81% Say Filner should Resign!

Man you must be ridiculously partisan to think such obvious common ground is worth rejecting. :cool:

Actually. My point is that you have a double standard. I don't know if you want to call that partisan since Filner is a Democrat. But, certainly the data indicates that your position is dependent upon factors that go beyond sexual indiscretions. That seems hypocritical as the Clintons are no less 'creepy' than the Filners of the world.

Clinton only had 2 accusers, Filner has over 14.

And..............Clinton was smart enough to at least try to keep it behind closed doors. Filner did it in public.

Clinton had way more than 2 accusers and/or exposers of his sexual misdeeds and I doubt even that Filner's list has hit 14. Also, Bubba publicly groped Kathleen Willey in 98, dude. So, you might want to get some facts straight.

Again, Dems. If you accept this nonsense from Clinton. You have to accept it from everyone. You don't get a pass.
Shameless publicity stunt.

BTW.............................the originator for banning Filner wasn't Hooters.

Glenn Beck is the one who started it.

Glenn Beck takes credit for San Diego Hooters sign banning Mayor Bob Filner | WashingtonExaminer.com

He took credit for it to more precisely put it. And Beck is going for cheap publicity to. I wouldn't call it as shameless; but I really don't care much about the Beck angle to be honest. I go for weeks and months w/o regarding him until liberals make me have to regard whatever he's up to.

I would like to interview the other 19% -- in fairness a small percentage might not know that cities have mayors.

I can't help but LOL at all these Obama nuthuggers who would not be calling for his head if he engaged in the same antics.

To regard the 19% percent. That's roughly the percent of delusional people in any poll.

What I want to know is who are the 19% that still support this miscreant? It makes one wonder what Mayor Filner would have to do to lose their support. :confused:

"The percentage of Americans calling themselves economic liberals has remained virtually unchanged from last year at 19%, and has not fluctuated much since 2001."
Fewer Americans Identify as Economic Conservatives in 2013
Man you must be ridiculously partisan to think such obvious common ground is worth rejecting. :cool:

Actually. My point is that you have a double standard. I don't know if you want to call that partisan since Filner is a Democrat. But, certainly the data indicates that your position is dependent upon factors that go beyond sexual indiscretions. That seems hypocritical as the Clintons are no less 'creepy' than the Filners of the world.

Clinton only had 2 accusers, Filner has over 14.

And..............Clinton was smart enough to at least try to keep it behind closed doors. Filner did it in public.

Clinton Misogyny - Sex
Juanita Broaddrick (AR)- rape
Eileen Wellstone (Oxford) - rape
Elizabeth Ward Gracen - rape - quid pro quo, post incident intimidation
Regina Hopper Blakely - "forced himself on her, biting, bruising her"
Kathleen Willey (WH) - sexual assault, intimidations, threats
Sandra Allen James (DC) - sexual assault
22 Year Old 1972 (Yale) - sexual assault
Kathy Bradshaw (AK) - sexual assault
Cristy Zercher - unwelcomed sexual advance, intimidations
Paula Jones (AR) - unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
Carolyn Moffet -unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
1974 student at University of Arkansas - unwelcomed physical contact
1978-1980 - seven complaints per Arkansas state troopers
Monica Lewinsky - quid pro quo, post incident character assault
Gennifer Flowers - quid pro quo, post incident character assault
Dolly Kyle Browning - post incident character assault
Sally Perdue - post incident threats
Betty Dalton - rebuffed his advances, married to one of his supporters
Denise Reeder - apologetic note scanned
Shameless publicity stunt.

BTW.............................the originator for banning Filner wasn't Hooters.

Glenn Beck is the one who started it.

Glenn Beck takes credit for San Diego Hooters sign banning Mayor Bob Filner | WashingtonExaminer.com

He took credit for it to more precisely put it. And Beck is going for cheap publicity to. I wouldn't call it as shameless; but I really don't care much about the Beck angle to be honest. I go for weeks and months w/o regarding him until liberals make me have to regard whatever he's up to.

Beck had nothing to do with it....but I'm not surprised to see him try to gain some credit.
I still don't understand your reasoning for wanting him out. He's not doing anything that the Clintons don't do.

Man you must be ridiculously partisan to think such obvious common ground is worth rejecting. :cool:

Actually. My point is that you have a double standard. I don't know if you want to call that partisan since Filner is a Democrat. But, certainly the data indicates that your position is dependent upon factors that go beyond sexual indiscretions. That seems hypocritical as the Clintons are no less 'creepy' than the Filners of the world.

Consistency is not the strongest trait in the left…
Hey......................if Hooters bans you from their bar (where women expect to be objectified and possibly touched), you've got problems.
Hey......................if Hooters bans you from their bar (where women expect to be objectified and possibly touched), you've got problems.

You've got a company that wants cheap free publicity.

Actually, you mean that you have a company that knows about objectification and molestation who are calling out a creepy person who should be shown to the public, but they don't want to be part of it because it would lower their status.

I mean..........................I've been to Hooters, and I've been there on not only a Harley, but as a cage rider as well, and well....................with the things I did there, I never got banned.

Someone getting banned from Hooters? You've gotta be a class "A" perv who doesn't belong in decent company.

BTW......................he's been out of rehab for a day or two now, why isn't he back in office?
This scumbag is no different from Weiner and Bubba.. so why crucify him? I'll tell you why.. About two weeks ago Mika Brezenski got the marching orders from the WH to eviscerate this creep on MSLSD.. Zombies walk lock step when ordered. Everything they shit out of their lying mouths comes from talking points.. They don't have an original thought what so ever except when they're picking their asses and wondering if they should smear it on cop cars.. The one, the only, THE SHITTERS.
Hey......................if Hooters bans you from their bar (where women expect to be objectified and possibly touched), you've got problems.

You've got a company that wants cheap free publicity.

Actually, you mean that you have a company that knows about objectification and molestation who are calling out a creepy person who should be shown to the public, but they don't want to be part of it because it would lower their status.

I mean..........................I've been to Hooters, and I've been there on not only a Harley, but as a cage rider as well, and well....................with the things I did there, I never got banned.

Someone getting banned from Hooters? You've gotta be a class "A" perv who doesn't belong in decent company.

BTW......................he's been out of rehab for a day or two now, why isn't he back in office?

Some speculation going on that he's working a deal to resign if charges are dropped....we'll see.
This scumbag is no different from Weiner and Bubba.. so why crucify him? I'll tell you why.. About two weeks ago Mika Brezenski got the marching orders from the WH to eviscerate this creep on MSLSD.. Zombies walk lock step when ordered. Everything they shit out of their lying mouths comes from talking points.. They don't have an original thought what so ever except when they're picking their asses and wondering if they should smear it on cop cars.. The one, the only, THE SHITTERS.

Actually.................Bubba (i.e. Clinton) was nailed for getting a blowjob from ONE WOMAN named Monica Lewinsky. Granted...............he could have had more, but that's the one he was caught for.

Weiner was nailed for sending pictures of his junk to a lot of women. No sex was involved (yet it's still kinda creepy and I hope he loses his political career because of it), but he never broke his marriage vows in public by groping women.

Filner? He should get the fuck out of office, because over 16 different women have said that he's a menace and is sexually offensive.

If someone hit him with a rotten tomato and said he was a scumbag on television, I would applaud them mightily. I may even offer them a small stipend for telling him what a fuck up he is.

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