9 year old exercises his "freedom" by shooting his sister in the head.

It will help this little psycho's next victim
and the parents won't endanger their other kids by being negligent.

And I agree we should protect kids from their parents after all parents kill their kids quite often

Thank you.

Liberal parents kill FAR more children without a gun every year than people with guns hands down. It's not even a contest.

Especially LIBERAL parents who are into self pleasure above all else and consider the pregnancies resulting from their liberal escapades a mistake and then seek abortions so they can get back in the game as fast as possible for some more "liberal" fun.

Seeds not children.
So you were serious about your Hitler comment? :cuckoo:

Yes I was serious. Or, it more reminded me of when Saddam called all his countries leaders together and then started naming names. If he called your name you were not only fired you were led away and never heard from again.

Watch this. Only 3 minutes and 40 seconds long. You see the men when they are called out each one of them stands up to protest but to no avail. Each one is led away and murdered.

So Trump hasn't started murdering anyone yet but he is firing anyone who isn't LOYAL.

Yes, Trump is highly unusual. I wouldn't call him Hitler but I also wouldn't call him Jimmy Carter either.

^^^^ Well Saddam Hussein was a Socialist so it is to be expected Leftists historically love violence and having anyone who disagrees with them murdered, the Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party which Saddam was head of in Iraq:


Ba'ath Party (Iraqi-dominated faction) - Wikipedia

So do fascists and Trump is a fascist if I've ever seen one.

Yeah, giving more of the working people more of their own money, sure is Fascism......


And yes, Hitler too promised everyone would be better off financially if he was in charge. Moussalini too. So giving you a few bucks to make you happy and shut you up is right out of the fascist playbook.

You mean like EBT, welfare, Obamaphones? You're onto something
US boy, 9, 'kills sister over video game'

Only in America.

A 13-year-old girl in Mississippi has died after allegedly being shot by her nine-year-old brother over a video game, police say.

They said the boy grabbed a gun on Saturday afternoon after his sister would not give up the controller.

He allegedly shot her from behind, and the bullet entered her brain.

A local sheriff announced on Sunday that the teen had died of her injuries in a Memphis hospital. It was unclear how the boy obtained the gun.

It is also unclear what consequences the nine-year-old will face.

"He's just nine," Monroe County Sheriff Cecil Cantrell told the Clarion Ledger.

"I assume he's seen this on video games or TV. I don't know if he knew exactly what this would do. I can't answer that. I do know it's a tragedy."
Boy, 12, stabbed baby brother to death | Daily Mail Online
A 12-year-old boy killed his six-month-old baby brother by stabbing him 17 times and cutting off his left hand as he lay in his cot, a court was told today.
I love how you are trying to make a point, but instead of being someone with a BRAIN, you prove once again, how much of a sheep you are.. The only thing missing from your picture is the swastika on your sleeve.

Same mustache just less hair.


is that a selfie? nice false equivalency though.

a bit of reality, for morons like you:

Examining Accidental Shooting Death Statistics
The only problem is that the parent was negligent and/or just stupid and had a gun that they did not secure with the safety lock, so how are you going to Legislate against Individual Stupidity? You cannot.

Liberals never seem to accept responsibility. Whether it's an unwanted pregnancy, drunk driver, illegal immigration or an isolated gun tragedy.

They will always blame the object when it suits their pro government oppression agenda.

Look how little they said about the shooter in the recent Stoneman Douglas Florida shooting.
The Left media gave probably 2,000 hours of air time to the OBJECT (gun), but I can only recall a few minutes placing the blame on the shooter. Much less if any on the liberal Progressive agenda that created him.

As I have said on numerous occasions, there is no fix for the USA that involves the acceptance of Liberal / Progressive agendas.
They are completely opposite the ethics and foundation of the nation.
Their cause is to "fundamentally" change it into something else. They recently succeeded in Venezuela.
Why is it that with your types, for someone to advocate putting legal pragmatic restrictions on purchasing guns, automatically means "everyone" wants to "ban" and/or "confiscate" all guns? That's crazy.

