911 Pentagon - 757 or cruise missile???

There was wreckage. You have to account for how it got there. We're waiting.

Air traffic controllers tracked it into the Pentagon. But not leaving. You have to account for that.
We're waiting.

Lastly, the light poles had to have been knocked down by something. Obviously a missile could not do that, hit the transformer, and then explode. You have to account for the light poles.
Again; we're waiting.

Your move.

The whole event was staged in advance...show me footage of the plane hitting the Pentagon.....your move. I just gave you eye-witness account of a man that was involved that had to play his part and was scared shit-less. The burden is on you to prove it happened and all we have is corporate media claiming it did....that and your beloved "gubermint".

Well, it couldn't have been staged in advance since the light poles would be blocking traffic. No reports of such were made on the busy highways outside of the Pentagon.

Air traffic control happens in real time. That could not have been staged.

Are you stating that someone placed multi-hundred pound wheel rims and tires in the Pentagon prior to the attack? And nobody would have said anything about this either before or in the 15 years after?

Words have meanings. Just saying "they're lying" or "they did it" only meanst that you have zero proof. When you have the facts on your side, the evidence does the talking for you. Which is why, almost universally, your interactions end up with you having to call people names. If you can, defend your thesis. If you cannot, I suppose we can look forward to more internet links and other distractions...

Your job is to:

  • Explain how the wreckage got there
  • Explain how ATCs tracked AA77 into Pentagon airspace but not out of it
  • Explain how a supposed missile took out 5 light poles and a transformer THEN exploded in the Pentagon.

A 747 rim which is heavier than a 777's comes in at slightly over 150 lbs. One person could easily roll one into place.

With the entire press corps covering the scene?

You mean the bought and paid for media????
So the media is in on it... the government is in on it... terrorists are in on it... investigators are in on it. The only ones NOT in on it are the nuttiest of the loons.
The Israelis are the TERRORISTS and THE MEDIA...

As for the sorry and despicable "government" folks, the strings attached to those puppets also originate in Israel...
The Israelis are the TERRORISTS and THE MEDIA...

As for the sorry and despicable "government" folks, the strings attached to those puppets also originate in Israel...

and these paid zionist shills like candyass are worried you are getting this truth out the fact their handlers send them here to shit all over your thread.:D

EEGGAAADDSS!!! Remember when me and GHook went round and round on this subject? You partook also as a detractor. Being a pilot and studying hundreds of airplane crashes to become a safer pilot I had to agree that the damage at the Pentagon was a lot less than should have occurred from a "heavy" airliner. When one looks at the initial impacts at the towers and compares them to the Pentagon there is an enormous discrepancy. The central hole is just too small and there is no massive damage where the wings and engines should have impacted. It just isn't there. I only look at the facts. The explanations are for others.
You're hallucinating.

I asked... Where on Earth did you see me post that the government never lies to me?

You never did say where you saw me post that. And you can't as I never did.

Then I asked, The real question is ... are you sane enough to know just how insane you are?

You never answered that one either. Instead, you ranted about how the government lies.

So where do you believe your "gubermint" lied to you and since you know that they can and will? Why do you believe the utter bullshit of 9/11 where 17 boxcutter wielding terrorists buttfucked the Pentagon, the CIA, NORAD, NSA, NRC with combined budgets of over 1 trillion dollars per fucking year???? Yeah, I know more than you and I am VERY sane...but to a blithering idiot like you? I am sure that you can't wrap your mind around what I know. Deal with it.......
I believe the government lied us into the Vietnam war. I believe they lied us into the Iraq war. I believe there have been many lies told by the government.

That doesn't mean everything you think is a lie, is. Like that Internet hoax video you posted. Despite showing you a copy which didn't have subliminal messages, you still can't let go of your delusions. You're a sick pup. I feel sorry for you, you're so stricken with chronic parI
You're hallucinating.

I asked... Where on Earth did you see me post that the government never lies to me?

You never did say where you saw me post that. And you can't as I never did.

Then I asked, The real question is ... are you sane enough to know just how insane you are?

You never answered that one either. Instead, you ranted about how the government lies.

