9/11 Conspiracy

Why was the building on fire and exploding BEFORE the Twins collapsed?
Are you ever going to present information that's factual?! What are you basing this statement on? Let me guess. Barry Jennings' account? The fact that he said the firefighters ran away twice (once for each tower that fell) after he broke the window out on the 8th floor?

Is that right?
...nothing you have presented is even close to being objective ...

Another coincidence; neither has the NIST group, which, let's not forget, is itself an agency of the US Department of Commerce.

As pointed out here by the patriarch of the scholarly division of the 9/11 Truth Movement, D.R. Griffin,

. . .During the years it was writing its World Trade Center reports, therefore, it was an agency of the Bush-Cheney administration. In 2004, the Union of Concerned Scientists put out a document charging this administration with “distortion of scientific knowledge for partisan political ends.” By the end of the Bush administration, this document had been signed by over 15,000 scientists, including 52 Nobel Laureates and 63 recipients of the National Medal of Science.[10]

Moreover, a scientist who formerly worked for NIST has reported that it has been “fully hijacked from the scientific into the political realm,” with the result that scientists working for NIST “lost [their] scientific independence, and became little more than ‘hired guns.’”[11] Referring in particular to NIST’s work on the World Trade Center, he said everything had to be approved by the Department of Commerce, the National Security Agency, and the Office of Management and Budget—“an arm of the Executive Office of the President,” which “had a policy person specifically delegated to provide oversight on [NIST’s] work.”[12] [emphasis Capstone's]

That highlighted bit is not what anyone with half a brain could describe as a recipe for scientific objectivity.

Be sure to read the rest of Griffin's essay at the link I've provided, Daws. It obliterates many OCTers' claims and shows beyond the shadow of a doubt just how fraudulent the NIST reports were from top to bottom.
Be sure to read the rest of Griffin's essay at the link I've provided, Daws. It obliterates many OCTers' claims and shows beyond the shadow of a doubt just how fraudulent the NIST reports were from top to bottom.
Griffin's essay is hogwash. The pieces he uses as evidence are garbage.

Harrit's paper is a joke (we can talk about particular's if you'd like) and the Swiss cheese steel is from eutectic reactions.
...nothing you have presented is even close to being objective ...

Another coincidence; neither has the NIST group, which, let's not forget, is itself an agency of the US Department of Commerce.

As pointed out here by the patriarch of the scholarly division of the 9/11 Truth Movement, D.R. Griffin,

. . .During the years it was writing its World Trade Center reports, therefore, it was an agency of the Bush-Cheney administration. In 2004, the Union of Concerned Scientists put out a document charging this administration with “distortion of scientific knowledge for partisan political ends.” By the end of the Bush administration, this document had been signed by over 15,000 scientists, including 52 Nobel Laureates and 63 recipients of the National Medal of Science.[10]

Moreover, a scientist who formerly worked for NIST has reported that it has been “fully hijacked from the scientific into the political realm,” with the result that scientists working for NIST “lost [their] scientific independence, and became little more than ‘hired guns.’”[11] Referring in particular to NIST’s work on the World Trade Center, he said everything had to be approved by the Department of Commerce, the National Security Agency, and the Office of Management and Budget—“an arm of the Executive Office of the President,” which “had a policy person specifically delegated to provide oversight on [NIST’s] work.”[12] [emphasis Capstone's]

That highlighted bit is not what anyone with half a brain could describe as a recipe for scientific objectivity.

Be sure to read the rest of Griffin's essay at the link I've provided, Daws. It obliterates many OCTers' claims and shows beyond the shadow of a doubt just how fraudulent the NIST reports were from top to bottom.
griffin is about as qualified to comment on 911 as a lumber jack is qualified to do brain surgery.
btw I know him personally he's an evangelical nut job, when I was a stage tech at the Claremont colleges we did the audio for his "presentations"
David Ray Griffin (born August 8, 1939) is a retired American professor of philosophy of religion and theology, and a political writer. Along with John B. Cobb, Jr., he founded the Center for Process Studies in 1973, a research center of Claremont School of Theology
What do you know about credibility, you're a member of 'We Are Criminal Clowns'

You care nothing about the truth, you question nothing about the OCT which is full of holes,
That's hysterical coming from you!

Weren't you the one blathering on about the jet engine and where it landed and how impossible that was? Weren't you using that as part of your reasoning to try and show that everything is a conspiracy? Until you were shown that story was based on incorrect information, you believed every word of it.

