911 Pentagon - 757 or cruise missile???

The questions are:

Explain how the wreckage got there.
Explain the ATCs seeing AA77 fly into Pentagon airspace but not out of it.
Explain how a missile took down 5 light poles and knocked a large transformer off of it's moorings before exploding.

3 up; 3 down. I win; you lose.

There was little to no "wreckage" at the Pentagon......
People saw the jet that fly over the Pentagon took a different path that couldn't have taken down any light poles. The taxi driver that was involved in the photo-op where they moved a lamp post from his cab 's front window admitted that this incident was over his head and that he shouldn't even be involved in this.....want me to post his testimony?

Here ya go.......

There was wreckage. You have to account for how it got there. We're waiting.

Air traffic controllers tracked it into the Pentagon. But not leaving. You have to account for that.
We're waiting.

Lastly, the light poles had to have been knocked down by something. Obviously a missile could not do that, hit the transformer, and then explode. You have to account for the light poles.
Again; we're waiting.

Your move.
Faun Sez???? " My beloved gubermint would never lie to me do you hear me do you????"

Hey, moron...they lie to you with great gusto and enthusiasm and have done so for over 100 years.
Great, your dementia worsens.

Where on Earth did you see me post that the government never lies to me?

The real question is ... are you sane enough to know just how insane you are?

Well, they lied to you about 9/11/01, OKC, the Gulf of Tonkin, the Warren Commission, etc, etc. Insane? Hardly......pissed off that we are treated like chattel? Damn straight.......
I hope you realize you didn't address either of my questions. But then, that's what you do. Go off on wild tangents just to avoid what others ask.

Ummm, yeah, I addressed them both...are you dense or just being obtuse?
You're hallucinating.

I asked... Where on Earth did you see me post that the government never lies to me?

You never did say where you saw me post that. And you can't as I never did.

Then I asked, The real question is ... are you sane enough to know just how insane you are?

You never answered that one either. Instead, you ranted about how the government lies.

So where do you believe your "gubermint" lied to you and since you know that they can and will? Why do you believe the utter bullshit of 9/11 where 17 boxcutter wielding terrorists buttfucked the Pentagon, the CIA, NORAD, NSA, NRC with combined budgets of over 1 trillion dollars per fucking year???? Yeah, I know more than you and I am VERY sane...but to a blithering idiot like you? I am sure that you can't wrap your mind around what I know. Deal with it.......
Great, your dementia worsens.

Where on Earth did you see me post that the government never lies to me?

The real question is ... are you sane enough to know just how insane you are?

Well, they lied to you about 9/11/01, OKC, the Gulf of Tonkin, the Warren Commission, etc, etc. Insane? Hardly......pissed off that we are treated like chattel? Damn straight.......
I hope you realize you didn't address either of my questions. But then, that's what you do. Go off on wild tangents just to avoid what others ask.

Right you are. I simply asked the twoofers to explain 3 things from one aircraft hitting the Pentagon and all have either balked at the questions, or ran away, or changed the subject to something else immediately. I mean, see above; OKC, Gulf of Tonkin, Warren commission....

Sooooooo? How many cameras did the FBi confiscate and how many frames did they release showing nothing? Talk amongst yourselves.....(snicker)
Like the other brain-dead twoofer, cameras mean nothing to your delusions. Videos mean nothing to your hallucinations. This is proven time and time again with a mountain of photos and videos, mostly from NYC, which you reject because you really are crazy.

But you should consider yourself lucky. Had Reagan not shut down mental asylums, that would be your home today.

I'm really sort of surprised they are going with the "flyover" nonsense. It's probably the most convoluted and idiotic of all 9/11 theories. The idea is that you hijack a plane to fly over another plane but don't crash that plane into anything...apparently the conspirators had a fetish for hijacking aircraft and not using them.
The questions are:

Explain how the wreckage got there.
Explain the ATCs seeing AA77 fly into Pentagon airspace but not out of it.
Explain how a missile took down 5 light poles and knocked a large transformer off of it's moorings before exploding.

3 up; 3 down. I win; you lose.

There was little to no "wreckage" at the Pentagon......
People saw the jet that fly over the Pentagon took a different path that couldn't have taken down any light poles. The taxi driver that was involved in the photo-op where they moved a lamp post from his cab 's front window admitted that this incident was over his head and that he shouldn't even be involved in this.....want me to post his testimony?

Here ya go.......

There was wreckage. You have to account for how it got there. We're waiting.

Air traffic controllers tracked it into the Pentagon. But not leaving. You have to account for that.
We're waiting.