1). Because there are ALREADY 10,000 gun laws on the books. Laws don't stop sick people.
But Liberal Progressive policies are creating sick people prone to commit violent acts in staggering numbers.

2). The Left has an agenda and it is NOT public safety as evidence proves. It is disarming America and killing the 2nd Amendment.

THAT's why.

No bans will ever be enough. No laws will ever be enough.
Besides, Americans know that the entire argument of safety without guns is bogus. The UK is seeing a dramatic rise in gun deaths. There are causes that the Left could go after, such as Texting while driving or single parent homes that lead children down bad paths or kill tens of thousands and yet they ignore those things.
Last edited:
The only problem is that the parent was negligent and/or just stupid and had a gun that they did not secure with the safety lock, so how are you going to Legislate against Individual Stupidity? You cannot.

Liberals never seem to accept responsibility. Whether it's an unwanted pregnancy, drunk driver, illegal immigration or an isolated gun tragedy.

They will always blame the object when it suits their pro government oppression agenda.

Look how little they said about the shooter in the recent Stoneman Douglas Florida shooting.
The Left media gave probably 2,000 hours of air time to the OBJECT (gun), but I can only recall a few minutes placing the blame on the shooter. Much less if any on the liberal Progressive agenda that created him.

As I have said on numerous occasions, there is no fix for the USA that involves the acceptance of Liberal / Progressive agendas.
They are completely opposite the ethics and foundation of the nation.
Their cause is to "fundamentally" change it into something else. They recently succeeded in Venezuela.
If more people knew what liberalism(new age, not classical) is and how Marxism is the driving force, then more people would move away from it. But as it is said, many don't want to think, just let someone else do the thinking for them.

The Road to Serfdom - Wikipedia
The Road to Serfdom (German: Der Weg zur Knechtschaft) is a book written between 1940 and 1943 by Austrian British economist and philosopher Friedrich von Hayek, in which the author "[warns] of the danger of tyranny that inevitably results from government control of economic decision-making through central planning."[1] He further argues that the abandonment of individualism and classical liberalism inevitably leads to a loss of freedom, the creation of an oppressive society, the tyranny of a dictator, and the serfdom of the individual. Hayek challenged the general view among British academics that fascism (including National Socialism) was a capitalist reaction against socialism. He argued that fascism, National Socialism and socialism had common roots in central economic planning and empowering the state over the individual.
1). Because there are ALREADY 10,000 gun laws on the books. Laws don't stop sick people. But Liberal Progressive policies are creating sick people prone to commit violent acts in staggering numbers.2). The Left has an agenda and it is NOT public safety as evidence proves. It is disarming America and killing the 2nd Amendment.THAT's why.
Your response is nonsensical.
Something tells me the boy was not exercising his freedom, that he was not free to shoot his sister. Not only did the law not allow it, but neither did his parents.

That's not really the point here is it?
It's the thread title, Genius.

It's like talking to children when using sarcasm.

"His dick's fucking HUGE man, he's such a man."

"But daddy, his dick is really small."

"Yes, I know son, go sit down and play computer games."

"But daddy"


If you don't get it, it's not the OP's fault and it's not my fault.

Figure that cryptic clue out.
Looks like you have a thing for penises. Lol
Your response is nonsensical.

Your position is fanatical, radical and insane.
Perhaps your kind calls for more "Gun Control" simply because you can't trust yourselves with them.
After all, facts reveal it is always someone on the Left committing these mass shootings.

Show me the threads where you have discussed the REAL threat to childrens lives....

Texting while driving.....
Drunk driving.....
Bad parenting....

Can't find any?

That's because you're a sick, indoctrinated, ignorant individual with no grasp on reality. Learn to THINK FOR YOURSELF.

