911 facts no theories

Wicked Jester wants to commit an assault which is a criminal act. He claims to be a criminal and claims to know I'm a criminal predator taking people's money.

I wrote and published JUST CAUSE JUST FACTS which is on the Amazon website in 2005. I have a big box full of transcripts and official court filings that substantiate my entire story.

It doesn't matter that I served aboard the USS Trigger 564 and on our first cruise to Buford, SC which is next to Paris Island the Marine boot camp that some jar head decided to attack me but got his brains knocked out by me when I defended my self but big bad ass Wicked Jester claims to be a criminal.

Wicked Jester isn't a stupid person he's a psychotic criminal who is also brainwashed in his own words.

Wicked Jester is now on the libel list which is a civil offense.
You can go on the USS Trigger's website and see my name listed.

Wicked Jester is a liar with an avatar. And he's a psychotic criminal who violently attacks people.
Wicked Jester wants to commit an assault which is a criminal act. He claims to be a criminal and claims to know I'm a criminal predator taking people's money.

I wrote and published JUST CAUSE JUST FACTS which is on the Amazon website in 2005. I have a big box full of transcripts and official court filings that substantiate my entire story.

It doesn't matter that I served aboard the USS Trigger 564 and on our first cruise to Buford, SC which is next to Paris Island the Marine boot camp that some jar head decided to attack me but got his brains knocked out by me when I defended my self but big bad ass Wicked Jester claims to be a criminal.

Wicked Jester isn't a stupid person he's a psychotic criminal who is also brainwashed in his own words.

Wicked Jester is now on the libel list which is a civil offense.

Your a fucking loon. You can't intimidate people on a message board like you do in person. This isn't prison dumbass, it's an internet message board.

You have no facts, and in addition - no brains you little retard.

Try the REAL facts; your a pathetic loser who doesn't have the intelligence to be the internet bully you envision yourself as.

The facts are that your just a low-life loser.
Wicked Jester wants to commit an assault which is a criminal act.
wanting to commit assault is not a criminal act. doing it is.

He claims to be a criminal and claims to know I'm a criminal predator taking people's money.

I wrote and published JUST CAUSE JUST FACTS which is on the Amazon website in 2005.
so you claim..... no proof that you are that person though.

I have a big box full of transcripts and official court filings that substantiate my entire story.
so you claim. you could claim to have the easter bunny in a box too, jackass.

It doesn't matter that I served aboard the USS Trigger 564 and on our first cruise to Buford, SC which is next to Paris Island the Marine boot camp that some jar head decided to attack me but got his brains knocked out by me when I defended my self but big bad ass Wicked Jester claims to be a criminal.
you are right. it doesnt matter even if it was true..... which is doubtful.

Wicked Jester isn't a stupid person he's a psychotic criminal who is also brainwashed in his own words.
how does one become brainwashed in his own words? is it like choking on your own vomit?

you really do suck as a writer. (if you are one).

Wicked Jester is now on the libel list which is a civil offense.
so? what are you going to do about it?

time to put up or shut up.
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Wicked Jester is now on the libel list which is a civil offense.

Just wondering, but who keeps "the libel list", and how is being on it a civil offense???

I made the "libel list"!!!!!!!!! I think I was first or second on the list here at USMB.

I recognized the shitstain known as 'miller' for the bullshit artist he is the first day I saw him here.
The thread is 911 facts.

There are 15 facts listed. No one has disputed 1 fact yet about the 911 inside job ordered by Bush during the time Bush was hearing more than 40 warnings.

There are only 6 weirdos who keep repeating ridiculous lies on this entire forum. The rest keep viewing but write nothing. They hide their identity and use an avatar. What can their purpose be?

Try the facts.
A legal complaint filed in court will be a fact. The defendant is going to need to spend money for his/her attorney.

Does no one on here know what a fact is? Will you claim to be incompetent? You'll need to hire a shrink to testify too. Save some money for your lawyer and your shrink. Keep writing lies because there is no legitimate denial of the facts that are on film, written, and published.

Threatening is a crime too. Should I hide from the Ranger with an avatar?
The thread is 911 facts.

There are 15 facts listed. No one has disputed 1 fact yet about the 911 inside job ordered by Bush during the time Bush was hearing more than 40 warnings.

There are only 6 weirdos who keep repeating ridiculous lies on this entire forum. The rest keep viewing but write nothing. They hide their identity and use an avatar. What can their purpose be?

Try the facts.

the ones that keep viewing and not posting are the coincidence theorists who have no answers so they run off.the six people that keep posting ridiculous lies are disinformation agent trolls that have penetrated this site.
A legal complaint filed in court will be a fact. The defendant is going to need to spend money for his/her attorney.

Does no one on here know what a fact is? Will you claim to be incompetent? You'll need to hire a shrink to testify too. Save some money for your lawyer and your shrink. Keep writing lies because there is no legitimate denial of the facts that are on film, written, and published.

Threatening is a crime too. Should I hide from the Ranger with an avatar?
You're a fuckin' joke, clown!

I never threatened to kick your ass.....Simply stated you need your teeth kicked in....Hopefuly one of the victims you defrauded will run into you one day and do just that...Call it delayed justice.

Nothing worse, except for murderers, rapists and, child molesters, than a dirtbag who defrauds people for personal gain, and then brags about it.

You're not a stand up person whatsoever....You're a lowlife who doesn't have the guts to make their own way in the world hence, you steal from other people......You're a dirtbag, nothing more.
A legal complaint filed in court will be a fact. The defendant is going to need to spend money for his/her attorney.

Does no one on here know what a fact is? Will you claim to be incompetent? You'll need to hire a shrink to testify too. Save some money for your lawyer and your shrink. Keep writing lies because there is no legitimate denial of the facts that are on film, written, and published.

