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9-year-old asks Trump to go vegan for a month in exchange for $1 million donation to veterans

buttercup said:
You are ignorant. It would be a waste of time talking to you.
I've Posted My Evidence
You Just Don't Like Truth
Are Intellectually Dishonest
....And Stupid

Try This In Addition To What I've Already Shown
Parents accused of neglecting toddler who 'had rickets' hold hands as they face court | Daily Mail Online
How a seemingly respectable couple starved their toddler on a vegan diet that left her weighing less than 5kg when she was 19 months old - and why no one spotted the shocking neglect
Parents sentenced over neglect of child on vegan-only diet

If You're An Adult, Vegan All You Want
But There's At Least One Court
That Knows Stupid Is Child Abuse
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buttercup said:
Um, that article you posted was from BEFORE he went plant-based, based on a quick search.
The Insinuation Of The Previous Post
Is He Got Ripped As A Vegetarian
Very Dishonest

But Anyway
We'll Be Able To See How He Fares As Time Goes By
Just Like The Time-Lapse Video Of Vegans I Already Posted

Have Another:
And Don't Tell Me That Older Vegan Guru
Doesn't Know How To Vegan ''Right"

buttercup said:
You are ignorant. It would be a waste of time talking to you.
I've Posted My Evidence
You Just Don't Like Truth
Are Intellectually Dishonest
....And Stupid

Try This In Addition To What I've Already Shown
Parents accused of neglecting toddler who 'had rickets' hold hands as they face court | Daily Mail Online
How a seemingly respectable couple starved their toddler on a vegan diet that left her weighing less than 5kg when she was 19 months old - and why no one spotted the shocking neglect
Parents sentenced over neglect of child on vegan-only diet

If You're An Adult, Vegan All You Want
But There's At Least One Court
That Knows Stupid Is Child Abuse

No, you've posted fearmongering anti-vegan propaganda. Your position is not based on facts and truth, but on your hatred, ignorance and outdated thinking.

You probably didn't even read this thread. We already went through all the usual objections, and showed how not only are they wrong, but in many cases the reverse is true. Then you come along without reading the thread, it appears, posting inane anti-vegan crap that is specifically designed to scare people away from eating a healthy, whole foods plantbased diet, foods that GOD created to fuel our bodies.

You don't seem to realize that there are tons of people who have been vegan for many years who are healthy and active. And as I said, vegan athletes and even body builders. That's why I said it seems that you don't get out much. Or if you do, you let your extreme bias lead the way, that is obvious. I'm not going to go back and forth with you, I've already spent too much time on this thread, so don't bother posting to me. Just know that, as I said to someone else earlier, the world is changing, people are waking up the barbaric, cruel and completely unnecessary practices that go on daily in the animal industries, and the future is vegan. I guarantee you that you will be on the wrong side of history on this one.
buttercup said:
No, you've posted fearmongering anti-vegan propaganda. Your position is not based on facts and truth, but on your hatred, ignorance and outdated thinking.
You Haven't Posted Anything But Your 'Feels'
With-Out Anything To Back It Up
And With-Out Viewing Or Reading Anything You Don't Want To Face
These Adults Think They Are Eating Healthy
No Matter How Malnourished And Unhealthy They Actually Come To Look
But I Didn't Comment Or Post To Fix Your Personal Stupid

If An Adult Wants To Be Vegan Themself
Go Ahead
But Be Warned
Parents That Do It To Developing Children
Are Worse Than Self-Absorbed, Virtue Signalling, Narcissists
They Are Mentally Ill, Child Abusing, Monsters
buttercup said:
No, you've posted fearmongering anti-vegan propaganda. Your position is not based on facts and truth, but on your hatred, ignorance and outdated thinking.
You Haven't Posted Anything But Your 'Feels'
With-Out Anything To Back It Up
And With-Out Viewing Or Reading Anything You Don't Want To Face
These Adults Think They Are Eating Healthy
No Matter How Malnourished And Unhealthy They Actually Come To Look
But I Didn't Comment Or Post To Fix Your Personal Stupid

If An Adult Wants To Be Vegan Themself
Go Ahead
But Be Warned
Parents That Do It To Developing Children
Are Worse Than Self-Absorbed, Virtue Signalling, Narcissists
They Are Mentally Ill, Child Abusing, Monsters

Now it's clear you didn't read anything on this thread except the last page or two. These are not my "feels", ignoramus:

Position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

It is the position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics that appropriately planned vegetarian, including vegan, diets are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits for the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. These diets are appropriate for all stages of the life cycle, including pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, adolescence, older adulthood, and for athletes. Plant-based diets are more environmentally sustainable than diets rich in animal products because they use fewer natural resources and are associated with much less environmental damage. Vegetarians and vegans are at reduced risk of certain health conditions, including ischemic heart disease, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, certain types of cancer, and obesity.


