8 year old girl climbs Trump wall in 40 seconds

Do you think you could climb Trump's wall?

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20 years ago could have probably done it with no gear

Are you Tarzan?

nope, just very agile. though it is hard to judge how think the solid part is at the top, that could change things

It's 6 feet of solid steel at the top. No one I know could do a dynamic over that. No one in the world.

except those guys


The solution is to end the welfare magnet which draws them here. As usual, Trump is wrong on the issue.

That wall's gonna keep you in. History is ripe with example.
The real question is whY do you progressive nazi morons hate the american working classes and the homeless
Why won't California fund their own homeless shelters? That's better and less stupid question.

If Gavin Newsom and the a-holes in the California legislature did half as good a job of taking care of the millions of free loaders and illegals that flock to that state due to it's inducements and generous give away programs as it does attracting them they wouldn't need hand outs themselves or any help at all.

And San Francisco and LA wouldn't be inundated with drug needles, human feces and
all sorts of sick, disease ridden, mentally ill homeless people.

Thanks for you instructive leftist thinking. People would do well not to imitate it.

So you can not defend your supposed to be impenetrable wall you comfortably switch to homeless.

Is the homeless and the wall related?
20 years ago could have probably done it with no gear

Are you Tarzan?

nope, just very agile. though it is hard to judge how think the solid part is at the top, that could change things

It's 6 feet of solid steel at the top. No one I know could do a dynamic over that. No one in the world.

except those guys



I don't see him on top. Got a view of that?
Doesn't matter if I can climb it. It was sold as unclimbable. That just isn't the case.
I think they have ladders in Mexico...
FFS ... what maroons.

How many ILLEGAL immigrants do you expect to get over, around, under, or through it, Nutjobs?

Sheesh. There is no intelligent life on the American left. None.

A more appropriate question would be how many do you think it will stop? A dozen? Two dozen?

You're admitting it might stop two dozen or more? That's progress!
Why not? That's what you conservative types think about gun control legislation isn't it?

Big yawn.
Afraid to answer that one?

You're labeling me like some copy paste conservative in an effort to divert the conversation into a gun control debate. You have no idea about my specific opinions on firearms and it's off-topic. You are the one changing goal posts and refusing to give straight answers. A wall would mitigate illegal crossing to some extent. You disagree?
That's nice.

You are still dodging my question though.
Doesn't matter if I can climb it. It was sold as unclimbable. That just isn't the case.
I think they have ladders in Mexico...
FFS ... what maroons.

How many ILLEGAL immigrants do you expect to get over, around, under, or through it, Nutjobs?

Sheesh. There is no intelligent life on the American left. None.

A more appropriate question would be how many do you think it will stop? A dozen? Two dozen?

You're admitting it might stop two dozen or more? That's progress!

I really doubt it will stop that many, but it might slow them down a few seconds.
20 years ago could have probably done it with no gear

Are you Tarzan?

nope, just very agile. though it is hard to judge how think the solid part is at the top, that could change things

It's 6 feet of solid steel at the top. No one I know could do a dynamic over that. No one in the world.

except those guys



I don't see him on top. Got a view of that?

aint no way in hell juan aint going over the top after walking 1500 miles -

theres your DYNANIC !
1. She used the edge of the wall from what I saw, right? Not many edges out there, right?

2. How many fatass adults do you think can do that?

3. Listen up dipshits: that wall does not prevent every single illegal from getting in, it just makes it a lot harder, to the point where some will give up and try the legal entry point, or find another way in. Barriers can be defeated; maybe they install barbed wire up there, or motion detector cameras or something. Maybe electrify the thing and give miscreants a couple hundred volts. Anybody want to try that thing wearing gloves?

1. Ladder would be easier. Let say 8 of these illegals carry sectional ladder then assemble them with a rope next to that wall. Then rope to climb down the other side. How difficult is that? Amigo.

2. Well there are millions and millions of illegals that are not fat because they can’t afford good food like us.

3. You can go over, under or around your sexy wall..Electric wall? That is not going to happen. They can dig half a mile of tunnel. How difficult is that to dig 6 feet tunnel with lets say 8 illegals and 2 shovels?
This topic just proved Mexicans are smarter than Trump supporters. :lol:


"Gosh, no one's smart enough to get over that!"

Only that's not what has been said. The wall is merely a "force multiplier" I understand that that is a concept far beyond your limited thinking capacity, but that is its purpose.

That's exactly what has been said
Why not? That's what you conservative types think about gun control legislation isn't it?

Big yawn.
Afraid to answer that one?

Gun control doesn’t work moron. Guns save more lives then they take libtard. Criminals will always get guns not matter what. You don’t know shit about guns and that’s not the fence they are putting up. So you sound as stupid as your libtard friends.

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That's it, parrot the talking points.

Good meatpuppet.

And thanks for making my point.
1. She used the edge of the wall from what I saw, right? Not many edges out there, right?

2. How many fatass adults do you think can do that?

3. Listen up dipshits: that wall does not prevent every single illegal from getting in, it just makes it a lot harder, to the point where some will give up and try the legal entry point, or find another way in. Barriers can be defeated; maybe they install barbed wire up there, or motion detector cameras or something. Maybe electrify the thing and give miscreants a couple hundred volts. Anybody want to try that thing wearing gloves?

Not to mention the wall will always be patrolled by Border Patrol Agents, drones, and cameras.

But these idiots try to use this argument that if a few people break the law, then the law “doesn’t work” and therefore just get rid of it.
The left doesn't give a flying fuck about anyone but themselves. Who they decide to use as a political pawn or useful idiot changes with the direction of the wind.
That's a stupid comment

It's the truth.
All they care about is money and power while they lie in campaign promises that they never keep.

I thought Trump promised Mexican will pay for the wall. What am I missing? Hombre.
They have paid for it with tariffs and jobs taken away. It still needs to be allocated funds by Congress either way.

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