8 Things Women Couldn't Do On The First Women's Equality Day In 1971 -- And 6 They Still Can't

Which political party tries hardest to limit/regulate/stifle female reproductive rights by undermining Roe v. Wade? Hint: it ain't Democrats.

There is a legitimate fundamental difference that you are ignoring. Millions of women agree that abortion kills a living human being and that it is not a reproductive rights issue.

Millions more disagree! What about the financial/mental/physical health of pregnant women? Righties don't seem to give a shit about that - or after a child is born. Why is that? Righties act like a pregnant woman is just an expendable incubator.

righties don't care about the health of pregnant women or the child? Because we don't kill the children? Are you freaking serious? And because we actually take care of our wives while they are pregnant instead of running away from responsibility?

how the heck does killing a child help take care of a pregnant woman?

You mean fetus. And how would you know about the financial/mental/physical health of pregnant women seeking an abortion without knowing them personally?

9 out of 10 women who seek an abortion do so because they were too stupid to be on birth control. That estimate may be low.

Now, here is my question for you. It is INCONTROVERTIBLE that an abortion is an invasive, and dangerous procedure that is UNHEALTHY for a woman to undergo.

So, if you TRULY were concerened with women's health you would be screaming at the top of your lungs "ladies , get on birth control, you don't want to go through an abortion"

But that is NOT your concern here.
Necessarily access an abortion.

This is among the more egregious examples of conservative authoritarianism, the right's hostility toward the privacy rights of women.

For more than 40 years, exhibiting blatant contempt for the Constitution and its case law, republican lawmakers have sought to afford the state the authority to compel a woman to have a child against her will, to completely disregard her right to individual liberty, allowing the state to interfere with the personal, private matters of free and private citizens.

That is a question of "when does life begin" not of "does a woman have a right to do with her body as she chooses"

How dishonest that you would pretend otherwise.

A simple law stating unequivocally when life begins for legal purposes would solve everything. Yet neither Democrats nor Republicans have passed such a law.

There are several problems with your statements.

It's not about when life begins. The supreme court ruled on the right to privacy. Women have the right to privately talk to their doctor and have medical procedures without the government or anyone else being involved or knowing about it. We have further enacted laws to protect people's privacy in medical situations. The HIPPA law is one of them.

If you want to follow the laws and constitution then you should not believe that you or anyone else has the right to invade a woman's privacy.

You may believe that life begins at conception. That's well and fine for you. No one should ever tell you that you have to believe otherwise.

In the same respect, I have the same right to not believe that life begins at conception.

Please tell me what life exists in an ectopic pregnancy?

Millions of people in this world don't believe as you do and we have that right to believe as we choose just like you do.

So why not be happy to live freely as you choose? Why do you have to force your beliefs on everyone else?

If I have the right to believe that life begins at conception, do I not then have the right to pursue policy that protects that life? Should I instead just say, "I believe this is a life, but your privacy is obviously much more important than protecting that life, so go ahead and do anything you want to because it is 'private.'"

Is that what you are trying to say?

No it's not what I'm saying.

I'm saying that you have the freedom and right to believe and live your life as you choose. If you believe that life begins at conception then for heaven's sake you should never ever get an abortion. I personally would take you to the OB appointments and be in the hospital every minute until that new life enters this world. Then I would celebrate your new life.

However, you don't have the right to force other people to believe that and live that way.

You don't have the right to take that freedom from anyone else.

That's what I'm saying.

Freedom. It's not just for those who agree with you.

totally agree. Freedom is for the children being killed for abortion too not just the ones you want to have it
All forms of birth control should be absolutely FREE to any woman who wants them - including any associated doctor visits. Totally FREE birth control.
All forms of birth control should be absolutely FREE to any woman who wants them - including any associated doctor visits. Totally FREE birth control.

New cars should be absolutely free to anyone who wants them.

Its not like they have to be paid for, just say "hey this person really needs this" and poof whoever built it will give it to them for free
Which political party tries hardest to limit/regulate/stifle female reproductive rights by undermining Roe v. Wade? Hint: it ain't Democrats.

