71 Years

.... (or whatever stink smelly terror group that consists mainly of brown colored people) .... those stink apes .....

And now we see the real motivation behind your commenting here at all.
Took you long enough .......

Stop trolling the history forum and go back to the race forum. Better yet, go back to stromfront and stay there.
The JAPS got exactly what they had coming to them. They reaped the whirlwind from the disgusting seeds they planted.

Not one tear.

I only wished they dropped them sooner, and a few more than two. Especially right in the middle of Tokyo.
So, when we began military action in Afghanistan in 2001, you think we should have targeted schools and hospital specifically "to implement domination"? Is that what you think America should be?
Typical Dripping Poop tactics: goal post moving and straw man arguments.
.... (or whatever stink smelly terror group that consists mainly of brown colored people) .... those stink apes .....

And now we see the real motivation behind your commenting here at all.
Took you long enough .......

Stop trolling the history forum and go back to the race forum. Better yet, go back to stromfront and stay there.
The JAPS [sic] got exactly what they had coming to them. They reaped the whirlwind from the disgusting seeds they planted.

Not one tear.

I only wished they dropped them sooner, and a few more than two. Especially right in the middle of Tokyo.

You reveal your ignorance with every post. And once again, where is the documentation that the dropping of the bombs was an act of revenge?
.... (or whatever stink smelly terror group that consists mainly of brown colored people) .... those stink apes .....

And now we see the real motivation behind your commenting here at all.
Took you long enough .......

Stop trolling the history forum and go back to the race forum. Better yet, go back to stromfront and stay there.
The JAPS [sic] got exactly what they had coming to them. They reaped the whirlwind from the disgusting seeds they planted.

Not one tear.

I only wished they dropped them sooner, and a few more than two. Especially right in the middle of Tokyo.

You reveal your ignorance with every post. And once again, where is the documentation that the dropping of the bombs was an act of revenge?
Good Lord you japs are easy to fuck with.
[... goal post moving and straw man arguments.

How, specifically?
You've dodged at least a half dozen salient points on your own thread in a pursuit to avoid accepting the Japanese Empire's responsibilities for their own destruction in WWII.

The basic reason for the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki is summed up in the picture below. If the Japanese hadn't attacked the US in December 1941, we wouldn't have bombed them in August 1945.
And now we see the real motivation behind your commenting here at all.
Took you long enough .......

Stop trolling the history forum and go back to the race forum. Better yet, go back to stromfront and stay there.
The JAPS [sic] got exactly what they had coming to them. They reaped the whirlwind from the disgusting seeds they planted.

Not one tear.

I only wished they dropped them sooner, and a few more than two. Especially right in the middle of Tokyo.

You reveal your ignorance with every post. And once again, where is the documentation that the dropping of the bombs was an act of revenge?
Good Lord you japs [sic] are easy to fuck with.

What the hell are you talking about, fool?
Took you long enough .......

Stop trolling the history forum and go back to the race forum. Better yet, go back to stromfront and stay there.
The JAPS [sic] got exactly what they had coming to them. They reaped the whirlwind from the disgusting seeds they planted.

Not one tear.

I only wished they dropped them sooner, and a few more than two. Especially right in the middle of Tokyo.

You reveal your ignorance with every post. And once again, where is the documentation that the dropping of the bombs was an act of revenge?
Good Lord you japs [sic] are easy to fuck with.

What the hell are you talking about, fool?
Stop trolling the history forum and go back to the race forum. Better yet, go back to stromfront and stay there.
The JAPS [sic] got exactly what they had coming to them. They reaped the whirlwind from the disgusting seeds they planted.

Not one tear.

I only wished they dropped them sooner, and a few more than two. Especially right in the middle of Tokyo.

You reveal your ignorance with every post. And once again, where is the documentation that the dropping of the bombs was an act of revenge?
Good Lord you japs [sic] are easy to fuck with.

What the hell are you talking about, fool?

Can't (or are afraid to) answer? Figures.

I only wished they dropped them sooner, and a few more than two. Especially right in the middle of Tokyo.

Some 'people' ^^^^^^ are completely shameless about their ignorance. It must be the only way they can live with themselves.
MILITARY VIEWS About Dropping the Atomic Bomb

"Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, Commander in Chief of the Pacific Fleet stated in a public address given at the Washington Monument on October 5, 1945:

The Japanese had, in fact, already sued for peace before the atomic age was announced to the world with the destruction of Hiroshima and before the Russian entry into the war. (See p. 329, Chapter 26) . . . [Nimitz also stated: "The atomic bomb played no decisive part, from a purely military standpoint, in the defeat of Japan. . . ."]"

