76% of GOP Voters Believe Most Reporters Biased Against Trump

What's not to despise?

Lewd. Crude. Crass. Boorish. Ignorant. Arrogant. Unstable. Unreliable. Impractical. Emotional. Impulsive. Demagogic. Megalomaniacal. Lying. Dangerous.


Totally unfit for high office.

Small wonder that they hammer-away at The Creature 24 x 7.

If you honestly think about what you just said there, you will realize that you described Hillary Clinton almost perfectly.

The only thing you missed was: riding on her rapist impeached husband's claim to fame.
Close, anyway...

We had two very crappy choices on November 8, 2016.

1. Corrupt, sane competency

2. Corrupt, unstable incompetency

Unfortunately, 'corrupt sane competency' lost.

The lesser of two very great evils.

However, that apt description of one applies in-spades to He Who Must Not Be Named...

There's nothing "sane" about Hillary.
It's all relative... and, compared to The Creature, she comes off looking like the absolute epitome of mental stability...
What's not to despise?

Lewd. Crude. Crass. Boorish. Ignorant. Arrogant. Unstable. Unreliable. Impractical. Emotional. Impulsive. Demagogic. Megalomaniacal. Lying. Dangerous.


Totally unfit for high office.

Small wonder that they hammer-away at The Creature 24 x 7.
All you proved is that you're just as biased and petulant and stupid as the snowflakes in the media.
Mind your manners in the presence of your betters, pissant.
My "betters?" ROFL!
What's not to despise?

Lewd. Crude. Crass. Boorish. Ignorant. Arrogant. Unstable. Unreliable. Impractical. Emotional. Impulsive. Demagogic. Megalomaniacal. Lying. Dangerous.


Totally unfit for high office.

Small wonder that they hammer-away at The Creature 24 x 7.

If you honestly think about what you just said there, you will realize that you described Hillary Clinton almost perfectly.

The only thing you missed was: riding on her rapist impeached husband's claim to fame.
Close, anyway...

We had two very crappy choices on November 8, 2016.

1. Corrupt, sane competency

2. Corrupt, unstable incompetency

Unfortunately, 'corrupt sane competency' lost.

The lesser of two very great evils.

However, that apt description of one applies in-spades to He Who Must Not Be Named...

There's nothing "sane" about Hillary.
It's all relative... and, compared to The Creature, she comes off looking like the absolute epitome of mental stability...
You're delusional. Have you read about her behavior when she realized she was going to lose the election? She's notorious for swearing at her subordinates and throwing things.
Snowflakes love polls, but this one says the public thinks their news is fake.

Voters are still critical of the news coverage President Trump is getting and continue to believe most reporters are out to get him.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that only 34% of Likely U.S. Voters rate the media coverage of the president as good or excellent. Forty-four percent (44%) describe the coverage of Trump as poor. Both findings are up slightly from January just before Trump took office and are consistent with views of the media coverage of last year's Clinton. vs. Trump presidential campaign. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Fifty percent (50%) think most reporters are biased against the president, up two points from January. Just four percent (4%) think most reporters are biased in Trump's favor, a 12-point drop from the previous survey. Forty percent (40%) think the majority of reporters try to be fair and balanced, up from 31%.

76% of GOP voters would believe Trump if he said Melania was abducted by little green men from outer space. They would be making frantic phone calls to NASA to go out and find her.


As if FOX News and your right wing talk show hosts aren't biased--LOL


But WHY is CNN crushing Fox News in the ratings?
In Trump era, Rachel Maddow starts beating Fox News
The GOP That Failed
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What's not to despise?

Lewd. Crude. Crass. Boorish. Ignorant. Arrogant. Unstable. Unreliable. Impractical. Emotional. Impulsive. Demagogic. Megalomaniacal. Lying. Dangerous.


Totally unfit for high office.

Small wonder that they hammer-away at The Creature 24 x 7.

If you honestly think about what you just said there, you will realize that you described Hillary Clinton almost perfectly.

The only thing you missed was: riding on her rapist impeached husband's claim to fame.
Close, anyway...

We had two very crappy choices on November 8, 2016.

1. Corrupt, sane competency

2. Corrupt, unstable incompetency

Unfortunately, 'corrupt sane competency' lost.

The lesser of two very great evils.

However, that apt description of one applies in-spades to He Who Must Not Be Named...

There's nothing "sane" about Hillary.
It's all relative... and, compared to The Creature, she comes off looking like the absolute epitome of mental stability...
You're delusional. Have you read about her behavior when she realized she was going to lose the election? She's notorious for swearing at her subordinates and throwing things.
I agree that she's unstable.

I disagree that she's no better than Drumpf in that respect.

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