9 Oath Keepers Indicted For Conspiracy, Including 7 Members Of The Tactical "Stack" Seen Entering Capitol In Combat Gear

The "traitors" who were waived in by capitol police.

And none of them came anywhere near trying to kill anyone, you hysterical nutcase.

They didn't try, the accomplished killing. If the forces in the Congress building hadn't reacted like they did, there would have been some real wholesale killing. I, for one, think the Capital Police should have opened up on them from the git go. Notice, that one window, the Rioters decided that this was not the place to try and keep entering.
They killed nobody...Sicknick died of a medical condition, as did everyone else who died that day whose name wasn't Ashli Babbit.

The anitfa/BLM goons who broke in the windows were on the opposite side of the building of where the barricades were removed and people freely allowed in...They broke in after the people inside recognized them for who they were and wouldn't open the doors for them.

The "insurrection" was deliberately allowed to happen....Of that there is no doubt.

While I agree that it was allowed to happen but those in the know all worked for Rump who want it to happen. Put the blame where it should be.

As for Antifa, you need to step slowly away from OAN and Newsmax telling you more of the same lies that will get them shutdown sooner or later due to the financial lawsuits.
One of the "videographers" is from SLC and has antifa/BLM agitator ties that everyone knows about....If you think he was the only one of them there, I have some seaside property in Arizona I'd like to sell you.

He was representing CNN., And his efforts helped the rest of us to understand what was going on. You are still trying to keep the blame from the Rumpsters and Rump himself. Not going to happen.
The "traitors" who were waived in by capitol police.

And none of them came anywhere near trying to kill anyone, you hysterical nutcase.

They didn't try, the accomplished killing. If the forces in the Congress building hadn't reacted like they did, there would have been some real wholesale killing. I, for one, think the Capital Police should have opened up on them from the git go. Notice, that one window, the Rioters decided that this was not the place to try and keep entering.
They killed nobody...Sicknick died of a medical condition, as did everyone else who died that day whose name wasn't Ashli Babbit.

The anitfa/BLM goons who broke in the windows were on the opposite side of the building of where the barricades were removed and people freely allowed in...They broke in after the people inside recognized them for who they were and wouldn't open the doors for them.

The "insurrection" was deliberately allowed to happen....Of that there is no doubt.

While I agree that it was allowed to happen but those in the know all worked for Rump who want it to happen. Put the blame where it should be.

As for Antifa, you need to step slowly away from OAN and Newsmax telling you more of the same lies that will get them shutdown sooner or later due to the financial lawsuits.
One of the "videographers" is from SLC and has antifa/BLM agitator ties that everyone knows about....If you think he was the only one of them there, I have some seaside property in Arizona I'd like to sell you.

He was representing CNN., And his efforts helped the rest of us to understand what was going on. You are still trying to keep the blame from the Rumpsters and Rump himself. Not going to happen.
BULLLLLLLLL-SHIT!....He was representing himself and his fellow traveler goon squads.

The "insurrection" was the Reichtag fire 2.0.

Those weren't Federal Troops.
Right, they were National Guard, which are federal soldiers. So i didn't draw a distinction. I see what you mean to say, though.

WRong. They were there under the capacity of the Governors, they were NOT Federalized. If Rump wanted this prevented, just south of there are some Federal Soldiers that would have been glad to break things and kill a few. Rump tried to use them for downtown DC but failed. But it was up to his discression to use the 82nd on the Congress grounds. Instead, Rump was thrilled that it was going on by all those "Special People". If they try that again, they are going to be DEAD Special People. Hence, the NG is still there by order of the various Governors but Biden and Federalize them with a stroke of the Pen to protect Congress or the Whitehouse. March 6th is another attempt at a "Peaceful March" but considering some are still trying to smuggle weapons into DC. I wonder what they real plans are. I vote have the 82nd called up and in place. Shoot to kill and let God make own Judgement.
traitors who tried to over take out capitol to kill then VP mike pence and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.
No doubt one of the domestic terrorist groups now on the DHS radar.

And they think they're "patriots".

Haha....You pussies are some sick twisted fucked in the head weirdos.
The patriots broke in to the house they own to protest on the congressional floor they own.
Now start bitching about beaners breaking in to our country so us sane folks can start taking you serious.
They were there under the capacity of the Governors, they were NOT Federalized.
Yeah, again, i get it. Who is the Governor of DC, again? Kidding..i have no desire to split these hairs. I get what you are saying.

Do a search using this criteria "who does the District of Columbia National Guard report to". It comes back that the DC Guard report to the President. And it wasn't the President that called them up, it was Mike Pence. During that time period, Rump was Awol.
traitors who tried to over take out capitol to kill then VP mike pence and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.
No doubt one of the domestic terrorist groups now on the DHS radar.

And they think they're "patriots".

Haha....You pussies are some sick twisted fucked in the head weirdos.
The patriots broke in to the house they own to protest on the congressional floor they own.
Now start bitching about beaners breaking in to our country so us sane folks can start taking you serious.

And if they try it again (looks like they might) then give them property in Potters Field.
They were there under the capacity of the Governors, they were NOT Federalized.
Yeah, again, i get it. Who is the Governor of DC, again? Kidding..i have no desire to split these hairs. I get what you are saying.

Do a search using this criteria "who does the District of Columbia National Guard report to". It comes back that the DC Guard report to the President. And it wasn't the President that called them up, it was Mike Pence. During that time period, Rump was Awol.
Yes he was. He was derelict. And the entire world knows exactly why...even freaks like this Oddball c*nt. He knows why. He supports what they were doing. 100%. So this dog and pony show of his is just an act.
If they think they're making friends by doing this.......think again

They're creating martyrs for whom the other 100 million will slowly organize to revenge.

Keep poking the bear.
What 100 million? Dude 80 million voted for Biden, by 2024 that number is gonna probably be the 100 million you're talking about..

I think the bear is biting back on this one. And it ain't that pussy Rump who is the bear. Now that Rump isn't a protected species anymore things are going to get real fast.
It was nothing but a false flag and I already gave the exact reason why it occurred.

It's just that Leftist are moron enough to believe otherwise.
They were there under the capacity of the Governors, they were NOT Federalized.
Yeah, again, i get it. Who is the Governor of DC, again? Kidding..i have no desire to split these hairs. I get what you are saying.

Do a search using this criteria "who does the District of Columbia National Guard report to". It comes back that the DC Guard report to the President. And it wasn't the President that called them up, it was Mike Pence. During that time period, Rump was Awol.
Then why did pence if the president has the authority? Dude, you’re lost, leave the womb
If they think they're making friends by doing this.......think again

They're creating martyrs for whom the other 100 million will slowly organize to revenge.

Keep poking the bear.
What 100 million? Dude 80 million voted for Biden, by 2024 that number is gonna probably be the 100 million you're talking about..

The odd thing is; here in the almost dead dudes honeymoon phase none of you twisted fucks can tell us how his policies and actions to date are of clear benefit to good, real Americans...we are fully aware of all he’s done for Mexico’s people....But tell us Tard...What has the almost dead dude rolled out that is good for Americans?....GO!

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