911 facts no theories

what reason ?
Fire. Keep asking the same question and you will keep getting the same answer.

so it is your contention that fire and controlled demolition are the two
scenarios that will create a free fall collapse of a steel framed building ?

eots said:
so you disagree with NIST and their assertion this was the first steel framed hi-rise to of ever collapsed primarily due to fire ?
How many "high rise" buildings did you expect to find in Germany in WWII? The point is that if steel framed buildings can collapse due to fire, why not high rise steel framed buildings?

What we found was that uncontrolled building fires—similar to fires experienced in other tall buildings—caused an extraordinary event, the collapse of World Trade Center 7.

This is the first time that we are aware of, that a building taller than about 15 stories has collapsed primarily due to fires.

NIST and the World Trade Center : News and Events

So I am just to take the word of a truthtard over those who experienced the clean up of ground zero? I don't think so. I barely know you but already I know you lie your ass off

what testimony from those at ground zero do you speak of ? any links ? quotes ?

They had that in steel that was warped due to heat. They didn't need everything to stay at ground zero to look for steel that had suffered heat deformation. In fact, it was a lot easier to find the different parts when the steel was moved to Fresh Kills and organized / examined.

In truthtard speak that means since they didn't specifically state they had samples of steel that suffered the heat they claimed, then obviously they had no such samples. The fire temperatures they were talking about are EASILY reached in a standard office fire. Of course, truthtards ignore that little fact. They like to pretend the fires were nice, cool affairs.

thats just your own rambling

Because the only people claiming gross error are truthtards without any evidence

so the former lead fire investigator for NIST is a truthtard ???

First responders knowingly go into dangerous situations. You actually expect us to believe "they" told the first responders that ground zero was safe?!?
:lol: Wow. Are you ever gullible! Would you consider walking around on piles
of loose debris looking for bodies "safe"? Would you believe anyone that told you it was?


eots said:
SO If...you read all of the testimony you must simply discount all the first responder testimony that contradicts the official theory...why ?
And which first responder testimony is that? Is this where you pretend every first responder who claims they heard an explosion really heard explosives? :lol:

NIST says there were no explosions as loud a a shotgun blast heard or reported by anyone...this is untrue

eots said:
I can compare the two and see the do not match
So you expect a computer model to PERFECTLY simulate reality. Wow! You're not up on chaos theory, are you. One cannot perfectly model an event such as the collapse of WTC 7 because of the millions of variables that can affect the outcome of the collapse. What they did was build a model that showed a possible way for the collapse to initiate given all the facts known. Is it an absolute fact it happened that way? No. It could have been different. Unfortunately for you truthtards, the evidence does NOT support a controlled demolition as one of the means of collapse initiation.

chaos theory.. lol...give it up the model accurate or its not

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report

NIST used computer models that they said have never been used in such an application before and are the state of the art. For this they should be commended for their skill. But the validation of these modeling results is in question. Others have computed aspects with different conclusions on the cause mechanism of the collapse. Moreover, it is common in fire investigation to compute a time-line and compare it to known events. NIST has not done that.

OpEdNews - Page 2 of Article: Former Chief of NIST's Fire Science Division Calls for Independent Review of World Trade Center Investigation
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"Except, of course, it wasn't an explosion. You are just a nasty, dishonest stupid ball of shit, felon."

Puffs of air blasted steel beams that weigh tons in all directions. You need to see a doctor to explain how disturbed you are. Tell your mommy that a nasty bad man made you look at an explosion.
Why isn't Ms. Whitman in prison for life?

Because Americans are complete assholes.

