9 1/2 More Days...

I've already done so.........you are welcome to bring what you have.....

Or you could just continue bluffing until you pass out....

Read em and weep, sucker:

Labor Force Participation Rate on Obama’s watch has fallen from 65.7 percent to 62.8 percent, a level last measured before Obama in March 1978. Since Obama took office, this metric has slid 4.1 percent. Last month saw the creation of 160,000 jobs, a widely panned number, and much below the 200,000-plus jobs generated in five of the last six months. Nothing about the latest employment report spells “boom.” RELATED: Obama’s Lackluster Economy Still Lacks Luster Meanwhile, annualized GDP growth nearly stalled in the first quarter at a meager 0.5 percent. This is down from already tepid 1.4 percent growth in the fourth quarter of 2015. Obama is the only U.S. chief executive in history not to preside over even a single year with 3 percent GDP growth, as the Institute for Policy Innovation’s Tom Giovanetti observes: ‘From 1790 to 2000, U.S. real GDP growth averaged 3.79 percent,’ entrepreneur Louis Woodhill explained at RealClearMarkets. He expects final figures to show that ‘2015 will have been the tenth year in a row that real GDP growth came in at under 3.0 percent.’ During the Obama years, the number of Americans below the poverty line is up 3.5 percent. Real median household income: down 2.3 percent. Americans on Food Stamps — 33 million then, 46 million now: up 39.5 percent. Americans who own homes: down 5.6 percent. National debt — $10.63 trillion then vs. $19.19 trillion last Wednesday: up 80.5 percent.

Read more at: Obama’s Pretty Words Cannot Beautify His Ugly Economy

a) Deroy Murdock is an imbecile

b) anyone needing NRO to tell them what is going on in the economy is an even bigger imbecile

c) let's walk through the numbers...

The LFPR is largely a function of demographics....Unless you believe Obama should have traveled back in time to stop GIs returning from WWII from fornicating, there isn't much that can be done about it......

160,000 jobs is "widely panned"? By whom?

I won't humiliate you by comparing it t the 8 year average under the last POTUS for whom you and Claudette cast 2 enthusiastic votes, but I will point out that it is better than 73% of the months between Feb 2001 and Feb 2009.

Obama is the only U.S. chief executive in history not to preside over even a single year with 3 percent GDP growth,

The Real GDP data base goes back to.........1947.......I repeat.....Murdock is an idiot.....
This only holds true for CALENDAR years......any 4 consecutive quarters make a year......making Murdock a liar and you, a fool....

And would you like to see the single biggest reason for low rates of GDP growth?


Do you see the red parts of the bars? Do I need to get a crayon to explain this to you?

During the Obama years, the number of Americans below the poverty line is up 3.5 percent.

Gosh......I wonder how THAT happened...


Looks like something "changed the trajectory" around 2000....then around 2007 it really picks up steam.....coincident with.........?


Real median household income: down 2.3 percent.

Let's, once again, go to the data...


Well, surprise, surprise!

It appears that The Great Recession rears its ugly influence again....but note what happens starting mid 2010....and by 2015?

The median household’s income in 2015 was $56,500, up 5.2 percent from the previous year — the largest single-year increase since record-keeping began in 1967, the Census Bureau said on Tuesday. The share of Americans living in poverty also posted the sharpest decline in decades.


Americans on Food Stamps — 33 million then, 46 million now: up 39.5 percent.

To put this into context (without laboring the obvious nexus with The Great Recession), this number was up 88% between Feb 2001 and Feb 2009....

Americans who own homes: down 5.6 percent.

Any idea why this might be?




National debt — $10.63 trillion then vs. $19.19 trillion last Wednesday: up 80.5 percent.

This is probably my favorite of Deroy's assorted idiocies....

Before getting the full measure of the consequences of Supply Side Idiocy, Part Deux, the CBO projected (prior to Obama's inauguration) that Scrub would bequeath 5 trillion in cumulative deficits over the decade to follow....

So even given their misunderestimated number, more than half of the increase is the parting gift of the Worst POTUS of the Modern Era....

In fact, eliminate the Structural Deficit Obama inherited, his contribution to that increase may be as little as 2-3 trillion.......less than what Scrub spent, on the nation's behalf, pounding sand on the Tigris...

