89 Trillion now equals "free" in the warped minds of the AGW crowd.


Gold Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2010
These people are truly, remarkably, delusional. Only in the intellectually dishonest mind of the religious fanatic could this ever come to fruition..... Remarkable.

"A new report from the Global Commission on the Economy and Climate, which was commissioned in 2013 by the governments of seven countries -- Colombia, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Norway, South Korea, Sweden and the United Kingdom -- recently made the bold claim that fighting climate change could be accomplished for free.
How is this possible when the commission itself estimates that $4 trillion will need to be spent to reduce carbon emissions over the next 15 years? The answer is twofold and lies partially with the enormous amount of money needed to grow the global energy supply."

The $89 trillion answer

New Claim We Can Solve Climate Change for Free
Green/Renewable energy is a huge step backwards in Energy Progress.

Which is by design, Liberal/Democrats demand that the USA must fail, no energy and extreme debt ensures our way of life, freedom is dead.
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You know, I think I have the remedy for "global warming" and "climate change". Kill all the marxists. I promise if we did that, "global warming" and "climate change" would magically disappear overnight.
You know, I think I have the remedy for "global warming" and "climate change". Kill all the marxists. I promise if we did that, "global warming" and "climate change" would magically disappear overnight.

The problem with that is that is what they want to do. Mass murder to support your ideas is ludicrous. Far better to beat their asses silly in the court of public opinin and watch them whine and snivel as they are doing now.
You know, I think I have the remedy for "global warming" and "climate change". Kill all the marxists. I promise if we did that, "global warming" and "climate change" would magically disappear overnight.
Out of respect to their poltics, they must not be cremated, a Democrat cremated is nothing more than unwanted pollution.
You know, I think I have the remedy for "global warming" and "climate change". Kill all the marxists. I promise if we did that, "global warming" and "climate change" would magically disappear overnight.
Out of respect to their poltics, they must not be cremated, a Democrat cremated is nothing more than unwanted pollution.

I was thinking more along the lines of septic tank funerals.
The problem with that is that is what they want to do. Mass murder to support your ideas is ludicrous. Far better to beat their asses silly in the court of public opinin and watch them whine and snivel as they are doing now.

Mmmm...well, I gave it careful consideration and I'm afraid I have to disagree. Shooting marxists was probably the most socially redeeming activity in which I've ever engaged.
These people are truly, remarkably, delusional. Only in the intellectually dishonest mind of the religious fanatic could this ever come to fruition..... Remarkable.

"A new report from the Global Commission on the Economy and Climate, which was commissioned in 2013 by the governments of seven countries -- Colombia, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Norway, South Korea, Sweden and the United Kingdom -- recently made the bold claim that fighting climate change could be accomplished for free.
How is this possible when the commission itself estimates that $4 trillion will need to be spent to reduce carbon emissions over the next 15 years? The answer is twofold and lies partially with the enormous amount of money needed to grow the global energy supply."

The $89 trillion answer

New Claim We Can Solve Climate Change for Free
by free they mean tax dollars,

well to them, the governments have money stored up, so it's no cost to everyone else

hell, we could print up 89 trillion in a couple of days
You know, I think I have the remedy for "global warming" and "climate change". Kill all the marxists. I promise if we did that, "global warming" and "climate change" would magically disappear overnight.

The problem with that is that is what they want to do. Mass murder to support your ideas is ludicrous. Far better to beat their asses silly in the court of public opinin and watch them whine and snivel as they are doing now.
400,000 in just one city. More on the next march. Looks like you are not winning in the public opinion sector. So your bloody minded freind is the next idea that you will turn to. And, of course, you get to define what a Marxist is. Anyone that does not agree with you.

We have all already lost. And assholes like you are the reason.
The problem with that is that is what they want to do. Mass murder to support your ideas is ludicrous. Far better to beat their asses silly in the court of public opinin and watch them whine and snivel as they are doing now.

Mmmm...well, I gave it careful consideration and I'm afraid I have to disagree. Shooting marxists was probably the most socially redeeming activity in which I've ever engaged.

Oh my, another keyboard rambo. Sweet dreams, you stupid liar. Gonna be another hero like the guy that blew away all those kids, eh? God, you sick bastards and all your sicko daydreams of bloody chaos with you as the starring heros make me sick.
Oh my, another keyboard rambo. Sweet dreams, you stupid liar. Gonna be another hero like the guy that blew away all those kids, eh? God, you sick bastards and all your sicko daydreams of bloody chaos with you as the starring heros make me sick.

Yea that's me. Keyboard rambo. How'd you know?
So, you are stupid enough to get your science from Time and Newsweek. That figures.

Even at that time, most of the articles published stated that warming was the danger.

What 1970s science said about global cooling


Figure 1: Number of papers classified as predicting future global cooling (blue) or warming (red). In no year were there more global cooling papers than global warming papers.
The OP nails it.......nails it = nobody is ever going to care about the science.

The entire epic thread on this forum >> More Proof the skeptics are WINNING US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum .......details this. It is invariably on page one of this forum. When you read through it, you realize that US forces on Batan in 1942 had a better chance than the AGW crusaders of making "climate science" anything more than an internet hobby.

Once again I'll say and if one studies it just a bit it becomes very clear.........people on the far left, and almost all of whom support the AGW theory NEVER, NEVER, EVER account for "costs" with their shit......because costs never matter to those on the far left.

At best, we are looking at a MAXIMUM of 10% renewables by........ready for this......2050 ( well documented in the thread posted above......dozens of links ).