So where do you believe your "gubermint" lied to you and since you know that they can and will? Why do you believe the utter bullshit of 9/11 where 17 boxcutter wielding terrorists buttfucked the Pentagon, the CIA, NORAD, NSA, NRC with combined budgets of over 1 trillion dollars per fucking year???? Yeah, I know more than you and I am VERY sane...but to a blithering idiot like you? I am sure that you can't wrap your mind around what I know. Deal with it.......
I believe the government lied us into the Vietnam war. I believe they lied us into the Iraq war. I believe there have been many lies told by the government.

That doesn't mean everything you think is a lie, is. Like that Internet hoax video you posted. Despite showing you a copy which didn't have subliminal messages, you still can't let go of your delusions. You're a sick pup. I feel sorry for you, you're so stricken with chronic paranoia.

Wrong again.....that video is 100 percent legit and the subliminal messages used now are much more sophisticated using mnemonics and bright light patterns. You never debunked the video, the slowed down version that showed the words being ever so cleverly changing to appeal to the subconscious mind cleverly developed by the Brookings and Tavistock institutes. Yoiu cannot win this argument because subliminal messaging has been around even since the days of radio. MKNaomi was a CIA mind control program and that is a declassified fact.
Now you're lying. That's what you twoofers do. Here's the video you claim did not debunk your bullshit, without subliminal messages...

FuzzyMemories.TV - - WMAQ Channel 5 - PSA's, Meditation, and Station Sign-Off (1989)

ery slow
ROTFLMAO!! You went to a conspiracy website(to lamely attempt to debunk me even using the talking points of the posters there? You are SOOOO busted! BTW, that proves nothing because you could only see it faintly when it was played very slow.......kinda like you are?? You visit abovetopsecret.com much??? LMAO!!!

these paid shills really get desperate and grasp at straws when they are cornered and know they are getting their asses whipped.:haha::lmao::lmao:
The whole event was staged in advance...show me footage of the plane hitting the Pentagon.....your move. I just gave you eye-witness account of a man that was involved that had to play his part and was scared shit-less. The burden is on you to prove it happened and all we have is corporate media claiming it did....that and your beloved "gubermint".

Well, it couldn't have been staged in advance since the light poles would be blocking traffic. No reports of such were made on the busy highways outside of the Pentagon.

Air traffic control happens in real time. That could not have been staged.

Are you stating that someone placed multi-hundred pound wheel rims and tires in the Pentagon prior to the attack? And nobody would have said anything about this either before or in the 15 years after?

Words have meanings. Just saying "they're lying" or "they did it" only meanst that you have zero proof. When you have the facts on your side, the evidence does the talking for you. Which is why, almost universally, your interactions end up with you having to call people names. If you can, defend your thesis. If you cannot, I suppose we can look forward to more internet links and other distractions...

Your job is to:

  • Explain how the wreckage got there
  • Explain how ATCs tracked AA77 into Pentagon airspace but not out of it
  • Explain how a supposed missile took out 5 light poles and a transformer THEN exploded in the Pentagon.

A 747 rim which is heavier than a 777's comes in at slightly over 150 lbs. One person could easily roll one into place.

With the entire press corps covering the scene?

You mean the bought and paid for media????
So the media is in on it... the government is in on it... terrorists are in on it... investigators are in on it. The only ones NOT in on it are the nuttiest of the loons.

As in most major scams what should be the guide is following the money. Who profited from allowing and even possibly partook in what happened on 9/11? Was anyone in charge of let's say the radar tracking at the time who could have profited? Was anyone in or close to power going to benefit from allowing what happened on 9/11? Anyone come to mind? Who ever could it be? The guy must be a Dick.
Well, it couldn't have been staged in advance since the light poles would be blocking traffic. No reports of such were made on the busy highways outside of the Pentagon.

Air traffic control happens in real time. That could not have been staged.

Are you stating that someone placed multi-hundred pound wheel rims and tires in the Pentagon prior to the attack? And nobody would have said anything about this either before or in the 15 years after?

Words have meanings. Just saying "they're lying" or "they did it" only meanst that you have zero proof. When you have the facts on your side, the evidence does the talking for you. Which is why, almost universally, your interactions end up with you having to call people names. If you can, defend your thesis. If you cannot, I suppose we can look forward to more internet links and other distractions...

Your job is to:

  • Explain how the wreckage got there
  • Explain how ATCs tracked AA77 into Pentagon airspace but not out of it
  • Explain how a supposed missile took out 5 light poles and a transformer THEN exploded in the Pentagon.

A 747 rim which is heavier than a 777's comes in at slightly over 150 lbs. One person could easily roll one into place.

