71 Years

You fail to address all the copious evidence I have provided that the atomic bombing was not "necessary" to end the war.
Wrong, I did address it. Scroll up. Look for words like "revisionist moron".

Of course not.
Thanks for the flip flop. Agreed the entire war, from beginning to end should be taken into context. Ergo, the use of atomic weapons to end the war must be taken in the context of a land invasion of the Japanese home islands.


What the hell are you talking about?
Wow! An evasion. Interesting.

Your defense of Japan's actions and your attacks on the US for not "playing fair" or words to that effect.

Upon what do you base this ridiculous claim?
If you keep wanting me to answer the same fucking questions over and over again until you get the answers you want, you're going to be disappointed.
... There was no doubt landing on mainland Japan would not only be intensely fought by the military, but also by much of the population. ....

The population that was starving to death? The women, elderly, and children who were about the only folks yet to be conscripted?
If you keep wanting me to answer the same fucking questions over and over again......

Try answering once. Just once. What exactly did you mean by "like you do"? Answer once, not "over and over again."
Your subjective declarations are not "support" for a "claim." Do you understand the terms?
Disagreed. Yes. Do you?

What "evasion"? I have defended no atrocities at all. Are you backing into the corner of dishonesty now?
Yes. Disagreed. No, but I think you are very dishonest....
Try answering once. Just once. What exactly did you mean by "like you do"? Answer once, not "over and over again."
....and a bit of a whining nag too.

There has been no flip-flop.
Disagreed. You want it both ways and often want to gloss over anything detrimental to Japan. This thread is but one of dozens of examples by you.
Yes I do. That's why I have provided links, facts, and direct quotes from political and military leaders of the day. ..
Dude, a link to someone elses opinion is still an opinion, but you are free to believe whatever revisionist crap you like.
How, specifically?
Several ways, but the one that comes to mind is your continual habit of accusing others of being dishonest while denying any of your own. You use the common, immature tactic of "read all my others posts" as a defense before you launch into a full on emotional outburst against others such as calling them Nazis or supportive of atrocities.

I think the basis is this is due to your deep realization, but never admitted, that you know you are wrong. You remind me of the political partisans who exaggerate their points in order to move the opposition toward the middle, which is where they want things to be. It's a common tactic, but, let's be honest, it's also dishonest since it uses lies AKA exaggerations to make a point.
When Japan finally decided to surrender it found the means to communicate with America, rather quickly. Two bombs and the war was over.

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