71 Years

The Japanese were racist as well as fascist, they invaded Manchuria because they were the "superior' race . Just like Hitler when he invaded Czechoslovakia, and the similarities don't end there, either. Eisnatzastgroupen, Unit 731.

So, the bombs were dropped in protest against racism? You really think fdr - of all people - gave a moment's thought about the evils of racism?
My farther was shot by a Japanese soldier, at the battle of Attu. He used to tell me " you better watch them japs, they will stab you in the back".Where there peaceful Japanese that never intended to start WWII anyway? Naping?

It was a war. The side your fighting is always the evil ones.
It was a war. The side your fighting is always the evil ones.
While that is often the claim, such as ISIS claiming the US is "the Great Satan", honest people know the difference between truth and bullshit.

The US was right to protest the "rape of Nanking" and right to worry about Japan's expansion into other nations just as the West was right to protest and fight the expansion of Saddam into Kuwait in 1990. When the US protested Japan's actions and refused to trade with them, Japan attacked us. Once attacked, anyone, be they a nation or an individual, has the right of self-defense.

Japan started the war and we finished it. People can claim both sides were evil or equate Japan's actions with those of the US, but I'll never agree on that part. Japan was truly a fascist, brutal power that needed to be stopped. They attacked and invaded several countries. They would have invaded Australia if we hadn't beaten them at the Battle of the Coral Sea and, later, the Battle of Midway.
..... The Japanese weren't the poor little victims you make them out to be. ......

I have done no such thing. Military on both sides died in shocking numbers. The US military prevailed. Here's another question for you: Were the 200,000+ civilians incinerated by atomic bombs legitimate military targets? Is that what America's about?
DESPICABLE. It's vile. Germans bombed Coventry and it opened the door in Europe to mass indiscriminate bombings of civilians. Japan opened that door at Nanking slaughtering as many as 300,000 people at one time. In 1937. The japanese didn't give a feather or fig about civilians until Hiroshima. Then you show up as their national conscious? Rather late, buko.

So, you are saying that the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was done as an act of revenge on the behalf of China? Is that your position? Can you produce any documents supporting that claim?

Again, no answer.
That is really the most important thing we should remember about WWII, the dropping of 2 atomic bombs, not to mention over 65 million people died.

But no , what is WWII known about the most , the "jewish holocaust".
Dropping bombs to end a war which cost the US over 300 lives a day is worth it. Any President who didn't do their best to stop the carnage would be worse than remiss, they'd be negligent and careless.

And if a real leader could have brought about an end to the war without incinerating hundreds of thousands of civilians with the most terrible weapon ever devised? Would you be for or against that?

Revisionists hold the false belief that the A-Bomb was something special in 1945. In fact, it was just another weapon that had been in development for years and made up a huge percentage of the cost of the war SO FAR. At the time, there was no promise it would work or the Japanese would quit because of it.......

It was "special" then, and it is "special" now. We knew it would 'work' (obviously) and that it would be more terrible than any weapon ever developed prior.

They had to be put down. The Japan of today bears no resemblance to the murderous psychopaths that slaughtered their way through Asia in the 30's. Two A-Bombs has a way of changing a culture.......

So, the bombs were dropped as an act of revenge and specifically to 'change the culture'? Do you have any evidence or documentation to support that claim?
..... The Japanese weren't the poor little victims you make them out to be. ......

I have done no such thing. Military on both sides died in shocking numbers. The US military prevailed. Here's another question for you: Were the 200,000+ civilians incinerated by atomic bombs legitimate military targets? Is that what America's about?
DESPICABLE. It's vile. Germans bombed Coventry and it opened the door in Europe to mass indiscriminate bombings of civilians. Japan opened that door at Nanking slaughtering as many as 300,000 people at one time. In 1937. The japanese didn't give a feather or fig about civilians until Hiroshima. Then you show up as their national conscious? Rather late, buko.

So, you are saying that the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was done as an act of revenge on the behalf of China? Is that your position? Can you produce any documents supporting that claim?
The deaths of millions of innocent civilians lay at the feet of the japanese government. Are you denying that? That was the prelude to Hiroshima. Do you deny THAT?

It's clear you are afraid (or mentally incapable) of answering questions, but I'll try again anyway. Do you have any proof or documentation that the bombs were dropped as an act of revenge on behalf of China?
I have always suspected that if the US had not fought the imperialist war with Spain, and ended up with the Philippines, the Japanese would have bombed Manila instead of Pearl Harbor.I have absolutely no idea what that would have lead too, but I suspect that it would have been a problem for the US, since we really needed a reason to go to war against Hitler, and Japan gave it to us. Frankly, the whole Japanese war plan was doomed from the start, and only their racist view of Japanese superiority could have lead them to such a foolish action; not that we were not equally racist. One does not have to be a military genius to know that it is a much better idea to sink the enemy's fleet in the ocean, than to sink it in water so shallow that almost all the ships could be salvaged.
It was a war. The side your fighting is always the evil ones.
While that is often the claim, such as ISIS claiming the US is "the Great Satan", honest people know the difference between truth and bullshit.