What questions did YOU ask about that particular piece of information to find the truth? You KNEW something was not right, but just ran with the "it was probably planted" garbage.

You're a hypocrite.
That's the furthest thing from the truth. You're crushing your own credibility by saying that and I love it- Sayit even blew smoke up my ass at the time when I (promptly) admitted I had made a mistake.
In fact, your admission is the first time any "Truther" has had the courage (and integrity) to admit the "facts" supporting their CT were not facts at all. You get big creds for having both

lol But I hardly "blathered on" about this relatively small issue in the scheme of things - and no one even disputed it with anything of substance - no one said it was the wrong corner. I've learned this is no place for a dialectic
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...the Swiss cheese steel is from eutectic reactions. ...

For any OCTer who understands what a 'eutectic reaction' is, it'd be among the last explanations he or she would proffer. The eutectic point (I.E. the temperature requirements for a given alloy composition to have a eutectic reaction) of structural steel composites is so high (well beyond even the fraudulent temperatures asserted by the NIST group) that such a reaction is one of the most compelling among the many pieces of physical evidence in favor of the controlled demolition hypothesis by way of military-grade incendiaries - which might explain why the NIST reports made no mention of it, despite its presence in the much earlier FEMA report. So, strictly for the sake of argument, let me just go ahead and concede that the infamous chunk of swiss cheese girder steel was the result of a fire-induced eutectic reaction of its alloy components.

Of course, the questions remain:

  1. How did temperatures reach in excess of 2,800 degrees Fahrenheit in the WTC fires and rubble (actually, in line with several highly credible and fully credentialed eyewitnesses who reported seeing pools of molten steel below the debris piles, it must have been significantly hotter even than that)?
  2. Why did the NIST group overlook the many pieces of physical and testimonial evidence that didn't support their apparently predetermined conclusions, and further denied in effect that the requisite physical conditions for a eutectic reaction of steel alloy composites were even present at ground zero?

...Harrit's paper is a joke (we can talk about particular's if you'd like) and the Swiss cheese steel is from eutectic reactions. ...

Oh, I'll be happy to oblige in that regard, but first things first...

...Griffin's essay is hogwash. The pieces he uses as evidence are garbage.

...I'd be remiss to let such a trenchant criticism slide on by without a stitch of explicit support.

So, let's take "the pieces he uses as evidence" in the order he used them in his hogwash-laden essay, shall we?

Since you made the charge, I'll allow you to start our little interactive exercise.
An office fire did this to a 47 story building- over 40,000 tons of structural steel. OK


No, fire initiated the collapse and the resultant loads applied to the rest of the structure as a result of the gravity driven collapse did that to 40,000 tons of steel.

Get your stories straight.

No, apply all the phoney physics you like, fire did not initiate the collapse
griffin is about as qualified to comment on 911 as a lumber jack is qualified to do brain surgery.
btw I know him personally he's an evangelical nut job, when I was a stage tech at the Claremont colleges we did the audio for his "presentations"
David Ray Griffin (born August 8, 1939) is a retired American professor of philosophy of religion and theology, and a political writer. Along with John B. Cobb, Jr., he founded the Center for Process Studies in 1973, a research center of Claremont School of Theology

Despite his field of expertise, Griffin has shown himself to be a highly capable researcher and writer on several topics (not just 9/11 related) outside of that field. His citations and sources are, as a general rule, impeccable, often appealing to non-controversial physical evidence and the best credentialed authorities available in his chosen subjects.

You know, Daws, you've become so predictable with the incessant ad homs, the copy-and-paste jobs, and the near complete lack of response to your opponents' points, that I think I'm just about through with you.

Shoo! Adults are talking now.
Maybe there wasn't thermite after all, maybe it was termite - cartoon freakin' termites.

WTC7 comes down just like a cartoon building that was attacked by cartoon termites!
People are so used to seeing stuff like this they'll believe anything.

...I'd be remiss to let such a trenchant criticism slide on by without a stitch of explicit support.

So, let's take "the pieces he uses as evidence" in the order he used them in his hogwash-laden essay, shall we?

Since you made the charge, I'll allow you to start our little interactive exercise.
Let's start with Harrit's paper.

Have you read it?
What do you know about credibility, you're a member of 'We Are Criminal Clowns'

You care nothing about the truth, you question nothing about the OCT which is full of holes,
That's hysterical coming from you!