Americans listen to liars because America is a country of liars.
Dwain Deets, MS Physics, MS Eng – Former Director, Aerospace Projects, NASA Dryden Flight Research Center. Before this appointment, he served as Director, Research Engineering Division at Dryden. Recipient of the NASA Exceptional Service Award and the Presidential Meritorious Rank Award in the Senior Executive Service (1988). Selected presenter of the Wright Brothers Lectureship in Aeronautics, a distinguished speaking engagement sponsored by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) (1986). Included in "Who's Who in Science and Engineering" 1993 - 2000. Former Chairman of the Aerospace Control and Guidance Systems Committee of the Society of Automotive Engineers. Former Member, AIAA Committee on Society and Aerospace Technology. 37 year NASA career.

Statement in support of Architects and Engineers petition:
"The many visual images (massive structural members being hurled horizontally, huge pyroclastic clouds, etc.) leave no doubt in my mind explosives were involved [in the destruction of the World Trade Center]." AE911Truth.org

Signatory: Petition requesting a reinvestigation of 9/11, signed by more than 1,300 Architects and Engineers:

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report

"Except, of course, it wasn't an explosion. You are just a nasty, dishonest stupid ball of shit, felon."

Puffs of air blasted steel beams that weigh tons in all directions. You need to see a doctor to explain how disturbed you are. Tell your mommy that a nasty bad man made you look at an explosion.
So where's the explosion, you declared insane lil' asshole?

C'mon CONVICT.......SHOW IT!
Dwain Deets, MS Physics, MS Eng – Former Director, Aerospace Projects, NASA Dryden Flight Research Center. Before this appointment, he served as Director, Research Engineering Division at Dryden. Recipient of the NASA Exceptional Service Award and the Presidential Meritorious Rank Award in the Senior Executive Service (1988). Selected presenter of the Wright Brothers Lectureship in Aeronautics, a distinguished speaking engagement sponsored by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) (1986). Included in "Who's Who in Science and Engineering" 1993 - 2000. Former Chairman of the Aerospace Control and Guidance Systems Committee of the Society of Automotive Engineers. Former Member, AIAA Committee on Society and Aerospace Technology. 37 year NASA career.

Statement in support of Architects and Engineers petition:
"The many visual images (massive structural members being hurled horizontally, huge pyroclastic clouds, etc.) leave no doubt in my mind explosives were involved [in the destruction of the World Trade Center]." AE911Truth.org

Signatory: Petition requesting a reinvestigation of 9/11, signed by more than 1,300 Architects and Engineers:

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report
if deets actually said that(your link doesnt take you to where he did) then he is fucking NUTZ
Larry L. Erickson, BS Aeronautical Eng, MS Aeronautical Eng, PhD Eng Mechanics – Retired NASA Aerospace Engineer and Research Scientist. Conducted research in the fields of structural dynamics, aerodynamics, aeroelasticity and flutter. Recipient of NASA's Aerodynamics Division Researcher-of-the-Year Award. 33-year NASA career. Member, American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics. Instructor, Physics and Aerospace Engineering, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo 1998 - present. Author and co-author of several scientific papers on aerodynamic analysis. Contributing author to Applied Computational Aerodynamics (1990).
Statement in support of Architects and Engineers petition:

"Serious technical investigations by experts seem to be lacking from the official explanations." AE911Truth.org

Signatory: Petition requesting a reinvestigation of 9/11, signed by more than 1,300 Architects and Engineers:
if deets actually said that(your link doesnt take you to where he did) then he is fucking NUTZ

60 Aerospace Engineers Call for a New 9/11 Investigation
By Dwain Deets,

As the number of verified architect and engineer petitioners at Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth passes 1,200, the number describing themselves as aerospace engineers, or as engineers who have contributed professionally to the aerospace field, exceed sixty. These sixty-plus engineers were motivated to place their names on the public record as a matter of professional and social responsibility

60 Aerospace Engineers Call for a New 9/11 Investigation | 9-11 News | World for 9-11 Truth | W9T.org
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I just listened to about 10 minutes of Mr Deets. He is a NASA expert trying to tell us about buildings. He knows nothing, claimed he didn't even know that building 7 came down the same day as the towers until he started studying the days events. Mr Deets needs to stick to experimental aircraft.
if deets actually said that(your link doesnt take you to where he did) then he is fucking NUTZ

