8 Things Women Couldn't Do On The First Women's Equality Day In 1971 -- And 6 They Still Can't

Anti-choice pro-birth fanatics try to restrict women's access to abortion and contraceptives - and then condemn them for not wanting to deliver a baby that they don't want. One would think these fanatics would want women to have totally free access to contraceptives and all associated doctor visits - which would be much less costly to all concerned (both morally and financially).

It totally amazes me how little concern the anti-choice zealots have for the financial/mental/physical welfare of pregnant women who don't want babies for various reasons. These women should come first. According to Roe v. Wade - they do come first.

The Republican Taliban should wake up to the 21st century.
Anti-choice pro-birth fanatics try to restrict women's access to abortion and contraceptives - and then condemn them for not wanting to deliver a baby that they don't want. One would think these fanatics would want women to have totally free access to contraceptives and all associated doctor visits - which would be much less costly to all concerned (both morally and financially).

It totally amazes me how little concern the anti-choice zealots have for the financial/mental/physical welfare of pregnant women who don't want babies for various reasons. These women should come first. According to Roe v. Wade - they do come first.

The Republican Taliban should wake up to the 21st century.

You are a childish one aren't you? Are you capable of posting your opinion without the name calling? we've certainly established that you aren't able to back up your opinion by answering any questions.

I ask again. Do you believe a man should have the right to walk away from a child he doesn't want if the mother chooses to keep it?
Most women know the GOP neanderthals are stuck in the past.

GOP Poll: Women Think Republican Party Is 'Stuck In The Past'
Yeah cause to move forward we have to step on the heads of little babies.

Is that worse than you NaziCons abandoning them after they are born?

Black men , who are almost always Democrats, are far more likely to abandon their children than any other group out there. How you feel about them?

No it's not what I'm saying.

I'm saying that you have the freedom and right to believe and live your life as you choose. If you believe that life begins at conception then for heaven's sake you should never ever get an abortion. I personally would take you to the OB appointments and be in the hospital every minute until that new life enters this world. Then I would celebrate your new life.

However, you don't have the right to force other people to believe that and live that way.

You don't have the right to take that freedom from anyone else.

That's what I'm saying.

Freedom. It's not just for those who agree with you.

So, yes, you are in fact saying that even if I have the right to believe life begins at conception, I do not have the right to pursue policies that would be consistent with that view. I would, instead, have to allow people their choice (because it is private and I have no right to interfere) to commit what I see as murder.

Do you think the private choice to commit murder should be protected because it is private?

That is the point that she has been calling me stupid over for the last 2 days. She thinks the legal definition of murder should be up to each person's opinion.

Where is abortion legally defined as murder?
It is murder both ethically and in the literal sense, legally it's like getting your nails done in some states, and like having a kidney removed in other states.

Where in the world is a woman who gets an abortion tried for murder?
Your reading comprehension is not improving.
Republican anti-choice pro-birth fanatics have no moral standing in forcing and/or shaming a pregnant woman into giving birth to an unwanted baby.
Republican anti-choice pro-birth fanatics have no moral standing in forcing and/or shaming a pregnant woman into giving birth to an unwanted baby.
Let me get this straight. I have no moral standing to stop you from driving your car over a pedestrian walking across the street. He got in your "space" so he's fair game for you to kill, that about sum up your argument? Telling you it is wrong to kill someone for the crime of getting in your way has no moral standing?
Republican anti-choice pro-birth fanatics have no moral standing in forcing and/or shaming a pregnant woman into giving birth to an unwanted baby.

I ask again, what is your opinion of men having the right to just legally walk away from a child they do not want? Do you have the moral standing to tell them they "must support their child?"
Republican anti-choice pro-birth fanatics have no moral standing in forcing and/or shaming a pregnant woman into giving birth to an unwanted baby.

I ask again, what is your opinion of men having the right to just legally walk away from a child they do not want? Do you have the moral standing to tell them they "must support their child?"

I have noticed that once a man gets a woman pregnant, he loses all his reproductive freedom. Why shouldn't women?
Republican anti-choice pro-birth fanatics have no moral standing in forcing and/or shaming a pregnant woman into giving birth to an unwanted baby.

I ask again, what is your opinion of men having the right to just legally walk away from a child they do not want? Do you have the moral standing to tell them they "must support their child?"

I have noticed that once a man gets a woman pregnant, he loses all his reproductive freedom. Why shouldn't women?

