911 facts no theories

Just look at this Miller clown....First he's up here trying to pimp his crappy book....And then he runs around trying to say he's taking down names for a possible lawsuit.......The man is an obvious FRAUD who can't make his way in the world the way the rest of us do, in an honest way.

Fact is, and I have no doubts about it, his book was crap and didn't sell......Hence, he's up here trying to pimp it............Now, he's most likely out of money, and is fishing for a way to make money to survive.

And this clown thinks he's actually fooling us?

Anyhow people, have an excellent and safe Thanksgving!........As far as you go Miller, kiss my proud shiney white ass......And don't even think of stealing your damn turkey this year. Stay away from the local charities also....There are HONEST people out there who may be dependent on them for a simple holiday meal. There are people out there who are suffering right now through no fault of their own. The last thing they need is a lowlife criminal like you trying to steal their food.

Happy Gobble Gobble to you too....Can't believe I'm up this early to cook but it'll be worth it around noon today.
Just look at this Miller clown....First he's up here trying to pimp his crappy book....And then he runs around trying to say he's taking down names for a possible lawsuit.......The man is an obvious FRAUD who can't make his way in the world the way the rest of us do, in an honest way.

Fact is, and I have no doubts about it, his book was crap and didn't sell......Hence, he's up here trying to pimp it............Now, he's most likely out of money, and is fishing for a way to make money to survive.

And this clown thinks he's actually fooling us?

Anyhow people, have an excellent and safe Thanksgving!........As far as you go Miller, kiss my proud shiney white ass......And don't even think of stealing your damn turkey this year. Stay away from the local charities also....There are HONEST people out there who may be dependent on them for a simple holiday meal. There are people out there who are suffering right now through no fault of their own. The last thing they need is a lowlife criminal like you trying to steal their food.

Happy Gobble Gobble to you too....Can't believe I'm up this early to cook but it'll be worth it around noon today.

isn't that a lot of effort for just you and the cat ?
Just look at this Miller clown....First he's up here trying to pimp his crappy book....And then he runs around trying to say he's taking down names for a possible lawsuit.......The man is an obvious FRAUD who can't make his way in the world the way the rest of us do, in an honest way.

Fact is, and I have no doubts about it, his book was crap and didn't sell......Hence, he's up here trying to pimp it............Now, he's most likely out of money, and is fishing for a way to make money to survive.

And this clown thinks he's actually fooling us?

Anyhow people, have an excellent and safe Thanksgving!........As far as you go Miller, kiss my proud shiney white ass......And don't even think of stealing your damn turkey this year. Stay away from the local charities also....There are HONEST people out there who may be dependent on them for a simple holiday meal. There are people out there who are suffering right now through no fault of their own. The last thing they need is a lowlife criminal like you trying to steal their food.

Happy Gobble Gobble to you too....Can't believe I'm up this early to cook but it'll be worth it around noon today.

Edited- NO Family Attacks.
Free fall calculation of Building #7

Free fall collapse can't happen unless explosives are rigged well in advance of 911 that will blast in all the columns simultaneously to force the building to implode.

See it here: [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVCDpL4Ax7I[/ame]
Its really easy to prove that the media conspired to not publish spectacular facts. If America is worth $6 to you buy THE COMMISSION by Philip Shenon.

Read pages 151 & 152. Shenon reveals, "The warnings were going straight to President Bush each mornings in his briefings by Tenet and in the PDBs."

If you don't know that is way bigger news than Tiger's girl friends then no words can describe you. Words like imbecile, moron, asshole don't come close. Only the brainwashed could deny this fact. You can't put both stories on a scale and weigh them but Bush getting more than 40 warnings is the Atlantic Ocean compared to Tiger's girl friends are you taking a piss in the Atlantic Ocean.

Shenon should have counted the exact number of warnings but more than 40 is a huge number of warnings. See if you're able to focus only on the media cover up. If you can manage to make that obvious conclusion, then you were purposely mislead.

If you can't admit you were purposely mislead by the media you can't possibly conclude you are brainwashed. Denying the obvious is proof. You are delusional. Do you have a mental defect? Probably not but until you are able to examine this simple, crystal clear fact, you are a complete waste of time.