Basically you are......
Last edited:
It will help this little psycho's next victim
and the parents won't endanger their other kids by being negligent.

And I agree we should protect kids from their parents after all parents kill their kids quite often

Thank you.

Liberal parents kill FAR more children without a gun every year than people with guns hands down. It's not even a contest.

Especially LIBERAL parents who are into self pleasure above all else and consider the pregnancies resulting from their liberal escapades a mistake and then seek abortions so they can get back in the game as fast as possible for some more "liberal" fun.

Seeds not children.
Yes I was serious. Or, it more reminded me of when Saddam called all his countries leaders together and then started naming names. If he called your name you were not only fired you were led away and never heard from again.

Watch this. Only 3 minutes and 40 seconds long. You see the men when they are called out each one of them stands up to protest but to no avail. Each one is led away and murdered.

So Trump hasn't started murdering anyone yet but he is firing anyone who isn't LOYAL.

Yes, Trump is highly unusual. I wouldn't call him Hitler but I also wouldn't call him Jimmy Carter either.

^^^^ Well Saddam Hussein was a Socialist so it is to be expected Leftists historically love violence and having anyone who disagrees with them murdered, the Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party which Saddam was head of in Iraq:


Ba'ath Party (Iraqi-dominated faction) - Wikipedia

So do fascists and Trump is a fascist if I've ever seen one.

Yeah, giving more of the working people more of their own money, sure is Fascism......


And yes, Hitler too promised everyone would be better off financially if he was in charge. Moussalini too. So giving you a few bucks to make you happy and shut you up is right out of the fascist playbook.

You mean like EBT, welfare, Obamaphones? You're onto something

I get it. You believe trickle down works best and you were able to convince enough people to vote for you. Now lets see if it's true. Historically it's not.
It will help this little psycho's next victim
and the parents won't endanger their other kids by being negligent.

And I agree we should protect kids from their parents after all parents kill their kids quite often

Thank you.

Liberal parents kill FAR more children without a gun every year than people with guns hands down. It's not even a contest.

Especially LIBERAL parents who are into self pleasure above all else and consider the pregnancies resulting from their liberal escapades a mistake and then seek abortions so they can get back in the game as fast as possible for some more "liberal" fun.

Seeds not children.
^^^^ Well Saddam Hussein was a Socialist so it is to be expected Leftists historically love violence and having anyone who disagrees with them murdered, the Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party which Saddam was head of in Iraq:


Ba'ath Party (Iraqi-dominated faction) - Wikipedia

So do fascists and Trump is a fascist if I've ever seen one.
Yeah, giving more of the working people more of their own money, sure is Fascism......


And yes, Hitler too promised everyone would be better off financially if he was in charge. Moussalini too. So giving you a few bucks to make you happy and shut you up is right out of the fascist playbook.

You mean like EBT, welfare, Obamaphones? You're onto something

I get it. You believe trickle down works best and you were able to convince enough people to vote for you. Now lets see if it's true. Historically it's not.
You do know that trickle down is a liberal term for Cronie Capitalism? That Warren Buffet used Cronie Capitalism to make his billions? If you hate trickle down so much, why do you vote for the very people who create trickle down?
US boy, 9, 'kills sister over video game'

Only in America.

A 13-year-old girl in Mississippi has died after allegedly being shot by her nine-year-old brother over a video game, police say.

They said the boy grabbed a gun on Saturday afternoon after his sister would not give up the controller.

He allegedly shot her from behind, and the bullet entered her brain.

A local sheriff announced on Sunday that the teen had died of her injuries in a Memphis hospital. It was unclear how the boy obtained the gun.

It is also unclear what consequences the nine-year-old will face.

"He's just nine," Monroe County Sheriff Cecil Cantrell told the Clarion Ledger.

"I assume he's seen this on video games or TV. I don't know if he knew exactly what this would do. I can't answer that. I do know it's a tragedy."

