73 Teens Shot to Death in 37 Days Since Parkland School Shooting

well , they aren't military grade , they are clones or look alikes . And besides that fact Americans have the RIGHT to be armed in similar fashion to the American Combat infantry soldier with effective and efficient small Arms August ,
OH MY! You`ve found a new 2nd amendment! Way to go.
----------------------------------------- YOU just don't know what you talk about August . 2nd Amendment was put in place so that Americans could oppose tyranny foreign or domestic . We had just opposed the world Greatest military in the American Revolution and had run them off back to the OldWorld . And we Americans , farmers , shoemakers , yada , yada had used 'military weapons' of the time August .
Thoughts and prayers, nothing we can do.



I’m going to march in a bit. But talking to this lot is like trying to hold a conversation with jello. They cannot hear you. They do not care. This does not matter to them.

I will save my energy for better endeavors.

In other words, you don't actually give a shit about dead children unless it fits with your agenda of being able to virtue signal by expressing a politically correct point of view.

Why am I not surprised?
"6-year-old is marching in London today carrying a sign with the names of the victims of the 2012 Sandy Hook massacre. "I am 6. So were they," the sign reads."
--------------------------------- big deal and so what BBro ??
"It's time. It's time. It should've been done a long time ago, and these are the kids that are going to get it done," Parkland march participant says
I`m not familiar with any progressive saying they wanted to confiscate everyone`s guns. You`re a liar and a tool of the gun/criminal lobby.
Ok then, put your money where your mouth is and explain to all of us liars and tools how banning only one semi auto rifle, the AR-15, will accomplish anything when so many other brands of rifles that do the same thing are available?
No, a total ban is what you all want, you just won't admit it. It's the old frog in the frying pan analogy.
Still waiting August West. It looks like the liar and the tool is sticking more to you then the person you accused of it. Why can't you answer the question?
What benefits have military grade weapons brought to society? None. You may choose to be an ally of Cruz, Paddock, Holmes, etc. but I`m not. I grew up around hunters with shotguns and deer rifles and a few of them kept a hand gun or two at home. These people are secure enough in their manhood that they don`t need an A-R A-K whatever the fuck to feel manly. Perhaps they`ll regret it someday when a bus load of home invaders shows up at their doors.
I live in hurricane zone. I keep an assault rifle and side arm for protection when the sub-human elements of society decide they want to take advantage of situation and loot,rape, and pillage. Let them try to aggress my position after the power is out.
You not only live in a hurricane zone, you live in fear.
--------------------------------------------- sounds like he lives as a person that is Prepared . He may also have a fire extinguisher in the kitchen and a spare tire in his car August !!
"6-year-old is marching in London today carrying a sign with the names of the victims of the 2012 Sandy Hook massacre. "I am 6. So were they," the sign reads."
--------------------------------- big deal and so what BBro ??

it is a big deal. there's something going on out there. something's going on. they're gonna take away people's guns!
Remember, this is a country of over 320 million.

Since 2013, there have been 35 kids killed in SCHOOL shootings.
In that same span of time, there have been many hundreds of kids killed by heroin. But there won't be any marches on Washington, no Women's March involvement, no organized Democrat party protests.
I get the idea of March For Our Lives
But No march against bullying, mental illness-root causes of mass school shootings? Not 1 march where mainly blacks are shot & killed weekly in Dem run cities

No sanctuary cities march where illegals have killed Americans?
No, fear results from not having protection

Harvey is also displacing snakes, fire ants and gators

1992, NYT’s

Ben Mullins pointed first to the company's truck, which lay on its side on the far side of the highway, nestled against a metal pole. As he spoke of the good fortune of having survived the night, one of his relatives patted a black pouch beneath her arm and told Mr. Mullins's wife, LaVerne, that she had found her gun.

Looting had already started, and a police officer had come by earlier to tell the Mullinses to prepare to defend themselves. Huddled in a Fish Locker