If you read every review posted on Amazon for THE COMMISSION I'm the only review that points out Shenon's cover up. Shenon is the NYT reporter covering the 911 Commission. Shenon had access to all the commissioners, their staffs, and the survivors.

So go ahead and produce the PDBs that said something other than bin Laden was going to attack. You know.... details like when and where and how. The little things you need to actually STOP the attack. Knowing an attack is coming is not the same as knowing enough about the attack to stop it. Even a moron knows this. Why don't you?
Free fall calculation of Building #7

Free fall collapse can't happen unless explosives are rigged well in advance of 911 that will blast in all the columns simultaneously to force the building to implode.

I see you are ignorant of what a controlled demolition is. A controlled demolition damages enough supports for the building to collapse. From that point on, gravity takes over to destroy the building. The same results can be obtained if the supports fail for other reasons. Pretending a building that falls at free fall acceleration for part of the collapse MUST have been done via controlled demolition vs. any other collapse initiation event simply shows you have no clue how this all works.

So how do you explain the complete lack of evidence one would find if there WAS a controlled demolition?

For instance:

Controlled demolition charges work off of pressure. If they had gone off in WTC 7 which still had its windows in place, those windows would have blown out at a VERY high rate of speed. They didn't.

Not one shred of evidence has ever been found of explosives, wiring, blasting caps, or the tell tale damage they leave behind.

There is no seismic evidence of explosives going off in any of the three collapses. Controlled demolitions can be seen on seismic records.

Fire fighters knew HOURS before the collapse that WTC 7 in all likelihood would collapse. If it was such an impossibility, why did they evacuate the area around WTC 7 hours before the collapse?

BTW, if you had ever read the NIST report, you would have known that the internal supports for WTC 7 failed before the visible external collapse started. See, truthtards aren't bright enough to understand that a building is made up of many small pieces instead of one big piece that has to act as one unit.
Free fall calculation of Building #7

Free fall collapse can't happen unless explosives are rigged well in advance of 911 that will blast in all the columns simultaneously to force the building to implode.

See it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVCDpL4Ax7I
You're such an idiotic troofer loon, CONVICT!:cuckoo:

Suck on this.....See exactly how wrong you are on so many levels.

Debunking you loons and your troofer bullshit is just too damn easy!
Free fall calculation of Building #7

Free fall collapse can't happen unless explosives are rigged well in advance of 911 that will blast in all the columns simultaneously to force the building to implode.

I see you are ignorant of what a controlled demolition is. A controlled demolition damages enough supports for the building to collapse. From that point on, gravity takes over to destroy the building. The same results can be obtained if the supports fail for other reasons. Pretending a building that falls at free fall acceleration for part of the collapse MUST have been done via controlled demolition vs. any other collapse initiation event simply shows you have no clue how this all works.

what reason ?

So how do you explain the complete lack of evidence one would find if there WAS a controlled demolition?

For instance:
Controlled demolition charges work off of pressure. If they had gone off in WTC 7 which still had its windows in place, those windows would have blown out at a VERY high rate of speed. They didn't.

Not one shred of evidence has ever been found of explosives, wiring, blasting caps, or the tell tale damage they leave behind.

There is no seismic evidence of explosives going off in any of the three collapses. Controlled demolitions can be seen on seismic record

how do you explain the destruction of evidence and spoliation of the crime scene ? do you know how many pieces of evidence was kept from all three buildings?...I do

Fire fighters knew HOURS before the collapse that WTC 7 in all likelihood would collapse. If it was such an impossibility, why did they evacuate the area around WTC 7 hours before the collapse?

who knew ? how much first responder testimony have you examined ?

BTW, if you had ever read the NIST report, you would have known that the internal supports for WTC 7 failed before the visible external collapse started. See, truthtards aren't bright enough to understand that a building is made up of many small pieces instead of one big piece that has to act as one unit.

if you ever looked at the NIST simulation and the perimeters used to create it (the very core and sole "evidence "to support the NISTt theory) of the collapse of wtc 7 ..you would ee it does not match reality

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Free fall calculation of Building #7

Free fall collapse can't happen unless explosives are rigged well in advance of 911 that will blast in all the columns simultaneously to force the building to implode.

See it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVCDpL4Ax7I
You're such an idiotic troofer loon, CONVICT!:cuckoo:

Suck on this.....See exactly how wrong you are on so many levels.