And nothing about the condition of the home or the status of the parents.......

On the other side of the ledger....

Americans use legal guns 1,500,000 times a year to stop violent criminal attacks, rapes, robberies and murders.

Over 17 million Americans now have permits to carry guns for self defense...

Number of gun accidents? In a country with 70 million children.....?

Fatal Injury Data | WISQARS | Injury Center | CDC

2016: Kids ( < 1 to age 14)

Total guns: ......74

Total Cars: 1,261

Suffocation: 1,215

Drowning: 713

Poisoning: 84
US boy, 9, 'kills sister over video game'

Only in America.

A 13-year-old girl in Mississippi has died after allegedly being shot by her nine-year-old brother over a video game, police say.

They said the boy grabbed a gun on Saturday afternoon after his sister would not give up the controller.

He allegedly shot her from behind, and the bullet entered her brain.

A local sheriff announced on Sunday that the teen had died of her injuries in a Memphis hospital. It was unclear how the boy obtained the gun.

It is also unclear what consequences the nine-year-old will face.

"He's just nine," Monroe County Sheriff Cecil Cantrell told the Clarion Ledger.

"I assume he's seen this on video games or TV. I don't know if he knew exactly what this would do. I can't answer that. I do know it's a tragedy."

Every time people are like "This is unbelievable", how can it be, it happens all the time.

Will the right come out and say it's not the gun's fault? That without this gun this kid would just have used a chair and put it through her brain?
yet we keep coming after the AR15.

don't believe that's what he used here but hey, i could be wrong.

it's tragic and sad to be sure. what is almost as sad are the people who use these incidents to further their own agenda.
US boy, 9, 'kills sister over video game'

Only in America.

A 13-year-old girl in Mississippi has died after allegedly being shot by her nine-year-old brother over a video game, police say.

They said the boy grabbed a gun on Saturday afternoon after his sister would not give up the controller.

He allegedly shot her from behind, and the bullet entered her brain.

A local sheriff announced on Sunday that the teen had died of her injuries in a Memphis hospital. It was unclear how the boy obtained the gun.

It is also unclear what consequences the nine-year-old will face.

"He's just nine," Monroe County Sheriff Cecil Cantrell told the Clarion Ledger.

"I assume he's seen this on video games or TV. I don't know if he knew exactly what this would do. I can't answer that. I do know it's a tragedy."

Every time people are like "This is unbelievable", how can it be, it happens all the time.

Will the right come out and say it's not the gun's fault? That without this gun this kid would just have used a chair and put it through her brain?

It isn't the guns fault, the gun is not a human or even an animal, it is an object....

And with 70 million children and over 600 million guns in private hands.....how many died in gun accidents....age under 1 to age 14?


Are guns the biggest accidental tools for the death of kids? No.

Fatal Injury Data | WISQARS | Injury Center | CDC

2016: Kids ( < 1 to age 14)

Total guns: ......74

Total Cars: 1,261

Suffocation: 1,215

Drowning: 713

Poisoning: 84
Something tells me the boy was not exercising his freedom, that he was not free to shoot his sister. Not only did the law not allow it, but neither did his parents.

We need to know who his parents are...was his father a criminal? A member of a gang?
It will help this little psycho's next victim
and the parents won't endanger their other kids by being negligent.

And I agree we should protect kids from their parents after all parents kill their kids quite often

Thank you.

Liberal parents kill FAR more children without a gun every year than people with guns hands down. It's not even a contest.

Especially LIBERAL parents who are into self pleasure above all else and consider the pregnancies resulting from their liberal escapades a mistake and then seek abortions so they can get back in the game as fast as possible for some more "liberal" fun.

Seeds not children.
^^^^ Well Saddam Hussein was a Socialist so it is to be expected Leftists historically love violence and having anyone who disagrees with them murdered, the Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party which Saddam was head of in Iraq:


Ba'ath Party (Iraqi-dominated faction) - Wikipedia

So do fascists and Trump is a fascist if I've ever seen one.
Yeah, giving more of the working people more of their own money, sure is Fascism......


