73 Teens Shot to Death in 37 Days Since Parkland School Shooting

"More than 187,000 students have been exposed to gun violence at school since Columbine. We owe them a better world.'
"83% of Americans support waiting periods for gun purchases, because we know that if someone needs a gun at once, it probably means trouble."
Right. And if I have to go through a waiting period to buy a gun for a crime, which is stupid once you examine it, why wouldn't I just use one of the guns I already have?

And in the words of the famous patriot Homer Simpson, "Five days? But I'm mad now!"

"I hope we can end gun violence. Action matters, but all the action in the world is only a Band-Aid if we don’t change hearts."
"I hope we can end gun violence. Action matters, but all the action in the world is only a Band-Aid if we don’t change hearts."
No one can change the heart of a determined killer. Someone (not you obviously) will have to kill them. I'll go work in the schools for min wage to protect kids. I am a good shot and not a coward. Not stupid either, If I see a shot I'll take it. if not I'll hole up in a classroom to protect the kids there. How about it?
99% of them were from inner city shitholes.
Where's Obama and Sharpton and the LIB MSM?
They busy jerking off on Stormy Daniels life size posters.
How many people have been murdered in Chicago since Jan.1?

And how many times will you have to repeat this until the Progressives give in and say.....

"Oh, ok....you're right, we'll back off on confiscating eveyone's guns." ?

10 times?
100 times ?
10,000 times?

The 2nd Amendment side has not accepted that facts don't matter.
ACTION is the only thing that will matter.
And ONLY THE GUN GRABBING LEFT is taking any action.

There ya have it folks. It's written in stone.
I`m not familiar with any progressive saying they wanted to confiscate everyone`s guns. You`re a liar and a tool of the gun/criminal lobby.
Ok then, put your money where your mouth is and explain to all of us liars and tools how banning only one semi auto rifle, the AR-15, will accomplish anything when so many other brands of rifles that do the same thing are available?
No, a total ban is what you all want, you just won't admit it. It's the old frog in the frying pan analogy.
Still waiting August West. It looks like the liar and the tool is sticking more to you then the person you accused of it. Why can't you answer the question?
"More than 187,000 students have been exposed to gun violence at school since Columbine. We owe them a better world.'
---------------------------------------- i say that they should grow up and cherish their RIGHTS and Freedoms BBro .
“1I don’t believe people should be able to own guns.”

President Barack Obama, during conversation with economist and author John Lott Jr. at the University of Chicago Law School in the 1990s

The high court struck down D.C.’s gun ban eight years ago, but the fight continues
99% of them were from inner city shitholes.
Where's Obama and Sharpton and the LIB MSM?
They busy jerking off on Stormy Daniels life size posters.
How many people have been murdered in Chicago since Jan.1?

And how many times will you have to repeat this until the Progressives give in and say.....

"Oh, ok....you're right, we'll back off on confiscating eveyone's guns." ?

10 times?
100 times ?
10,000 times?

The 2nd Amendment side has not accepted that facts don't matter.
ACTION is the only thing that will matter.
And ONLY THE GUN GRABBING LEFT is taking any action.

There ya have it folks. It's written in stone.
I`m not familiar with any progressive saying they wanted to confiscate everyone`s guns. You`re a liar and a tool of the gun/criminal lobby.
and if one watches the new on 'msnbc' there are many anti gun testimonials by 'veterans' and off duty police at these rallies that are working to disarm Americans .
-------------------------------------- well its true , i have never understood the blanket respect and adoration of anyone working to disarm Americans and now we have police [gov employees] and veterans [ex gov employees] working with widdle kids to DISARM Americans August .
stand with our kids, enough is enough, it’s time for real change. Ban large capacity magazines and assault type weapons.
1,000 marches for life today.
All because a few kids who were “too naive” to be afraid of politicians and “too young” to care how the system has worked for decades decided to stand up. This is what democracy looks like.
99% of them were from inner city shitholes.
Where's Obama and Sharpton and the LIB MSM?
They busy jerking off on Stormy Daniels life size posters.
How many people have been murdered in Chicago since Jan.1?

And how many times will you have to repeat this until the Progressives give in and say.....

"Oh, ok....you're right, we'll back off on confiscating eveyone's guns." ?

10 times?
100 times ?
10,000 times?

The 2nd Amendment side has not accepted that facts don't matter.
ACTION is the only thing that will matter.
And ONLY THE GUN GRABBING LEFT is taking any action.

There ya have it folks. It's written in stone.
I`m not familiar with any progressive saying they wanted to confiscate everyone`s guns. You`re a liar and a tool of the gun/criminal lobby.
Ok then, put your money where your mouth is and explain to all of us liars and tools how banning only one semi auto rifle, the AR-15, will accomplish anything when so many other brands of rifles that do the same thing are available?
No, a total ban is what you all want, you just won't admit it. It's the old frog in the frying pan analogy.
Still waiting August West. It looks like the liar and the tool is sticking more to you then the person you accused of it. Why can't you answer the question?
What benefits have military grade weapons brought to society? None. You may choose to be an ally of Cruz, Paddock, Holmes, etc. but I`m not. I grew up around hunters with shotguns and deer rifles and a few of them kept a hand gun or two at home. These people are secure enough in their manhood that they don`t need an A-R A-K whatever the fuck to feel manly. Perhaps they`ll regret it someday when a bus load of home invaders shows up at their doors.
well , they aren't military grade , they are clones or look alikes . And besides that fact Americans have the RIGHT to be armed in similar fashion to the American Combat infantry soldier with effective and efficient small Arms August ,
99% of them were from inner city shitholes.
Where's Obama and Sharpton and the LIB MSM?
They busy jerking off on Stormy Daniels life size posters.
How many people have been murdered in Chicago since Jan.1?

