9 in 10 Americans Have Concerns About Biden’s Physical, Mental Health


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

9 in 10 Americans Have Concerns About Biden’s Physical, Mental Health

9 Feb 2024 ~~ By Nick Gilbertson

A whopping 89 percent of Americans have concerns, to varying degrees, that President Joe Biden lacks the physical and mental health for a second term, according to an NBC News poll.
The poll published Tuesday — ahead of Biden’s press conference Thursday where he was grilled about his age and mental acuity — found that 62 percent of registered voters nationally have “major concerns” that he does not have “the necessary mental and physical health to be president for a second term.” Another 14 percent have “moderate” worries, while 13 percent expressed “minor concerns.”
Conversely just over one in ten of the registered voter respondents said they had “no real concerns” about Biden’s physical and mental health if he was to serve a second term.
The survey was released days before Special Counsel Robert Hur’s report on the Biden classified document case was published Thursday, where Hur cited Biden’s memory as a factor in the decision not to prosecute, as Breitbart News Capitol Hill Correspondent Bradley Jaye noted:
The report says the investigation “uncovered evidence that President Biden willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency when he was a private citizen” but does not establish guilt “beyond a reasonable doubt.”
Yet Hur’s assessment of Biden’s “significantly limited” memory also played a part in his decision not to prosecute. “We have also considered that, at trial, Mr. Biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory,” the report states. “Based on our direct interactions with and observations of him, he is someone for whom many jurors will want to identify reasonable doubt.”
It's hard to believe that most of the American public and even the media are just discovering Joe Biden's problem now?
Most of us have been aware of this problem back when the DNCPUSA stole the election!
Joe Biden is just a puppet.
There's an evil group of American haters running the show. Ther's a strong feeling Barry Soetoro aka Obama is behind it.
Seems that Biden was advanced to be the front, fall guy for everything put into play for Obama's "Fundamental Transformation of America" program.
Riots, illegal aliens, rapid withdrawal from Afghanistan leaving the war machine behind creating massive refugee movement to Central Europe and America, cartoon characters as administration department heads, e.g., Blinken.....all of it. Now that America is more than half trashed, the democrats can blame dementia Joe and of course MAGA..

9 in 10 Americans Have Concerns About Biden’s Physical, Mental Health

9 Feb 2024 ~~ By Nick Gilbertson

A whopping 89 percent of Americans have concerns, to varying degrees, that President Joe Biden lacks the physical and mental health for a second term, according to an NBC News poll.
The poll published Tuesday — ahead of Biden’s press conference Thursday where he was grilled about his age and mental acuity — found that 62 percent of registered voters nationally have “major concerns” that he does not have “the necessary mental and physical health to be president for a second term.” Another 14 percent have “moderate” worries, while 13 percent expressed “minor concerns.”
Conversely just over one in ten of the registered voter respondents said they had “no real concerns” about Biden’s physical and mental health if he was to serve a second term.
The survey was released days before Special Counsel Robert Hur’s report on the Biden classified document case was published Thursday, where Hur cited Biden’s memory as a factor in the decision not to prosecute, as Breitbart News Capitol Hill Correspondent Bradley Jaye noted:
The report says the investigation “uncovered evidence that President Biden willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency when he was a private citizen” but does not establish guilt “beyond a reasonable doubt.”
Yet Hur’s assessment of Biden’s “significantly limited” memory also played a part in his decision not to prosecute. “We have also considered that, at trial, Mr. Biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory,” the report states. “Based on our direct interactions with and observations of him, he is someone for whom many jurors will want to identify reasonable doubt.”
It's hard to believe that most of the American public and even the media are just discovering Joe Biden's problem now?
Most of us have been aware of this problem back when the DNCPUSA stole the election!
Joe Biden is just a puppet.
There's an evil group of American haters running the show. Ther's a strong feeling Barry Soetoro aka Obama is behind it.
Seems that Biden was advanced to be the front, fall guy for everything put into play for Obama's "Fundamental Transformation of America" program.
Riots, illegal aliens, rapid withdrawal from Afghanistan leaving the war machine behind creating massive refugee movement to Central Europe and America, cartoon characters as administration department heads, e.g., Blinken.....all of it. Now that America is more than half trashed, the democrats can blame dementia Joe and of course MAGA..
As many have said, you have to consider the alternative. I’ll take some forgetfulness over Trump’s psychopathy.
Biden's own DOJ, including a review by AG Garland said he is unfit to be president.

non compos mentis
/nŏn kŏm″pəs mĕn′tĭs/


  1. Not of sound mind and hence not legally competent.
  2. Insane; not of sound mind; not in control of one's self.
  3. Not of sound mind, memory, or understanding; in law, not competent to go to trial.