The US was right to protest the "rape of Nanking" and right to worry about Japan's expansion into other nations just as the West was right to protest and fight the expansion of Saddam into Kuwait in 1990. When the US protested Japan's actions and refused to trade with them, Japan attacked us. Once attacked, anyone, be they a nation or an individual, has the right of self-defense.

Japan started the war and we finished it. People can claim both sides were evil or equate Japan's actions with those of the US, but I'll never agree on that part. Japan was truly a fascist, brutal power that needed to be stopped. They attacked and invaded several countries. They would have invaded Australia if we hadn't beaten them at the Battle of the Coral Sea and, later, the Battle of Midway.

Big money in war, they found that out after the 1st world war. Actually when you sanction a country you start the war.
..... The Japanese weren't the poor little victims you make them out to be. ......

I have done no such thing. Military on both sides died in shocking numbers. The US military prevailed. Here's another question for you: Were the 200,000+ civilians incinerated by atomic bombs legitimate military targets? Is that what America's about?
DESPICABLE. It's vile. Germans bombed Coventry and it opened the door in Europe to mass indiscriminate bombings of civilians. Japan opened that door at Nanking slaughtering as many as 300,000 people at one time. In 1937. The japanese didn't give a feather or fig about civilians until Hiroshima. Then you show up as their national conscious? Rather late, buko.

So, you are saying that the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was done as an act of revenge on the behalf of China? Is that your position? Can you produce any documents supporting that claim?
The deaths of millions of innocent civilians lay at the feet of the japanese government. Are you denying that? That was the prelude to Hiroshima. Do you deny THAT?

It's clear you are afraid (or mentally incapable) of answering questions, but I'll try again anyway. Do you have any proof or documentation that the bombs were dropped as an act of revenge on behalf of China?
It's clear you don't understand cause and effect. Japan precipitated American involvement in WWII. And despite your inane rhetoric, nobody LIKES what happened as a result. Does that shock you? We didn't wan't it. We didn't want japan to start a war to support oriental fascism. Address THAT.
I have done no such thing. Military on both sides died in shocking numbers. The US military prevailed. Here's another question for you: Were the 200,000+ civilians incinerated by atomic bombs legitimate military targets? Is that what America's about?
DESPICABLE. It's vile. Germans bombed Coventry and it opened the door in Europe to mass indiscriminate bombings of civilians. Japan opened that door at Nanking slaughtering as many as 300,000 people at one time. In 1937. The japanese didn't give a feather or fig about civilians until Hiroshima. Then you show up as their national conscious? Rather late, buko.

So, you are saying that the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was done as an act of revenge on the behalf of China? Is that your position? Can you produce any documents supporting that claim?
The deaths of millions of innocent civilians lay at the feet of the japanese government. Are you denying that? That was the prelude to Hiroshima. Do you deny THAT?

It's clear you are afraid (or mentally incapable) of answering questions, but I'll try again anyway. Do you have any proof or documentation that the bombs were dropped as an act of revenge on behalf of China?
It's clear you don't understand cause and effect. Japan precipitated American involvement in WWII. And despite your inane rhetoric, nobody LIKES what happened as a result. Does that shock you? We didn't wan't it. We didn't want japan to start a war to support oriental fascism. Address THAT.

Do you seriously have a mental condition that prevents you from answering questions?
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DESPICABLE. It's vile. Germans bombed Coventry and it opened the door in Europe to mass indiscriminate bombings of civilians. Japan opened that door at Nanking slaughtering as many as 300,000 people at one time. In 1937. The japanese didn't give a feather or fig about civilians until Hiroshima. Then you show up as their national conscious? Rather late, buko.

So, you are saying that the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was done as an act of revenge on the behalf of China? Is that your position? Can you produce any documents supporting that claim?
The deaths of millions of innocent civilians lay at the feet of the japanese government. Are you denying that? That was the prelude to Hiroshima. Do you deny THAT?

It's clear you are afraid (or mentally incapable) of answering questions, but I'll try again anyway. Do you have any proof or documentation that the bombs were dropped as an act of revenge on behalf of China?
It's clear you don't understand cause and effect. Japan precipitated American involvement in WWII. And despite your inane rhetoric, nobody LIKES what happened as a result. Does that shock you? We didn't wan't it. We didn't want japan to start a war to support oriental fascism. Address THAT.

Do you have a mental condition that prevents you from answering questions?
Yes I do, it's called Unkartism. You now, ignore the obvious and split hairs and pretend to have a point long after somebody contradicted it. Sorry, it's catching.

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