8 Years of Trump Tax Returns Are Subpoenaed by Manhattan D.A.

This is interesting, eh?

8 Years of Trump Tax Returns Are Subpoenaed by Manhattan D.A.

"State prosecutors in Manhattan have subpoenaed President Trump’s accounting firm to demand eight years of his personal and corporate tax returns, according to several people with knowledge of the matter.
The subpoena opens a new front in a wide-ranging effort to obtain copies of the president’s tax returns, which Mr. Trump initially said he would make public during the 2016 campaign but has since refused to disclose.
The subpoena was issued by the Manhattan district attorney’s office late last month, soon after it opened a criminal investigation into the role that the president and his family business played in hush-money payments made in the run-up to the election."
Do you know if this is part of a civil or criminal prosecution?

If the state of New York goes after Trump's kids in a criminal prosecution, we will all see the Mother of all Meltdowns in the Oval Office long before November 2020.
This is interesting, eh?

8 Years of Trump Tax Returns Are Subpoenaed by Manhattan D.A.

"State prosecutors in Manhattan have subpoenaed President Trump’s accounting firm to demand eight years of his personal and corporate tax returns, according to several people with knowledge of the matter.
The subpoena opens a new front in a wide-ranging effort to obtain copies of the president’s tax returns, which Mr. Trump initially said he would make public during the 2016 campaign but has since refused to disclose.
The subpoena was issued by the Manhattan district attorney’s office late last month, soon after it opened a criminal investigation into the role that the president and his family business played in hush-money payments made in the run-up to the election."
Do you know if this is part of a civil or criminal prosecution?

If the state of New York goes after Trump's kids in a criminal prosecution, we will all see the Mother of all Meltdowns in the Oval Office long before November 2020.
Criminal..an investigation into Cohen and the Stormy payout--crime alleged to be about campaign funds and perjury.

It's in the article linked.
This is interesting, eh?

8 Years of Trump Tax Returns Are Subpoenaed by Manhattan D.A.

"State prosecutors in Manhattan have subpoenaed President Trump’s accounting firm to demand eight years of his personal and corporate tax returns, according to several people with knowledge of the matter.
The subpoena opens a new front in a wide-ranging effort to obtain copies of the president’s tax returns, which Mr. Trump initially said he would make public during the 2016 campaign but has since refused to disclose.
The subpoena was issued by the Manhattan district attorney’s office late last month, soon after it opened a criminal investigation into the role that the president and his family business played in hush-money payments made in the run-up to the election."
Course this is old news.
Old News.
If you keep repeating it....maybe people will think it's breaking news.

No , it new news.
No....it old news.
I've been hearing about this shit for months.
This is interesting, eh?

8 Years of Trump Tax Returns Are Subpoenaed by Manhattan D.A.

"State prosecutors in Manhattan have subpoenaed President Trump’s accounting firm to demand eight years of his personal and corporate tax returns, according to several people with knowledge of the matter.
The subpoena opens a new front in a wide-ranging effort to obtain copies of the president’s tax returns, which Mr. Trump initially said he would make public during the 2016 campaign but has since refused to disclose.
The subpoena was issued by the Manhattan district attorney’s office late last month, soon after it opened a criminal investigation into the role that the president and his family business played in hush-money payments made in the run-up to the election."
Do you know if this is part of a civil or criminal prosecution?

If the state of New York goes after Trump's kids in a criminal prosecution, we will all see the Mother of all Meltdowns in the Oval Office long before November 2020.

The subpoena was issued after prosecutors opened a criminal probe into the role Trump and the company played in the hush-money payment to adult film star Stormy Daniels, who says she had an affair with Trump
Manhattan Prosecutors Subpoena 8 Years of Trump’s Tax Returns
This is interesting, eh?