With the entire press corps covering the scene?

You mean the bought and paid for media????
So the media is in on it... the government is in on it... terrorists are in on it... investigators are in on it. The only ones NOT in on it are the nuttiest of the loons.

As in most major scams what should be the guide is following the money. Who profited from allowing and even possibly partook in what happened on 9/11? Was anyone in charge of let's say the radar tracking at the time who could have profited? Was anyone in or close to power going to benefit from allowing what happened on 9/11? Anyone come to mind? Who ever could it be? The guy must be a Dick.

Yeah, I have found evidence by a researcher by the name of E.P Heidner that that spent years researching the money trail and I have vetted the information and I can't disprove a word of it. Basically put, G H Bush and friends (probably the Carlyle Group) used funds from the Black Eagle Trust to piggyback off of Leo Wanta's currency swaps that brought down the ruble and ended the USSR. Bush and friends used money from the Black Eagle Trust to buy up 240 billion dollars in Russian oil and gas 10 year securities. The Black Eagle Trust goes back to WWII and the stolen gold and other treasures that Japan had hidden in the Philippines because they couldn't get it to Japan due to the naval blockade. General Edward Lansdale, someone that later played a huge role in the death of JFK was in charge of torturing the driver of the Japanese general ( that directed the burying of 280,000 metric tonnes of gold) in order to find some of the hidden tombs. This was used to fund numerous black ops and it was the money used to buy up Russian oil and gas.

The problem was to how and get those securities passed through the SEC and have it pass their sniff test because a lot of questions would have to be answered. Cantor-Fitzgerald was one of the contractors that authenticated ownership of securities and they just happened to be in one of the WTC towers. The Federal Reserve declared a state of emergency thus allowing securities to pass through with no scrutiny. That is but one of the financial gains by the elites but it also accomplished many other goals of the globalists.
EEGGAAADDSS!!! Remember when me and GHook went round and round on this subject? You partook also as a detractor. Being a pilot and studying hundreds of airplane crashes to become a safer pilot I had to agree that the damage at the Pentagon was a lot less than should have occurred from a "heavy" airliner. When one looks at the initial impacts at the towers and compares them to the Pentagon there is an enormous discrepancy. The central hole is just too small and there is no massive damage where the wings and engines should have impacted. It just isn't there. I only look at the facts. The explanations are for others.
So where do you believe your "gubermint" lied to you and since you know that they can and will? Why do you believe the utter bullshit of 9/11 where 17 boxcutter wielding terrorists buttfucked the Pentagon, the CIA, NORAD, NSA, NRC with combined budgets of over 1 trillion dollars per fucking year???? Yeah, I know more than you and I am VERY sane...but to a blithering idiot like you? I am sure that you can't wrap your mind around what I know. Deal with it.......
I believe the government lied us into the Vietnam war. I believe they lied us into the Iraq war. I believe there have been many lies told by the government.

That doesn't mean everything you think is a lie, is. Like that Internet hoax video you posted. Despite showing you a copy which didn't have subliminal messages, you still can't let go of your delusions. You're a sick pup. I feel sorry for you, you're so stricken with chronic parI
So where do you believe your "gubermint" lied to you and since you know that they can and will? Why do you believe the utter bullshit of 9/11 where 17 boxcutter wielding terrorists buttfucked the Pentagon, the CIA, NORAD, NSA, NRC with combined budgets of over 1 trillion dollars per fucking year???? Yeah, I know more than you and I am VERY sane...but to a blithering idiot like you? I am sure that you can't wrap your mind around what I know. Deal with it.......
I believe the government lied us into the Vietnam war. I believe they lied us into the Iraq war. I believe there have been many lies told by the government.

That doesn't mean everything you think is a lie, is. Like that Internet hoax video you posted. Despite showing you a copy which didn't have subliminal messages, you still can't let go of your delusions. You're a sick pup. I feel sorry for you, you're so stricken with chronic paranoia.

Wrong again.....that video is 100 percent legit and the subliminal messages used now are much more sophisticated using mnemonics and bright light patterns. You never debunked the video, the slowed down version that showed the words being ever so cleverly changing to appeal to the subconscious mind cleverly developed by the Brookings and Tavistock institutes. Yoiu cannot win this argument because subliminal messaging has been around even since the days of radio. MKNaomi was a CIA mind control program and that is a declassified fact.
Now you're lying. That's what you twoofers do. Here's the video you claim did not debunk your bullshit, without subliminal messages...