HURRICANE ANDREW; Amid Wreckage, Survivors Tell Their Stories

More than 50 arrested for looting in Miami during Irma: police

Hurricane Sandy's darker side: Looting and other crime

I`m not familiar with any progressive saying they wanted to confiscate everyone`s guns. You`re a liar and a tool of the gun/criminal lobby.
Ok then, put your money where your mouth is and explain to all of us liars and tools how banning only one semi auto rifle, the AR-15, will accomplish anything when so many other brands of rifles that do the same thing are available?
No, a total ban is what you all want, you just won't admit it. It's the old frog in the frying pan analogy.
Still waiting August West. It looks like the liar and the tool is sticking more to you then the person you accused of it. Why can't you answer the question?
What benefits have military grade weapons brought to society? None. You may choose to be an ally of Cruz, Paddock, Holmes, etc. but I`m not. I grew up around hunters with shotguns and deer rifles and a few of them kept a hand gun or two at home. These people are secure enough in their manhood that they don`t need an A-R A-K whatever the fuck to feel manly. Perhaps they`ll regret it someday when a bus load of home invaders shows up at their doors.
I live in hurricane zone. I keep an assault rifle and side arm for protection when the sub-human elements of society decide they want to take advantage of situation and loot,rape, and pillage. Let them try to aggress my position after the power is out.
You not only live in a hurricane zone, you live in fear.
99% of them were from inner city shitholes.
Where's Obama and Sharpton and the LIB MSM?
They busy jerking off on Stormy Daniels life size posters.
How many people have been murdered in Chicago since Jan.1?

And how many times will you have to repeat this until the Progressives give in and say.....

"Oh, ok....you're right, we'll back off on confiscating eveyone's guns." ?

10 times?
100 times ?
10,000 times?

The 2nd Amendment side has not accepted that facts don't matter.
ACTION is the only thing that will matter.
And ONLY THE GUN GRABBING LEFT is taking any action.

There ya have it folks. It's written in stone.
I`m not familiar with any progressive saying they wanted to confiscate everyone`s guns. You`re a liar and a tool of the gun/criminal lobby.
Ok then, put your money where your mouth is and explain to all of us liars and tools how banning only one semi auto rifle, the AR-15, will accomplish anything when so many other brands of rifles that do the same thing are available?
No, a total ban is what you all want, you just won't admit it. It's the old frog in the frying pan analogy.
Still waiting August West. It looks like the liar and the tool is sticking more to you then the person you accused of it. Why can't you answer the question?
What benefits have military grade weapons brought to society? None. You may choose to be an ally of Cruz, Paddock, Holmes, etc. but I`m not. I grew up around hunters with shotguns and deer rifles and a few of them kept a hand gun or two at home. These people are secure enough in their manhood that they don`t need an A-R A-K whatever the fuck to feel manly. Perhaps they`ll regret it someday when a bus load of home invaders shows up at their doors.
That has nothing to do with what I asked you and you know it. How does banning one brand of rifle (AR-15) do anything when when many many others are available that can do the same thing? That was what I asked you, and you and I both know you will NEVER answer it. Also we don't have military grade weapons. Claiming so only shows how ignorant you are or what a liar you are.

Still waiting.....
"As a doctor, I see unpreventable tragedies that claim lives every day. I am marching because mass shootings do not belong on that list, and as a mom, I refuse to let my daughter grow up in a world where she has to live with that fear." - Karilyn
"As a doctor, I see unpreventable tragedies that claim lives every day. I am marching because mass shootings do not belong on that list, and as a mom, I refuse to let my daughter grow up in a world where she has to live with that fear." - Karilyn
As a doctor she's going to make certain she does all she can do to make her daughter grows up in a climate of fear and death.
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And how many times will you have to repeat this until the Progressives give in and say.....

"Oh, ok....you're right, we'll back off on confiscating eveyone's guns." ?

10 times?
100 times ?
10,000 times?

The 2nd Amendment side has not accepted that facts don't matter.
ACTION is the only thing that will matter.
And ONLY THE GUN GRABBING LEFT is taking any action.

There ya have it folks. It's written in stone.
I`m not familiar with any progressive saying they wanted to confiscate everyone`s guns. You`re a liar and a tool of the gun/criminal lobby.
Ok then, put your money where your mouth is and explain to all of us liars and tools how banning only one semi auto rifle, the AR-15, will accomplish anything when so many other brands of rifles that do the same thing are available?
No, a total ban is what you all want, you just won't admit it. It's the old frog in the frying pan analogy.
Still waiting August West. It looks like the liar and the tool is sticking more to you then the person you accused of it. Why can't you answer the question?
What benefits have military grade weapons brought to society? None. You may choose to be an ally of Cruz, Paddock, Holmes, etc. but I`m not. I grew up around hunters with shotguns and deer rifles and a few of them kept a hand gun or two at home. These people are secure enough in their manhood that they don`t need an A-R A-K whatever the fuck to feel manly. Perhaps they`ll regret it someday when a bus load of home invaders shows up at their doors.
That has nothing to do with what I asked you and you know it. How does banning one brand of rifle (AR-15) do anything when when many many others are available that can do the same thing? That was what I asked you, and you and I both know you will NEVER answer it. Also we don't have military grade weapons. Claiming so only shows how ignorant you are or what a liar you are.

Still waiting.....
Still waiting.....

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