8 Years of Trump Tax Returns Are Subpoenaed by Manhattan D.A.

"State prosecutors in Manhattan have subpoenaed President Trump’s accounting firm to demand eight years of his personal and corporate tax returns, according to several people with knowledge of the matter.
The subpoena opens a new front in a wide-ranging effort to obtain copies of the president’s tax returns, which Mr. Trump initially said he would make public during the 2016 campaign but has since refused to disclose.
The subpoena was issued by the Manhattan district attorney’s office late last month, soon after it opened a criminal investigation into the role that the president and his family business played in hush-money payments made in the run-up to the election."
Do you know if this is part of a civil or criminal prosecution?

If the state of New York goes after Trump's kids in a criminal prosecution, we will all see the Mother of all Meltdowns in the Oval Office long before November 2020.

The subpoena was issued after prosecutors opened a criminal probe into the role Trump and the company played in the hush-money payment to adult film star Stormy Daniels, who says she had an affair with Trump
Manhattan Prosecutors Subpoena 8 Years of Trump’s Tax Returns
The subpoena was issued after prosecutors opened a criminal probe into the role Trump and the company played in the hush-money payment to adult film star Stormy Daniels, who says she had an affair with Trump
Manhattan Prosecutors Subpoena 8 Years of Trump’s Tax Returns
Your link:

"A spokesman for Manhattan D.A. Cyrus Vance Jr. declined to confirm or comment on the subpoena, which was first reported by The New York Times."

Vance is a NY Democrat who has been reluctant to take on a rich real estate speculator in the past as this post from David Cay Johnston reveals:

How to Make Trump's Tax Returns Public | DCReport.org

"On June 14 (2018), the New York State attorney general, Barbara Underwood, filed a civil complaint against President Trump and his three oldest children, accusing them of 'persistently illegal conduct' in using the Donald J. Trump Foundation as 'little more than a checkbook for payments from Mr. Trump or his businesses to nonprofits, regardless of their purpose or legality.'

"Ms. Underwood believes there is abundant evidence to bring criminal charges against Mr. Trump as well...."

"Ms. Underwood sent those letters, at the same time she filed the civil complaint, because New York state law does not grant her automatic authority to initiate criminal investigations..."

"The attorney general could, however, easily gain that authority.

"All that’s needed is for Gov. Andrew Cuomo, the New York State Police or the state Department of Taxation and Finance to make a request, and the authority would be granted to her.

"Criminal jurisdiction also rests with Cyrus Vance Jr., the Manhattan district attorney.

"Mr. Vance has shown no interest, so far, in investigating other complaints against Mr. Trump."

Vance and Cuomo (who took $66,000 from Trump during his last campaign) probably have good political reasons for slow-walking ALL potential criminal prosecutions of New York real estate speculators?
It will be interesting when Trump's attorneys tell the democrats to prove that they need them.
The granting of the supeana requires that proof need already be shown.....This is a Grand Jury supeana...it has some teeth.
Also, even if the records are examined...it is all under grand jury seal. The public won't get a sniff...
How long before the information is leaked?
I'm not saying the prosecutors would, but the help? Someone can get mighty rich here.
It happens..but not as often as you might think. Leaking is a felony...and years in prison.
Why is Comey free? And others?
This is interesting, eh?

8 Years of Trump Tax Returns Are Subpoenaed by Manhattan D.A.

"State prosecutors in Manhattan have subpoenaed President Trump’s accounting firm to demand eight years of his personal and corporate tax returns, according to several people with knowledge of the matter.
The subpoena opens a new front in a wide-ranging effort to obtain copies of the president’s tax returns, which Mr. Trump initially said he would make public during the 2016 campaign but has since refused to disclose.
The subpoena was issued by the Manhattan district attorney’s office late last month, soon after it opened a criminal investigation into the role that the president and his family business played in hush-money payments made in the run-up to the election."
Do you know if this is part of a civil or criminal prosecution?

If the state of New York goes after Trump's kids in a criminal prosecution, we will all see the Mother of all Meltdowns in the Oval Office long before November 2020.
Criminal..an investigation into Cohen and the Stormy payout--crime alleged to be about campaign funds and perjury.

It's in the article linked.
Trump may be a bumbling fool, but he finds some good lawyers.