And yes, Hitler too promised everyone would be better off financially if he was in charge. Moussalini too. So giving you a few bucks to make you happy and shut you up is right out of the fascist playbook.

You mean like EBT, welfare, Obamaphones? You're onto something

I get it. You believe trickle down works best and you were able to convince enough people to vote for you. Now lets see if it's true. Historically it's not.

You didn't "get it" at all...but that's no surprise
US boy, 9, 'kills sister over video game'

Only in America.

A 13-year-old girl in Mississippi has died after allegedly being shot by her nine-year-old brother over a video game, police say.

They said the boy grabbed a gun on Saturday afternoon after his sister would not give up the controller.

He allegedly shot her from behind, and the bullet entered her brain.

A local sheriff announced on Sunday that the teen had died of her injuries in a Memphis hospital. It was unclear how the boy obtained the gun.

It is also unclear what consequences the nine-year-old will face.

"He's just nine," Monroe County Sheriff Cecil Cantrell told the Clarion Ledger.

"I assume he's seen this on video games or TV. I don't know if he knew exactly what this would do. I can't answer that. I do know it's a tragedy."
Boy, 12, stabbed baby brother to death | Daily Mail Online
A 12-year-old boy killed his six-month-old baby brother by stabbing him 17 times and cutting off his left hand as he lay in his cot, a court was told today.
I love how you are trying to make a point, but instead of being someone with a BRAIN, you prove once again, how much of a sheep you are.. The only thing missing from your picture is the swastika on your sleeve.

Same mustache just less hair.


is that a selfie? nice false equivalency though.

a bit of reality, for morons like you:

Examining Accidental Shooting Death Statistics

Here is the truth about accidental gun death directly from the CDC.....

Fatal Injury Data | WISQARS | Injury Center | CDC

Suffocation: 1,215

1-4..... 118
5-9..... 35
10-14.... 39
Drowning: 713


Poisoning: 84


Traffic: 1,261


Guns: 74


Under age drinking:

Underage Drinking-Why Do Adolescents Drink, What Are the Risks, and How Can Underage Drinking Be Prevented?

Each year, approximately 5,000 young people under the age of 21 die as a result of underage drinking; this includes about 1,900 deaths from motor vehicle crashes, 1,600 as a result of homicides, 300 from suicide, as well as hundreds from other injuries such as falls, burns, and drownings (1–5).
It will help this little psycho's next victim
and the parents won't endanger their other kids by being negligent.

And I agree we should protect kids from their parents after all parents kill their kids quite often

Thank you.

Liberal parents kill FAR more children without a gun every year than people with guns hands down. It's not even a contest.

Especially LIBERAL parents who are into self pleasure above all else and consider the pregnancies resulting from their liberal escapades a mistake and then seek abortions so they can get back in the game as fast as possible for some more "liberal" fun.

Seeds not children.
So you were serious about your Hitler comment? :cuckoo:

Yes I was serious. Or, it more reminded me of when Saddam called all his countries leaders together and then started naming names. If he called your name you were not only fired you were led away and never heard from again.

Watch this. Only 3 minutes and 40 seconds long. You see the men when they are called out each one of them stands up to protest but to no avail. Each one is led away and murdered.

So Trump hasn't started murdering anyone yet but he is firing anyone who isn't LOYAL.

Yes, Trump is highly unusual. I wouldn't call him Hitler but I also wouldn't call him Jimmy Carter either.

^^^^ Well Saddam Hussein was a Socialist so it is to be expected Leftists historically love violence and having anyone who disagrees with them murdered, the Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party which Saddam was head of in Iraq:


Ba'ath Party (Iraqi-dominated faction) - Wikipedia

So do fascists and Trump is a fascist if I've ever seen one.

