9/11 Conspiracy Solved?: Names, Connections, Details Exposed...

Considering the last two pages of deflection by the CT loons it is clear the molten steel issue has been completely debunked and the Nutters are now in damage control mode. They are trying to slink away without openly admitting there is no proof of molten steel so they can try to make an issue of it again tomorrow.
They have all the integrity of slimy snakes in the grass.

So if you ignore all the evidence of molten steel or metal, even if credible people including those hired by the government or its agencies, then that automatically means that there is no evidence?
This is the only way that you can defend the unprovable, and it is a cowardly way to debate an issue. The CT that you adhere to is not in the least plausible, nor is it solid in its assumptions. There are holes in it that you can drive wreckage trucks through. You can not openly admit this for it destroys your fairy tale. Not once have you bothered to engage anyone with a different opinion about it with any concrete proof that solidifies your CT as a
case that is closed because of verifiable, factual data.You have debunked absolutely nothing.
You post nothing relevant, and nothing solid, that has no other explanation.
lol! there's tons of evidence none of it is proof of anything other than 19 nut jobs had any part in it...
Where are these pools of molten steel? What happened to them when they cooled off? No one has ever seen them......

sent off to china, with no investigation, i'm sure your cool with that:eusa_whistle:

Why did no one see them?
The story...

Molten steel was discovered in the basements of the collapsed WTC. Fire couldn't raise the temperature high enough to melt steel, but explosives, particularly thermite, could.

As Lisa Giuliani put it:

The existence of these burning pools of molten steel were confirmed by:

- Mark Lorieux of Controlled Demolition, Inc
- Peter Tully, President of Tully Construction
- and the American Free Press newspaper

Please explain where these molten pools of steel came from, because hydrocarbon fires are not going to burn in an oxygen-starved environment as these underground fires did.
portland imc - 2005.03.06 - Me, Art Bell, and 9-11

Our take...

So we have three sources? Maybe not. Let's go back to a more complete telling of the story.

Peter Tully, president of Tully Construction of Flushing, New York, told AFP that he saw pools of "literally molten steel" at the World Trade Center. Tully was contracted on September 11 to remove the debris from the site.

Tully called Mark Loizeaux, president of Controlled Demolition, Inc. (CDI) of Phoenix, Maryland, for consultation about removing the debris. CDI calls itself "the innovator and global leader in the controlled demolition and implosion of structures."

Loizeaux, who cleaned up the bombed Federal Building in Oklahoma City, arrived on the WTC site two days later and wrote the clean-up plan for the entire operation.

AFP asked Loizeaux about the report of molten steel on the site. "Yes," he said, "hot spots of molten steel in the basements." These incredibly hot areas were found "at the bottoms of the elevator shafts of the main towers, down seven [basement] levels," Loizeaux said. The molten steel was found "three, four, and five weeks later, when the rubble was being removed," Loizeaux said. He said molten steel was also found at 7 WTC, which collapsed mysteriously in the late afternoon.

Construction steel has an extremely high melting point of about 2,800° Fahrenheit (1535° Celsius). Asked what could have caused such extreme heat, Tully said, "Think of the jet fuel."
Seismic Evidence Points to Underground Explosions Causing WTC Collapse

Okay, so we have two sources here, Tully and Loizeaux, who were then reported in the third (American Free Press). Or do we? Note that Tully is the one claiming he saw the steel, and the article then says he called Loizeaux. So it Loizeaux simply repeating what he's heard from Tully? That would make sense, and it appears to be confirmed by this claimed email from Loizeaux:

Here is what he wrote to me today at 10:38 PST:
Mr. Bryan:

I didn't personally see molten steel at the World Trade Center site. It was reported to me by contractors we had been working with. Molten steel was encountered primarily during excavation of debris around the South Tower when large hydraulic excavators were digging trenches 2 to 4 meters deep into the compacted/burning debris pile. There are both video tape and still photos of the molten steel being "dipped" out by the buckets of excavators. I'm not sure where you can get a copy.

Sorry I cannot provide personal confirmation.


Mark Loizeaux, President
2737 Merryman's Mill Road
Phoenix, Maryland USA 21131
Tel: 1-410-667-6610
Fax: 1-410-667-6624
Controlled Demolition, Inc. |
Puddles of steel at WTC (was Re: China takes credit for 9/11) - alt.alien.visitors | Google Groups

If accurate, the source has now moved from Loizeaux back to contractors, but there’s no information here on how the substance was identified as “molten steel”, or who might have performed the analysis to figure it out.