Harvard Medical School

Traditionally, research into vegetarianism focused mainly on potential nutritional deficiencies, but in recent years, the pendulum has swung the other way, and studies are confirming the health benefits of meat-free eating. Nowadays, plant-based eating is recognized as not only nutritionally sufficient but also as a way to reduce the risk for many chronic illnesses.

The Mayo Clinic

A well-planned vegetarian diet can meet the needs of people of all ages, including children, teenagers, and pregnant or breast-feeding women. The key is to be aware of your nutritional needs so that you plan a diet that meets them.

Dietitians of Canada

A healthy vegan diet can meet all your nutrient needs at any stage of life including when you are pregnant, breastfeeding or for older adults.

British Dietetic Association

Well planned vegetarian diets (see context) can be nutritious and healthy. They are associated with lower risks of heart disease, high blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes, obesity, certain cancers and lower cholesterol levels. This could be because such diets are lower in saturated fat, contain fewer calories and more fiber and phytonutrients/phytochemicals (these can have protective properties) than non-vegetarian diets. (...) Well-planned vegetarian diets are appropriate for all stages of life and have many benefits.

The British National Health Service

With good planning and an understanding of what makes up a healthy, balanced vegan diet, you can get all the nutrients your body needs.

The Dietitians Association of Australia

Vegan diets differ to other vegetarian diets in that no animal products are consumed or used. Despite these restrictions, with good planning it is still possible to obtain all the nutrients required for good health on a vegan diet.

And I could post links to tons of studies, but since you're clearly blinded by hate and extreme bias, I'm not going to devote much precious time to someone like you, I would have better luck with a brick wall.

There are TONS of healthy children who grew up completely vegan. Again, you don't get out much. With every post you show your ignorance, and you base everything on fearmongering strategically designed anti-vegan crap.

ETA: Btw, this guy, Nimai Delgado never ate a piece of meat in his entire life. He grew up in a vegetarian home. Vegetarian for most his life, vegan for the last 5 years. How is he even alive?!?!?!?!? :ack-1: lolololol

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I'm familiar with Alyse Parker, she is KNOWN for being a fraudulent sellout, so nobody takes her seriously. Even some of the "carnivore" crowd realize that, and have said so publicly. She jumps to different bandwagons so she can fleece an entirely new niche, because that's what she does, she doesn't care about principles or causes, but making money.

In fact, there are a few Youtube influencers who are entirely money-driven and go to where the sponsors offer them $$$$.
No, you've posted fearmongering anti-vegan propaganda. Your position is not based on facts and truth, but on your hatred, ignorance and outdated thinking.

You have posted •NOTHING• in this thread except fearmongering, propaganda, hatred, and ignorance, which you are projecting on those who have posted proven scientific facts that refute all of your nonsense.

Your position is based on nothing but pseudoscience and bizarre, unconventional interpretations of scripture not shared by the overwhelming vast majority of biblical scholars.
I'm familiar with Alyse Parker, she is KNOWN for being a fraudulent sellout, so nobody takes her seriously. Even some of the "carnivore" crowd realize that, and have said so publicly. She jumps to different bandwagons so she can fleece an entirely new niche, because that's what she does, she doesn't care about principles or causes, but making money.

In fact, there are a few Youtube influencers who are entirely money-driven and go to where the sponsors offer them $$$$.

Having looked at the article posted by Tipsycatlover, I'll give you that this Ms. Parker appears to be at least as much of a crackpot as you are. She seems to be now advocating an all-meat diet, which is just as wrong as advocating an all-vegetarian diet. Humans are not meant to be pure vegetarians, nor are we meant to be pure carnivores. We're omnivores, requiring a balanced diet involving both meat and plant products, for optimum health. Going to either extreme is equally wrong, and equally unhealthy.
No, you've posted fearmongering anti-vegan propaganda. Your position is not based on facts and truth, but on your hatred, ignorance and outdated thinking.