"Admiral William F. Halsey, Jr., Commander U.S. Third Fleet, stated publicly in 1946:

The first atomic bomb was an unnecessary experiment. . . . It was a mistake to ever drop it. . . . [the scientists] had this toy and they wanted to try it out, so they dropped it. . . . It killed a lot of Japs, but the Japs had put out a lot of peace feelers through Russia long before. (See p. 331, Chapter 26)"

"On September 20, 1945 the famous "hawk" who commanded the Twenty-First Bomber Command, Major General Curtis E. LeMay (as reported in The New York Herald Tribune) publicly:
  • said flatly at one press conference that the atomic bomb "had nothing to do with the end of the war." He said the war would have been over in two weeks without the use of the atomic bomb or the Russian entry into the war. (See p. 336, Chapter 27)"

    "On the 40th Anniversary of the bombing former President Richard M. Nixon reported that:

    • [General Douglas] MacArthur once spoke to me very eloquently about it, pacing the floor of his apartment in the Waldorf. He thought it a tragedy that the Bomb was ever exploded. MacArthur believed that the same restrictions ought to apply to atomic weapons as to conventional weapons, that the military objective should always be limited damage to noncombatants. . . . MacArthur, you see, was a soldier. He believed in using force only against military targets, and that is why the nuclear thing turned him off. . . . (See p. 352, Chapter 28)

    • The day after Hiroshima was bombed MacArthur's pilot, Weldon E. Rhoades, noted in his diary:

      General MacArthur definitely is appalled and depressed by this Frankenstein monster [the bomb]. I had a long talk with him today, necessitated by the impending trip to Okinawa. . . . (See p. 350, Chapter 28)"
We're still giving out Purple Heart medals made for the expected casualties that we would have suffered in an invasion of Japan. Think about that for a moment, the sheer number of killed and wounded we've suffered in Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm, Mogadishu, Iraq, Afghanistan, and all the other battles along we way and with all those casualties, we've still not exceeded the number of casualties from one expected WW2 campaign.

So even assuming the first bomb was necesary... the second bomb was pure sadism.
Actually it was not. Let me give you the three choices Truman actually had along with the timeline of events.

In February of 1945 the USSR and US officially started the COLD WAR after the Yalta Conference. Look it up.

USSR showed they had no desire to be allies and Stalin was looking into expanding their territory and expanding communism. They began to encroach into the middle east and they had a desire to take over the trade routes of the middle east.

Stalin was declaring his desire to take over the region, even after the Potsdam Conferences in July of 1945.

August 8th, the day before Nagasaki, the USSR had declared war on Japan. On August 9th Nagasaki bomb dropped. USSR backs off and Japan surrenders.

So, if you are Truman, here are the three choices.

1. Allow Stalin to take over the region, allow Japan to surrender to the USSR where Japan through propaganda could save face instead of a humiliating surrender to the US. How would that play out with the American people after the years of the Pacific campaign that cost thousands of American lives, where the USSR did not commit anything to that campaign?

2. Declare war on the USSR like Patton wanted. Logistically it made some sense as Patton said. The US hardware was already there. The US war factories were in good working order. The USSR were very weary after a long drawn out battle with Hitler. However, they were still formidable. Stalin had moved most of their factories east and far away from Hitler's reach. They had a formidable airforce and navy. A war with the USSR would have been devastating and the US would have had to go it alone. The UK would not have joined us. It would have been an almost impossible to sell to the American people.

3. Drop the bombs to force the USSR (Stalin) to back off, or else.

Those are the choices. Explain why the USSR declared war after Hiroshima on August 8th and then backed off after the second bomb was dropped.

At that time? Hard to tell. Information hardly traveled with the speed and accuracy it does today. It is likely they found about the real devastation of the bomb a couple of days later.
In any case after the second bomb Japan managed to surrender quickly. Perhaps Hirohito needed to assume command earlier?

Some people never real links before responding to them.
The Japanese were trying to negotiate terms which would give them some of the things they wanted which had led to Pearl Harbor. Truman was having none of it,
In any case after the second bomb Japan managed to surrender quickly. Perhaps Hirohito needed to assume command earlier?

Some people never real links before responding to them.
The Japanese were trying to negotiate terms ......

Which turned out to be the same terms we ultimately agreed to anyway. But to idol-worshipers like you, the lives of hundreds of thousands of civilians don't matter, do they?

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