Yeah, giving more of the working people more of their own money, sure is Fascism......


And yes, Hitler too promised everyone would be better off financially if he was in charge. Moussalini too. So giving you a few bucks to make you happy and shut you up is right out of the fascist playbook.

And the first thing they both did was confiscate guns.
and yet all you "activists" seem to be calling for gun bans
Why is it that with your types, for someone to advocate putting legal pragmatic restrictions on purchasing guns, automatically means "everyone" wants to "ban" and/or "confiscate" all guns? That's crazy.

We saw the CNN townhall where people like you screamed out to ban all semi automatic weapons....and that would include revolvers.

You guys have no pragmatic solutions because everything you devise targets law abiding gun owners, the ones who are not using guns for crime or murder. And then, your political party, the democrats, keep letting violent gun offenders...some with multiple felony convictions, out of jail where they then go on to commit murder...

We don't trust you, we don't take you seriously ....you target law abiding people, and let violent criminals out of jail.

You refuse to acknowledge the failure of the parent and blame everyone else!

It is amazing how you just toss everyone into the same pot as the parent!

Why was the gun in the house?

Because the person passed the State requirements to own the firearm.

Why was the kid able to obtain the firearm to kill their sister?

The failure of the parent to secure the firearm properly to make sure that their son was not able to get to it without their knowledge!

Now explain to the good board how it is the NRA fault for the parent failure?

I am not part of the NRA but I will be damn if I will ever agree with those like you that put the blame on others for the failure of one or two people!

As a parent it is your job to secure the firearm and if you fail to do so then you are responsible for what your child has done with your firearm along with them!

Not me, not the NRA and not gun owners across this country but you are responsible for securing your firearm and if you do own any my advice to you is to sell them because if you fail to secure your firearm you will blame society and not yourself for your failure in life!
Why was the gun in the house?


To quote Bruce:

"Because the person passed the State requirements to own the firearm."
Apparently, there's the problem.

The only problem is that the parent was negligent and/or just stupid and had a gun that they did not secure with the safety lock, so how are you going to Legislate against Individual Stupidity? You cannot.

Now now never let a crisis go to waste...and leftists don't
Like sending out fundraising letters warning people that the government is trying to take their guns?
Like pretending that mass shootings are false flags?
It will help this little psycho's next victim
and the parents won't endanger their other kids by being negligent.

And I agree we should protect kids from their parents after all parents kill their kids quite often

Thank you.

Liberal parents kill FAR more children without a gun every year than people with guns hands down. It's not even a contest.

Especially LIBERAL parents who are into self pleasure above all else and consider the pregnancies resulting from their liberal escapades a mistake and then seek abortions so they can get back in the game as fast as possible for some more "liberal" fun.

Seeds not children.
Yes I was serious. Or, it more reminded me of when Saddam called all his countries leaders together and then started naming names. If he called your name you were not only fired you were led away and never heard from again.

Watch this. Only 3 minutes and 40 seconds long. You see the men when they are called out each one of them stands up to protest but to no avail. Each one is led away and murdered.

So Trump hasn't started murdering anyone yet but he is firing anyone who isn't LOYAL.

Yes, Trump is highly unusual. I wouldn't call him Hitler but I also wouldn't call him Jimmy Carter either.

^^^^ Well Saddam Hussein was a Socialist so it is to be expected Leftists historically love violence and having anyone who disagrees with them murdered, the Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party which Saddam was head of in Iraq:


Ba'ath Party (Iraqi-dominated faction) - Wikipedia

So do fascists and Trump is a fascist if I've ever seen one.

Yeah, giving more of the working people more of their own money, sure is Fascism......


And yes, Hitler too promised everyone would be better off financially if he was in charge. Moussalini too. So giving you a few bucks to make you happy and shut you up is right out of the fascist playbook.

And the first thing they both did was confiscate guns.

Dang! Look at all our guns that have been confiscated!!!!!!!

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