8 Days Into June And Many Americans Are Still Waiting For Food Stamp Money

If the economy is so great which I see people write about here all the time...
Why do we need so many people on food stamps.
Because too many folks don't make enough money at their low income jobs, so they qualify for food aid, and or unemployment, welfare..
This may come as a shock, but a lot of folks wanna work, but sorry you can't live on 10 or 12 bucks an hour.

Guess that's why cities like Seattle, New York won't let a Wal Mart open up because they don't wanna have to pick up the slack from a lot of companies that pay horseshit wages .

A lot of folks that get food aid are disabled, or ex military who can't work , support the troops remember that?

I know you aren't exactly expecting empathy from some of the people on here. That's just not going to happen. Hell, half the people complaining about food stamps on here probably think you can buy cigarettes and beer with them (legally).

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