"72 Percent of African-American Children Are Raised in Single Parent Homes"

Blacks bitch about being screwed over in, but they don't care to understand that one has to earn success. It isn't given to you.

It really doesn't really matter what race you're as being from a single family normally means poor and the typical black child grows up relying on their peers. Guess what, the peers within most black cities want to join gangs, don't respect education and want to be loose.

If you disagree prove it.

Why do you think they need to rely on their peers? They join gangs because they dont have the economic oppertunity to escape the ghettos in which they were born into. You would be singing a different tune if you were born into similar circumstances. Lets at least appear intelligent even if it escapes you on a daily basis.
Blacks bitch about being screwed over in, but they don't care to understand that one has to earn success. It isn't given to you.

It really doesn't really matter what race you're as being from a single family normally means poor and the typical black child grows up relying on their peers. Guess what, the peers within most black cities want to join gangs, don't respect education and want to be loose.

If you disagree prove it.

Why do you think they need to rely on their peers? They join gangs because they dont have the economic oppertunity to escape the ghettos in which they were born into. You would be singing a different tune if you were born into similar circumstances. Lets at least appear intelligent even if it escapes you on a daily basis.
Its got nothing to do with economics. Gang violence isnt rampant in poor white neighborhoods, or in poor Asian neighborhoods, which means there is only one explanation... Its a cultural problem in the black community. Not a color problem, but definitely a cultural problem.
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Blacks bitch about being screwed over in, but they don't care to understand that one has to earn success. It isn't given to you.

It really doesn't really matter what race you're as being from a single family normally means poor and the typical black child grows up relying on their peers. Guess what, the peers within most black cities want to join gangs, don't respect education and want to be loose.

If you disagree prove it.

Why do you think they need to rely on their peers? They join gangs because they dont have the economic oppertunity to escape the ghettos in which they were born into. You would be singing a different tune if you were born into similar circumstances. Lets at least appear intelligent even if it escapes you on a daily basis.


What the fuck can we do? Give out more free passes with AA and quota'ss? You're no republican, idiot. Get out of my party!

Whites can't force blacks to better themselves. They have to do it! We can only point out the problems to help direct them in the right direction.

Goddamn you're a joke.
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You're no republican, idiot. Get out of my party!

Your party?! Who the fuck are you kidding? There is no place for hateful, cowardly idiots like you in the Republican Party, you pathetic fool. Do not presume to belong where you very clearly do NOT.
You are one dangerously ignorant little shit if you don't think there are Asian street gangs, Irish street gangs, Russian street gangs, etc.

Get out of mommy's basement once in a while, kid.
You are one dangerously ignorant little shit if you don't think there are Asian street gangs, Irish street gangs, Russian street gangs, etc.

Get out of mommy's basement once in a while, kid.

Learn to read you stupid whore. At no point in this discussion did I say any such thing.
Pay attention kid: In any area with a concentration of poverty and hopelessness there will be attendant street crime, no matter what 'race' is living there. When you grow up and experience something - anything - about the world you will understand.
Pay attention kid: In any area with a concentration of poverty and hopelessness there will be attendant street crime, no matter what 'race' is living there. When you grow up and experience something - anything - about the world you will understand.

It's not a question of there being crime in poor communities, it's a question of why the amount of crime is incredibly disproportionate in poor BLACK communities. Should we pretend like it's not true in order to spare your fragile ego? How will that fix anything? As long as people like you exist, the problem will continue.
Pay attention kid: In any area with a concentration of poverty and hopelessness there will be attendant street crime, no matter what 'race' is living there. When you grow up and experience something - anything - about the world you will understand.

It's not a question of there being crime in poor communities, it's a question of why the amount of crime is incredibly disproportionate in poor BLACK communities.

Take out the word "black" and you've got a point. Leave it in and you've got an agenda. And you can't even understand why.
Did you ever think that the heads of these households were killed fighting the many wars this country starts.


although blacks account for 26% of Army troops, they make up a much smaller percentage of those in front-line combat units, the most likely to be killed or injured in a conventional war.
In all four military branches, black recruits tend to favor support jobs, from mechanic to unit administrator, over traditional combat slots such as infantryman or fighter pilot. That division of labor is well known within the armed forces.

USATODAY.com - Experts seek roots of military's racial makeup
They join gangs because they dont have the economic oppertunity to escape the ghettos in which they were born into.


You're right.

I wonder if we could level the playing field: Maybe giving poor minority students preferred entry into colleges and universities..............maybe we could subsidize their educational expenses.......:eusa_shifty:
Black men go around fucking one women after another. That needs to end and they need to show some resonability!

Can black men start caring for their families again?

It's approaching 40% with whites as well.
Black men go around fucking one women after another. That needs to end and they need to show some resonability!

Can black men start caring for their families again?

It's approaching 40% with whites as well.

Got a link?

The last time I checked it was around 25%. Both groups children that comes from single parent families face the same problems.
Blacks bitch about being screwed over in, but they don't care to understand that one has to earn success. It isn't given to you.

It really doesn't really matter what race you're as being from a single family normally means poor and the typical black child grows up relying on their peers. Guess what, the peers within most black cities want to join gangs, don't respect education and want to be loose.

If you disagree prove it.

Why do you think they need to rely on their peers? They join gangs because they dont have the economic oppertunity to escape the ghettos in which they were born into. You would be singing a different tune if you were born into similar circumstances. Lets at least appear intelligent even if it escapes you on a daily basis.
Its got nothing to do with economics. Gang violence isnt rampant in poor white neighborhoods, or in poor Asian neighborhoods, which means there is only one explanation... Its a cultural problem in the black community. Not a color problem, but definitely a cultural problem.

It has everything to do with economics!! holy hell Please enlighten us with some more of your blatant racism
Blacks bitch about being screwed over in, but they don't care to understand that one has to earn success. It isn't given to you.

It really doesn't really matter what race you're as being from a single family normally means poor and the typical black child grows up relying on their peers. Guess what, the peers within most black cities want to join gangs, don't respect education and want to be loose.

If you disagree prove it.

Why do you think they need to rely on their peers? They join gangs because they dont have the economic oppertunity to escape the ghettos in which they were born into. You would be singing a different tune if you were born into similar circumstances. Lets at least appear intelligent even if it escapes you on a daily basis.


What the fuck can we do? Give out more free passes with AA and quota'ss? You're no republican, idiot. Get out of my party!

Whites can't force blacks to better themselves. They have to do it! We can only point out the problems to help direct them in the right direction.

Goddamn you're a joke.

Ah yes I forgot you have to be a stupid racist fool to be a Republican.. You are no Republican; you're just a racist who destroys every value not only every Republicans but every American has worked to build since, Lincoln (Republican). Get out of my face with that stupid shit that I’m not a Republican because I'm not a fucking racist You dumb piece of shit

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