Its a Jonestown for these people........and if they dont realize it, they have some pronounced issues, as in, serious thinking issues.

The OP's information makes every day in here a day of winning. Its called navigating the internet in Realville.:biggrin::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:.

Now.......the ? of whether it is worth it to spend tens of trillions? Well.......we don't know, but one thing is 100% certain. Tens of trillions in expenditures necessarily means the entire planet MUS, MUST, MUST accept a far lower standard of living.

Chances of this happening = 0%
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You know, I think I have the remedy for "global warming" and "climate change". Kill all the marxists. I promise if we did that, "global warming" and "climate change" would magically disappear overnight.

The problem with that is that is what they want to do. Mass murder to support your ideas is ludicrous. Far better to beat their asses silly in the court of public opinin and watch them whine and snivel as they are doing now.
400,000 in just one city. More on the next march. Looks like you are not winning in the public opinion sector. So your bloody minded freind is the next idea that you will turn to. And, of course, you get to define what a Marxist is. Anyone that does not agree with you.

We have all already lost. And assholes like you are the reason.

More like 260,000 (which was actually pretty good if you ask me) and there were more Marxist morons than there were environmentalists.
The OP nails it.......nails it = nobody is ever going to care about the science.

The entire epic thread on this forum >> More Proof the skeptics are WINNING US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum .......details this. It is invariably on page one of this forum. When you read through it, you realize that US forces on Batan in 1942 had a better chance than the AGW crusaders of making "climate science" anything more than an internet hobby.

Once again I'll say and if one studies it just a bit it becomes very clear.........people on the far left, and almost all of whom support the AGW theory NEVER, NEVER, EVER account for "costs" with their shit......because costs never matter to those on the far left.

At best, we are looking at a MAXIMUM of 10% renewables by........ready for this......2050 ( well documented in the thread posted above......dozens of links ).

Its a Jonestown for these people........and if they dont realize it, they have some pronounced issues, as in, serious thinking issues.

The OP's information makes every day in here a day of winning. Its called navigating the internet in Realville.:biggrin::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:.

Now.......the ? of whether it is worth it to spend tens of trillions? Well.......we don't know, but one thing is 100% certain. Tens of trillions in expenditures necessarily means the entire planet MUS, MUST, MUST accept a far lower standard of living.

Chances of this happening = 0%

One error in your post good sir. Everyone on the planet would have to accept a much lower standard of living.....EXCEPT for the RULING ELITE. And that's what this farce is all about. It is the ultimate in class warfare and these socialist idiots are so fucking stupid they can't figure that part out.
Westwall, if you ever want to be considered as something other than a joke, you'll need to lose the raving-about-phantom-socialists cult kookery. Try to emulate how we here in the reason-based community act, with our focus on logic and science, as opposed the emotionalism and hysteria of the deniers.

I do commend you for your change of heart, in how you're now criticizing those deniers who are calling to have their opponents murdered. Such death-lust has become an almost standard attitude among deniers. They've failed abjectly in both the scientific and political arenas, hence they see violence as the only avenue left to them.
Westwall, if you ever want to be considered as something other than a joke, you'll need to lose the raving-about-phantom-socialists cult kookery. Try to emulate how we here in the reason-based community act, with our focus on logic and science, as opposed the emotionalism and hysteria of the deniers.

I do commend you for your change of heart, in how you're now criticizing those deniers who are calling to have their opponents murdered. Such death-lust has become an almost standard attitude among deniers. They've failed abjectly in both the scientific and political arenas, hence they see violence as the only avenue left to them.
oh wow, logic and science. No way, you didn't just write that. you have no logic and definitely don't have any science. See science asks for proof of concept, and to date, you and yours have provided none. So logically speaking, that doesn't follow science. So there you go. :banana:
The OP nails it.......nails it = nobody is ever going to care about the science.

The entire epic thread on this forum >> More Proof the skeptics are WINNING US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum .......details this. It is invariably on page one of this forum. When you read through it, you realize that US forces on Batan in 1942 had a better chance than the AGW crusaders of making "climate science" anything more than an internet hobby.

Once again I'll say and if one studies it just a bit it becomes very clear.........people on the far left, and almost all of whom support the AGW theory NEVER, NEVER, EVER account for "costs" with their shit......because costs never matter to those on the far left.

At best, we are looking at a MAXIMUM of 10% renewables by........ready for this......2050 ( well documented in the thread posted above......dozens of links ).

Its a Jonestown for these people........and if they dont realize it, they have some pronounced issues, as in, serious thinking issues.

The OP's information makes every day in here a day of winning. Its called navigating the internet in Realville.:biggrin::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:.

Now.......the ? of whether it is worth it to spend tens of trillions? Well.......we don't know, but one thing is 100% certain. Tens of trillions in expenditures necessarily means the entire planet MUS, MUST, MUST accept a far lower standard of living.

Chances of this happening = 0%

One error in your post good sir. Everyone on the planet would have to accept a much lower standard of living.....EXCEPT for the RULING ELITE. And that's what this farce is all about. It is the ultimate in class warfare and these socialist idiots are so fucking stupid they can't figure that part out.

Indeed.......you are quite correct. West my friend......check this out >>>

The emergence of Scientific Dictatorship.........

All this global warming BS has always been just part of the NWO plan.......went into hyper-drive just after 1990. They have a sufficient number of dummies who have signed on. The herding of the sheeple.

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