9 Democrat governors send letter to Biden begging him to address border crisis

How is it a REAL bill when the details are not available for review?

Your childish, flaming tirades give no one any confidence that you're anything but a typical, self-loathing, Dem / Socialist.
Don't take my word for it, goober. Listen to Republican Senator James Lankford. --

“Only in Washington is our southern border political gamesmanship instead of a national security crisis,” he said, as the right wing started ramping up its opposition.

Lankford over the weekend seemed to expound on his meaning. He suggested that Republicans were flip-flopping and prioritizing Donald Trump’s 2024 election hopes — and there’s evidence for this contention.

“It is interesting: Republicans, four months ago, would not give funding for Ukraine, for Israel and for our southern border because we demanded changes in policy,” Lankford said on CNN.

He added: “And now, it’s interesting, a few months later, when we’re finally getting to the end, they’re like, ‘Oh, just kidding, I actually don’t want a change in law because it’s a presidential election year.’”

Lankford has rejected GOP claims that all that’s needed is to have a president like Trump with the will to secure the border. He has noted that even Trump as president emphasized the need for legislation to change things like asylum laws — as his proposal would.

Lankford also isn’t the only one who continues to defend and push the effort. So too have the top two Senate Republicans and the likes of Sens. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.), Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.), Todd Young (R-Ind.) and Mike Rounds (R-S.D.).
Many of them have made principled cases, like Lankford, that this a conservative proposal and that the problem is too significant to bow to Trump’s wishes.

I was very specific,,

restrict all but legal entry points and repell all others,,

problem solved,,
No, dumb ass. A lot of these migrants have legitimate asylum claims. And the Repugs don't even have funding for your simpleton proposals in their HR 2 bill.

But you are an unserious person, like all MAGAts.
No, dumb ass. A lot of these migrants have legitimate asylum claims. And the Repugs don't even have funding for your simpleton proposals in their HR 2 bill.

But you are an unserious person, like all MAGAts.
is that what they are telling you??

sorry they are illegal aliens trying to game the system by claiming asylum,,

its not that complicated,,
Don't take my word for it, goober. Listen to Republican Senator James Lankford --

Lankford over the weekend seemed to expound on his meaning. He suggested that Republicans were flip-flopping and prioritizing Donald Trump’s 2024 election hopes — and there’s evidence for this contention.

“It is interesting: Republicans, four months ago, would not give funding for Ukraine, for Israel and for our southern border because we demanded changes in policy,” Lankford said on CNN.

He added: “And now, it’s interesting, a few months later, when we’re finally getting to the end, they’re like, ‘Oh, just kidding, I actually don’t want a change in law because it’s a presidential election year.’”

Lankford has rejected GOP claims that all that’s needed is to have a president like Trump with the will to secure the border. He has noted that even Trump as president emphasized the need for legislation to change things like asylum laws — as his proposal would.

Lankford also isn’t the only one who continues to defend and push the effort. So too have the top two Senate Republicans and the likes of Sens. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.), Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.), Todd Young (R-Ind.) and Mike Rounds (R-S.D.).
Many of them have made principled cases, like Lankford, that this a conservative proposal and that the problem is too significant to bow to Trump’s wishes.

Cutting and pasting from supermarket tabloids does nothing to shed light on the details of the Schumer bill he insists be hidden from the public.

Do you understand your posts identify you as little more than a swaggering teenager who just chugged his first six pack of cheap beer?

Here's a link to HR 2. Pretty clear about securing the border. Why do the Dems / Marxists need to keep the details of their bill from the public?

Cutting and pasting from supermarket tabloids does nothing to shed light on the details of the Schumer bill he insists be hidden from the public.

Do you understand your posts identify you as little more than a swaggering teenager who just chugged his first six pack of cheap beer?

Here's a link to HR 2. Pretty clear about securing the border. Why do the Dems / Marxists need to keep the details of their bill from the public?

You keep calling it the "Schumer bill". Why do so many Senate Republicans support it?

You lose.

And there is no funding for HR 2, dumb ass. McCarthy lost his job last year over this issue.
More of your Repug wet dream fantasies?

More of your retreat to an ignorant safe space.

The number of illegal border crossings at the northern and southern borders and all ports of entry since January 2021 totals more than eight million people, greater than the individual populations of 38 U.S. states.

In the first 28 months of the Biden administration, total CBP encounters nationwide are at least 6,547,514 (January 2021 through May 2023).
More of your retreat to an ignorant safe space.

The number of illegal border crossings at the northern and southern borders and all ports of entry since January 2021 totals more than eight million people, greater than the individual populations of 38 U.S. states.

In the first 28 months of the Biden administration, total CBP encounters nationwide are at least 6,547,514 (January 2021 through May 2023).
The sad part is that you pretend to care.

Huge problem....so why won't the idiot House Repugs support the new border protection bill???

that only applies when entering a legal point of entry,, not when you pay drug cartels to sneak you in the back door that doenst exist,,
It's called desperation, dumb ass.

But you don't really care about any of this...you just enjoy your constant racist MAGA whining.

If Trump stopped talking about this, you wouldn't care anymore.
It's called desperation, dumb ass.

But you don't really care about any of this...you just enjoy your constant racist MAGA whining.

If Trump stopped talking about this, you wouldn't care anymore.
its called criminal,,

its far easier to just come to a legal point of entry and cut out the cartels that rape most of the women and girls and some of the boys,,
You keep calling it the "Schumer bill". Why do so many Senate Republicans support it?

You lose.

And there is no funding for HR 2, dumb ass. McCarthy lost his job last year over this issue.

Schumer is pressing for senate approval of the bill.

Why won't Schumer release details of the bill?

You cut and paste the ''no funding'' slogan as expected. In typical Dem / Marxist form, you insist that more taxpayer money is needed by the Dems / Marxists you make no case for why more money is needed.

The Dems / Marxists are ignoring current immigration laws now. Why will more boatloads of money convince them to enforce new laws.

More layers of new laws won't cause the reprehensible Dems / Marxists to abide by laws they currently ignore.
The sad part is that you pretend to care.

Huge problem....so why won't the idiot House Repugs support the new border protection bill???


The sad part is that Dems / Socialists have demonstrated for three years they are willfully going to ignore existing immigration laws.

Why should anyone support a phony senate bill they're not allowed to see?

Not surprisingly, you insist the House must approve a bill that conceals details.

Why should anyone accept such dishonesty and fraud?
No, dumb ass. A lot of these migrants have legitimate asylum claims.
Hmmm.................something like 90% don't qualify it is said.

You see the piles of passports and wristbands on the south side of the Rio?
It's not a "slogan", fucktard....it's the truth.

I'm sorry that your sorry MAGA ass can't handle the truth.

Be honest. You're just a pre-teen doing the internet version of phony phone calls, right?

What the Dems / Marxists want is an absurd deal that will trade security for Ukraine's borders while they continue to import illegals as future Dem / Socialist voters.

You continue to sidestep the obvious question which is, why will more layers of new laws suddenly cause the Dems / Marxists to abide by mass they currently ignore?

Why are the details of the senate fraud bill not released?
There is a bipartisin bill ready right now that could solve most of the problem, but MAGAs refuse to accept it. It's what they said they wanted.
The overseas crap they can go door to door to Prog homes, dwellings, apartments, condos and homeless areas and collect the 100 billion dollars for it. For the Southern border, let's get it done.

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