Exactly. There is a moment of decision for both men and women - should I have sex. That moment of decision comes with risks and benefits. After the man decides to have sex, he gets the benefits and he faces the risks of being a father if he makes the woman pregnant. The same applies to women.

Are women children? Can they not accept the adult responsibilities that men must accept?
Where is abortion legally defined as murder?

Why can you be convicted of 2 counts of murder if you kill a pregnant woman?

If that's the case (and it is at times), we have a contradiction. Biologically there's no difference in a baby whether the mother decides to keep it or not.

So in cases like this why should it be considered a human in some situations (murder), but not a human in others (abortion)?

It doesn't add up.
Drunk driving is illegal. Drunk fucking is not.

Oh yes, this brings up another point .

If a man and a woman get drunk and have sex, the woman can later claim she was too drunk to consent and the man is then on the hook for rape even though he to was drunk enough to not be thinking straight.

Why is that Lakhota (ladies and gentleman that question is rhetorical because Lakhota is an absolute fraud and too cowardly to answer any question)
Where is abortion legally defined as murder?

Why can you be convicted of 2 counts of murder if you kill a pregnant woman?

If that's the case (and it is at times), we have a contradiction. Biologically there's no difference in a baby whether the mother decides to keep it or not.

So in cases like this why should it be considered a human in some situations (murder), but not a human in others (abortion)?
It doesn't add up.

There is of course no logical explanation for that discrepancy and Lakhota avoids any logical complaints about shim's positions like they were the plague.
Drunk driving is illegal. Drunk fucking is not.

Oh yes, this brings up another point .

If a man and a woman get drunk and have sex, the woman can later claim she was too drunk to consent and the man is then on the hook for rape even though he to was drunk enough to not be thinking straight.

Why is that Lakhota (ladies and gentleman that question is rhetorical because Lakhota is an absolute fraud and too cowardly to answer any question)

Because we must treat women like they are children.
Drunk driving is illegal. Drunk fucking is not.

Oh yes, this brings up another point .

If a man and a woman get drunk and have sex, the woman can later claim she was too drunk to consent and the man is then on the hook for rape even though he to was drunk enough to not be thinking straight.

Why is that Lakhota (ladies and gentleman that question is rhetorical because Lakhota is an absolute fraud and too cowardly to answer any question)

Because we must treat women like they are children.

Treating them like intelligent adults would be a nice change for the Republican Taliban.
Drunk driving is illegal. Drunk fucking is not.

Oh yes, this brings up another point .

If a man and a woman get drunk and have sex, the woman can later claim she was too drunk to consent and the man is then on the hook for rape even though he to was drunk enough to not be thinking straight.

Why is that Lakhota (ladies and gentleman that question is rhetorical because Lakhota is an absolute fraud and too cowardly to answer any question)

Because we must treat women like they are children.

Treating them like intelligent adults would be a nice change.

Intelligent adults (men) are held responsible for their decisions, even while drunk. Women, not so much.
Drunk driving is illegal. Drunk fucking is not.

Oh yes, this brings up another point .

If a man and a woman get drunk and have sex, the woman can later claim she was too drunk to consent and the man is then on the hook for rape even though he to was drunk enough to not be thinking straight.

Why is that Lakhota (ladies and gentleman that question is rhetorical because Lakhota is an absolute fraud and too cowardly to answer any question)

Because we must treat women like they are children.

Treating them like intelligent adults would be a nice change.

Intelligent adults (men) are held responsible for their decisions, even while drunk. Women, not so much.

Maybe that's because women are more vulnerable and more easily preyed upon.
Drunk driving is illegal. Drunk fucking is not.

Oh yes, this brings up another point .

If a man and a woman get drunk and have sex, the woman can later claim she was too drunk to consent and the man is then on the hook for rape even though he to was drunk enough to not be thinking straight.

Why is that Lakhota (ladies and gentleman that question is rhetorical because Lakhota is an absolute fraud and too cowardly to answer any question)

Because we must treat women like they are children.

Treating them like intelligent adults would be a nice change for the Republican Taliban.

If you wish to be treated like an intelligent adult , perhaps you should start behaving like one. For instance, there are at least 12 perfectly reasonable questions in this thread that I have asked you and you have avoided them like the plague because you KNOW you don't have any reasonable answers that back up your position. An "intelligent adult" would look at that and say "hey you know, you made a good point that I hadn't considered" rather than just running on to the next illogical rant.

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