Lastly, the light poles had to have been knocked down by something. Obviously a missile could not do that, hit the transformer, and then explode. You have to account for the light poles.
Again; we're waiting.

Your move.

The whole event was staged in advance...show me footage of the plane hitting the Pentagon.....your move. I just gave you eye-witness account of a man that was involved that had to play his part and was scared shit-less. The burden is on you to prove it happened and all we have is corporate media claiming it did....that and your beloved "gubermint".
Great, your dementia worsens.

Where on Earth did you see me post that the government never lies to me?

The real question is ... are you sane enough to know just how insane you are?

Well, they lied to you about 9/11/01, OKC, the Gulf of Tonkin, the Warren Commission, etc, etc. Insane? Hardly......pissed off that we are treated like chattel? Damn straight.......
I hope you realize you didn't address either of my questions. But then, that's what you do. Go off on wild tangents just to avoid what others ask.

Right you are. I simply asked the twoofers to explain 3 things from one aircraft hitting the Pentagon and all have either balked at the questions, or ran away, or changed the subject to something else immediately. I mean, see above; OKC, Gulf of Tonkin, Warren commission....

Sooooooo? How many cameras did the FBi confiscate and how many frames did they release showing nothing? Talk amongst yourselves.....(snicker)
Like the other brain-dead twoofer, cameras mean nothing to your delusions. Videos mean nothing to your hallucinations. This is proven time and time again with a mountain of photos and videos, mostly from NYC, which you reject because you really are crazy.

But you should consider yourself lucky. Had Reagan not shut down mental asylums, that would be your home today.

Wow....the most securitized building on the planet but the best the Pentagon and "da gubermint" can come up with is a few flimsy frames that shows no plane? A pilot that couldn't even fly a Cessna made incredible aeronautical moves that would make an experienced fighter jet pilot gush with awe? A passenger plane is nothing but a bus with wings. Do you think a school bus would stand a chance of winning the Indy 500?
Great, your dementia worsens.

Where on Earth did you see me post that the government never lies to me?

The real question is ... are you sane enough to know just how insane you are?

Well, they lied to you about 9/11/01, OKC, the Gulf of Tonkin, the Warren Commission, etc, etc. Insane? Hardly......pissed off that we are treated like chattel? Damn straight.......
I hope you realize you didn't address either of my questions. But then, that's what you do. Go off on wild tangents just to avoid what others ask.

Ummm, yeah, I addressed them both...are you dense or just being obtuse?
You're hallucinating.

I asked... Where on Earth did you see me post that the government never lies to me?

You never did say where you saw me post that. And you can't as I never did.

Then I asked, The real question is ... are you sane enough to know just how insane you are?

You never answered that one either. Instead, you ranted about how the government lies.

So where do you believe your "gubermint" lied to you and since you know that they can and will? Why do you believe the utter bullshit of 9/11 where 17 boxcutter wielding terrorists buttfucked the Pentagon, the CIA, NORAD, NSA, NRC with combined budgets of over 1 trillion dollars per fucking year???? Yeah, I know more than you and I am VERY sane...but to a blithering idiot like you? I am sure that you can't wrap your mind around what I know. Deal with it.......
I believe the government lied us into the Vietnam war. I believe they lied us into the Iraq war. I believe there have been many lies told by the government.

That doesn't mean everything you think is a lie, is. Like that Internet hoax video you posted. Despite showing you a copy which didn't have subliminal messages, you still can't let go of your delusions. You're a sick pup. I feel sorry for you, you're so stricken with chronic paranoia.
Well, they lied to you about 9/11/01, OKC, the Gulf of Tonkin, the Warren Commission, etc, etc. Insane? Hardly......pissed off that we are treated like chattel? Damn straight.......
I hope you realize you didn't address either of my questions. But then, that's what you do. Go off on wild tangents just to avoid what others ask.

Right you are. I simply asked the twoofers to explain 3 things from one aircraft hitting the Pentagon and all have either balked at the questions, or ran away, or changed the subject to something else immediately. I mean, see above; OKC, Gulf of Tonkin, Warren commission....

Sooooooo? How many cameras did the FBi confiscate and how many frames did they release showing nothing? Talk amongst yourselves.....(snicker)
Like the other brain-dead twoofer, cameras mean nothing to your delusions. Videos mean nothing to your hallucinations. This is proven time and time again with a mountain of photos and videos, mostly from NYC, which you reject because you really are crazy.

But you should consider yourself lucky. Had Reagan not shut down mental asylums, that would be your home today.