Next time you see me coming, don't reach for the opinions of some fucking rent-a-hack......I floss with idiots like Murdoch.....
I've already done so.........you are welcome to bring what you have.....

Or you could just continue bluffing until you pass out....

Read em and weep, sucker:

Labor Force Participation Rate on Obama’s watch has fallen from 65.7 percent to 62.8 percent, a level last measured before Obama in March 1978. Since Obama took office, this metric has slid 4.1 percent. Last month saw the creation of 160,000 jobs, a widely panned number, and much below the 200,000-plus jobs generated in five of the last six months. Nothing about the latest employment report spells “boom.” RELATED: Obama’s Lackluster Economy Still Lacks Luster Meanwhile, annualized GDP growth nearly stalled in the first quarter at a meager 0.5 percent. This is down from already tepid 1.4 percent growth in the fourth quarter of 2015. Obama is the only U.S. chief executive in history not to preside over even a single year with 3 percent GDP growth, as the Institute for Policy Innovation’s Tom Giovanetti observes: ‘From 1790 to 2000, U.S. real GDP growth averaged 3.79 percent,’ entrepreneur Louis Woodhill explained at RealClearMarkets. He expects final figures to show that ‘2015 will have been the tenth year in a row that real GDP growth came in at under 3.0 percent.’ During the Obama years, the number of Americans below the poverty line is up 3.5 percent. Real median household income: down 2.3 percent. Americans on Food Stamps — 33 million then, 46 million now: up 39.5 percent. Americans who own homes: down 5.6 percent. National debt — $10.63 trillion then vs. $19.19 trillion last Wednesday: up 80.5 percent.

Read more at: Obama’s Pretty Words Cannot Beautify His Ugly Economy

With your facts guess his ass froze off. LOL

Why don't you ankle over and micturate on the smoking ashes of your fellow Unrepentant 2 Time Scrub Voter, Claudette....
I've already done so.........you are welcome to bring what you have.....

Or you could just continue bluffing until you pass out....

Read em and weep, sucker:

Labor Force Participation Rate on Obama’s watch has fallen from 65.7 percent to 62.8 percent, a level last measured before Obama in March 1978. Since Obama took office, this metric has slid 4.1 percent. Last month saw the creation of 160,000 jobs, a widely panned number, and much below the 200,000-plus jobs generated in five of the last six months. Nothing about the latest employment report spells “boom.” RELATED: Obama’s Lackluster Economy Still Lacks Luster Meanwhile, annualized GDP growth nearly stalled in the first quarter at a meager 0.5 percent. This is down from already tepid 1.4 percent growth in the fourth quarter of 2015. Obama is the only U.S. chief executive in history not to preside over even a single year with 3 percent GDP growth, as the Institute for Policy Innovation’s Tom Giovanetti observes: ‘From 1790 to 2000, U.S. real GDP growth averaged 3.79 percent,’ entrepreneur Louis Woodhill explained at RealClearMarkets. He expects final figures to show that ‘2015 will have been the tenth year in a row that real GDP growth came in at under 3.0 percent.’ During the Obama years, the number of Americans below the poverty line is up 3.5 percent. Real median household income: down 2.3 percent. Americans on Food Stamps — 33 million then, 46 million now: up 39.5 percent. Americans who own homes: down 5.6 percent. National debt — $10.63 trillion then vs. $19.19 trillion last Wednesday: up 80.5 percent.

Read more at: Obama’s Pretty Words Cannot Beautify His Ugly Economy

a) Deroy Murdock is an imbecile

b) anyone needing NRO to tell them what is going on in the economy is an even bigger imbecile

c) let's walk through the numbers...

The LFPR is largely a function of demographics....Unless you believe Obama should have traveled back in time to stop GIs returning from WWII from fornicating, there isn't much that can be done about it......

160,000 jobs is "widely panned"? By whom?

I won't humiliate you by comparing it t the 8 year average under the last POTUS for whom you and Claudette cast 2 enthusiastic votes, but I will point out that it is better than 73% of the months between Feb 2001 and Feb 2009.

Obama is the only U.S. chief executive in history not to preside over even a single year with 3 percent GDP growth,

The Real GDP data base goes back to.........1947.......I repeat.....Murdock is an idiot.....
This only holds true for CALENDAR years......any 4 consecutive quarters make a year......making Murdock a liar and you, a fool....