8 Years of Trump Tax Returns Are Subpoenaed by Manhattan D.A.

"Congressional Democrats have taken an aggressive approach, subpoenaing six years of Mr. Trump’s tax returns from the Treasury Department, as well as personal and corporate financial records from Deutsche Bank, Capital One and Mazars USA.

"The president has fought back to keep his finances under wraps, challenging the subpoenas in federal court. He has also sued to block a New York State law, passed this year, that authorized state officials to provide his state tax returns in response to certain congressional inquiries.

"By tying up the requests in court, Mr. Trump’s team has made it diminishingly likely that Democrats in Washington will get the chance to review them before the election next year."
(1) The tax records will not be produced.

(2) Nothing will come of it.

(3) This is not how criminal investigations are done. FIRST you find evidence of a crime, THEN, if you have reasonable cause to believe that evidence against a particular possible perpetrator will be found in a certain place, you convince a judge to give you a search warrant. THEN you search. You do NOT demand all records and start looking for criminal activity. Doesn't work that way.

(4) The whole case is preposterous. EVEN ASSUMING ALL THEIR DREAMS ARE TRUE, in order for this to be an "illegal campaign contribution," it must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt that the purpose of the hush money was political gain. This is total nonsense. At the time, Trump - along with everyone else in the country - KNEW that he was never going to be President. The theory that Trump spent this money to help him win the Presidency is preposterous. The hush money was paid out entirely to avoid marital discord and embarrassment. And if you don't believe me, ask yourself this: Would it be possible to get 12 jurors in the United States to conclude UNANIMOUSLY that the purpose of the payment was POLITICAL????? Answer is too obvious to type.

(5) The remedy for an illegal campaign contribution is to have the Campaign GIVE IT BACK to the donor, and assess a fine. Not jail time. WGAS?

(6) I wonder if Cyrus Vance gets death threats. He deserves them.
This is interesting, eh?

8 Years of Trump Tax Returns Are Subpoenaed by Manhattan D.A.

"State prosecutors in Manhattan have subpoenaed President Trump’s accounting firm to demand eight years of his personal and corporate tax returns, according to several people with knowledge of the matter.
The subpoena opens a new front in a wide-ranging effort to obtain copies of the president’s tax returns, which Mr. Trump initially said he would make public during the 2016 campaign but has since refused to disclose.
The subpoena was issued by the Manhattan district attorney’s office late last month, soon after it opened a criminal investigation into the role that the president and his family business played in hush-money payments made in the run-up to the election."

Are you expecting them to be for public consumption?


They'll be leaked to the Press.
It will be interesting when Trump's attorneys tell the democrats to prove that they need them.
The granting of the supeana requires that proof need already be shown.....This is a Grand Jury supeana...it has some teeth.
Also, even if the records are examined...it is all under grand jury seal. The public won't get a sniff...
How long before the information is leaked?
I'm not saying the prosecutors would, but the help? Someone can get mighty rich here.
It happens..but not as often as you might think. Leaking is a felony...and years in prison.
Unless you are comey.
It will be interesting when Trump's attorneys tell the democrats to prove that they need them.
The granting of the supeana requires that proof need already be shown.....This is a Grand Jury supeana...it has some teeth.
Also, even if the records are examined...it is all under grand jury seal. The public won't get a sniff...
Yeah. Right.
(1) The tax records will not be produced.

(2) Nothing will come of it.

(3) This is not how criminal investigations are done. FIRST you find evidence of a crime, THEN, if you have reasonable cause to believe that evidence against a particular possible perpetrator will be found in a certain place, you convince a judge to give you a search warrant. THEN you search. You do NOT demand all records and start looking for criminal activity. Doesn't work that way.

(4) The whole case is preposterous. EVEN ASSUMING ALL THEIR DREAMS ARE TRUE, in order for this to be an "illegal campaign contribution," it must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt that the purpose of the hush money was political gain. This is total nonsense. At the time, Trump - along with everyone else in the country - KNEW that he was never going to be President. The theory that Trump spent this money to help him win the Presidency is preposterous. The hush money was paid out entirely to avoid marital discord and embarrassment. And if you don't believe me, ask yourself this: Would it be possible to get 12 jurors in the United States to conclude UNANIMOUSLY that the purpose of the payment was POLITICAL????? Answer is too obvious to type.

