9 year old exercises his "freedom" by shooting his sister in the head.

and yet all you "activists" seem to be calling for gun bans
Why is it that with your types, for someone to advocate putting legal pragmatic restrictions on purchasing guns, automatically means "everyone" wants to "ban" and/or "confiscate" all guns? That's crazy.
/----/ “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
I blame liberalism. Example, Chelsea Clinton said she quit going to a Baptist church. Because of their stance on abortion at age 6. So liberal parents taught a 6 year old that it is okay to kill her baby out of convenience? That is true hatred, no wonder our children are killing each other. I'd also say they started teaching her that younger at age six.
That is exactly what they do, too.

My cousin's ex (they were never married but they had a kid) is married to a low level state representative..he might not be one now, I don't know. Anyway, she's a freaking disgusting ravening whore and always has been. Some years ago it was her wont to get likkered up and head on over to facebook, where she would get on my cousin's fb page and talk about how she could hardly wait until she could tell her GRANDDAUGHTER, who was about 1 at the time, about the joy that abortion brings.

I am not making this up.

Same bitch made some really inappropriate sexual commentary about blow jobs on the same facebook page...where my elderly mother and my sister (who is a judge) were chit chatting...and where all our young kids were following along.

What a freak lolol.

You refuse to acknowledge the failure of the parent and blame everyone else!

It is amazing how you just toss everyone into the same pot as the parent!

Why was the gun in the house?

Because the person passed the State requirements to own the firearm.

Why was the kid able to obtain the firearm to kill their sister?

The failure of the parent to secure the firearm properly to make sure that their son was not able to get to it without their knowledge!

Now explain to the good board how it is the NRA fault for the parent failure?

I am not part of the NRA but I will be damn if I will ever agree with those like you that put the blame on others for the failure of one or two people!

As a parent it is your job to secure the firearm and if you fail to do so then you are responsible for what your child has done with your firearm along with them!

Not me, not the NRA and not gun owners across this country but you are responsible for securing your firearm and if you do own any my advice to you is to sell them because if you fail to secure your firearm you will blame society and not yourself for your failure in life!
Why was the gun in the house?


To quote Bruce:

"Because the person passed the State requirements to own the firearm."
Apparently, there's the problem.

The only problem is that the parent was negligent and/or just stupid and had a gun that they did not secure with the safety lock, so how are you going to Legislate against Individual Stupidity? You cannot.
No, you're right. You can legislate against every stupid person with the $ having some sacred right to buy a gun though. You can't operate a potentially lethal weapon like a car without training and a license earned by demonstrating you can see, you can drive capably and that you know the safety regulations.
Not just slapping down the cash and purchasing a lethal weapon. And the stupid ones are the best case scenario.

"You can't operate a potentially lethal weapon like a car without training and a license earned by demonstrating you can see, you can drive capably and that you know the safety regulations."

You are saying that there are not stupid peoples with driving licences behind the wheels? What about those who get drunk and have a driving licence and are behind the wheels?



What about all of these objects that also can be used to kill someone?

and yet all you "activists" seem to be calling for gun bans
Why is it that with your types, for someone to advocate putting legal pragmatic restrictions on purchasing guns, automatically means "everyone" wants to "ban" and/or "confiscate" all guns? That's crazy.
/----/ “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

According to leftists "the people" isn't "the person" but "the government".

I am not making that up, either. That's what they are taught in public indoctrination centers in this country now.
We saw the CNN townhall where people like you screamed out to ban all semi automatic weapons....and that would include revolvers.You guys have no pragmatic solutions because everything you devise targets law abiding gun owners, the ones who are not using guns for crime or murder. And then, your political party, the democrats, keep letting violent gun offenders...some with multiple felony convictions, out of jail where they then go on to commit murder...We don't trust you, we don't take you seriously ....you target law abiding people, and let violent criminals out of jail.
What you lack in accuracy, you more than make up for in meaningless rhetoric. I represent only one person; ME. I consider both political parties as absolutely corrupted, criminal organizations. My political views, at best, are eclectic and far, far removed the mindless dichotomy you seem to live in. As a gun owner and a hunter, I support common sense legal restrictions to gun ownership. Maybe I'm alone but you are so partisan on this issue, you can't see beyond it. Alls more the pity I suppose.

Complains about meaningless rhetoric via meaningless rhetoric.

The picture emerges: the new problem isn't the guns after all, it is the new generation our liberals have created that don't hesitate for a second to shoot their teacher for a homework assignment, shoot their brother for a video game, or drown their baby brother for crying.