FuzzyMemories.TV - - WMAQ Channel 5 - PSA's, Meditation, and Station Sign-Off (1989)

ery slow
ROTFLMAO!! You went to a conspiracy website(to lamely attempt to debunk me even using the talking points of the posters there? You are SOOOO busted! BTW, that proves nothing because you could only see it faintly when it was played very slow.......kinda like you are?? You visit abovetopsecret.com much??? LMAO!!!
You're too fucking demented. fuzzymemories.tv is as much a conspiracy website as is cartoonnetwork.com. You only think fuzzymemories.tv is a conspiracy site because your so paranoid, you see conspiracies everywhere you look.
BTW, that proves nothing because you could only see it faintly when it was played very slow.......kinda like you are?? You visit abovetopsecret.com much??? LMAO!!!
You're either blind, lying or both to deny seeing letters quickly disappearing behind the lyrics at normal speed. At slow speed, you can read them. But they're still noticeable at regular speed. Especially when you know they're there are you're looking for them.

That you lie like that proves this video is a hoax...

You got duped because you're delusional paranoid fool.
EEGGAAADDSS!!! Remember when me and GHook went round and round on this subject? You partook also as a detractor. Being a pilot and studying hundreds of airplane crashes to become a safer pilot I had to agree that the damage at the Pentagon was a lot less than should have occurred from a "heavy" airliner. When one looks at the initial impacts at the towers and compares them to the Pentagon there is an enormous discrepancy. The central hole is just too small and there is no massive damage where the wings and engines should have impacted. It just isn't there. I only look at the facts. The explanations are for others.
So where do you believe your "gubermint" lied to you and since you know that they can and will? Why do you believe the utter bullshit of 9/11 where 17 boxcutter wielding terrorists buttfucked the Pentagon, the CIA, NORAD, NSA, NRC with combined budgets of over 1 trillion dollars per fucking year???? Yeah, I know more than you and I am VERY sane...but to a blithering idiot like you? I am sure that you can't wrap your mind around what I know. Deal with it.......
I believe the government lied us into the Vietnam war. I believe they lied us into the Iraq war. I believe there have been many lies told by the government.

That doesn't mean everything you think is a lie, is. Like that Internet hoax video you posted. Despite showing you a copy which didn't have subliminal messages, you still can't let go of your delusions. You're a sick pup. I feel sorry for you, you're so stricken with chronic parI
So where do you believe your "gubermint" lied to you and since you know that they can and will? Why do you believe the utter bullshit of 9/11 where 17 boxcutter wielding terrorists buttfucked the Pentagon, the CIA, NORAD, NSA, NRC with combined budgets of over 1 trillion dollars per fucking year???? Yeah, I know more than you and I am VERY sane...but to a blithering idiot like you? I am sure that you can't wrap your mind around what I know. Deal with it.......
I believe the government lied us into the Vietnam war. I believe they lied us into the Iraq war. I believe there have been many lies told by the government.

That doesn't mean everything you think is a lie, is. Like that Internet hoax video you posted. Despite showing you a copy which didn't have subliminal messages, you still can't let go of your delusions. You're a sick pup. I feel sorry for you, you're so stricken with chronic paranoia.

Wrong again.....that video is 100 percent legit and the subliminal messages used now are much more sophisticated using mnemonics and bright light patterns. You never debunked the video, the slowed down version that showed the words being ever so cleverly changing to appeal to the subconscious mind cleverly developed by the Brookings and Tavistock institutes. Yoiu cannot win this argument because subliminal messaging has been around even since the days of radio. MKNaomi was a CIA mind control program and that is a declassified fact.
Now you're lying. That's what you twoofers do. Here's the video you claim did not debunk your bullshit, without subliminal messages...

FuzzyMemories.TV - - WMAQ Channel 5 - PSA's, Meditation, and Station Sign-Off (1989)

ery slow
ROTFLMAO!! You went to a conspiracy website(to lamely attempt to debunk me even using the talking points of the posters there? You are SOOOO busted! BTW, that proves nothing because you could only see it faintly when it was played very slow.......kinda like you are?? You visit abovetopsecret.com much??? LMAO!!!
You're too fucking demented. fuzzymemories.tv is as much a conspiracy website as is cartoonnetwork.com. You only think fuzzymemories.tv is a conspiracy site because your so paranoid, you see conspiracies everywhere you look.