There’s another complication in terms of the WTC debris temperatures, according to NASA analyses made on September 16th and 23rd.

Initial analysis of these data revealed a number of thermal hot spots on September 16 in the region where the buildings collapsed 5 days earlier. Analysis of the data indicates temperatures greater than 800 degrees F. Over 3 dozen hot spots appear in the core zone. By September 23, only 4, or possibly 5, hot spots are apparent, with temperatures cooler than those on September 16.
USGS Spectroscopy Lab - World Trade Center USGS thermal

Over 800 degrees F is hot, but not nearly hot enough. A more speculative view on the paper suggests maximum temperatures of 1341 degrees F ( USGS Spectroscopy Lab - World Trade Center USGS environmental assessment ), but that's still well below the “about 2,800° Fahrenheit” we need to get "literally molten steel".

The get-out here is that NASA could only see surface temperatures, obviously. And they took their first measurements on the 16th, so temperatures could have been even higher before then. Keep in mind that the hotspots had reduced significantly by the 23rd, though, and excavators wouldn’t have been digging anywhere close to the basement levels until some time after that.

Other accounts suggest the temperatures needn’t have been that high to produce noticeable and dramatic effects.
WTC Molten Steel
Considering the last two pages of deflection by the CT loons it is clear the molten steel issue has been completely debunked and the Nutters are now in damage control mode. They are trying to slink away without openly admitting there is no proof of molten steel so they can try to make an issue of it again tomorrow.
They have all the integrity of slimy snakes in the grass.

So if you ignore all the evidence of molten steel or metal, even if credible people including those hired by the government or its agencies, then that automatically means that there is no evidence?
This is the only way that you can defend the unprovable, and it is a cowardly way to debate an issue. The CT that you adhere to is not in the least plausible, nor is it solid in its assumptions. There are holes in it that you can drive wreckage trucks through. You can not openly admit this for it destroys your fairy tale. Not once have you bothered to engage anyone with a different opinion about it with any concrete proof that solidifies your CT as a
case that is closed because of verifiable, factual data.You have debunked absolutely nothing.
You post nothing relevant, and nothing solid, that has no other explanation.
lol! there's tons of evidence none of it is proof of anything other than 19 nut jobs had any part in it...

Your CT is full of shit, can not stand up to scrutiny and is based on lies and junk science.
You had no idea what the Bazant theory was,and are totally clueless when it comes to explaining your position and belief in your CT.

You think that ignoring numerous witnesses, their testimony, and pretending that things do not exist constitute honesty, and integrity and credibility.
You are so naive that you have no idea what could have possibly driven prestigious agencies, and the personnel within them to make themselves look like fools in front of their peers, nor do you want to acknowledge that history of this nation when it comes to nefarious things like false flag attacks, corrupt officials, or real hidden from the public agendas, that are prevalent throughout the history of the nation you say you reside in.

All in all you're a dumbfuck.
So if you ignore all the evidence of molten steel or metal, even if credible people including those hired by the government or its agencies, then that automatically means that there is no evidence?
This is the only way that you can defend the unprovable, and it is a cowardly way to debate an issue. The CT that you adhere to is not in the least plausible, nor is it solid in its assumptions. There are holes in it that you can drive wreckage trucks through. You can not openly admit this for it destroys your fairy tale. Not once have you bothered to engage anyone with a different opinion about it with any concrete proof that solidifies your CT as a
case that is closed because of verifiable, factual data.You have debunked absolutely nothing.
You post nothing relevant, and nothing solid, that has no other explanation.
lol! there's tons of evidence none of it is proof of anything other than 19 nut jobs had any part in it...

Your CT is full of shit, can not stand up to scrutiny and is based on lies and junk science.
You had no idea what the Bazant theory was,and are totally clueless when it comes to explaining your position and belief in your CT.

You think that ignoring numerous witnesses, their testimony, and pretending that things do not exist constitute honesty, and integrity and credibility.
You are so naive that you have no idea what could have possibly driven prestigious agencies, and the personnel within them to make themselves look like fools in front of their peers, nor do you want to acknowledge that history of this nation when it comes to nefarious things like false flag attacks, corrupt officials, or real hidden from the public agendas, that are prevalent throughout the history of the nation you say you reside in.