You have posted •NOTHING• in this thread except fearmongering, propaganda, hatred, and ignorance, which you are projecting on those who have posted proven scientific facts that refute all of your nonsense.

Your position is based on nothing but pseudoscience and bizarre, unconventional interpretations of scripture not shared by the overwhelming vast majority of biblical scholars.

Ok, you must be trolling. You can't be that dishonest and hilariously upside-down. I'm not the one posting ridiculous fearmongering videos, liar, that would be karpenter. I've posted statements from all the major dietetic organizations, which you completely ignored. And I barely scratched the surface! I have not even brought up that processed meat is classified as a type 1 carcinogen, and that red meat is classified as a type 2. Or the tons of scientific studies that go back decades, backing up what smart, wise people already know.

You have not posted anything substantial or rational, just juvenile images, emotional anti-vegan nonsense and blatantly ignorant comments. Karpenter has posted fearmongering anti-vegan propaganda. I have not seen any "scientific facts", just the usual debunked outdated ignorant objections.

As for the bible, you seem to be confused about my position. What do you think my position is? I never claimed that meat-eating was not permitted. I talked about original intent and God's perfect will. The FACT is that ANY scholar will tell you that God's original intent for mankind was peace and harmony among all creation, a 100% plantbased diet, read Genesis 1:29-30. So there is nothing "bizarre" about that, it is the standard accepted reality, based on the black and white writing that anyone can read.

So back yourself up. What is so "bizarre" or "unconventional" about anything I have said biblically speaking?
Humans don't even have the natural instinct or ability to chase down and kill, much less consume raw carcasses.

If you wanna prove us wrong, go out into the woods, take all of your clothes off and go bring us back a lion for supper au naturel.

I've got twenty of those four cent Federal Reserve Notes on the lion.
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Why do people on vegan diets look so F miserable at the dinner table?

Famous vegan

When people are ripped like that, they're so dehydrated they're about a day away from organ failure.
You really have no idea what you're talking about.
Actually, I really do.

Why dehydrating your body to look good is dangerous

The Wildly Unhealthy Things Fitness Models Do Before a Photo Shoot

Diuretics in Bodybuilding: The Good, the Bad, the Tragic

Throughout the history of bodybuilding there have unfortunately been several deaths and multiple hospitalizations due to contest preparation and standard bodybuilding practices. These hospitalizations and deaths are rarely due to steroids and other hormones, lifting injuries, powerful stimulant-based fat-burners or highly restrictive diets. In fact, there is no direct evidence connecting the use of anabolic steroids to the death of any athlete, only indirect or circumstantial evidence. Rather, most hospitalizations and deaths are, in fact, overwhelmingly due to the use and abuse of diuretic drugs. Some of the most famous instances include:

In 1988, pro bodybuilder Albert Beckles collapses and convulses while on stage. He is subsequently resuscitated by paramedics and found to be suffering from diuretic-induced dehydration.

In 1992, pro bodybuilder Mohammed Benaziza dies after competing in a contest in Europe. An autopsy shows that he was severely dehydrated and experienced cardiovascular failure. He was age 33. He had used a combination of diuretics for the show.

In 1994, pro bodybuilder Paul Dillett cramps onstage while posing at the Arnold Classic. He is carted off the stage. Once again, the problem was extreme dehydration and electrolyte imbalance caused by Paul’s use of Lasix. Paul survived.

There was also the 1996 case of Andreas Munzer, renowned for his freaky conditioning, who died after his liver and kidneys failed. The autopsy revealed his electrolytes were completely out of balance.

These are just the most publicized cases; numerous other deaths and hospitalizations didn’t get any publicity at all.​
The great orange fool doesn't care enough about veterans to do that.
That is one stupid remark

Our commie first lady didn't put her hand over her heart when taps were played on Veterans Day. I'm sure she did for Russian military.
So what? She took a lesson from your messiah in the last administration. good grief....a snow flake

SHE'S A FUCKING COMMIE!!!!! You morons let a COMMIE in the White House.
Are you on some sort of drugs?

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