And would you like to see the single biggest reason for low rates of GDP growth?


Do you see the red parts of the bars? Do I need to get a crayon to explain this to you?

During the Obama years, the number of Americans below the poverty line is up 3.5 percent.

Gosh......I wonder how THAT happened...


Looks like something "changed the trajectory" around 2000....then around 2007 it really picks up steam.....coincident with.........?


Real median household income: down 2.3 percent.

Let's, once again, go to the data...


Well, surprise, surprise!

It appears that The Great Recession rears its ugly influence again....but note what happens starting mid 2010....and by 2015?

The median household’s income in 2015 was $56,500, up 5.2 percent from the previous year — the largest single-year increase since record-keeping began in 1967, the Census Bureau said on Tuesday. The share of Americans living in poverty also posted the sharpest decline in decades.


Americans on Food Stamps — 33 million then, 46 million now: up 39.5 percent.

To put this into context (without laboring the obvious nexus with The Great Recession), this number was up 88% between Feb 2001 and Feb 2009....

Americans who own homes: down 5.6 percent.

Any idea why this might be?




National debt — $10.63 trillion then vs. $19.19 trillion last Wednesday: up 80.5 percent.

This is probably my favorite of Deroy's assorted idiocies....

Before getting the full measure of the consequences of Supply Side Idiocy, Part Deux, the CBO projected (prior to Obama's inauguration) that Scrub would bequeath 5 trillion in cumulative deficits over the decade to follow....

So even given their misunderestimated number, more than half of the increase is the parting gift of the Worst POTUS of the Modern Era....

In fact, eliminate the Structural Deficit Obama inherited, his contribution to that increase may be as little as 2-3 trillion.......less than what Scrub spent, on the nation's behalf, pounding sand on the Tigris...

Next time you see me coming, don't reach for the opinions of some fucking rent-a-hack......I floss with idiots like Murdoch.....

Give it up, Slim....that dog won't hunt, won't fetch, and ain't house-broken. :lol:
He has 9 days to order the strike on Moscow. Unless he's done it and the military ignored him.
Seems I stumbled into a Klan meeting.

Don't get up, I'll show myself out.
Race card? Lol, you dilapidated bag of dumbfuck

Well, If the robe and pointy white hat fits...
IKR? That wasn't the first post you made where I thought that.

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, don't tell me I'm "using the duck card" when I call it a duck.

"he don't like a black guy! He must be racist!"
Grow the fuck up, dick bag
Seems I stumbled into a Klan meeting.

Don't get up, I'll show myself out.
Race card? Lol, you dilapidated bag of dumbfuck

Well, If the robe and pointy white hat fits...
IKR? That wasn't the first post you made where I thought that.

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, don't tell me I'm "using the duck card" when I call it a duck.

You mean Obama? I can't agree more about that.


One Russian response to US sanctions was actually pretty amusing
We've made it through almost 8 years of the Kenyan mutt pretending to be President and we can make it 9 1/2 more days. I saw this pic today of Barry doing his Miley Cyrus routine and wondered why a 55 year old man would be making faces in a mirror. And what Putin, Xi Jinping, Kim Jung Un, and Iranian mullah Rouhani would think of his childish aping for a selfie. And it came to mind this picture is the truest representation I've ever seen of Obama, his self-image, and what he really thinks of us:

9 and 11/24ths.
I've already done so.........you are welcome to bring what you have.....

Or you could just continue bluffing until you pass out....

Read em and weep, sucker:

