so. Then you can try to find any documentation supporting your claim. You will fail, but at least you'll try for once.
I just wonder why it took took 2 A- Bombs to stop the monsters that thought facist japan could do anything it wanted and run amuck in asia, commit innumerable atrocities and war crimes murdering innocent civilians and then they are horrified when they get a taste of their own medicine? Are you KIDDING me?
... then they are horrified when they get a taste of their own medicine? Are you KIDDING me?

How about just one document or direct quote from a high ranking political or military leader showing that the dropping of the bombs was an act of revenge on behalf of China and SEA?
... then they are horrified when they get a taste of their own medicine? Are you KIDDING me?

How about just one document or direct quote from a high ranking political or military leader showing that the dropping of the bombs was an act of revenge on behalf of China and SEA?
Do you have a document that shows WHY Japan attacked the US, to begin with? Don't be stuoopid. Where are you going with this?
... then they are horrified when they get a taste of their own medicine? Are you KIDDING me?

How about just one document or direct quote from a high ranking political or military leader showing that the dropping of the bombs was an act of revenge on behalf of China and SEA?
Do you have a document that shows WHY Japan attacked the US, to begin with?....

Red herring. That is not the topic at hand. Start a thread on that and you can learn about that - separate - topic.
We all morn the innocent dead of all nations from Guernica , Nan King, Coventry to Nagasaki. Perhaps we should leave it at that, yes?
... then they are horrified when they get a taste of their own medicine? Are you KIDDING me?

How about just one document or direct quote from a high ranking political or military leader showing that the dropping of the bombs was an act of revenge on behalf of China and SEA?

Come on, Mexico Mary, get to it.
We all morn the innocent dead of all nations from Guernica , Nan King, Coventry to Nagasaki. Perhaps we should leave it at that, yes?

If you can't - ever - so much as try to support your claims, why don't you just keep your yap shut?
We all morn the innocent dead of all nations from Guernica , Nan King, Coventry to Nagasaki. Perhaps we should leave it at that, yes?

If you can't - ever - so much as try to support your claims, why don't you just keep your yap shut?
Wow, are you kidding? You have the internet and YOU need to search all the facts as well as you conscience. japan really truly DID start American involvement in WWII. and you KNOW that Japan really truly murdered millions of innocent civilians, you can confirm that your self. You don't need me to hold your hand and point out websites. YOU can do that YOURSELF. Why are you defending the indefensible? WHY? You don't support facist japan as some sort of poor poor misunderstood little victims, are you? Now I want an answer to THAT, Mister. NOW. You have SOME nerve.
...... japan really truly DID start American involvement in WWII. and you KNOW that Japan really truly murdered millions of innocent civilians.......

Facts not in contention. You've been told this before, Mexico Mary. Try to pay attention and string together a few moments of clarity.

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