There is a legitimate fundamental difference that you are ignoring. Millions of women agree that abortion kills a living human being and that it is not a reproductive rights issue.

Millions more disagree! What about the financial/mental/physical health of pregnant women? Righties don't seem to give a shit about that - or after a child is born. Why is that? Righties act like a pregnant woman is just an expendable incubator.

righties don't care about the health of pregnant women or the child? Because we don't kill the children? Are you freaking serious? And because we actually take care of our wives while they are pregnant instead of running away from responsibility?

how the heck does killing a child help take care of a pregnant woman?

You mean fetus. And how would you know about the financial/mental/physical health of pregnant women seeking an abortion without knowing them personally?

no. I mean the child. You do realize you are just trying to dehumanize the children you want dead just like those racists who used to justify their murders by calling people of other races derogatory names don't you?

it's better to hang a millstone around ones neck and sink to the bottom of the ocean than offend a little one
All forms of birth control should be absolutely FREE to any woman who wants them - including any associated doctor visits. Totally FREE birth control.

and free food and iPhones for anyone who wants them. Hell why pay for anything. Let's just take whatever we want from our neighbors and treat them like villians if they object
Which political party tries hardest to limit/regulate/stifle female reproductive rights by undermining Roe v. Wade? Hint: it ain't Democrats.

There is a legitimate fundamental difference that you are ignoring. Millions of women agree that abortion kills a living human being and that it is not a reproductive rights issue.

Millions more disagree! What about the financial/mental/physical health of pregnant women? Righties don't seem to give a shit about that - or after a child is born. Why is that? Righties act like a pregnant woman is just an expendable incubator.

righties don't care about the health of pregnant women or the child? Because we don't kill the children? Are you freaking serious? And because we actually take care of our wives while they are pregnant instead of running away from responsibility?

how the heck does killing a child help take care of a pregnant woman?

You mean fetus. And how would you know about the financial/mental/physical health of pregnant women seeking an abortion without knowing them personally?

no. I mean the child. You do realize you are just trying to dehumanize the children you want dead just like those racists who used to justify their murders by calling people of other races derogatory names don't you?

it's better to hang a millstone around ones neck and sink to the bottom of the ocean than offend a little one

Why don't you open adoption agencies beside what few abortion clinics are left?
All forms of birth control should be absolutely FREE to any woman who wants them - including any associated doctor visits. Totally FREE birth control.

and free food and iPhones for anyone who wants them. Hell why pay for anything. Let's just take whatever we want from our neighbors and treat them like villians if they object

You surprise me. I didn't know you were that stupid.
All forms of birth control should be absolutely FREE to any woman who wants them - including any associated doctor visits. Totally FREE birth control.

and free food and iPhones for anyone who wants them. Hell why pay for anything. Let's just take whatever we want from our neighbors and treat them like villians if they object

Of course eventually those who produce things are going to say "what the hell am I producing things for?" but hey until then "free stuff for everyone"

liberals can be so stupid sometimes.
All forms of birth control should be absolutely FREE to any woman who wants them - including any associated doctor visits. Totally FREE birth control.

and free food and iPhones for anyone who wants them. Hell why pay for anything. Let's just take whatever we want from our neighbors and treat them like villians if they object

You surprise me. I didn't know you were that stupid.

you are the stupid one

You just said "free birth control for everyone"

You do realize that nothing is actually free right? SOMEONE has to pay for it. Why do you think it shouldn't be the person who is actually using it?
Which political party tries hardest to limit/regulate/stifle female reproductive rights by undermining Roe v. Wade? Hint: it ain't Democrats.

There is a legitimate fundamental difference that you are ignoring. Millions of women agree that abortion kills a living human being and that it is not a reproductive rights issue.

Millions more disagree! What about the financial/mental/physical health of pregnant women? Righties don't seem to give a shit about that - or after a child is born. Why is that? Righties act like a pregnant woman is just an expendable incubator.

righties don't care about the health of pregnant women or the child? Because we don't kill the children? Are you freaking serious? And because we actually take care of our wives while they are pregnant instead of running away from responsibility?

how the heck does killing a child help take care of a pregnant woman?