I'm really sort of surprised they are going with the "flyover" nonsense. It's probably the most convoluted and idiotic of all 9/11 theories. The idea is that you hijack a plane to fly over another plane but don't crash that plane into anything...apparently the conspirators had a fetish for hijacking aircraft and not using them.
Not to mention ... hijacking a plane full of passengers -- but then landing them safely somewhere, killing them, and then flying a different planes into buildings. Why not just fly the hostages into the buildings if your intent is to kill all the passengers and use a plane as a missile?

That's where these lunatics go off the rails. They don't possess enough lucidity to think these common sense things through.

EEGGAAADDSS!!! Remember when me and GHook went round and round on this subject? You partook also as a detractor. Being a pilot and studying hundreds of airplane crashes to become a safer pilot I had to agree that the damage at the Pentagon was a lot less than should have occurred from a "heavy" airliner. When one looks at the initial impacts at the towers and compares them to the Pentagon there is an enormous discrepancy. The central hole is just too small and there is no massive damage where the wings and engines should have impacted. It just isn't there. I only look at the facts. The explanations are for others.
Well, they lied to you about 9/11/01, OKC, the Gulf of Tonkin, the Warren Commission, etc, etc. Insane? Hardly......pissed off that we are treated like chattel? Damn straight.......
I hope you realize you didn't address either of my questions. But then, that's what you do. Go off on wild tangents just to avoid what others ask.

Ummm, yeah, I addressed them both...are you dense or just being obtuse?
You're hallucinating.

I asked... Where on Earth did you see me post that the government never lies to me?

You never did say where you saw me post that. And you can't as I never did.

Then I asked, The real question is ... are you sane enough to know just how insane you are?

You never answered that one either. Instead, you ranted about how the government lies.

So where do you believe your "gubermint" lied to you and since you know that they can and will? Why do you believe the utter bullshit of 9/11 where 17 boxcutter wielding terrorists buttfucked the Pentagon, the CIA, NORAD, NSA, NRC with combined budgets of over 1 trillion dollars per fucking year???? Yeah, I know more than you and I am VERY sane...but to a blithering idiot like you? I am sure that you can't wrap your mind around what I know. Deal with it.......
I believe the government lied us into the Vietnam war. I believe they lied us into the Iraq war. I believe there have been many lies told by the government.

That doesn't mean everything you think is a lie, is. Like that Internet hoax video you posted. Despite showing you a copy which didn't have subliminal messages, you still can't let go of your delusions. You're a sick pup. I feel sorry for you, you're so stricken with chronic parI
Well, they lied to you about 9/11/01, OKC, the Gulf of Tonkin, the Warren Commission, etc, etc. Insane? Hardly......pissed off that we are treated like chattel? Damn straight.......
I hope you realize you didn't address either of my questions. But then, that's what you do. Go off on wild tangents just to avoid what others ask.

Ummm, yeah, I addressed them both...are you dense or just being obtuse?
You're hallucinating.

I asked... Where on Earth did you see me post that the government never lies to me?

You never did say where you saw me post that. And you can't as I never did.

Then I asked, The real question is ... are you sane enough to know just how insane you are?

You never answered that one either. Instead, you ranted about how the government lies.

So where do you believe your "gubermint" lied to you and since you know that they can and will? Why do you believe the utter bullshit of 9/11 where 17 boxcutter wielding terrorists buttfucked the Pentagon, the CIA, NORAD, NSA, NRC with combined budgets of over 1 trillion dollars per fucking year???? Yeah, I know more than you and I am VERY sane...but to a blithering idiot like you? I am sure that you can't wrap your mind around what I know. Deal with it.......
I believe the government lied us into the Vietnam war. I believe they lied us into the Iraq war. I believe there have been many lies told by the government.

That doesn't mean everything you think is a lie, is. Like that Internet hoax video you posted. Despite showing you a copy which didn't have subliminal messages, you still can't let go of your delusions. You're a sick pup. I feel sorry for you, you're so stricken with chronic paranoia.

Wrong again.....that video is 100 percent legit and the subliminal messages used now are much more sophisticated using mnemonics and bright light patterns. You never debunked the video, the slowed down version that showed the words being ever so cleverly changing to appeal to the subconscious mind cleverly developed by the Brookings and Tavistock institutes. Yoiu cannot win this argument because subliminal messaging has been around even since the days of radio. MKNaomi was a CIA mind control program and that is a declassified fact.
I hope you realize you didn't address either of my questions. But then, that's what you do. Go off on wild tangents just to avoid what others ask.