Weren't you the one blathering on about the jet engine and where it landed and how impossible that was? Weren't you using that as part of your reasoning to try and show that everything is a conspiracy? Until you were shown that story was based on incorrect information, you believed every word of it.

What questions did YOU ask about that particular piece of information to find the truth? You KNEW something was not right, but just ran with the "it was probably planted" garbage.

You're a hypocrite.
That's the furthest thing from the truth. You're crushing your own credibility by saying that and I love it- Sayit even blew smoke up my ass at the time when I (promptly) admitted I had made a mistake.
In fact, your admission is the first time any "Truther" has had the courage (and integrity) to admit the "facts" supporting their CT were not facts at all. You get big creds for having both

lol But I hardly "blathered on" about this relatively small issue in the scheme of things - and no one even disputed it with anything of substance - no one said it was the wrong corner. I've learned this is no place for a dialectic
It's not the furthest thing from the truth.

You read that crap from somewhere and ran with it. That's your version of "caring about the truth"? You even admitted it, "No one said it was in the wrong corner". You didn't even investigate anything. You just believed it.
Of course, the questions remain:

  1. How did temperatures reach in excess of 2,800 degrees Fahrenheit in the WTC fires and rubble (actually, in line with several highly credible and fully credentialed eyewitnesses who reported seeing pools of molten steel below the debris piles, it must have been significantly hotter even than that)?
Are you telling me you believe people can actually tell the difference visually that something is molten steel as opposed to something else? Could it have been molten aluminum?
What do you know about credibility, you're a member of 'We Are Criminal Clowns'

You care nothing about the truth, you question nothing about the OCT which is full of holes,
That's hysterical coming from you!

Weren't you the one blathering on about the jet engine and where it landed and how impossible that was? Weren't you using that as part of your reasoning to try and show that everything is a conspiracy? Until you were shown that story was based on incorrect information, you believed every word of it.

What questions did YOU ask about that particular piece of information to find the truth? You KNEW something was not right, but just ran with the "it was probably planted" garbage.

You're a hypocrite.
That's the furthest thing from the truth. You're crushing your own credibility by saying that and I love it- Sayit even blew smoke up my ass at the time when I (promptly) admitted I had made a mistake.
In fact, your admission is the first time any "Truther" has had the courage (and integrity) to admit the "facts" supporting their CT were not facts at all. You get big creds for having both

lol But I hardly "blathered on" about this relatively small issue in the scheme of things - and no one even disputed it with anything of substance - no one said it was the wrong corner. I've learned this is no place for a dialectic
It's not the furthest thing from the truth.

You read that crap from somewhere and ran with it. That's your version of "caring about the truth"? You even admitted it, "No one said it was in the wrong corner". You didn't even investigate anything. You just believed it.
Nooo, I thought it was the correct corner because it was at the same intersection and it was taped off in the same unusual manner, using a garbage can pulled into the middle of the street. I even stated that the engine should have traveled in a direction different from where I incorrectly thought it was found. Since "No one said it was in the wrong corner" I was not aware of my mistake. I was "investigating" the engine thing in real time and I was using this place as a sounding board. Beavis and Butthead of course were useless in calling attention to the specifics of my mistake.
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An office fire did this to a 47 story building- over 40,000 tons of structural steel. OK


No, fire initiated the collapse and the resultant loads applied to the rest of the structure as a result of the gravity driven collapse did that to 40,000 tons of steel.

Get your stories straight.

No, apply all the phoney physics you like, fire did not initiate the collapse
oh no the physics ploy !
you asshats really should learn some physics before you make those kind of statements .
griffin is about as qualified to comment on 911 as a lumber jack is qualified to do brain surgery.
btw I know him personally he's an evangelical nut job, when I was a stage tech at the Claremont colleges we did the audio for his "presentations"
David Ray Griffin (born August 8, 1939) is a retired American professor of philosophy of religion and theology, and a political writer. Along with John B. Cobb, Jr., he founded the Center for Process Studies in 1973, a research center of Claremont School of Theology

Despite his field of expertise, Griffin has shown himself to be a highly capable researcher and writer on several topics (not just 9/11 related) outside of that field. His citations and sources are, as a general rule, impeccable, often appealing to non-controversial physical evidence and the best credentialed authorities available in his chosen subjects.

You know, Daws, you've become so predictable with the incessant ad homs, the copy-and-paste jobs, and the near complete lack of response to your opponents' points, that I think I'm just about through with you.

