88 million Voters should sue Trump for the attempt to subvert our right to evict him from the White House with our votes.

We have galloping inflation, food prices are going through the roof, it costs the better part of a $100 bill to fill a gas tank,
Is Biden responsible for inflation in Europe as well?
When will you Biden bashers acknowledge inflation is a global phenomenon?
Is Biden responsible for inflation in Europe as well?
When will you Biden bashers acknowledge inflation is a global phenomenon?

Energy independence only means something if you have export controls (domestic producers can't sell it outside the country) so that supply and demand drives down prices.

But since WTI (west texas intermediate) is sold on the global market, they will sell to the highest bidder. And if the world price for WTI is $120 a barrel, that's what it will cost the domestic refineries.

Just because it's for America, doesn't mean they'll sell it for a penny less than they could get elsewhere.
It doesn't. And even if it did, just as conspiring to rob a bank is illegal, so too is conspiring to steal a presidential election. As we know some elements of the attempt were acted on. Like the plan to have certain battleground states submit sets of fake electors.
Questioning questionable results is not a coup. Entering a building is not a coup. Frankly, I don't see how you can believe the Pablum you are posting.
Energy independence only means something if you have export controls (domestic producers can't sell it outside the country) so that supply and demand drives down prices.

But since WTI (west texas intermediate) is sold on the global market, they will sell to the highest bidder. And if the world price for WTI is $120 a barrel, that's what it will cost the domestic refineries.

Just because it's for America, doesn't mean they'll sell it for a penny less than they could get elsewhere.

Which is why increasing production drives down prices world-wide.
And you actually think all those crises all at once under Trump and his helter skelter non existent confirmed administration would have handled all of this any better?

That's where we differ!

Trump had to worry about BLM riots, and he did NOTHING.
The violence in Chicago that he ran on putting an end to, he did NOTHING
Even COVID, Trump did next to NOTHING, because on stage with NOTHING was injecting disinfectant, hydroxychloroquine and crossing his fingers that it would go away by itself.
88 million BIDEN Voters should file a class action lawsuit against Trump, the 84 fake electors, the proud boys and the oath keepers, the estate of Ashley Babbitt and all the other capitol building attackers, if it’s worth more than a nickel, and all the Republicans in Congress who aided and comforted Trump’s openly hostile to democracy attempt to deny the right to vote and be counted against millions of Biden voters so that he can stay in power.

Trump openly and subversively plotted and carried out an an attempt to subvert our right to evict him with our votes from the White House. There needs to be punitive damages for such a immoral crime against so many millions of Americans. The punishment needs to be if he is not convicted of any federal statutes, that he cannot run for office ever again.

The same goes for all those who aided and abetted the forner and disgraced president in the big lie and the attempt to overturn the election.

That President Trump was involved in the January 6 plot to overthrow the election is plain as day. However the January 6 congressional committee will begin presenting all the evidence and testimony under oath from those who witnessed it up close in the White House and in Congress and in states offices.

So what do you think Trump voters? Will you spend your hard earned cash through the next few years helping Trump pay all his legal bills or are you going to bail on him?

Or do you just continue to believe the big lie and refuse to decide for yourself what the January 6 committee will be presenting starting tonight? How are you will you be watching the World according to Tucker Carlson on Fox News instead?
The Dim party should be sued $ billion for this:


... and Biden says things ain't likely to get better. ...
Actually it's that it won't get better immediately. It will take a while.

But that's being realistic. Unlike Trump when asked about COVID in early 2020, said it would get better in months.

How does lying about things going to get better help?
Trump had to worry about BLM riots, and he did NOTHING.
The violence in Chicago that he ran on putting an end to, he did NOTHING
Even COVID, Trump did next to NOTHING, because on stage with NOTHING was injecting disinfectant, hydroxychloroquine and crossing his fingers that it would go away by itself.
Lie, lie, lie.
Actually it's that it won't get better immediately. It will take a while.

But that's being realistic. Unlike Trump when asked about COVID in early 2020, said it would get better in months.

How does lying about things going to get better help?
It won't get better until Biden gets booted out of office.
Trump had to worry about BLM riots, and he did NOTHING.
The violence in Chicago that he ran on putting an end to, he did NOTHING
Even COVID, Trump did next to NOTHING, because on stage with NOTHING was injecting disinfectant, hydroxychloroquine and crossing his fingers that it would go away by itself.
He offered Federal resources to local authorities, but many of them declined the assistance. He could not force them to accept.

88 million BIDEN Voters should file a class action lawsuit against Trump, the 84 fake electors, the proud boys and the oath keepers, the estate of Ashley Babbitt and all the other capitol building attackers, if it’s worth more than a nickel, and all the Republicans in Congress who aided and comforted Trump’s openly hostile to democracy attempt to deny the right to vote and be counted against millions of Biden voters so that he can stay in power.

Trump openly and subversively plotted and carried out an an attempt to subvert our right to evict him with our votes from the White House. There needs to be punitive damages for such a immoral crime against so many millions of Americans. The punishment needs to be if he is not convicted of any federal statutes, that he cannot run for office ever again.

The same goes for all those who aided and abetted the forner and disgraced president in the big lie and the attempt to overturn the election.

That President Trump was involved in the January 6 plot to overthrow the election is plain as day. However the January 6 congressional committee will begin presenting all the evidence and testimony under oath from those who witnessed it up close in the White House and in Congress and in states offices.

So what do you think Trump voters? Will you spend your hard earned cash through the next few years helping Trump pay all his legal bills or are you going to bail on him?

Or do you just continue to believe the big lie and refuse to decide for yourself what the January 6 committee will be presenting starting tonight? How are you will you be watching the World according to Tucker Carlson on Fox News instead?
Communism in writing. Always accuse your opponents of the things of which you yourself are guilty.
...Like the plan to have certain battleground states submit sets of fake electors.
Not just FAKE, but fraudulent. Including forging the documents to certify them. It's not just standing up a bunch of fake electors, it's forging state seals, forging certifications, and making knowingly false sworn statements.
Which is why increasing production drives down prices world-wide.
But energy independence doesn't effect prices one iota.

It's world production, not American production that control prices.

So why all the bullshit about energy independence, which is nothing but a red herring.
Trump had to worry about BLM riots, and he did NOTHING.
The violence in Chicago that he ran on putting an end to, he did NOTHING
Even COVID, Trump did next to NOTHING, because on stage with NOTHING was injecting disinfectant, hydroxychloroquine and crossing his fingers that it would go away by itself.
I see you know nothing about any of what you just posted.

Mayors of Chicago told trump to stay away and didn't need his help. Fk I hate stupid fks who don't investigate before they post.

Trump does not control national guards, fk, don't you fkers ever learn about our country?
Are you saying the January 6 republican operation has nothing to do with overturning the election? It’s not really a cat accusation at this point.
prove it was!!! no weapons were ever used by the crowd. Are you suggesting there is more fear with an unarmed person than an armed one? hahahaahahahahahhahahahaha I still laugh at you fkers.

So when the military rushes an enemy, they throw all of their weapons down ahead of the charge. hahahhahahhaahahhahaha

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