Labor Force Participation Rate on Obama’s watch has fallen from 65.7 percent to 62.8 percent, a level last measured before Obama in March 1978. Since Obama took office, this metric has slid 4.1 percent. Last month saw the creation of 160,000 jobs, a widely panned number, and much below the 200,000-plus jobs generated in five of the last six months. Nothing about the latest employment report spells “boom.” RELATED: Obama’s Lackluster Economy Still Lacks Luster Meanwhile, annualized GDP growth nearly stalled in the first quarter at a meager 0.5 percent. This is down from already tepid 1.4 percent growth in the fourth quarter of 2015. Obama is the only U.S. chief executive in history not to preside over even a single year with 3 percent GDP growth, as the Institute for Policy Innovation’s Tom Giovanetti observes: ‘From 1790 to 2000, U.S. real GDP growth averaged 3.79 percent,’ entrepreneur Louis Woodhill explained at RealClearMarkets. He expects final figures to show that ‘2015 will have been the tenth year in a row that real GDP growth came in at under 3.0 percent.’ During the Obama years, the number of Americans below the poverty line is up 3.5 percent. Real median household income: down 2.3 percent. Americans on Food Stamps — 33 million then, 46 million now: up 39.5 percent. Americans who own homes: down 5.6 percent. National debt — $10.63 trillion then vs. $19.19 trillion last Wednesday: up 80.5 percent.

Read more at: Obama’s Pretty Words Cannot Beautify His Ugly Economy

a) Deroy Murdock is an imbecile

b) anyone needing NRO to tell them what is going on in the economy is an even bigger imbecile

c) let's walk through the numbers...

The LFPR is largely a function of demographics....Unless you believe Obama should have traveled back in time to stop GIs returning from WWII from fornicating, there isn't much that can be done about it......

160,000 jobs is "widely panned"? By whom?

I won't humiliate you by comparing it t the 8 year average under the last POTUS for whom you and Claudette cast 2 enthusiastic votes, but I will point out that it is better than 73% of the months between Feb 2001 and Feb 2009.

Obama is the only U.S. chief executive in history not to preside over even a single year with 3 percent GDP growth,

The Real GDP data base goes back to.........1947.......I repeat.....Murdock is an idiot.....
This only holds true for CALENDAR years......any 4 consecutive quarters make a year......making Murdock a liar and you, a fool....

And would you like to see the single biggest reason for low rates of GDP growth?


Do you see the red parts of the bars? Do I need to get a crayon to explain this to you?

During the Obama years, the number of Americans below the poverty line is up 3.5 percent.

Gosh......I wonder how THAT happened...


Looks like something "changed the trajectory" around 2000....then around 2007 it really picks up steam.....coincident with.........?


Real median household income: down 2.3 percent.

Let's, once again, go to the data...


Well, surprise, surprise!

It appears that The Great Recession rears its ugly influence again....but note what happens starting mid 2010....and by 2015?

The median household’s income in 2015 was $56,500, up 5.2 percent from the previous year — the largest single-year increase since record-keeping began in 1967, the Census Bureau said on Tuesday. The share of Americans living in poverty also posted the sharpest decline in decades.


Americans on Food Stamps — 33 million then, 46 million now: up 39.5 percent.

To put this into context (without laboring the obvious nexus with The Great Recession), this number was up 88% between Feb 2001 and Feb 2009....

Americans who own homes: down 5.6 percent.

Any idea why this might be?




National debt — $10.63 trillion then vs. $19.19 trillion last Wednesday: up 80.5 percent.

This is probably my favorite of Deroy's assorted idiocies....

Before getting the full measure of the consequences of Supply Side Idiocy, Part Deux, the CBO projected (prior to Obama's inauguration) that Scrub would bequeath 5 trillion in cumulative deficits over the decade to follow....

So even given their misunderestimated number, more than half of the increase is the parting gift of the Worst POTUS of the Modern Era....

In fact, eliminate the Structural Deficit Obama inherited, his contribution to that increase may be as little as 2-3 trillion.......less than what Scrub spent, on the nation's behalf, pounding sand on the Tigris...

Next time you see me coming, don't reach for the opinions of some fucking rent-a-hack......I floss with idiots like Murdoch.....

Give it up, Slim....that dog won't hunt, won't fetch, and ain't house-broken. :lol:

If its name is Deroy, there ain't enough left of him to feed the cat.......

That's what you call a BeatDown....
Last edited:
Seems I stumbled into a Klan meeting.

Don't get up, I'll show myself out.
Race card? Lol, you dilapidated bag of dumbfuck

Well, If the robe and pointy white hat fits...
IKR? That wasn't the first post you made where I thought that.

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, don't tell me I'm "using the duck card" when I call it a duck.

You mean Obama? I can't agree more about that.

View attachment 106004
One Russian response to US sanctions was actually pretty amusing


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