No, you got it from going to ATS.com which is a conspiracy website that had the link to "fuzzymemories.TV"....so why are you lying????
The Israelis are the TERRORISTS and THE MEDIA...

As for the sorry and despicable "government" folks, the strings attached to those puppets also originate in Israel...
Be careful ... I have it on good intel, there's one hiding behind your door. You'd best not open it.
BTW, that proves nothing because you could only see it faintly when it was played very slow.......kinda like you are?? You visit abovetopsecret.com much??? LMAO!!!
You're either blind, lying or both to deny seeing letters quickly disappearing behind the lyrics at normal speed. At slow speed, you can read them. But they're still noticeable at regular speed. Especially when you know they're there are you're looking for them.

That you lie like that proves this video is a hoax...

You got duped because you're delusional paranoid fool.

No, you are simply asleep and lack critical thinking skills. Subliminal messages are everywhere on TV. It's no coincidence that my short term memory returned with an incredible ability to retain information and my ability to think a LOT more clearly happened when I stopped watching TV. You believe in "gubermint" and you believe that they have your best interest at heart and that makes you a fucking fool. Believe it or not but you will find out and it will be the hard way.
I believe the government lied us into the Vietnam war. I believe they lied us into the Iraq war. I believe there have been many lies told by the government.

That doesn't mean everything you think is a lie, is. Like that Internet hoax video you posted. Despite showing you a copy which didn't have subliminal messages, you still can't let go of your delusions. You're a sick pup. I feel sorry for you, you're so stricken with chronic parI
I believe the government lied us into the Vietnam war. I believe they lied us into the Iraq war. I believe there have been many lies told by the government.

That doesn't mean everything you think is a lie, is. Like that Internet hoax video you posted. Despite showing you a copy which didn't have subliminal messages, you still can't let go of your delusions. You're a sick pup. I feel sorry for you, you're so stricken with chronic paranoia.

Wrong again.....that video is 100 percent legit and the subliminal messages used now are much more sophisticated using mnemonics and bright light patterns. You never debunked the video, the slowed down version that showed the words being ever so cleverly changing to appeal to the subconscious mind cleverly developed by the Brookings and Tavistock institutes. Yoiu cannot win this argument because subliminal messaging has been around even since the days of radio. MKNaomi was a CIA mind control program and that is a declassified fact.
Now you're lying. That's what you twoofers do. Here's the video you claim did not debunk your bullshit, without subliminal messages...

FuzzyMemories.TV - - WMAQ Channel 5 - PSA's, Meditation, and Station Sign-Off (1989)

ery slow
ROTFLMAO!! You went to a conspiracy website(to lamely attempt to debunk me even using the talking points of the posters there? You are SOOOO busted! BTW, that proves nothing because you could only see it faintly when it was played very slow.......kinda like you are?? You visit abovetopsecret.com much??? LMAO!!!
You're too fucking demented. fuzzymemories.tv is as much a conspiracy website as is cartoonnetwork.com. You only think fuzzymemories.tv is a conspiracy site because your so paranoid, you see conspiracies everywhere you look.

No, you got it from going to ATS.com which is a conspiracy website that had the link to "fuzzymemories.TV"....so why are you lying????
I never even heard of ats.com. And I gave you a link to where I found it ....

FuzzyMemories.TV - - WMAQ Channel 5 - PSA's, Meditation, and Station Sign-Off (1989)

That's a website which collects vintage video clips from TV. Now I know you may be too delirious to fathom this ... but fuzzymemories.tv is not ats.com.
Wrong again.....that video is 100 percent legit and the subliminal messages used now are much more sophisticated using mnemonics and bright light patterns. You never debunked the video, the slowed down version that showed the words being ever so cleverly changing to appeal to the subconscious mind cleverly developed by the Brookings and Tavistock institutes. Yoiu cannot win this argument because subliminal messaging has been around even since the days of radio. MKNaomi was a CIA mind control program and that is a declassified fact.
Now you're lying. That's what you twoofers do. Here's the video you claim did not debunk your bullshit, without subliminal messages...