9 in 10 Americans Have Concerns About Biden’s Physical, Mental Health

9 Feb 2024 ~~ By Nick Gilbertson

A whopping 89 percent of Americans have concerns, to varying degrees, that President Joe Biden lacks the physical and mental health for a second term, according to an NBC News poll.
The poll published Tuesday — ahead of Biden’s press conference Thursday where he was grilled about his age and mental acuity — found that 62 percent of registered voters nationally have “major concerns” that he does not have “the necessary mental and physical health to be president for a second term.” Another 14 percent have “moderate” worries, while 13 percent expressed “minor concerns.”
Conversely just over one in ten of the registered voter respondents said they had “no real concerns” about Biden’s physical and mental health if he was to serve a second term.
The survey was released days before Special Counsel Robert Hur’s report on the Biden classified document case was published Thursday, where Hur cited Biden’s memory as a factor in the decision not to prosecute, as Breitbart News Capitol Hill Correspondent Bradley Jaye noted:
The report says the investigation “uncovered evidence that President Biden willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency when he was a private citizen” but does not establish guilt “beyond a reasonable doubt.”
Yet Hur’s assessment of Biden’s “significantly limited” memory also played a part in his decision not to prosecute. “We have also considered that, at trial, Mr. Biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory,” the report states. “Based on our direct interactions with and observations of him, he is someone for whom many jurors will want to identify reasonable doubt.”
It's hard to believe that most of the American public and even the media are just discovering Joe Biden's problem now?
Most of us have been aware of this problem back when the DNCPUSA stole the election!
Joe Biden is just a puppet.
There's an evil group of American haters running the show. Ther's a strong feeling Barry Soetoro aka Obama is behind it.
Seems that Biden was advanced to be the front, fall guy for everything put into play for Obama's "Fundamental Transformation of America" program.
Riots, illegal aliens, rapid withdrawal from Afghanistan leaving the war machine behind creating massive refugee movement to Central Europe and America, cartoon characters as administration department heads, e.g., Blinken.....all of it. Now that America is more than half trashed, the democrats can blame dementia Joe and of course MAGA..
It's funny trying to watch the left defend Biden when even Democrats know the truth.
10 of 11 Americans are concerned about Trump's neurosyphilis.
Fixed it for you…
Biden is the only one where his own lap dog in the DoJ found that the only way to NOT prosecute him was to say out loud what everyone in the country has known for three years now, that Biden is mentally unfit to be POTUS....The tactic of turning every damning thing about Biden around and pinning it on Trump is a childish deflection, and a dishonest approach to defense of the destruction you enemies are doing to our Constitution....
Biden is a senile elderly BASTARD! :p
Biden lacked the mental health for his first term.

Biden's own DOJ, including a review by AG Garland said he is unfit to be president.
It's funny trying to watch the left defend Biden when even Democrats know the truth.

And this is the guy that Trump lost to. You guys don’t see the irony in all of that, huh?
Hur said no charges.

Trump has 91 indictments.

End of story.
Biden has 500 indictments spanning decades of criminal holding and disclosing of classified documents. Likely in bribery/extortion/money laundering schemes. They can't charge him because half is brain is gone.
Trump then will lose to the mentally incompetent guy in 2024 again, and that says loads about what the voters think about our electoral condition.
And this is the guy that Trump lost to. You guys don’t see the irony in all of that, huh?
Hell yes there is.
1. The FBI (Waffen SS) hides Hunter's laptop from voters, pays oligarchs to bury the story, and then lets the "suspicious" Biden bank transfers stew until the tax crimes expire. Then 51 "national security experts" say that Hunter's laptop sounds like Russian disinformation.

2. Biden is "elected" with a record number of votes, even though Trump got 10,000,000 more votes than in 2016.

3. The Biden administration lets a Chinese spy balloon fly across the US over secret sites, then Biden's open borders lets in 100,000 Chinese, 50,000 Russians, and who knows how many terrorists.

4. The "irony" is that the national security apparatus elected Biden to flood the US with Chinese, Russians, and potential terrorists, not to mention the drug cartels selling drugs and human trafficking.

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