Right you are. I simply asked the twoofers to explain 3 things from one aircraft hitting the Pentagon and all have either balked at the questions, or ran away, or changed the subject to something else immediately. I mean, see above; OKC, Gulf of Tonkin, Warren commission....

Sooooooo? How many cameras did the FBi confiscate and how many frames did they release showing nothing? Talk amongst yourselves.....(snicker)
Like the other brain-dead twoofer, cameras mean nothing to your delusions. Videos mean nothing to your hallucinations. This is proven time and time again with a mountain of photos and videos, mostly from NYC, which you reject because you really are crazy.

But you should consider yourself lucky. Had Reagan not shut down mental asylums, that would be your home today.

I'm really sort of surprised they are going with the "flyover" nonsense. It's probably the most convoluted and idiotic of all 9/11 theories. The idea is that you hijack a plane to fly over another plane but don't crash that plane into anything...apparently the conspirators had a fetish for hijacking aircraft and not using them.
Not to mention ... hijacking a plane full of passengers -- but then landing them safely somewhere, killing them, and then flying a different planes into buildings. Why not just fly the hostages into the buildings if your intent is to kill all the passengers and use a plane as a missile?

That's where these lunatics go off the rails. They don't possess enough lucidity to think these common sense things through.

Operation Northwoods - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You were saying??????
I hope you realize you didn't address either of my questions. But then, that's what you do. Go off on wild tangents just to avoid what others ask.

Right you are. I simply asked the twoofers to explain 3 things from one aircraft hitting the Pentagon and all have either balked at the questions, or ran away, or changed the subject to something else immediately. I mean, see above; OKC, Gulf of Tonkin, Warren commission....

Sooooooo? How many cameras did the FBi confiscate and how many frames did they release showing nothing? Talk amongst yourselves.....(snicker)
Like the other brain-dead twoofer, cameras mean nothing to your delusions. Videos mean nothing to your hallucinations. This is proven time and time again with a mountain of photos and videos, mostly from NYC, which you reject because you really are crazy.

But you should consider yourself lucky. Had Reagan not shut down mental asylums, that would be your home today.

I'm really sort of surprised they are going with the "flyover" nonsense. It's probably the most convoluted and idiotic of all 9/11 theories. The idea is that you hijack a plane to fly over another plane but don't crash that plane into anything...apparently the conspirators had a fetish for hijacking aircraft and not using them.
Not to mention ... hijacking a plane full of passengers -- but then landing them safely somewhere, killing them, and then flying a different planes into buildings. Why not just fly the hostages into the buildings if your intent is to kill all the passengers and use a plane as a missile?

That's where these lunatics go off the rails. They don't possess enough lucidity to think these common sense things through.

Here are some hard facts for you to mull over.....for such huge passenger planes? They had soooo few people on those flights....pause for thought????

September 11 - Flight Manifests and Passenger Lists

EEGGAAADDSS!!! Remember when me and GHook went round and round on this subject? You partook also as a detractor. Being a pilot and studying hundreds of airplane crashes to become a safer pilot I had to agree that the damage at the Pentagon was a lot less than should have occurred from a "heavy" airliner. When one looks at the initial impacts at the towers and compares them to the Pentagon there is an enormous discrepancy. The central hole is just too small and there is no massive damage where the wings and engines should have impacted. It just isn't there. I only look at the facts. The explanations are for others.

We know there is wreckage at the Pentagon.
We know there was ATC tracking a plane to the Pentagon
We know there were downed lightpoles and a transformer knocked off it's moorings outside of the Pentagon.

What we don't know (for sure) is that a loaded 757 should look like if it hit the Pentagon. Using other crashes is a false narrative since, in almost all other cases, the pilot is trying to preserve life and not ram the aircraft into a hard target.

Those are all good points. Big jet engines make big holes though. They are made of titanium mostly and they are spinning wildly. The evidence of two extra huge holes at the Pentagon are non existent. That troubles me greatly.
The questions are:

Explain how the wreckage got there.
Explain the ATCs seeing AA77 fly into Pentagon airspace but not out of it.
Explain how a missile took down 5 light poles and knocked a large transformer off of it's moorings before exploding.

3 up; 3 down. I win; you lose.

There was little to no "wreckage" at the Pentagon......
People saw the jet that fly over the Pentagon took a different path that couldn't have taken down any light poles. The taxi driver that was involved in the photo-op where they moved a lamp post from his cab 's front window admitted that this incident was over his head and that he shouldn't even be involved in this.....want me to post his testimony?

Here ya go.......