Exactly the Leftists have formented in sections of Western Society a total disregard for Personal Responsibility and also Self Discipline, a child taught to have Self Discipline would not resort to violence over something as trivial as a video game or something as human and natural as their baby brother and/or baby sister crying.

The identity politics of the Left eschews personal responsibility! Gun training teaches self-discipline so the Left has stopped gun training. Personal responsibility is to run at the attacker and overwhelm him before he can kill more, so the Left teaches you to hide under your desk and wait to die. So long as you are a taught you are a victim of someone else's actions, it is easy to blame people like the NRA for the boy next to you trying to kill your classroom while your teacher promotes a walk out to demand gun control instead of people control.
I blame liberalism. Example, Chelsea Clinton said she quit going to a Baptist church. Because of their stance on abortion at age 6. So liberal parents taught a 6 year old that it is okay to kill her baby out of convenience? That is true hatred, no wonder our children are killing each other. I'd also say they started teaching her that younger at age six.
That is exactly what they do, too.

My cousin's ex (they were never married but they had a kid) is married to a low level state representative..he might not be one now, I don't know. Anyway, she's a freaking disgusting ravening whore and always has been. Some years ago it was her wont to get likkered up and head on over to facebook, where she would get on my cousin's fb page and talk about how she could hardly wait until she could tell her GRANDDAUGHTER, who was about 1 at the time, about the joy that abortion brings.

I am not making this up.

Same bitch made some really inappropriate sexual commentary about blow jobs on the same facebook page...where my elderly mother and my sister (who is a judge) were chit chatting...and where all our young kids were following along.

What a freak lolol.
That's sick.
US boy, 9, 'kills sister over video game'

Only in America.

A 13-year-old girl in Mississippi has died after allegedly being shot by her nine-year-old brother over a video game, police say.

They said the boy grabbed a gun on Saturday afternoon after his sister would not give up the controller.

He allegedly shot her from behind, and the bullet entered her brain.

A local sheriff announced on Sunday that the teen had died of her injuries in a Memphis hospital. It was unclear how the boy obtained the gun.

It is also unclear what consequences the nine-year-old will face.

"He's just nine," Monroe County Sheriff Cecil Cantrell told the Clarion Ledger.

"I assume he's seen this on video games or TV. I don't know if he knew exactly what this would do. I can't answer that. I do know it's a tragedy."
You're one sick fuck

Nope. The sick fucks are the ones who demand to own guns and are so fucking stupid that they allow their kids to get a hold of them.

If the kid used a knife & stabbed her, she had a good chance of being alive.

The problem assholes like you have is that you are too stupid to recognize the danger of placing a gun in your home. The chances of stories like above are more likely that you using that gun to defend your home.
US boy, 9, 'kills sister over video game'

Only in America.

A 13-year-old girl in Mississippi has died after allegedly being shot by her nine-year-old brother over a video game, police say.

They said the boy grabbed a gun on Saturday afternoon after his sister would not give up the controller.

He allegedly shot her from behind, and the bullet entered her brain.

A local sheriff announced on Sunday that the teen had died of her injuries in a Memphis hospital. It was unclear how the boy obtained the gun.

It is also unclear what consequences the nine-year-old will face.

"He's just nine," Monroe County Sheriff Cecil Cantrell told the Clarion Ledger.

"I assume he's seen this on video games or TV. I don't know if he knew exactly what this would do. I can't answer that. I do know it's a tragedy."
You're one sick fuck

Nope. The sick fucks are the ones who demand to own guns and are so fucking stupid that they allow their kids to get a hold of them.

If the kid used a knife & stabbed her, she had a good chance of being alive.

The problem assholes like you have is that you are too stupid to recognize the danger of placing a gun in your home. The chances of stories like above are more likely that you using that gun to defend your home.

Well now, that's a blatant lie.

Do you have a tub in your house? How about electricity?

Stop pretending you give a shit about children, and just admit..you want to confiscate guns so you can steal stuff from people who are currently armed.

"The number of children unintentionally killed in fire-related deaths was over seven times higher than the number of children killed in unintentional gun-related deaths, and the number of children killed in unintentional drowning deaths was sixteen times higher than the number of children killed in unintentional gun-related deaths."

CDC: More Children Killed by Fire, Drowning Than by Firearms | Breitbart
I blame liberalism. Example, Chelsea Clinton said she quit going to a Baptist church. Because of their stance on abortion at age 6. So liberal parents taught a 6 year old that it is okay to kill her baby out of convenience? That is true hatred, no wonder our children are killing each other. I'd also say they started teaching her that younger at age six.
That is exactly what they do, too.