Debunking you loons and your troofer bullshit is just too damn easy!

this is a joke...right ?
Free fall calculation of Building #7

Free fall collapse can't happen unless explosives are rigged well in advance of 911 that will blast in all the columns simultaneously to force the building to implode.

what reason ?


how do you explain the destruction of evidence and spoliation of the crime scene ? do you know how many pieces of evidence was kept from all three buildings?...I do

who knew ? how much first responder testimony have you examined ?

BTW, if you had ever read the NIST report, you would have known that the internal supports for WTC 7 failed before the visible external collapse started. See, truthtards aren't bright enough to understand that a building is made up of many small pieces instead of one big piece that has to act as one unit.

if you ever looked at the NIST simulation and the perimeters used to create it (the very core and sole "evidence "to support the NISTt theory) of the collapse of wtc 7 ..you would ee it does not match reality

Yep, debunking you fools is just too damn easy!
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Free fall calculation of Building #7

Free fall collapse can't happen unless explosives are rigged well in advance of 911 that will blast in all the columns simultaneously to force the building to implode.

See it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVCDpL4Ax7I
You're such an idiotic troofer loon, CONVICT!:cuckoo:

Suck on this.....See exactly how wrong you are on so many levels.

Debunking you loons and your troofer bullshit is just too damn easy!

this is a joke...right ?
No.....It's the FACTS!.......Something you don't deal in, and can't deal with.

Everything about controlled explosions is completely debunked........Deal with it!
Free fall collapse can't happen unless explosives are rigged well in advance of 911 that will blast in all the columns simultaneously to force the building to implode.
what reason ?

Try fire. And don't try the bullshit that no steel framed building ever fell solely due to fire. Look up Dresden Germany. Lots of buildings fell during the fire storm.

eots said:
how do you explain the destruction of evidence and spoliation of the crime scene ? do you know how many pieces of evidence was kept from all three buildings?...I do
The debris was examined before being destoryed, stored or recycled. As for "spoilage of the crime scene", what exactly did you expect them to do? Dust for fingerprints? Ground zero was both a physical hazard as well as a biological hazard. That is why it was all moved to Fresh Kills and other landfills.

eots said:
who knew ? how much first responder testimony have you examined ?
All of it. ;-) It is a matter of record when the order was given to abandon WTC 7 and evacuate around it.

eots said:
BTW, if you had ever read the NIST report, you would have known that the internal supports for WTC 7 failed before the visible external collapse started. See, truthtards aren't bright enough to understand that a building is made up of many small pieces instead of one big piece that has to act as one unit.

if you ever looked at the NIST simulation and the perimeters used to create it (the very core and sole "evidence "to support the NISTt theory) of the collapse of wtc 7 ..you would ee it does not match reality
Wow. Speak English much? I've looked at the NIST simulation. Are you trying to say you are some kind of super engineer that actually knows what he is looking at? Who knew we were in the presence of such greatness. :roll: Or are we suppose to believe some boobtoob video just because it says what you want to hear? No thanks.
Free fall collapse can't happen unless explosives are rigged well in advance of 911 that will blast in all the columns simultaneously to force the building to implode.
what reason ?

Try fire. And don't try the bullshit that no steel framed building ever fell solely due to fire. Look up Dresden Germany. Lots of buildings fell during the fire storm.

so you disagree with NIST and their assertion this was the first steel framed hi-rise to of ever collapsed primarily due to fire ?

The debris was examined before being destoryed, stored or recycled

completely false..

As for "spoilage of the crime scene", what exactly did you expect them to do? Dust for fingerprints?

evidence of the tempatures required for failure for one

Spoliation of a fire scene is a basis for destroying a legal case in an investigation. Most of the steel was discarded, although the key elements of the core steel were demographically labeled. A careful reading of the NIST report shows that they have no evidence that the temperatures they predict as necessary for failure are corroborated by findings of the little steel debris they have. Why hasn't NIST declared that this spoliation of the steel was a gross error?OpEdNews - Page 2 of Article: Former Chief of NIST's Fire Science Division Calls for Independent Review of World Trade Center Investigation
Ground zero was both a physical hazard as well as a biological hazard. That is why it was all moved to Fresh Kills and other landfills.

they told first responder it was safe..

