911 Pentagon - 757 or cruise missile???


Gold Member
Jun 5, 2016
Take a look at as many videos as you need to decide...

911 pentagon - YouTube

Honestly, if the 757 nose hit the first floor of the Pentagon, wouldn't the engines of the plane be about halfway under the ground???
DaleSmith said:
Cruise missile.....no doubt about it.
See, now that's exactly the kind of statement that makes me wonder about you, Dale. :doubt:

Fact: in terms of the 2 choices offered in the OP, there's no shortage of reasonable doubt for either option!

Several eyewitnesses, including a groundskeeper who got a good close-up look at the plane as it was coming in, described a small commuter type jet.

One very much like this (paint scheme included):


I know you're not stupid, so it's hard for me to believe that you don't see how potentially damaging MANY of your unsupported proclamations have been to the truth-seeking community as a whole. The SAYIT's of the world would absolutely love to paint you as the CT poster child! You might wanna reflect on why that is, assuming, of course, you're not already fully cognizant of the answer.
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Take a look at as many videos as you need to decide...

911 pentagon - YouTube

Honestly, if the 757 nose hit the first floor of the Pentagon, wouldn't the engines of the plane be about halfway under the ground???

Nope. Modern aircraft are both incredibly strong, but remarkably fragile in a impact. Here's an F-4 Phantom hitting a wall at 500 mph. It simply disappears.

DaleSmith said:
Cruise missile.....no doubt about it.
See, now that's exactly the kind of statement that makes me wonder about you, Dale. :doubt:

Fact: in terms of the 2 choices offered in the OP, there's no shortage of reasonable doubt for either option!

Several eyewitnesses, including one from a groundskeeper who got a good close-up look at the plane as it was coming in, described a small commuter type jet.

One very much like this (paint scheme included):


I know you're not stupid, so it's hard for me to believe that you don't see how potentially damaging MANY of your unsupported proclamations have been to the truth-seeking community as a whole. The SAYIT's of the world would absolutely love to paint you as the CT poster child! You might wanna reflect on why that is, assuming, of course, you're not already fully cognizant of the answer.

As a diehard denier that wouldn't even contemplate the fact that 9/11/01 was a fraud for 11 years? It took a lot of proof for me to change my mind but it made me an information junkie so reading and researching is what I do. I will not be fooled again so I will whittle away at an issue until I have reached a satisfying conclusion and convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt. It sickened me to the point that I could not eat much or barley sleep for a month once the scales from my eyes. I went through a depression that I could not explain with words...then it pissed me off and that anger still burns to this day Once I was able to open my mind, things started becoming very clear to me. When I put the TV on the curb, things got even clearer. I know what I know because I have invested the time and effort to discern information. I will GLADLY debate anyone about the WTC buildings and the Pentagon bombing.

A special place in hell....yes sir.

Debate it, asswipe......please explain to me how 19 box cutting welding "terrorists" bent NORAD, the CIA, the NSA, FBI, NRC over the table and buttfucked them on a world stage with a combined budget of over 1 TRILLION dollars per year but yet they were able to identify these alleged "terrorists" within a few hours....one of which had his alleged passport float gently down to the ground and just happened to be picked up by a passerby that just HAPPENED to be in a position of finding those in authority that could get take this crucial piece of evidence and place it in the hands of the right people in such chaos. I defy you to explain that, asswipe....come at me with the best you have got because as a former denier? I am armed to the fucking hilt and I will destroy your argument....bring it on. I am loaded for bear.....I will make mincemeat out of you and your lame argument. I am more patriotic than you could ever hope to be.....fucking dare me....
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There is a special place in hell for 9/11 truthers. If there isn't there should be.
There is. For some of us anyway. We've gotten to experience it right here on Earth. Nobody with an ounce of humanity wants to believe in monsters, but among the unluckies who know they exist, some of us have come to appreciate the beauty of our former nescience in that regard...and to wish that we'd never lost that American Pie innocence. For me, that's usually about when I begin to question things like my own integrity and level of courage. Weighing the pros and cons of silence vs. speaking out at the risk of dragging others into that "special place" to stand beside me. To what end? It's enough to tear you up inside sometimes.
First you guys can start with a plausible explanation of the Amerian Airlines wreckage found at the Pentagon.

Next, you can move on to the Air Traffic Controllers that tracked the aircraft into Pentagon Airspace but not out....explain that please.

After you explain that... The lightpoles that were knocked down will be the next hurdle. Explain how a missile would hit the light poles and the transformer, knocking it off it's moorings. Keep in mind that when a missile hits something; it explodes. How would a missile hit 5 objects THEN explode?

Plausible (i.e. believeable) explainations are required to be written by those who are presenting the argument.

I will need a good chuckle around then so I'll look in on it around 3PM MST today.
There is a special place in hell for 9/11 truthers. If there isn't there should be.


Why, because "The Holy Alliance for Treason" was behind it, meaning Zionist Jews and Christians who think "God's Will" justified the murder of thousands of innocent Americans, billions of taxdollars, the looting of the financial markets by the CHOSEN who knew to buy gold, oil, and defense stocks before the cruise missile hit the Pentagon???

You are the worst evil on the planet today... The sooner you folks are wiped out, the better off humanity will be...
Well, to absolutely nobody’s surprise, the high and mighty twoofers were shut out 3-0 by 3 questions concerning the 9/11 Attacks on the Pentagon.
Well, to absolutely nobody’s surprise, the high and mighty twoofers were shut out 3-0 by 3 questions concerning the 9/11 Attacks on the Pentagon.

Nah, I am having to work late but I will be more than happy to show that you are wrong here in a couple of hours.

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