And how many times will you have to repeat this until the Progressives give in and say.....

"Oh, ok....you're right, we'll back off on confiscating eveyone's guns." ?

10 times?
100 times ?
10,000 times?

The 2nd Amendment side has not accepted that facts don't matter.
ACTION is the only thing that will matter.
And ONLY THE GUN GRABBING LEFT is taking any action.

There ya have it folks. It's written in stone.
I`m not familiar with any progressive saying they wanted to confiscate everyone`s guns. You`re a liar and a tool of the gun/criminal lobby.
Ok then, put your money where your mouth is and explain to all of us liars and tools how banning only one semi auto rifle, the AR-15, will accomplish anything when so many other brands of rifles that do the same thing are available?
No, a total ban is what you all want, you just won't admit it. It's the old frog in the frying pan analogy.
Still waiting August West. It looks like the liar and the tool is sticking more to you then the person you accused of it. Why can't you answer the question?
What benefits have military grade weapons brought to society? None. You may choose to be an ally of Cruz, Paddock, Holmes, etc. but I`m not. I grew up around hunters with shotguns and deer rifles and a few of them kept a hand gun or two at home. These people are secure enough in their manhood that they don`t need an A-R A-K whatever the fuck to feel manly. Perhaps they`ll regret it someday when a bus load of home invaders shows up at their doors.
--------------------------------- are you an 'english' subject August ??
99% of them were from inner city shitholes.
Where's Obama and Sharpton and the LIB MSM?
They busy jerking off on Stormy Daniels life size posters.
How many people have been murdered in Chicago since Jan.1?

And how many times will you have to repeat this until the Progressives give in and say.....

"Oh, ok....you're right, we'll back off on confiscating eveyone's guns." ?

10 times?
100 times ?
10,000 times?

The 2nd Amendment side has not accepted that facts don't matter.
ACTION is the only thing that will matter.
And ONLY THE GUN GRABBING LEFT is taking any action.

There ya have it folks. It's written in stone.
I`m not familiar with any progressive saying they wanted to confiscate everyone`s guns. You`re a liar and a tool of the gun/criminal lobby.
Ok then, put your money where your mouth is and explain to all of us liars and tools how banning only one semi auto rifle, the AR-15, will accomplish anything when so many other brands of rifles that do the same thing are available?
No, a total ban is what you all want, you just won't admit it. It's the old frog in the frying pan analogy.
Still waiting August West. It looks like the liar and the tool is sticking more to you then the person you accused of it. Why can't you answer the question?
What benefits have military grade weapons brought to society? None. You may choose to be an ally of Cruz, Paddock, Holmes, etc. but I`m not. I grew up around hunters with shotguns and deer rifles and a few of them kept a hand gun or two at home. These people are secure enough in their manhood that they don`t need an A-R A-K whatever the fuck to feel manly. Perhaps they`ll regret it someday when a bus load of home invaders shows up at their doors.
I live in hurricane zone. I keep an assault rifle and side arm for protection when the sub-human elements of society decide they want to take advantage of situation and loot,rape, and pillage. Let them try to aggress my position after the power is out.
well , they aren't military grade , they are clones or look alikes . And besides that fact Americans have the RIGHT to be armed in similar fashion to the American Combat infantry soldier with effective and efficient small Arms August ,
OH MY! You`ve found a new 2nd amendment! Way to go.
And how many times will you have to repeat this until the Progressives give in and say.....

"Oh, ok....you're right, we'll back off on confiscating eveyone's guns." ?

10 times?
100 times ?
10,000 times?

The 2nd Amendment side has not accepted that facts don't matter.
ACTION is the only thing that will matter.
And ONLY THE GUN GRABBING LEFT is taking any action.

There ya have it folks. It's written in stone.
I`m not familiar with any progressive saying they wanted to confiscate everyone`s guns. You`re a liar and a tool of the gun/criminal lobby.
Ok then, put your money where your mouth is and explain to all of us liars and tools how banning only one semi auto rifle, the AR-15, will accomplish anything when so many other brands of rifles that do the same thing are available?
No, a total ban is what you all want, you just won't admit it. It's the old frog in the frying pan analogy.
Still waiting August West. It looks like the liar and the tool is sticking more to you then the person you accused of it. Why can't you answer the question?
What benefits have military grade weapons brought to society? None. You may choose to be an ally of Cruz, Paddock, Holmes, etc. but I`m not. I grew up around hunters with shotguns and deer rifles and a few of them kept a hand gun or two at home. These people are secure enough in their manhood that they don`t need an A-R A-K whatever the fuck to feel manly. Perhaps they`ll regret it someday when a bus load of home invaders shows up at their doors.
I live in hurricane zone. I keep an assault rifle and side arm for protection when the sub-human elements of society decide they want to take advantage of situation and loot,rape, and pillage. Let them try to aggress my position after the power is out.
You not only live in a hurricane zone, you live in fear.
AGREE , but check out the old video of the cops disaeming American during Katrina B92 !!
"6-year-old is marching in London today carrying a sign with the names of the victims of the 2012 Sandy Hook massacre. "I am 6. So were they," the sign reads."

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