There was wreckage. You have to account for how it got there. We're waiting.

Air traffic controllers tracked it into the Pentagon. But not leaving. You have to account for that.
We're waiting.

Lastly, the light poles had to have been knocked down by something. Obviously a missile could not do that, hit the transformer, and then explode. You have to account for the light poles.
Again; we're waiting.

Your move.

The whole event was staged in advance...show me footage of the plane hitting the Pentagon.....your move. I just gave you eye-witness account of a man that was involved that had to play his part and was scared shit-less. The burden is on you to prove it happened and all we have is corporate media claiming it did....that and your beloved "gubermint".

Well, it couldn't have been staged in advance since the light poles would be blocking traffic. No reports of such were made on the busy highways outside of the Pentagon.

Air traffic control happens in real time. That could not have been staged.

Are you stating that someone placed multi-hundred pound wheel rims and tires in the Pentagon prior to the attack? And nobody would have said anything about this either before or in the 15 years after?

Words have meanings. Just saying "they're lying" or "they did it" only meanst that you have zero proof. When you have the facts on your side, the evidence does the talking for you. Which is why, almost universally, your interactions end up with you having to call people names. If you can, defend your thesis. If you cannot, I suppose we can look forward to more internet links and other distractions...

Your job is to:

  • Explain how the wreckage got there
  • Explain how ATCs tracked AA77 into Pentagon airspace but not out of it
  • Explain how a supposed missile took out 5 light poles and a transformer THEN exploded in the Pentagon.
The questions are:

Explain how the wreckage got there.
Explain the ATCs seeing AA77 fly into Pentagon airspace but not out of it.
Explain how a missile took down 5 light poles and knocked a large transformer off of it's moorings before exploding.

3 up; 3 down. I win; you lose.

Its all pretty simple really

Terrorists hijacked AA77, flew it to the Pentagon but didn't hit it because they had arranged with Bush that he would hit the Pentagon with a cruise missile as the 757 flew over

The 757 was then crashed at a remote site and the bodies and pieces of wreckage were transported to the Pentagon where they were carefully planted

The simplest explanation is usually the best explanation

EEGGAAADDSS!!! Remember when me and GHook went round and round on this subject? You partook also as a detractor. Being a pilot and studying hundreds of airplane crashes to become a safer pilot I had to agree that the damage at the Pentagon was a lot less than should have occurred from a "heavy" airliner. When one looks at the initial impacts at the towers and compares them to the Pentagon there is an enormous discrepancy. The central hole is just too small and there is no massive damage where the wings and engines should have impacted. It just isn't there. I only look at the facts. The explanations are for others.
I hope you realize you didn't address either of my questions. But then, that's what you do. Go off on wild tangents just to avoid what others ask.

Ummm, yeah, I addressed them both...are you dense or just being obtuse?
You're hallucinating.

I asked... Where on Earth did you see me post that the government never lies to me?

You never did say where you saw me post that. And you can't as I never did.

Then I asked, The real question is ... are you sane enough to know just how insane you are?

You never answered that one either. Instead, you ranted about how the government lies.

So where do you believe your "gubermint" lied to you and since you know that they can and will? Why do you believe the utter bullshit of 9/11 where 17 boxcutter wielding terrorists buttfucked the Pentagon, the CIA, NORAD, NSA, NRC with combined budgets of over 1 trillion dollars per fucking year???? Yeah, I know more than you and I am VERY sane...but to a blithering idiot like you? I am sure that you can't wrap your mind around what I know. Deal with it.......
I believe the government lied us into the Vietnam war. I believe they lied us into the Iraq war. I believe there have been many lies told by the government.

That doesn't mean everything you think is a lie, is. Like that Internet hoax video you posted. Despite showing you a copy which didn't have subliminal messages, you still can't let go of your delusions. You're a sick pup. I feel sorry for you, you're so stricken with chronic parI
I hope you realize you didn't address either of my questions. But then, that's what you do. Go off on wild tangents just to avoid what others ask.

Ummm, yeah, I addressed them both...are you dense or just being obtuse?
You're hallucinating.

I asked... Where on Earth did you see me post that the government never lies to me?

You never did say where you saw me post that. And you can't as I never did.

Then I asked, The real question is ... are you sane enough to know just how insane you are?

You never answered that one either. Instead, you ranted about how the government lies.