60 Aerospace Engineers Call for a New 9/11 Investigation
By Dwain Deets,

As the number of verified architect and engineer petitioners at Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth passes 1,200, the number describing themselves as aerospace engineers, or as engineers who have contributed professionally to the aerospace field, exceed sixty. These sixty-plus engineers were motivated to place their names on the public record as a matter of professional and social responsibility

60 Aerospace Engineers Call for a New 9/11 Investigation | 9-11 News | World for 9-11 Truth | W9T.org
that link doesnt take you to deets actually saying that
another FAIL from Id-Eots
I just listened to about 10 minutes of Mr Deets. He is a NASA expert trying to tell us about buildings. He knows nothing, claimed he didn't even know that building 7 came down the same day as the towers until he started studying the days events. Mr Deets needs to stick to experimental aircraft.

its all about physic not "buildings" and deets is second to none ...you need to stick to playing with ham radios
if deets actually said that(your link doesnt take you to where he did) then he is fucking NUTZ

60 Aerospace Engineers Call for a New 9/11 Investigation
By Dwain Deets,

As the number of verified architect and engineer petitioners at Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth passes 1,200, the number describing themselves as aerospace engineers, or as engineers who have contributed professionally to the aerospace field, exceed sixty. These sixty-plus engineers were motivated to place their names on the public record as a matter of professional and social responsibility

60 Aerospace Engineers Call for a New 9/11 Investigation | 9-11 News | World for 9-11 Truth | W9T.org
that link doesnt take you to deets actually saying that
another FAIL from Id-Eots

Deets wrote the article you pathetic moron
60 Aerospace Engineers Call for a New 9/11 Investigation
By Dwain Deets,

As the number of verified architect and engineer petitioners at Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth passes 1,200, the number describing themselves as aerospace engineers, or as engineers who have contributed professionally to the aerospace field, exceed sixty. These sixty-plus engineers were motivated to place their names on the public record as a matter of professional and social responsibility

60 Aerospace Engineers Call for a New 9/11 Investigation | 9-11 News | World for 9-11 Truth | W9T.org
that link doesnt take you to deets actually saying that
another FAIL from Id-Eots

Deets wrote the article you pathetic moron
you are the pathetic moron dipshit
i've told that many times
60 Aerospace Engineers Call for a New 9/11 Investigation
By Dwain Deets,

As the number of verified architect and engineer petitioners at Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth passes 1,200, the number describing themselves as aerospace engineers, or as engineers who have contributed professionally to the aerospace field, exceed sixty. These sixty-plus engineers were motivated to place their names on the public record as a matter of professional and social responsibility

60 Aerospace Engineers Call for a New 9/11 Investigation | 9-11 News | World for 9-11 Truth | W9T.org
that link doesnt take you to deets actually saying that
another FAIL from Id-Eots

Deets wrote the article you pathetic moron

if there's a bustle in your hedgerow.....
Can jet fuel fires cut those beams and blast them in all directions?

You can see the south tower explode and the steel beams were cut and blasted in all directions.

Do all the 17444 members on here want to protect George Bush from a fair American trial guaranteed by the 6th Amendment? To keep looking the other way just because you hope the outcome will be exactly as we can all see the steel beams.

There's plenty more evidence but the steel beams convict Bush, Larry Silverstein, and a very long list of co-defendants. They love telling you that a conspiracy is impossible. To believe that when the evidence is right before your eyes is a delusion. It doesn't matter if you like the verdict or not. Bush & Silverstein need to be arrested and prosecuted under the law. If they are innocent they will be released.

When they are put into the Super Max in CO. they'll rat to get to a USP. THEY WON'T TAKE A RAP IN THE SUPER MAX. The USP is a kindergarten compared to the Super Max.

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