All in all you're a dumbfuck.
still trying to pass your lack of reading comprehension off as insight..as to the rest of yours deluded rambling. you have no idea what I think.
it's that kind of assumption that makes you the queen of dumbfucks....
Considering the last two pages of deflection by the CT loons it is clear the molten steel issue has been completely debunked and the Nutters are now in damage control mode. They are trying to slink away without openly admitting there is no proof of molten steel so they can try to make an issue of it again tomorrow.
They have all the integrity of slimy snakes in the grass.

So if you ignore all the evidence of molten steel or metal, even if credible people including those hired by the government or its agencies, then that automatically means that there is no evidence?
This is the only way that you can defend the unprovable, and it is a cowardly way to debate an issue. The CT that you adhere to is not in the least plausible, nor is it solid in its assumptions. There are holes in it that you can drive wreckage trucks through. You can not openly admit this for it destroys your fairy tale. Not once have you bothered to engage anyone with a different opinion about it with any concrete proof that solidifies your CT as a
case that is closed because of verifiable, factual data.You have debunked absolutely nothing.
You post nothing relevant, and nothing solid, that has no other explanation.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
You cling desperately to quotes about molten metal which do not support your claims and others about molten steel from those who deny having made the statement or admit someone told them about it but never actually saw it first hand.
Do any of your witnesses to the alleged "molten steel" have proof of what those molten mats were?
Of course not.
Do you or they have any evidence of some secret super accelerant that could melt steel or continue to burn for weeks?
Of course not.
All you have is speculation, half-truths, outright fabrications and your unshakable preconceived conclusions. Pathetic, really. Case closed. :D
The truth seeks to include evidence, The lie seeks to exclude evidence
I see one of the agents is desperate for my attention right now.notice how he replied so quick seeking attention from me?:D

This message is hidden because SAYIT is on your ignore list

Yeah, the stalker trolls are pretty weird. They obsess over my posts. I could understand if they really were paid Government trolls, but i'm guessing they're not. So that makes them real loser kooks.

yeah I've noticed.disagree with you that they are not though.How could they spend so much times on these threads making up so many lies like they do without any income? they couldnt unless they were being paid.Just look at the way they devote themselves to posting lie after lie and ignoring evidence all the time here in this section.
I see one of the agents is desperate for my attention right now.notice how he replied so quick seeking attention from me?:D

This message is hidden because SAYIT is on your ignore list

Yeah, the stalker trolls are pretty weird. They obsess over my posts. I could understand if they really were paid Government trolls, but i'm guessing they're not. So that makes them real loser kooks.

yeah I've noticed.disagree with you that they are not though.How could they spend so much times on these threads making up so many lies like they do without any income? they couldnt unless they were being paid.Just look at the way they devote themselves to posting lie after lie and ignoring evidence all the time here in this section.

Retired and Laughing...... What can be better? But if you can find someone to pay me to laugh at you and make you look stupid I'll take the extra dollars......
I see one of the agents is desperate for my attention right now.notice how he replied so quick seeking attention from me?:D

This message is hidden because SAYIT is on your ignore list

Yeah, the stalker trolls are pretty weird. They obsess over my posts. I could understand if they really were paid Government trolls, but i'm guessing they're not. So that makes them real loser kooks.

yeah I've noticed.disagree with you that they are not though.How could they spend so much times on these threads making up so many lies like they do without any income? they couldnt unless they were being paid.Just look at the way they devote themselves to posting lie after lie and ignoring evidence all the time here in this section.

I hear ya, there are paid Government Trolls all over the Internet. But frankly, a troll like dawgshit/SAYIT/Candyass just isn't smart enough. He or she's just a run-of-the-mill Goose Stepper. They happily worship Big Brother for free. They simply enjoy Boot-Licking. It's all they know.
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You know Gomer Pyle Ollie for sure is.that traiterous scum is a disgrace to his fellow military officers .they are paying him right now at this instant as you can see to troll these boards.He is such a joke.He goes around CLAIMING he has debunked videos when as you know,in all his years he has been here he has never even attempted ONCE to debunk one.:lmao:

Reminds me an awful lot of the logic of of predfan troll who got frustrated with me once because he could not refute facts I posted once that proved the governments version was wrong.Now HIM I know is just a brainwashed Bush dupe in denial and afraid because he got frustrated and cussed me out calling me names without even trying to refute the facts then and has had me on innore ever sense then CLAIMING he has debunked me.Gomer here reminds me an awful lot of him.:D

sad that he is willing to disgrace his fellow military officers willing to take money and troll these boards thinking that will bring him happiness in the future.Boy is he in for a rude awakening.He is obviously clueless about karma and how he will suffer from that in the future.
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You know Gomer Pyle Ollie for sure is.that traiterous scum is a disgrace to his fellow military officers .they are paying right now at this instant as you can see to troll these boards.He is such a joke.He goes around CLAIMING he has debunked videos when as you know,in all his years he has been here he has never even attempted ONCE to debunk one.