So where do you believe your "gubermint" lied to you and since you know that they can and will? Why do you believe the utter bullshit of 9/11 where 17 boxcutter wielding terrorists buttfucked the Pentagon, the CIA, NORAD, NSA, NRC with combined budgets of over 1 trillion dollars per fucking year???? Yeah, I know more than you and I am VERY sane...but to a blithering idiot like you? I am sure that you can't wrap your mind around what I know. Deal with it.......
I believe the government lied us into the Vietnam war. I believe they lied us into the Iraq war. I believe there have been many lies told by the government.

That doesn't mean everything you think is a lie, is. Like that Internet hoax video you posted. Despite showing you a copy which didn't have subliminal messages, you still can't let go of your delusions. You're a sick pup. I feel sorry for you, you're so stricken with chronic paranoia.

Wrong again.....that video is 100 percent legit and the subliminal messages used now are much more sophisticated using mnemonics and bright light patterns. You never debunked the video, the slowed down version that showed the words being ever so cleverly changing to appeal to the subconscious mind cleverly developed by the Brookings and Tavistock institutes. Yoiu cannot win this argument because subliminal messaging has been around even since the days of radio. MKNaomi was a CIA mind control program and that is a declassified fact.
Now you're lying. That's what you twoofers do. Here's the video you claim did not debunk your bullshit, without subliminal messages...

FuzzyMemories.TV - - WMAQ Channel 5 - PSA's, Meditation, and Station Sign-Off (1989)
Last edited:
The questions are:

Explain how the wreckage got there.
Explain the ATCs seeing AA77 fly into Pentagon airspace but not out of it.
Explain how a missile took down 5 light poles and knocked a large transformer off of it's moorings before exploding.

3 up; 3 down. I win; you lose.

There was little to no "wreckage" at the Pentagon......
People saw the jet that fly over the Pentagon took a different path that couldn't have taken down any light poles. The taxi driver that was involved in the photo-op where they moved a lamp post from his cab 's front window admitted that this incident was over his head and that he shouldn't even be involved in this.....want me to post his testimony?

Here ya go.......

There was wreckage. You have to account for how it got there. We're waiting.

Air traffic controllers tracked it into the Pentagon. But not leaving. You have to account for that.
We're waiting.

Lastly, the light poles had to have been knocked down by something. Obviously a missile could not do that, hit the transformer, and then explode. You have to account for the light poles.
Again; we're waiting.

Your move.

The whole event was staged in advance...show me footage of the plane hitting the Pentagon.....your move. I just gave you eye-witness account of a man that was involved that had to play his part and was scared shit-less. The burden is on you to prove it happened and all we have is corporate media claiming it did....that and your beloved "gubermint".

Well, it couldn't have been staged in advance since the light poles would be blocking traffic. No reports of such were made on the busy highways outside of the Pentagon.

Air traffic control happens in real time. That could not have been staged.

Are you stating that someone placed multi-hundred pound wheel rims and tires in the Pentagon prior to the attack? And nobody would have said anything about this either before or in the 15 years after?

Words have meanings. Just saying "they're lying" or "they did it" only meanst that you have zero proof. When you have the facts on your side, the evidence does the talking for you. Which is why, almost universally, your interactions end up with you having to call people names. If you can, defend your thesis. If you cannot, I suppose we can look forward to more internet links and other distractions...

Your job is to:

  • Explain how the wreckage got there
  • Explain how ATCs tracked AA77 into Pentagon airspace but not out of it
  • Explain how a supposed missile took out 5 light poles and a transformer THEN exploded in the Pentagon.

A 747 rim which is heavier than a 777's comes in at slightly over 150 lbs. One person could easily roll one into place.
The questions are:

Explain how the wreckage got there.
Explain the ATCs seeing AA77 fly into Pentagon airspace but not out of it.
Explain how a missile took down 5 light poles and knocked a large transformer off of it's moorings before exploding.

3 up; 3 down. I win; you lose.

There was little to no "wreckage" at the Pentagon......
People saw the jet that fly over the Pentagon took a different path that couldn't have taken down any light poles. The taxi driver that was involved in the photo-op where they moved a lamp post from his cab 's front window admitted that this incident was over his head and that he shouldn't even be involved in this.....want me to post his testimony?

Here ya go.......

There was wreckage. You have to account for how it got there. We're waiting.

Air traffic controllers tracked it into the Pentagon. But not leaving. You have to account for that.
We're waiting.

Lastly, the light poles had to have been knocked down by something. Obviously a missile could not do that, hit the transformer, and then explode. You have to account for the light poles.
Again; we're waiting.

Your move.

The whole event was staged in advance...show me footage of the plane hitting the Pentagon.....your move. I just gave you eye-witness account of a man that was involved that had to play his part and was scared shit-less. The burden is on you to prove it happened and all we have is corporate media claiming it did....that and your beloved "gubermint".