(5) The remedy for an illegal campaign contribution is to have the Campaign GIVE IT BACK to the donor, and assess a fine. Not jail time. WGAS?

(6) I wonder if Cyrus Vance gets death threats. He deserves them.
This is not how criminal investigations are done. FIRST you find evidence of a crime, THEN, if you have reasonable cause to believe that evidence against a particular possible perpetrator will be found in a certain place, you convince a judge to give you a search warrant. THEN you search. You do NOT demand all records and start looking for criminal activity. Doesn't work that way.
What clue concerning the commission of a crime does Michael Cohen's conviction provide, Sherlock?

Born To Run The Numbers: BTRTN: When Donald Trump Became "Individual 1"
Why is he not showing them like many times he said he would??

This is really silly. Of all the worthless, nit noid campaign crap to be worked up over, tax returns??

Remember that Obama's IRS was auditing Trump, so if there was anything at all they might find that was even the slightest off, it would have been leaked, and we all have heard about it.

Besides, when have we ever learned anything useful, from a candidate releasing their tax returns?

President George H. W. Bush - We found out he donated almost 62% of his income to charity.

Clinton - We found out he deducted $2 for clothes he donated to Goodwill, and his opponents used it to call him a money grubbing cheapskate.

Gore - We found out we donates a tiny amount to charity, and his opponents used it to call him a hypocrite and a money grubbing cheapskate.

Obama - We learned he used every deduction allowed so he would pay less percentage in taxes

Romney - We found out he put alot of money in an IRA, and has an two story elevator, and his opponents used it to call him so rich that he was out of touch.

We never learn anything of any value, ever. It's all just a distraction, because political candidates hope to find something to nip at the heels of their opponents, and embarrass them.

More often than not, releasing tax returns is something that career politicians demand, since their paychecks are almost all public salary, and they have boring, uninteresting returns.

It's the financial reports of members of the US Congress, whose personal incomes and those of their family, which always seem to mysteriously balloon, making them filthy rich, once they take office.
We will learn who he is indebted to. Russia, and the Saudis, and learn where he has been enriching himself, although we already know.

I suspect he blew all his money and was deeply in debt when he rode on fumes into Washington.
We will learn who he is indebted to. Russia, and the Saudis, and learn where he has been enriching himself, although we already know.

I suspect he blew all his money and was deeply in debt when he rode on fumes into Washington.

If that's true




Sen. Tim Kaine, D-Va., speaks with Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., as they walk to the Senate floor, Thursday, Feb. 8, 2018, at Capitol Hill in Washington. (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana) more >
Sen. Mark Warner texted with lobbyist with Russian ties to get in touch with dossier author: Report
By Sally Persons - The Washington Times - Friday, February 9, 2018
Sen. Mark Warner reportedly was in contact with a Russian oligarch last year in an attempt to contact the former British intelligence agent behind the Trump dossier, Fox News reported late Thursday.

Mr. Warner, Virginia Democrat, was in contact with lobbyist Adam Waldman, who had ties to Russian billionaire Oleg V. Deripaska, to try and connect with Christopher Steele, the author of the dossier. Mr. Waldman apparently said he could put Mr. Warner in touch with Mr. Steele, according to text messages
We will learn who he is indebted to. Russia, and the Saudis, and learn where he has been enriching himself, although we already know.

I suspect he blew all his money and was deeply in debt when he rode on fumes into Washington.

If that's true




Sen. Tim Kaine, D-Va., speaks with Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., as they walk to the Senate floor, Thursday, Feb. 8, 2018, at Capitol Hill in Washington. (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana) more >
Sen. Mark Warner texted with lobbyist with Russian ties to get in touch with dossier author: Report
By Sally Persons - The Washington Times - Friday, February 9, 2018
Sen. Mark Warner reportedly was in contact with a Russian oligarch last year in an attempt to contact the former British intelligence agent behind the Trump dossier, Fox News reported late Thursday.