Reminds me of predfan troll who got frustrated with me because he could not refute facts I posted once that proved the governments version was wrong.Now him I know is just a brainwashed Bush dupe in denial and afraid because he got frustrated and cussed me out calling me names without even trying to refute the facts then and has had me on inogr ever sense then CLAIMING he has debunked me.Gomer here reminds me an awful lot of him.

Well, i still have some respect for Ollie. At least he's not a cowardly Sock Puppet like SAYIT/dawgshit/Candyass/del etc etc. I truly understand where he's coming from. He served in our Military for some time. Receiving and following orders is all he's ever known. Obedience & loyalty to Authority is something he'll never shake. But that doesn't make him a bad person. That just makes him a victim of sorts. Just my opinion anyway.
You know Gomer Pyle Ollie for sure is.that traiterous scum is a disgrace to his fellow military officers .they are paying right now at this instant as you can see to troll these boards.He is such a joke.He goes around CLAIMING he has debunked videos when as you know,in all his years he has been here he has never even attempted ONCE to debunk one.

Reminds me of predfan troll who got frustrated with me because he could not refute facts I posted once that proved the governments version was wrong.Now him I know is just a brainwashed Bush dupe in denial and afraid because he got frustrated and cussed me out calling me names without even trying to refute the facts then and has had me on inogr ever sense then CLAIMING he has debunked me.Gomer here reminds me an awful lot of him.

Well, i still have some respect for Ollie. At least he's not a cowardly Sock Puppet like SAYIT/dawgshit/Candyass/del etc etc. I truly understand where he's coming from. He served in our Military for some time. Receiving and following orders is all he's ever known. Obedience & loyalty to Authority is something he'll never shake. But that doesn't make him a bad person. That just makes him a victim of sorts. Just my opinion anyway.

Yeah but he is a paid shill who has sold out his military officers so I DONT have any respect for that traiterous scum.I find him worse than the others you mentioned because those other trolls you mentioned if they are not paid,are sad excuses for a human being who have no life or friends so i can understand why they would feel the need to come on here and troll like they do.

But HIM a paid shill that has sold out his fellow officers and knows it was an inside job as much as we do,I have LESS repect for,he will die a slow painful death selling them out for money like he has and making up lies like he does also.
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btw,have you seen this video here below?

It cracks me up.the proof is in the pudding how Obama just like Bush before him,bows down to Israel.You can tell from the video and his body language,he is obviously pissed at Bibi for the way he is the master there at the white house and Obama is the dog serving him.That he is obviously angry how he gets to rule the roost there at the white house.:lmao:

then of course sense congress is bought off and paid for by the zionists,they applaud him at the end of the speech with a loud thundering ovation.Like that guy said,you would NEVER see Obama prising someone like that like the president of new zealand for instance or see congress give that president a loud thunderous ovation like they did with that Israeli primi minister.

Obama would NEVER bow down to some other president of a country in his own white house and let him rule the roost like that the way he let Bibi do so.:lol:
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Yeah, the stalker trolls are pretty weird. They obsess over my posts. I could understand if they really were paid Government trolls, but i'm guessing they're not. So that makes them real loser kooks.

yeah I've noticed.disagree with you that they are not though.How could they spend so much times on these threads making up so many lies like they do without any income? they couldnt unless they were being paid.Just look at the way they devote themselves to posting lie after lie and ignoring evidence all the time here in this section.

I hear ya, there are paid Government Trolls all over the Internet. But frankly, a troll like dawgshit/SAYIT/Candyass just isn't smart enough. He or she's just a run-of-the-mill Goose Stepper. They happily worship Big Brother for free. They simply enjoy Boot-Licking. It's all they know.
paulie shares another masturbation fantasy..

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