My cousin's ex (they were never married but they had a kid) is married to a low level state representative..he might not be one now, I don't know. Anyway, she's a freaking disgusting ravening whore and always has been. Some years ago it was her wont to get likkered up and head on over to facebook, where she would get on my cousin's fb page and talk about how she could hardly wait until she could tell her GRANDDAUGHTER, who was about 1 at the time, about the joy that abortion brings.

I am not making this up.

Same bitch made some really inappropriate sexual commentary about blow jobs on the same facebook page...where my elderly mother and my sister (who is a judge) were chit chatting...and where all our young kids were following along.

What a freak lolol.
That's sick.
Yes it is.
And typical of leftist females, I'm afraid.
Read the TOP LMDAO, and the idiot who let their kid get a hold of a gun is probably a leftist parasite who owned the gun.

View attachment 183512
Then he wasn’t a leftist.

Same way you won’t claim all the Christians who murder. You say they aren’t real Christians. Well then he’s not a lefty if he had a gun.
We know nick Cruz and the black shooters were republicans

We will accept the nut who shot the gop softball game. He was one of ours. Notice he missed?

Liberal own guns too where you been LOL.
Read the TOP LMDAO, and the idiot who let their kid get a hold of a gun is probably a leftist parasite who owned the gun.

View attachment 183512
Then he wasn’t a leftist.

Same way you won’t claim all the Christians who murder. You say they aren’t real Christians. Well then he’s not a lefty if he had a gun.
We know nick Cruz and the black shooters were republicans

We will accept the nut who shot the gop softball game. He was one of ours. Notice he missed?

You will never be right because you fit into the Trump hate group your logical common sense doesn't exist so any argument you try to make will never win over those who choose freedom, rights, and liberty over liberal loons.
US boy, 9, 'kills sister over video game'

Only in America.

A 13-year-old girl in Mississippi has died after allegedly being shot by her nine-year-old brother over a video game, police say.

They said the boy grabbed a gun on Saturday afternoon after his sister would not give up the controller.

He allegedly shot her from behind, and the bullet entered her brain.

A local sheriff announced on Sunday that the teen had died of her injuries in a Memphis hospital. It was unclear how the boy obtained the gun.

It is also unclear what consequences the nine-year-old will face.

"He's just nine," Monroe County Sheriff Cecil Cantrell told the Clarion Ledger.

"I assume he's seen this on video games or TV. I don't know if he knew exactly what this would do. I can't answer that. I do know it's a tragedy."
You're one sick fuck

Nope. The sick fucks are the ones who demand to own guns and are so fucking stupid that they allow their kids to get a hold of them.

If the kid used a knife & stabbed her, she had a good chance of being alive.

The problem assholes like you have is that you are too stupid to recognize the danger of placing a gun in your home. The chances of stories like above are more likely that you using that gun to defend your home.
What will you do to protect your family when someone breaks into your home in the middle of the night?
US boy, 9, 'kills sister over video game'

Only in America.

A 13-year-old girl in Mississippi has died after allegedly being shot by her nine-year-old brother over a video game, police say.

They said the boy grabbed a gun on Saturday afternoon after his sister would not give up the controller.

He allegedly shot her from behind, and the bullet entered her brain.

A local sheriff announced on Sunday that the teen had died of her injuries in a Memphis hospital. It was unclear how the boy obtained the gun.

It is also unclear what consequences the nine-year-old will face.

"He's just nine," Monroe County Sheriff Cecil Cantrell told the Clarion Ledger.

"I assume he's seen this on video games or TV. I don't know if he knew exactly what this would do. I can't answer that. I do know it's a tragedy."
You're one sick fuck

Nope. The sick fucks are the ones who demand to own guns and are so fucking stupid that they allow their kids to get a hold of them.

If the kid used a knife & stabbed her, she had a good chance of being alive.

The problem assholes like you have is that you are too stupid to recognize the danger of placing a gun in your home. The chances of stories like above are more likely that you using that gun to defend your home.
What will you do to protect your family when someone breaks into your home in the middle of the night?

You know what they do, they will do as their SJW trained them to do , lay on the ground in a ball and be a victim.
US boy, 9, 'kills sister over video game'

Only in America.

A 13-year-old girl in Mississippi has died after allegedly being shot by her nine-year-old brother over a video game, police say.

They said the boy grabbed a gun on Saturday afternoon after his sister would not give up the controller.

He allegedly shot her from behind, and the bullet entered her brain.