Well, it couldn't have been staged in advance since the light poles would be blocking traffic. No reports of such were made on the busy highways outside of the Pentagon.

Air traffic control happens in real time. That could not have been staged.

Are you stating that someone placed multi-hundred pound wheel rims and tires in the Pentagon prior to the attack? And nobody would have said anything about this either before or in the 15 years after?

Words have meanings. Just saying "they're lying" or "they did it" only meanst that you have zero proof. When you have the facts on your side, the evidence does the talking for you. Which is why, almost universally, your interactions end up with you having to call people names. If you can, defend your thesis. If you cannot, I suppose we can look forward to more internet links and other distractions...

Your job is to:

  • Explain how the wreckage got there
  • Explain how ATCs tracked AA77 into Pentagon airspace but not out of it
  • Explain how a supposed missile took out 5 light poles and a transformer THEN exploded in the Pentagon.

A 747 rim which is heavier than a 777's comes in at slightly over 150 lbs. One person could easily roll one into place.

With the entire press corps covering the scene?

EEGGAAADDSS!!! Remember when me and GHook went round and round on this subject? You partook also as a detractor. Being a pilot and studying hundreds of airplane crashes to become a safer pilot I had to agree that the damage at the Pentagon was a lot less than should have occurred from a "heavy" airliner. When one looks at the initial impacts at the towers and compares them to the Pentagon there is an enormous discrepancy. The central hole is just too small and there is no massive damage where the wings and engines should have impacted. It just isn't there. I only look at the facts. The explanations are for others.
Ummm, yeah, I addressed them both...are you dense or just being obtuse?
You're hallucinating.

I asked... Where on Earth did you see me post that the government never lies to me?

You never did say where you saw me post that. And you can't as I never did.

Then I asked, The real question is ... are you sane enough to know just how insane you are?

You never answered that one either. Instead, you ranted about how the government lies.

So where do you believe your "gubermint" lied to you and since you know that they can and will? Why do you believe the utter bullshit of 9/11 where 17 boxcutter wielding terrorists buttfucked the Pentagon, the CIA, NORAD, NSA, NRC with combined budgets of over 1 trillion dollars per fucking year???? Yeah, I know more than you and I am VERY sane...but to a blithering idiot like you? I am sure that you can't wrap your mind around what I know. Deal with it.......
I believe the government lied us into the Vietnam war. I believe they lied us into the Iraq war. I believe there have been many lies told by the government.

That doesn't mean everything you think is a lie, is. Like that Internet hoax video you posted. Despite showing you a copy which didn't have subliminal messages, you still can't let go of your delusions. You're a sick pup. I feel sorry for you, you're so stricken with chronic parI
Ummm, yeah, I addressed them both...are you dense or just being obtuse?
You're hallucinating.

I asked... Where on Earth did you see me post that the government never lies to me?

You never did say where you saw me post that. And you can't as I never did.

Then I asked, The real question is ... are you sane enough to know just how insane you are?

You never answered that one either. Instead, you ranted about how the government lies.

So where do you believe your "gubermint" lied to you and since you know that they can and will? Why do you believe the utter bullshit of 9/11 where 17 boxcutter wielding terrorists buttfucked the Pentagon, the CIA, NORAD, NSA, NRC with combined budgets of over 1 trillion dollars per fucking year???? Yeah, I know more than you and I am VERY sane...but to a blithering idiot like you? I am sure that you can't wrap your mind around what I know. Deal with it.......
I believe the government lied us into the Vietnam war. I believe they lied us into the Iraq war. I believe there have been many lies told by the government.

That doesn't mean everything you think is a lie, is. Like that Internet hoax video you posted. Despite showing you a copy which didn't have subliminal messages, you still can't let go of your delusions. You're a sick pup. I feel sorry for you, you're so stricken with chronic paranoia.

Wrong again.....that video is 100 percent legit and the subliminal messages used now are much more sophisticated using mnemonics and bright light patterns. You never debunked the video, the slowed down version that showed the words being ever so cleverly changing to appeal to the subconscious mind cleverly developed by the Brookings and Tavistock institutes. Yoiu cannot win this argument because subliminal messaging has been around even since the days of radio. MKNaomi was a CIA mind control program and that is a declassified fact.
Now you're lying. That's what you twoofers do. Here's the video you claim did not debunk your bullshit, without subliminal messages...

