8 year old girl climbs Trump wall in 40 seconds

Do you think you could climb Trump's wall?

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Ladders aren't so hard to find.

Thirty foot tall ones, are.
There will be plenty when there is a need. Believe me.

Good. You seem to think they are invisible. So far illegals haven't invented the Romulan cloaking device. Let us know when they do.
I know and they are still getting by all the time right? A wall doesn't really change that they can't turn invisible.
As soon as this thing is done we'll probably have such a need for the labor we will be begging them to come over. haha

Proving yet again that you are a retard. Manual labor is going the way of the dodo bird. Automation is going to put all of those unskilled people out of work.
Then why waste time with the wall? Once there are no jobs they will go away.
Yeah, i used to do dynamics when I was a younger man. The most I could get though was about a three foot jump, and that was with WAAAYY better footing then these folks are going to get.

Tennis shoes will climb the rail but that crouch and thrust up, chances are you'd lose traction....ugly fall for you and the guy you land on.
Juan carries a 50 foot rope in his backpack

his group of illegal aliens get to the FENCE Trump built

they form a human ladder to the top

rope is thrown to the guy on top, he throws half the rope over, goes down it, ties the end to the bottom of the FENCE-

1 rope and some team work .


RW's think the rest of the world is as damn dumb as they are
There sure are lots of ways to beat a wall. It is 2019 after all.

not if youre rock f'n dumb RW's ---

pathetic aint they - :auiqs.jpg:

the morons are trying to figure out how to jump it - :laughing0301:
Probably be a lot of these made:
As soon as this thing is done we'll probably have such a need for the labor we will be begging them to come over. haha

Proving yet again that you are a retard. Manual labor is going the way of the dodo bird. Automation is going to put all of those unskilled people out of work.
Then why waste time with the wall? Once there are no jobs they will go away.

Because having the wall is a good idea. That's why.
Trump claimed his silly wall couldn't be climbed, even by the top mountain climbers. I guess nobody told this 8 year old girl it couldn't be done.

Trump Boasted That His Border Wall Was 'Virtually Impenetrable.' Then an 8-Year-Old Girl Climbed a Replica
Don't See Spikes At The Top
Or 5x Rows Of Razor Ribbon
So Neither She Or Her Instructor Climbed Over A Replica
Here's The Wall In Arizona:

View attachment 284114

Those additions are not part of the replacement fence that is being built
Doesn't matter if I can climb it. It was sold as unclimbable. That just isn't the case.
No one ever sold it is unclimbable. That is total bullshit as always. The very best prisons are broken out of, the very best walls, scaled. The point is that you are not going to get over it unless you are young, fit, very determined, and make a concerted effort likely with some sort of big ladder or other special gear or help. Or you will try digging under it.

Women and children and older men won't be getting over it. It will take planned, organized effort and hordes of caravans are not going to just waltz in. Meantime, while they are doing all that, they will be spotted by a camera or passing patrol. Personally I don't like the design, I would have gone another way, at least 5 feet taller too, but I realize there is an economy here, and part of that is the trouble Trump has had getting the Congress to give him the funding he needs.

So if the wall is climbable by 1-5% of the attempted illegal invaders, you can lay the blame squarely at the feet of the Democrats, for had they allocated the 20B, Trump could have certainly gone deluxe.

Somebody should tell Trump about that. He said it can't be climbed.
and really, if you thing a fence is going to solve anything, you're beyond debating anything

20 years ago could have probably done it with no gear

Are you Tarzan?

nope, just very agile. though it is hard to judge how think the solid part is at the top, that could change things

It's 6 feet of solid steel at the top. No one I know could do a dynamic over that. No one in the world.

I did not look that thick. that does change things for sure.
You mean the steel slats are filled with concrete and rebar?

You betcha...that's why a metal cutter alone can't get through....have to have a masonry blade, then switch back to the metal cutter for the rebar encased in concrete. Trump + Army Corps of Engineers....nobody's fools.
Nope, simple diamond blade will go through that like butter.
Doesn't matter if I can climb it. It was sold as unclimbable. That just isn't the case.
I think they have ladders in Mexico...
FFS ... what maroons.

How many ILLEGAL immigrants do you expect to get over, around, under, or through it, Nutjobs?

Sheesh. There is no intelligent life on the American left. None.

A more appropriate question would be how many do you think it will stop? A dozen? Two dozen?
see post #8

no way to



errrrr uh,



to be a f'n dumb as a Trumpdrone ....
Trump claimed his silly wall couldn't be climbed, even by the top mountain climbers. I guess nobody told this 8 year old girl it couldn't be done.

Trump Boasted That His Border Wall Was 'Virtually Impenetrable.' Then an 8-Year-Old Girl Climbed a Replica
View attachment 283807

Did you even watch the video, BULLSHIT? The girl climbs the wall by grasping the side of the top panel. That won't work when sections of the wall are welded together. I watched her think about doing a dyno...totally bailing on that and climbing up the side of the top panel. All of which proves to me that the design is a good one.

I agree the design sucks, but no, the sections aren't welded together. Somebody should mention that to Trump.

Yes, they are dumbass!

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