Threatening is a crime too. Should I hide from the Ranger with an avatar?
You're a fuckin' joke, clown!

I never threatened to kick your ass.....Simply stated you need your teeth kicked in....Hopefuly one of the victims you defrauded will run into you one day and do just that...Call it delayed justice.

Nothing worse, except for murderers, rapists and, child molesters, than a dirtbag who defrauds people for personal gain, and then brags about it.

You're not a stand up person whatsoever....You're a lowlife who doesn't have the guts to make their own way in the world hence, you steal from other people......You're a dirtbag, nothing more.

A legal complaint filed in court will be a fact. The defendant is going to need to spend money for his/her attorney.

Does no one on here know what a fact is? Will you claim to be incompetent? You'll need to hire a shrink to testify too. Save some money for your lawyer and your shrink. Keep writing lies because there is no legitimate denial of the facts that are on film, written, and published.

Threatening is a crime too. Should I hide from the Ranger with an avatar?
You're a fuckin' joke, clown!

I never threatened to kick your ass.....Simply stated you need your teeth kicked in....Hopefuly one of the victims you defrauded will run into you one day and do just that...Call it delayed justice.

Nothing worse, except for murderers, rapists and, child molesters, than a dirtbag who defrauds people for personal gain, and then brags about it.

You're not a stand up person whatsoever....You're a lowlife who doesn't have the guts to make their own way in the world hence, you steal from other people......You're a dirtbag, nothing more.
The thread is 911 facts.

There are 15 facts listed. No one has disputed 1 fact yet about the 911 inside job ordered by Bush during the time Bush was hearing more than 40 warnings.

There are only 6 weirdos who keep repeating ridiculous lies on this entire forum. The rest keep viewing but write nothing. They hide their identity and use an avatar. What can their purpose be?

Try the facts.

the ones that keep viewing and not posting are the coincidence theorists who have no answers so they run off.the six people that keep posting ridiculous lies are disinformation agent trolls that have penetrated this site.
Shut the fuck up, bitch. Little piss ant.:cuckoo:
A legal complaint filed in court will be a fact. The defendant is going to need to spend money for his/her attorney.

Does no one on here know what a fact is? Will you claim to be incompetent? You'll need to hire a shrink to testify too. Save some money for your lawyer and your shrink. Keep writing lies because there is no legitimate denial of the facts that are on film, written, and published.

Threatening is a crime too. Should I hide from the Ranger with an avatar?
You're a fuckin' joke, clown!

I never threatened to kick your ass.....Simply stated you need your teeth kicked in....Hopefuly one of the victims you defrauded will run into you one day and do just that...Call it delayed justice.

Nothing worse, except for murderers, rapists and, child molesters, than a dirtbag who defrauds people for personal gain, and then brags about it.

You're not a stand up person whatsoever....You're a lowlife who doesn't have the guts to make their own way in the world hence, you steal from other people......You're a dirtbag, nothing more.
especially when its taking advantage of someone in grief
Wicked Jester wants to commit an assault which is a criminal act. He claims to be a criminal and claims to know I'm a criminal predator taking people's money.

I wrote and published JUST CAUSE JUST FACTS which is on the Amazon website in 2005. I have a big box full of transcripts and official court filings that substantiate my entire story.

It doesn't matter that I served aboard the USS Trigger 564 and on our first cruise to Buford, SC which is next to Paris Island the Marine boot camp that some jar head decided to attack me but got his brains knocked out by me when I defended my self but big bad ass Wicked Jester claims to be a criminal.

Wicked Jester isn't a stupid person he's a psychotic criminal who is also brainwashed in his own words.

Wicked Jester is now on the libel list which is a civil offense.

Your comprehension problem is deep rooted. First, WJ did not say he's planning on doing it. Wishing it would happen to you is not the same as threatening you.

I could, if I were so inclined (which I'm not), pray for you to receive some hideously dire medical condition that would cause you to suffer unbearable pain in an ever-weakening condition so horrible that you couldn't even move to relieve your pain and that you linger, in agony, for years before being released by a horrifying form of death. I don't think that vile prayer is actionable in a court of law.

What the fuck is a "libel list?" In what fictional state does appearing in some made-up "list" constitute a "crime?"

By the way, are you a criminal predator?
A legal complaint filed in court will be a fact. The defendant is going to need to spend money for his/her attorney.

Does no one on here know what a fact is? Will you claim to be incompetent? You'll need to hire a shrink to testify too. Save some money for your lawyer and your shrink. Keep writing lies because there is no legitimate denial of the facts that are on film, written, and published.

Threatening is a crime too. Should I hide from the Ranger with an avatar?

you were convicted of raping a dead baby goat. :lol:

did i make the libel list? now dont waste any time filing your complaint in court. we can see who runs out of money first!! :lol:

time to put up or shut up!! :cuckoo:
Just look at this Miller clown....First he's up here trying to pimp his crappy book....And then he runs around trying to say he's taking down names for a possible lawsuit.......The man is an obvious FRAUD who can't make his way in the world the way the rest of us do, in an honest way.

Fact is, and I have no doubts about it, his book was crap and didn't sell......Hence, he's up here trying to pimp it............Now, he's most likely out of money, and is fishing for a way to make money to survive.

And this clown thinks he's actually fooling us?

Anyhow people, have an excellent and safe Thanksgving!........As far as you go Miller, kiss my proud shiney white ass......And don't even think of stealing your damn turkey this year. Stay away from the local charities also....There are HONEST people out there who may be dependent on them for a simple holiday meal. There are people out there who are suffering right now through no fault of their own. The last thing they need is a lowlife criminal like you trying to steal their food.
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