FuzzyMemories.TV - - WMAQ Channel 5 - PSA's, Meditation, and Station Sign-Off (1989)

ery slow
ROTFLMAO!! You went to a conspiracy website(to lamely attempt to debunk me even using the talking points of the posters there? You are SOOOO busted! BTW, that proves nothing because you could only see it faintly when it was played very slow.......kinda like you are?? You visit abovetopsecret.com much??? LMAO!!!
You're too fucking demented. fuzzymemories.tv is as much a conspiracy website as is cartoonnetwork.com. You only think fuzzymemories.tv is a conspiracy site because your so paranoid, you see conspiracies everywhere you look.

No, you got it from going to ATS.com which is a conspiracy website that had the link to "fuzzymemories.TV"....so why are you lying????
I never even heard of ats.com. And I gave you a link to where I found it ....

FuzzyMemories.TV - - WMAQ Channel 5 - PSA's, Meditation, and Station Sign-Off (1989)

That's a website which collects vintage video clips from TV. Now I know you may be too delirious to fathom this ... but fuzzymemories.tv is not ats.com.

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You never would have found that on Google without bypassing ATS.com. You are not fooling anyone. Why are you lying? Just admit that you looked up "National Anthem and hoax" and you clicked on the first site you came to that proved nothing.
BTW, that proves nothing because you could only see it faintly when it was played very slow.......kinda like you are?? You visit abovetopsecret.com much??? LMAO!!!
You're either blind, lying or both to deny seeing letters quickly disappearing behind the lyrics at normal speed. At slow speed, you can read them. But they're still noticeable at regular speed. Especially when you know they're there are you're looking for them.

That you lie like that proves this video is a hoax...

You got duped because you're delusional paranoid fool.

No, you are simply asleep and lack critical thinking skills. Subliminal messages are everywhere on TV. It's no coincidence that my short term memory returned with an incredible ability to retain information and my ability to think a LOT more clearly happened when I stopped watching TV. You believe in "gubermint" and you believe that they have your best interest at heart and that makes you a fucking fool. Believe it or not but you will find out and it will be the hard way.

You poor thing. You're venturing off into strawman land again. I never denied there aren't subliminal messages around.

I said the video you posted is a hoax video and I proved it by showing the video from before it was doctored with the subliminal messages. Many of which, came directly from the movie, "They Live"...


BTW, that proves nothing because you could only see it faintly when it was played very slow.......kinda like you are?? You visit abovetopsecret.com much??? LMAO!!!
You're either blind, lying or both to deny seeing letters quickly disappearing behind the lyrics at normal speed. At slow speed, you can read them. But they're still noticeable at regular speed. Especially when you know they're there are you're looking for them.

That you lie like that proves this video is a hoax...

You got duped because you're delusional paranoid fool.

No, you are simply asleep and lack critical thinking skills. Subliminal messages are everywhere on TV. It's no coincidence that my short term memory returned with an incredible ability to retain information and my ability to think a LOT more clearly happened when I stopped watching TV. You believe in "gubermint" and you believe that they have your best interest at heart and that makes you a fucking fool. Believe it or not but you will find out and it will be the hard way.

You poor thing. You're venturing off into strawman land again. I never denied there aren't subliminal messages around.

I said the video you posted is a hoax video and I proved it by showing the video from before it was doctored with the subliminal messages. Many of which, came directly from the movie, "They Live"...


So what does this prove exactly????
BTW, that proves nothing because you could only see it faintly when it was played very slow.......kinda like you are?? You visit abovetopsecret.com much??? LMAO!!!
You're either blind, lying or both to deny seeing letters quickly disappearing behind the lyrics at normal speed. At slow speed, you can read them. But they're still noticeable at regular speed. Especially when you know they're there are you're looking for them.

That you lie like that proves this video is a hoax...

You got duped because you're delusional paranoid fool.

No, you are simply asleep and lack critical thinking skills. Subliminal messages are everywhere on TV. It's no coincidence that my short term memory returned with an incredible ability to retain information and my ability to think a LOT more clearly happened when I stopped watching TV. You believe in "gubermint" and you believe that they have your best interest at heart and that makes you a fucking fool. Believe it or not but you will find out and it will be the hard way.

You poor thing. You're venturing off into strawman land again. I never denied there aren't subliminal messages around.

I said the video you posted is a hoax video and I proved it by showing the video from before it was doctored with the subliminal messages. Many of which, came directly from the movie, "They Live"...


So what does this prove exactly????

What does someone putting text from a movie into that video mean? You really need that spelled out for you?


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