You mean fetus. And how would you know about the financial/mental/physical health of pregnant women seeking an abortion without knowing them personally?

no. I mean the child. You do realize you are just trying to dehumanize the children you want dead just like those racists who used to justify their murders by calling people of other races derogatory names don't you?

it's better to hang a millstone around ones neck and sink to the bottom of the ocean than offend a little one

you do realize Lakhota IS a racist right? I mean in another thread shim went around for 2 days screaming **** at the top of shim's lungs.
All forms of birth control should be absolutely FREE to any woman who wants them - including any associated doctor visits. Totally FREE birth control.

and free food and iPhones for anyone who wants them. Hell why pay for anything. Let's just take whatever we want from our neighbors and treat them like villians if they object

All forms of birth control should be absolutely FREE to any woman who wants them - including any associated doctor visits. Totally FREE birth control.

Listen Missy, no one is stopping you from receiving free birth control. That's what the 1st Amendment is all about. "No." There, there's your free birth control.
All forms of birth control should be absolutely FREE to any woman who wants them - including any associated doctor visits. Totally FREE birth control.

Listen Missy, no one is stopping you from receiving free birth control. That's what the 1st Amendment is all about. "No." There, there's your free birth control.

swallowing is another free option.

All forms of birth control should be absolutely FREE to any woman who wants them - including any associated doctor visits. Totally FREE birth control.

and free food and iPhones for anyone who wants them. Hell why pay for anything. Let's just take whatever we want from our neighbors and treat them like villians if they object

You surprise me. I didn't know you were that stupid.

can't handle the facts eh?

you know what someone who is forced to labor to create something for another is, right?

a slave

why do you want slavery?
All forms of birth control should be absolutely FREE to any woman who wants them - including any associated doctor visits. Totally FREE birth control.

and free food and iPhones for anyone who wants them. Hell why pay for anything. Let's just take whatever we want from our neighbors and treat them like villians if they object

You surprise me. I didn't know you were that stupid.

can't handle the facts eh?

you know what someone who is forced to labor to create something for another is, right?

a slave

why do you want slavery?

Its quite simple really. If you've never earned anything in your life, you have no sense of what anything is worth. I have no doubt that in Lakhota's mind (and many other liberals) the fact that it costs them NOTHING for welfare and such means NO ONE paid for it.

It's like with children, gimme gimme gimme, but then when they get older and you put them on an allowance and what they have is what they have, suddenly they realize hey that money is hard to come by and they don't spend as much .
All forms of birth control should be absolutely FREE to any woman who wants them - including any associated doctor visits. Totally FREE birth control.

and free food and iPhones for anyone who wants them. Hell why pay for anything. Let's just take whatever we want from our neighbors and treat them like villians if they object

You surprise me. I didn't know you were that stupid.

you are the stupid one

You just said "free birth control for everyone"

You do realize that nothing is actually free right? SOMEONE has to pay for it. Why do you think it shouldn't be the person who is actually using it?

It's called logic. Totally free birth control, including any associated doctor visits, would be much less costly to all concerned and would greatly eliminate the entire abortion debate.
All forms of birth control should be absolutely FREE to any woman who wants them - including any associated doctor visits. Totally FREE birth control.

and free food and iPhones for anyone who wants them. Hell why pay for anything. Let's just take whatever we want from our neighbors and treat them like villians if they object

You surprise me. I didn't know you were that stupid.

you are the stupid one

You just said "free birth control for everyone"

You do realize that nothing is actually free right? SOMEONE has to pay for it. Why do you think it shouldn't be the person who is actually using it?

It's called logic. Totally free birth control, including any associated doctor visits, would be much less costly to all concerned and would greatly eliminate the entire abortion debate.

No it wouldn't and the next bit of logic you show will the first.

Answer this direct question. Do you understand that just because the government gives something to the end user that that does NOT mean that it was free?

Simple yes or no question

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