91 Felonies

If anyone else was hit with 91 felonies, the prosecutors and judges would be in jail.
This is ridiculous.
There not only is no basis for any of the charges, but they go back over a decade in some cases.
Even the Jean Carrol case was obviously totally improper, since she offered to model lingerie naked, in private.
The bias is extremely obvious.
Well, that's a lie. Thank you for showing how deep in the orange sexual abuser's hole you are.
And that judge needs to be in jail.
I have read the statutes, and the prosecutor is using legislation intended for securities exchanges, with naive customers.
Totally illegal to apply it to a bank loan application, where banks by law are required to do their own independent appraisals.
The only time Trump could be held liable for "exaggerating the worth of his assets" is if he had ever gone public and was selling stock.
He never went public, so the judge is a criminal.
Banana Republic'ers want to throw judges in jail if they DARE try to hold their orange sexual abuser god accountable.
So why didn't they indict Hillary Clinton?

No one tried to take Hillary to a grand jury because that would have exposed more US crimes.
Like the WMD lies about Iraq she spread, her Arab Spring that murdered Qaddafi and tried to murder Assad, the Maidan coup in the Ukraine, etc.
You just don't get it.
Benghazi was not about failing to protect Ambassador Stevens, but about who sent him to Benghazi to illegally bribe militants into fighting Assad.
They could not expose Hillary's crimes without revealing US crimes.
She also had more classified docs than Trump, but everyone knows that is not at all illegal if the president knows about it.
Maybe he shouldn't have committed crimes.

If they actually were crimes, they would have been prosecuted years ago when they actually were supposed to have happened.
Waiting til now clearly is an attempt to harm the election, and that is the only intent, since conviction is impossible.
In fact, fair trial likely is impossible, since any jurors are going to already have a fixed opinion before any testimony.

These charges are totally outside of normal law.
Law is normally about defending the rights of individuals from abuse.
There is no victim in any of these cases.
They are all bureaucratic claims against the state.
Which no one would normally ever consider prosecuting with high profile people.
So clearly the intent of the prosecution is nefarious.
What false accusation?

The most obvious false accusation is the claim an ex-president cannot be in possession of classified docs.
Obviously anyone can legally be in possession of classified docs if they are given to them with presidential permission.
And all ex-president can then have classified docs they gave to themselves, when president.
That is absolutely airtight.
It is obviously impossible to ever legally charge any ex-president over classified docs.
Where did you get your law degree? What college would be stupid enough to give you one?

That is sillly, because it is obvious that even if convicted on any of these counts, Trump has friends on the SCOTUS.
Obviously everyone knew before any testimony, that all charges are going to end up being struck down eventually.
So the goal is only to illegally bleed money and time.
Which is a REAL "insurrection" in that its attempts to prevent elections.
That is the worst crime in US history.
"I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?"

That is because historically Trump has not done the really evil things that most other presidents have done, like starting illegal wars.
And Obama did badly at as well, such as mandating ACA, murdering Qaddafi, attacking Assad, bribing the Maidan coup in the Ukraine, attacking the Taliban, etc.
Face facts, Trump did better as president than most.
He even got covid correctly, while Biden and Fauci clearly lied over vaccine profits.
Well, that's a lie. Thank you for showing how deep in the orange sexual abuser's hole you are.

Wrong again.
I am far left, anti-Trump.
It is just that these claims against Trump are so obviously corrupt and illegal that they threaten the whole country like never before.
It clearly will lead to a shooting war if there is a single conviction.
"The KKK was not the least bit interested in Black people at the time. At all. They were no threat to southern dimocrap scum in any way, shape or form." .... :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
You can spend more time on USMB now that you've discovered Uber Eats delivers Bonbons, huh?

Too bad, I'm sure you could use the exercise.
The press has well covered the billions Burisma Holding was paid by the Ukraine, China, etc.
And even Hunter admits he never did a thing for them to earn it.
I don’t watch the news or pay any attention to the MSM. So how exactly do I know? I’ve been asking for proof. I’ve yet to see any.

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