Shoo! Adults are talking now.
Friday, May 11, 2007
David Ray Griffin interviews. I could only make it about 16 minutes into this interview before wanting to smash my head against the monitor.

George Kenney: David’s analysis is an important litmus test for intellectual honesty. I am not saying he is right about everything or that one must agree with him, but intellectual rigor and neutral methodology are clearly on his side.
You have got to be kidding me. This is the guy who wrote "These reports of having seen a missile or a small military plane [at the Pentagon] must, accordingly, be given more weight."in his book, when he didn't even list a single report that fit that description. Intellectual rigor indeed.

Here Griffin explains why he writes such crap:

Griffin: Process theology and philosophy is inclusive, and deals with the interconnection of various disciplines that have been kept apart by too many forms of thought. One of those is science and religion. So a lot of my work has been, not in theology proper but in philosophy and religion with a heavy emphasis on philosophy of science. In fact several of my books are on science and religion, and the philosophy of science.
Kenney: So you are following Alfred North Whitehead I guess?
Griffin: Yes, his philosophy made the interconnection of science and religion the most important issue. And so that was uh, and important part of my background. And secondly, this form of thought stresses the interconnection of religion and politic. So I had also done quite a bit of thinking about political matters….
I would have to agree completely, this guy applies religious-like beliefs in his cause to science in ways that would make the most fervent televangelist jealous.

Now this part I couldn’t believe. Keep in mind, this is not just some guy I found on the Internet who only watched his first Youtube video yesterday. This is supposedly the most learned mind the 9/11 deniers can come up with. The guy has written 5 books on 9/11 for God’s sake, and yet he will still say crap like this:

Griffin: Likewise, when they finally confront the evidence that there was molten metal under the towers and building 7.
Kenney:For a considerable period of time after the event.
Griffin: Oh, weeks if not months. And it was still in a molten state when people were… crane operators were pulling out the beams and said it was dripping molten steel at the end, which is just what you would expect if it was explosives that had sliced the steel.

What? Did he really just say that? Let me rewind this and play that again…
"it was dripping molten steel at the end, which is just what you would expect if it was explosives that had sliced the steel. "You have got to be kidding me. Explosives don’t melt steel, least of all not months after they are used. They do their work through pressure, not intense lasting heat. Whenever they blow up a hotel in Vegas do you see the fire department spending weeks hosing down the red hot debris afterwards before they can clean it up? No, once the dust settles you can go pick it up if you want.

And this is the best they got?

Update: Griffin later argues that the steel in the towers could not have weakened unless they were exposed to fires for several hours, because steel is a good conducter of heat, and the heat would be conducted away from the source of the fires almost instantly. He does not explain, however, how this works with his previous theory, that once steel is molten, it dissipates heat so poorly that it manages to stay in this molten state for weeks after that.
Labels: David Ray Griffin, Debunking 9/11 Debunking
David Ray Griffin is a former philosophy and theology professor (specifically, emeritus at Claremont School of Theology in California) and current moonbat conspiracy theorist. He wrote a load of theology texts in his pre-truther days, mostly dealing with theology and postmodernism. He claims to have evidence of a government conspiracy regarding the 9/11 tragedy and Osama bin Laden's death, and he has written several books on the subject.
His first and most famous work of trutherism is The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions About the Bush Administration and 9/11. Naturally, it's a book-length just asking questions session (indeed, he never explains how the conspiracy would work in toto, but merely attempts to poke holes in the "official account" like most other conspiracy theorists), replete with the standard post hoc Cui Bono reasoning and citations of other cranks as "experts." All the old truther chestnuts are there as well, including WTC7, the Pentagon being hit by a cruise missile, the PNAC, and a number of the other greatest hits.
He has also written some material shoehorning Christian theology into trutherism (namely, Christian Faith and the Truth Behind 9/11: A Call to Reflection and Action).
People are so used to seeing stuff like this they'll believe anything.
How ironic for you to say this!
You're the one saying WTC7 came down like a cartoon --because of an office fire!
Like a cartoon huh?

Answer a question for me. David Chandler showed a graph of the supposed free fall period right?

If that graph supposedly shows that all the steel was cut at the same time to produce that freefall period, explain why there is .8 seconds worth of slower than freefall just before. Are you saying that the section above the cut steel just hanged in the air for a few seconds like a cartoon before deciding to drop?

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