Mr. Warner, Virginia Democrat, was in contact with lobbyist Adam Waldman, who had ties to Russian billionaire Oleg V. Deripaska, to try and connect with Christopher Steele, the author of the dossier. Mr. Waldman apparently said he could put Mr. Warner in touch with Mr. Steele, according to text messages

Democratic ties to Russia are ample, and often ethically dubious

A Washington lobbying/consulting firm, the Podesta Group, founded by Obama adviser and Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta and his brother, lobbied for Russia's largest bank, owned by the government (or, as you like, President Putin). John's brother, Tony, also lobbied for Ukrainian interests (reportedly in partnership with Trump associates Manafort and Gates). John Podesta left the firm years ago; Tony stepped down last November amid controversy over the lobbying. He has not been charged with any crimes.

The Podesta Group also represented Russia-owned Uranium One, which received approval from a federal oversight board that included the State Department under Hillary Clinton to buy about one-fifth of the U.S. production capacity of uranium, a key material for making nuclear weapons.

Uranium One interests reportedly contributed $145 million to Bill and Hillary Clinton's charitable foundation.

Former Sens. John Breaux (D-La.) and Trent Lott (R-Miss.) lobbied for Russia's banking giant, Gazprombank, owned by Putin's government.

The lead Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), engaged with a Russian caller posing as a Ukrainian contact offering Russian blackmail material against President Trump. Afterward, Schiff made arrangements for his staff to try to collect the material. It turns out the caller was a Russian radio-host spoofer. Schiff has said he was not really fooled by the call.

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.), Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) also reportedly engaged in conversations with Russian comedians who posed as Ukrainian officials.

McCain secretly delivered to the FBI a copy of the anti-Trump "dossier" opposition research, which quoted Russian sources.

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) and the Hillary Clinton campaign funded the anti-Trump "dossier" that relied on Russian sources, who were close to Kremlin officials.

None of the above-mentioned "Russian ties" are illegal on their face, although, in some instances, there could be conditions that make them illegal. Other than Gates, Manafort and Flynn, nobody mentioned has been accused of a crime.
It will be interesting when Trump's attorneys tell the democrats to prove that they need them.
The granting of the supeana requires that proof need already be shown.....This is a Grand Jury supeana...it has some teeth.
Also, even if the records are examined...it is all under grand jury seal. The public won't get a sniff...
How long before the information is leaked?
I'm not saying the prosecutors would, but the help? Someone can get mighty rich here.
It happens..but not as often as you might think. Leaking is a felony...and years in prison.
Or is it patriotism? Some would say....
Yes it is very interesting that a New York District Attorney subpoenas Trump's tax returns to embark on another scavenger hunt to find something wrong.

That's what our laws are all about right? Accuse someone of doing something wrong without proof and then open an investigation to find your proof. That seems to the New Democrats Modus Operandi.


It's just been one corrupt phishing trip after another, for the Trump-haters to see if they can find something, anything to discredit Trump with.

Then again the enemies of America don't need evidence, they can just lie and make crap up, as the recent lies in the NYT article to besmirch Kavanaugh has shown us.
It is another phishing trip, harassment and botherment because the Dems can't stop themselves from the pissing contest. They wanted the tax returns. They were DENIED. Someone said NO! OMG! They've been in a pissing contest ever since and guess what? The President ALWAYS wins the pissing contests. He's the President.

The man doesn't pay taxes. He pretty much already told us that. If he'd done anything wrong, the IRS would have caught it--or they did catch it and Trump rectified his "mistakes." If those returns come out, they're going to be about as exciting as Al Capone's vault.
Remember when he had a years tax return leaked and it showed he paid tens of millions of dollars in taxes?
Yes, and I'm sure Trump was the one who leaked it (to Fox News, remember? Who else would give them to Fox instead of the NYT?). That was a return from before his bankruptcies, when he was able to start taking huge write offs for ten years. HE TOLD US he doesn't pay much in taxes, not a penny more than he has to.

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