71 Years

... If the situation were the same today, would we use them? In a minute.

Not a chance.
So you are saying that the American people would sit quietly after three and a half years of war, and facing an enemy that plays a surrender game, but won't surrender. Add to that facing, the biggest massacre of Americans of the war, all on the supposition that some people might worry seventy years later that some people would object to the answer for the surrender of the enemy?

Knowing we would be deliberately targeting and incinerating hundreds of thousands of civilians at a shot in a country that was already militarily defeated and looking for terms of surrender? No, Americans would not put up with that any more than they would put up with most of that scumbag fdr's outrages against the Constitution, the American people, and our very form of government. No.
Japan had our terms.
... If the situation were the same today, would we use them? In a minute.

Not a chance.
So you are saying that the American people would sit quietly after three and a half years of war, and facing an enemy that plays a surrender game, but won't surrender. Add to that facing, the biggest massacre of Americans of the war, all on the supposition that some people might worry seventy years later that some people would object to the answer for the surrender of the enemy?

Knowing we would be deliberately targeting and incinerating hundreds of thousands of civilians at a shot in a country that was already militarily defeated and looking for terms of surrender? No, Americans would not put up with that any more than they would put up with most of that scumbag fdr's outrages against the Constitution, the American people, and our very form of government. No.
Japan had our terms.

You would sacrifice every civilian on earth (including, if not specifically, Americans) to please the cock of the corpse of your deity fdr. You've let partisanship go so far as to make you less than human at this point.
... If the situation were the same today, would we use them? In a minute.

Not a chance.
So you are saying that the American people would sit quietly after three and a half years of war, and facing an enemy that plays a surrender game, but won't surrender. Add to that facing, the biggest massacre of Americans of the war, all on the supposition that some people might worry seventy years later that some people would object to the answer for the surrender of the enemy?

Knowing we would be deliberately targeting and incinerating hundreds of thousands of civilians at a shot in a country that was already militarily defeated and looking for terms of surrender? No, Americans would not put up with that any more than they would put up with most of that scumbag fdr's outrages against the Constitution, the American people, and our very form of government. No.
Japan had our terms.

You would sacrifice every civilian on earth (including, if not specifically, Americans) to please the cock of the corpse of your deity fdr. You've let partisanship go so far as to make you less than human at this point.
The Japanese made war on us, and war involves casualties, and Japan knowing it would not win, made American casualties their bargaining point.
..... The Japanese weren't the poor little victims you make them out to be. ......

I have done no such thing. Military on both sides died in shocking numbers. The US military prevailed. Here's another question for you: Were the 200,000+ civilians incinerated by atomic bombs legitimate military targets? Is that what America's about?
The Japanese ATTACKED the US because we stood in their way, we embargoed critical war supplies, ironically enough, to stop the Japanese slaughter of innocent civilians. Hiroshima gave the Japanese a taste of what they where dealing. Don't give me that "poor little victim" Bullshit.Karma. Hubris. Payback. The japanese reaped what they sowed.With interest come due.
That is really the most important thing we should remember about WWII, the dropping of 2 atomic bombs, not to mention over 65 million people died.

But no , what is WWII known about the most , the "jewish holocaust".
Dropping bombs to end a war which cost the US over 300 lives a day is worth it. Any President who didn't do their best to stop the carnage would be worse than remiss, they'd be negligent and careless.
The Japanese ATTACKED the US because we stood in their way, we embargoed critical war supplies, ironically enough, to stop the Japanese slaughter of innocent civilians. Hiroshima gave the Japanese a taste of what they where dealing. Don't give me that "poor little victim" Bullshit.Karma. Hubris. Payback. The japanese reaped what they sowed.With interest come due.

..... The Japanese weren't the poor little victims you make them out to be. ......

I have done no such thing. Military on both sides died in shocking numbers. The US military prevailed. Here's another question for you: Were the 200,000+ civilians incinerated by atomic bombs legitimate military targets? Is that what America's about?
DESPICABLE. It's vile. Germans bombed Coventry and it opened the door in Europe to mass indiscriminate bombings of civilians. Japan opened that door at Nanking slaughtering as many as 300,000 people at one time. In 1937. The japanese didn't give a feather or fig about civilians until Hiroshima. Then you show up as their national conscious? Rather late, buko.
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The bombs were dropped to end the war. They did the job. Imagine the wrath of the American people if after the invasions the people learned we had the means to end the war and didn't use them. If the situation were the same today, would we use them? In a minute.