A local sheriff announced on Sunday that the teen had died of her injuries in a Memphis hospital. It was unclear how the boy obtained the gun.

It is also unclear what consequences the nine-year-old will face.

"He's just nine," Monroe County Sheriff Cecil Cantrell told the Clarion Ledger.

"I assume he's seen this on video games or TV. I don't know if he knew exactly what this would do. I can't answer that. I do know it's a tragedy."
You're one sick fuck

Nope. The sick fucks are the ones who demand to own guns and are so fucking stupid that they allow their kids to get a hold of them.

If the kid used a knife & stabbed her, she had a good chance of being alive.

The problem assholes like you have is that you are too stupid to recognize the danger of placing a gun in your home. The chances of stories like above are more likely that you using that gun to defend your home.
What will you do to protect your family when someone breaks into your home in the middle of the night?

Run out the back door, leaving his family defenseless while he frantically hits 911 on his cell phone.
Read the TOP LMDAO, and the idiot who let their kid get a hold of a gun is probably a leftist parasite who owned the gun.

View attachment 183512
Then he wasn’t a leftist.

Same way you won’t claim all the Christians who murder. You say they aren’t real Christians. Well then he’s not a lefty if he had a gun.
We know nick Cruz and the black shooters were republicans

We will accept the nut who shot the gop softball game. He was one of ours. Notice he missed?

You will never be right because you fit into the Trump hate group your logical common sense doesn't exist so any argument you try to make will never win over those who choose freedom, rights, and liberty over liberal loons.
And you will never be wrong....in your little world.
US boy, 9, 'kills sister over video game'

Only in America.

A 13-year-old girl in Mississippi has died after allegedly being shot by her nine-year-old brother over a video game, police say.

They said the boy grabbed a gun on Saturday afternoon after his sister would not give up the controller.

He allegedly shot her from behind, and the bullet entered her brain.

A local sheriff announced on Sunday that the teen had died of her injuries in a Memphis hospital. It was unclear how the boy obtained the gun.

It is also unclear what consequences the nine-year-old will face.

"He's just nine," Monroe County Sheriff Cecil Cantrell told the Clarion Ledger.

"I assume he's seen this on video games or TV. I don't know if he knew exactly what this would do. I can't answer that. I do know it's a tragedy."
You're one sick fuck

Nope. The sick fucks are the ones who demand to own guns and are so fucking stupid that they allow their kids to get a hold of them.

If the kid used a knife & stabbed her, she had a good chance of being alive.

The problem assholes like you have is that you are too stupid to recognize the danger of placing a gun in your home. The chances of stories like above are more likely that you using that gun to defend your home.

The gun in the home is to protect from from scumbags and a Fascist Progressive government

The National Safety Council reports that cell phone use while driving leads to 1.6 million crashes each year. Nearly 330,000 injuries occur each year from accidents caused by texting while driving. 1 out of every 4 car accidents in the United States is caused by texting and driving.

Ban Cell phones!!! Only the government should have cell phones!! There were no cell phones when the First Amendment was ratified
US boy, 9, 'kills sister over video game'

Only in America.

A 13-year-old girl in Mississippi has died after allegedly being shot by her nine-year-old brother over a video game, police say.

They said the boy grabbed a gun on Saturday afternoon after his sister would not give up the controller.

He allegedly shot her from behind, and the bullet entered her brain.

A local sheriff announced on Sunday that the teen had died of her injuries in a Memphis hospital. It was unclear how the boy obtained the gun.

It is also unclear what consequences the nine-year-old will face.

"He's just nine," Monroe County Sheriff Cecil Cantrell told the Clarion Ledger.

"I assume he's seen this on video games or TV. I don't know if he knew exactly what this would do. I can't answer that. I do know it's a tragedy."
You're one sick fuck

Nope. The sick fucks are the ones who demand to own guns and are so fucking stupid that they allow their kids to get a hold of them.

If the kid used a knife & stabbed her, she had a good chance of being alive.

The problem assholes like you have is that you are too stupid to recognize the danger of placing a gun in your home. The chances of stories like above are more likely that you using that gun to defend your home.

The gun in the home is to protect from from scumbags and a Fascist Progressive government

The National Safety Council reports that cell phone use while driving leads to 1.6 million crashes each year. Nearly 330,000 injuries occur each year from accidents caused by texting while driving. 1 out of every 4 car accidents in the United States is caused by texting and driving.

Ban Cell phones!!! Only the government should have cell phones!! There were no cell phones when the First Amendment was ratified

Death penalty for texting and driving?

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