81 Million Votes

Lefties will NEVER produce evidence that Beijing Biden did not cheat. Possession of stolen goods is not evidence that the goods were not stolen. Beijing Biden doesn't even have enough support to fill a high school gym.

Because many, if not most, voted against Trump, not for Biden.
You might be right it's not believable Trump got 12 million more votes than he did in 2016. He prolly cheated.
And a train wreck jackass who has been trying to get the Dem nomination for 50 years got 20 million more votes than anyone ever in the history of ever?

I choose to believe the fraud was on Joe.

I can't change the results, but you can't change my mind.
WRONG! this is not evidence that proves Beijing Biden did not cheat.

Again, NEVER:

Lefties will NEVER produce evidence that Beijing Biden did not cheat. Possession of stolen goods is not evidence that the goods were not stolen. Beijing Biden doesn't even have enough support to fill a high school gym.

Great, post evidence Trump did not cheat...
I'm sure all 26,000. Why else scrub the roll?

BTW, Creepy Joe said he developed the best voter fraud organization in the history of america. Don't you love that he cheats for you?


Uh, he was talking about an anti-fraud hotline.
How about you produce evidence that Biden DID cheat.

Or better yet, how about you produce evidence that trump did not cheat..............but still failed like he always does.
we did, 2000 mules check out the trailer I just posted.
why didn't the judges allow the election fraud affidavits in so they could prove it wasn't stolen? That's what you seem to lack understanding on. Let's see the dominion machines!! Why are you so afraid? I know you are, otherwise you'd prove xiden won.

Some cases did some didn't. An affidavit alone will be denied by the court unless the signatory is available to appear in court OR if there's evidence supporting the claims contained in the affidavit. Some signatories did appear in court but could not prove their claims.
Have you seen the videos of people putting more than one ballot in drop boxes? You think that's fair? So you aren't for one person one vote huh?

It's legal in most states to drop off ballots for others.

Of course, you think red dots on a map of Moscow is proof of a crime, so you're not exactly playin' with a full deck; if ya know what I mean.
And a train wreck jackass who has been trying to get the Dem nomination for 50 years got 20 million more votes than anyone ever in the history of ever?

I choose to believe the fraud was on Joe.

I can't change the results, but you can't change my mind.

You don't have a mind to change. What you choose to believe us meaningless. You can choose to believe in the Tooth Fairy. There's about as much evidence as the Tooth Fairy exists as there is the 2020 election was stolen.
You don't have a mind to change. What you choose to believe us meaningless. You can choose to believe in the Tooth Fairy. There's about as much evidence as the Tooth Fairy exists as there is the 2020 election was stolen.
Then, why do you keep trying to change my mind?
we did, 2000 mules check out the trailer I just posted.


You mean the trailer with a map of Moscow they presented as a map of Atlanta??


Exactly what the fuck do you think that proved??
Then, why do you keep trying to change my mind?

I'm not trying to get you to change a mind you don't have. I'm trying to get you (collectively) to prove there was widespread fraud that would have changed the outcome of the election. Going on two years now and still nothing.
Why do you think rally size determines the candidate's vote count?

Trump lost to Hillary, and to Biden on the vote of citizens, regardless of Trump's rally size being bigger than Hillary's and Biden's rally size.
Oh dear, another "size does not matter" rationalization.

Either you got it or ya don't.
nope, that wasn't his language. You just made that up. Freudian Slips are usually quite authentic.


You're beyond retarded...

But one of the things that I think is most important is those who haven’t voted yet, first of all go to IWILLVOTE.com to make a plan exactly how you’re going to vote, where you’re going to vote, when you’re going to vote. Because it can get complicated, because the Republicans are doing everything they can to make it harder for people to vote — particularly people of color — to vote. So go to IWILLVOTE.com. Secondly, we’re in a situation where we have put together, and you guys did it for our administration — President Obama’s administration before this — we have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics. What the president is trying to do is discourage people from voting by implying that their vote won’t be counted, it can’t be counted, we’re going to challenge it and all these things. If enough people vote, it’s going to overwhelm the system. You see what’s happening now, you guys know it as well as I do, you see the long, long lines and early voting. You see the millions of people who have already cast a ballot. And so, don’t be intimidated. If in fact you have any, any problem go to — and I don’t have the number but it’s 833-DEM-VOTE… Call that number. We have over a thousand lawyers, over a thousand of them, they’ll answer the phone, if you think there’s any challenge to your voting. Go to 833-DEM-VOTE, dial those letters on your phone. That will get you the assistance that we have already put in place.
Great, post evidence Trump did not cheat...
Wrong again! This is not evidence that proves Beijing Biden didn't cheat.

Lefties will NEVER produce evidence that Beijing Biden did not cheat. Possession of stolen goods is not evidence that the goods were not stolen. Beijing Biden doesn't even have enough support to fill a high school gym.
Yep, 81 million votes. Trumpster bitching and moaning and loopy paranoid conspiracy theories notwithstanding.

Probably about 30 million actually FOR Biden, the rest of us against a juvenile orange buffoon and his authoritarian Christian White Nationalism.

Whatever works!

Corrupt algorithms and rigged ballet boxes LOVE Beijing Biden, but they can't even fill a high school gym with actual voters.

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