I highly recommend the excellent historical work of David McCullough and his Pulitzer Prize–winning biography of Harry S. Truman.

Revisionists hold the false belief that the A-Bomb was something special in 1945. In fact, it was just another weapon that had been in development for years and made up a huge percentage of the cost of the war SO FAR. At the time, there was no promise it would work or the Japanese would quit because of it.

The bomb was to be used as soon as it was ready. It was just another weapon. There was no reason not to use it. Every day cost the lives of hundreds if not thousands of Americans-sons of tax payers and voters who were screaming to get their sons home alive as soon as possible.

The Japanese weren't defeated. That's revisionist bullshit.

They had to be put down. The Japan of today bears no resemblance to the murderous psychopaths that slaughtered their way through Asia in the 30's. Two A-Bombs has a way of changing a culture.

I lived in Japan for two years in the mid 80's. I was stunned to see first hand Japanese kids were taught in school that America attacked them. They were taught they were the victims of WW2. Saw it first hand.

Here's another book: "The Rising Sun" by John Toland. Toland's work is unique in Western histories of WW2 in that he has as many post war interviews of Japanese Generals and Admirals as he does with their Western counterparts. What is really sick about the Japanese that made the Americans crazy after the war is that when they interrogated the Japanese officers and asked them when they KNEW the war lost, they all said, "After Guadalcanal". Yet they decided to fight for 30 more months. You can imagine how dumbfounded the American interrogators were upon learning this, looking back at the recent loss of blood and treasure. 30 frigging months at hundreds or thousands a day and the Japanese were OK with that.

It was a sick society that needed to be defeated. It was and has been reborn into a peaceful, productive society and a valuable ally.
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..... The Japanese weren't the poor little victims you make them out to be. ......

I have done no such thing. Military on both sides died in shocking numbers. The US military prevailed. Here's another question for you: Were the 200,000+ civilians incinerated by atomic bombs legitimate military targets? Is that what America's about?
DESPICABLE. It's vile. Germans bombed Coventry and it opened the door in Europe to mass indiscriminate bombings of civilians. Japan opened that door at Nanking slaughtering as many as 300,000 people at one time. In 1937. The japanese didn't give a feather or fig about civilians until Hiroshima. Then you show up as their national conscious? Rather late, buko.

So, you are saying that the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was done as an act of revenge on the behalf of China? Is that your position? Can you produce any documents supporting that claim?
Get off the revenge kick. It's not working. We wanted our boys home. We wanted to end the war YOU STARTED.

No apology: Japan deserved Enola Gay's visit
By Neil Steinberg

There's a museum in Tokyo dedicated to Japan's ample history of warfare. But if you visit the plainly named Military Museum, you'll find no reference to the grotesque medical experiments the Japanese army conducted in World War II or the sex slaves it kidnapped.

The Rape of Nanking, when rampaging Japanese troops raped and murdered hundreds of thousands of Chinese, is airbrushed into the "Nanking Incident,'' and the facts are said to be uncertain.

Civilian deaths aren't mentioned at all until the Americans begin firebombing Tokyo in 1944.

This is par for the course. In Japanese textbooks, the relentless quest for military domination that so marked that nation's conduct in the 20th century gently morphs into a brave struggle for independence against a hostile world.

This essay originally appeared in the Chicago Sun-Times.

No apology: Japan deserved Enola Gay's visit
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..... The Japanese weren't the poor little victims you make them out to be. ......

I have done no such thing. Military on both sides died in shocking numbers. The US military prevailed. Here's another question for you: Were the 200,000+ civilians incinerated by atomic bombs legitimate military targets? Is that what America's about?
DESPICABLE. It's vile. Germans bombed Coventry and it opened the door in Europe to mass indiscriminate bombings of civilians. Japan opened that door at Nanking slaughtering as many as 300,000 people at one time. In 1937. The japanese didn't give a feather or fig about civilians until Hiroshima. Then you show up as their national conscious? Rather late, buko.