All of it. ;-) It is a matter of record when the order was given to abandon WTC 7 and evacuate around it.

SO If...you read all of the testimony you must simply discount all the first responder testimony that contradicts the official theory...why ?

eots said:
if you ever looked at the NIST simulation and the parameters used to create it (the very core and sole "evidence "to support the NISTt theory) ..you would see it does not match reality

Wow. Speak English much? I've looked at the NIST simulation. Are you trying to say you are some kind of super engineer that actually knows what he is looking at? Who knew we were in the presence of such greatness. :roll: Or are we suppose to believe some boobtoob video just because it says what you want to hear? No thank

I can compare the two and see the do not match
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You're such an idiotic troofer loon, CONVICT!:cuckoo:

Suck on this.....See exactly how wrong you are on so many levels.

Debunking you loons and your troofer bullshit is just too damn easy!

this is a joke...right ?
No.....It's the FACTS!.......Something you don't deal in, and can't deal with.

Everything about controlled explosions is completely debunked........Deal with it!

whats fact can you explain the NIST theory of the collapse of wtc 7 for me
what reason ?
Fire. Keep asking the same question and you will keep getting the same answer.

eots said:
so you disagree with NIST and their assertion this was the first steel framed hi-rise to of ever collapsed primarily due to fire ?
How many "high rise" buildings did you expect to find in Germany in WWII? The point is that if steel framed buildings can collapse due to fire, why not high rise steel framed buildings?

eots said:
completely false..
So I am just to take the word of a truthtard over those who experienced the clean up of ground zero? I don't think so. I barely know you but already I know you lie your ass off.

eots said:
evidence of the tempatures required for failure for one
They had that in steel that was warped due to heat. They didn't need everything to stay at ground zero to look for steel that had suffered heat deformation. In fact, it was a lot easier to find the different parts when the steel was moved to Fresh Kills and organized / examined.

eots said:
Spoliation of a fire scene is a basis for destroying a legal case in an investigation. Most of the steel was discarded, although the key elements of the core steel were demographically labeled. A careful reading of the NIST report shows that they have no evidence that the temperatures they predict as necessary for failure are corroborated by findings of the little steel debris they have.
In truthtard speak that means since they didn't specifically state they had samples of steel that suffered the heat they claimed, then obviously they had no such samples. The fire temperatures they were talking about are EASILY reached in a standard office fire. Of course, truthtards ignore that little fact. They like to pretend the fires were nice, cool affairs.

eots said:
Why hasn't NIST declared that this spoliation of the steel was a gross error?
Because the only people claiming gross error are truthtards without any evidence.

eots said:
they told first responder it was safe..
First responders knowingly go into dangerous situations. You actually expect us to believe "they" told the first responders that ground zero was safe?!? :lol: Wow. Are you ever gullible! Would you consider walking around on piles of loose debris looking for bodies "safe"? Would you believe anyone that told you it was?

eots said:
SO If...you read all of the testimony you must simply discount all the first responder testimony that contradicts the official theory...why ?
And which first responder testimony is that? Is this where you pretend every first responder who claims they heard an explosion really heard explosives? :lol:

eots said:
I can compare the two and see the do not match
So you expect a computer model to PERFECTLY simulate reality. Wow! You're not up on chaos theory, are you. One cannot perfectly model an event such as the collapse of WTC 7 because of the millions of variables that can affect the outcome of the collapse. What they did was build a model that showed a possible way for the collapse to initiate given all the facts known. Is it an absolute fact it happened that way? No. It could have been different. Unfortunately for you truthtards, the evidence does NOT support a controlled demolition as one of the means of collapse initiation.
America is sinking fast.

Can you see the south tower explode? That is not a fantasy. To learn why you stay in fantasy land read this:

Screwed Again: Just Cause Just Facts synopsis

The CORRECT answer is "no." In fact, nobody can see the Towers explode, because they didn't "explode."

That's just bat-shit crazy dishonest troofer bullshit.

The fucking things came down in a way that caused a lot of air to be rapidily forced outwards as the floors pancaked. To morons like you, if something LOOKS kinda like an "explosion," then it "is" an explosion. :cuckoo:

Except, of course, it wasn't an explosion. You are just a nasty, dishonest stupid ball of shit, felon.

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