So, you are saying that the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was done as an act of revenge on the behalf of China? Is that your position? Can you produce any documents supporting that claim?
The deaths of millions of innocent civilians lay at the feet of the japanese government. Are you denying that? That was the prelude to Hiroshima. Do you deny THAT?
The bombs were dropped to end the war. They did the job. Imagine the wrath of the American people if after the invasions the people learned we had the means to end the war and didn't use them. If the situation were the same today, would we use them? In a minute.
"The means to end the war". God help us if another democrat administration that suspends the 1st Amendment and convinces Americans that the best "means" to end the war" is to incinerate the (sub human?) civilian population of two cities while their leaders were seeking surrender terms. Imagine what the mainstream media can convince idiot low information idiots to do next.
Americans that the best "means" to end the war" is to incinerate the (sub human?) civilian population of two cities while their leaders were seeking surrender terms.

Why the sub human insert? A Truman quote?

The leaders were seeking a cease fire, not a surrender. Their proposals with the Soviets were a fools errand. Stalin passed few if any of their proposals to Truman. Stalin looked to gain ground in lost Japanese territory.

Again, why the sub human insert? We wanted our boys home. We wanted to stop the hundreds to thousands of killed/maimed that was going on every day ON BOTH SIDES.
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The Japanese were racist as well as fascist, they invaded Manchuria because they were the "superior' race . Just like Hitler when he invaded Czechoslovakia, and the similarities don't end there, either. Eisnatzastgroupen, Unit 731.
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My step father was at Okinawa, and knew he would soon be involved in the invasion of the home islands. He did not expect to live through it. Suddenly, the Japanese no longer needed a way to "save face" before surrendering, and he was on his way home.

In addition to that, the nightly incendiary bombing by LeMay killed many more civilians than the atomic bombs.

I have been known to lose up to 5 minutes of sleep over the whole issue.
That is really the most important thing we should remember about WWII, the dropping of 2 atomic bombs, not to mention over 65 million people died.

But no , what is WWII known about the most , the "jewish holocaust".
You're welcome
My farther was shot by a Japanese soldier, at the battle of Attu. He used to tell me " you better watch them japs, they will stab you in the back".Where there peaceful Japanese that never intended to start WWII anyway? Naping?
Where there peaceful Japanese that never intended to start WWII anyway?

Yes. Quite a few but none in power. One very influential voice who knew America, who had lived in America was ignored.

A Reluctant Enemy

"By a peculiar twist of fate, the Japanese admiral who masterminded the attack had persistently warned his government not to fight the United States. Had his countrymen listened, the history of the 20th century might have turned out much differently."

Where there peaceful Japanese that never intended to start WWII anyway? Naping?

Prince Fumimaro Konoye, the Prime Minister before Tojo was trying to demilitarize the military's influence in government affairs. He was a day late and a dollar short. By that time, the military held tremendous sway over the government. Tojo's purges of the military "insured support" in much the same way as the Brown Shirts "insured support" in Germany.

Prince Fumimaro Konoye was also trying to deescalate tensions with the United States over the ongoing war in China. It's one of those great "what ifs" of history. Had Prince Fumimaro Konoye had more backing and Tojo less, the entire Pacific war could have been averted. But that was not to be.

...which brings us to Hirohito.
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..... The Japanese weren't the poor little victims you make them out to be. ......

I have done no such thing. Military on both sides died in shocking numbers. The US military prevailed. Here's another question for you: Were the 200,000+ civilians incinerated by atomic bombs legitimate military targets? Is that what America's about?
DESPICABLE. It's vile. Germans bombed Coventry and it opened the door in Europe to mass indiscriminate bombings of civilians. Japan opened that door at Nanking slaughtering as many as 300,000 people at one time. In 1937. The japanese didn't give a feather or fig about civilians until Hiroshima. Then you show up as their national conscious? Rather late, buko.

So, you are saying that the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was done as an act of revenge on the behalf of China? Is that your position? Can you produce any documents supporting that claim?
The deaths of millions of innocent civilians lay at the feet of the japanese government. Are you denying that? That was the prelude to Hiroshima. Do you deny THAT?

I believe I asked you a question. Answer it.

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