FuzzyMemories.TV - - WMAQ Channel 5 - PSA's, Meditation, and Station Sign-Off (1989)

ery slow
ROTFLMAO!! You went to a conspiracy website(to lamely attempt to debunk me even using the talking points of the posters there? You are SOOOO busted! BTW, that proves nothing because you could only see it faintly when it was played very slow.......kinda like you are?? You visit abovetopsecret.com much??? LMAO!!!
There was little to no "wreckage" at the Pentagon......
People saw the jet that fly over the Pentagon took a different path that couldn't have taken down any light poles. The taxi driver that was involved in the photo-op where they moved a lamp post from his cab 's front window admitted that this incident was over his head and that he shouldn't even be involved in this.....want me to post his testimony?

Here ya go.......

There was wreckage. You have to account for how it got there. We're waiting.

Air traffic controllers tracked it into the Pentagon. But not leaving. You have to account for that.
We're waiting.

Lastly, the light poles had to have been knocked down by something. Obviously a missile could not do that, hit the transformer, and then explode. You have to account for the light poles.
Again; we're waiting.

Your move.

The whole event was staged in advance...show me footage of the plane hitting the Pentagon.....your move. I just gave you eye-witness account of a man that was involved that had to play his part and was scared shit-less. The burden is on you to prove it happened and all we have is corporate media claiming it did....that and your beloved "gubermint".

Well, it couldn't have been staged in advance since the light poles would be blocking traffic. No reports of such were made on the busy highways outside of the Pentagon.

Air traffic control happens in real time. That could not have been staged.

Are you stating that someone placed multi-hundred pound wheel rims and tires in the Pentagon prior to the attack? And nobody would have said anything about this either before or in the 15 years after?

Words have meanings. Just saying "they're lying" or "they did it" only meanst that you have zero proof. When you have the facts on your side, the evidence does the talking for you. Which is why, almost universally, your interactions end up with you having to call people names. If you can, defend your thesis. If you cannot, I suppose we can look forward to more internet links and other distractions...

Your job is to:

  • Explain how the wreckage got there
  • Explain how ATCs tracked AA77 into Pentagon airspace but not out of it
  • Explain how a supposed missile took out 5 light poles and a transformer THEN exploded in the Pentagon.

A 747 rim which is heavier than a 777's comes in at slightly over 150 lbs. One person could easily roll one into place.

With the entire press corps covering the scene?

You mean the bought and paid for media????
There was little to no "wreckage" at the Pentagon......
People saw the jet that fly over the Pentagon took a different path that couldn't have taken down any light poles. The taxi driver that was involved in the photo-op where they moved a lamp post from his cab 's front window admitted that this incident was over his head and that he shouldn't even be involved in this.....want me to post his testimony?

Here ya go.......

There was wreckage. You have to account for how it got there. We're waiting.

Air traffic controllers tracked it into the Pentagon. But not leaving. You have to account for that.
We're waiting.

Lastly, the light poles had to have been knocked down by something. Obviously a missile could not do that, hit the transformer, and then explode. You have to account for the light poles.
Again; we're waiting.

Your move.

The whole event was staged in advance...show me footage of the plane hitting the Pentagon.....your move. I just gave you eye-witness account of a man that was involved that had to play his part and was scared shit-less. The burden is on you to prove it happened and all we have is corporate media claiming it did....that and your beloved "gubermint".

Well, it couldn't have been staged in advance since the light poles would be blocking traffic. No reports of such were made on the busy highways outside of the Pentagon.

Air traffic control happens in real time. That could not have been staged.

Are you stating that someone placed multi-hundred pound wheel rims and tires in the Pentagon prior to the attack? And nobody would have said anything about this either before or in the 15 years after?

Words have meanings. Just saying "they're lying" or "they did it" only meanst that you have zero proof. When you have the facts on your side, the evidence does the talking for you. Which is why, almost universally, your interactions end up with you having to call people names. If you can, defend your thesis. If you cannot, I suppose we can look forward to more internet links and other distractions...

Your job is to:

  • Explain how the wreckage got there
  • Explain how ATCs tracked AA77 into Pentagon airspace but not out of it
  • Explain how a supposed missile took out 5 light poles and a transformer THEN exploded in the Pentagon.

A 747 rim which is heavier than a 777's comes in at slightly over 150 lbs. One person could easily roll one into place.

With the entire press corps covering the scene?

Sure. They could also sneak in wreckage without anyone noticing, don'tcha know? Look, here are super secret double knot agents planting evidence right under everyone's nose...



EEGGAAADDSS!!! Remember when me and GHook went round and round on this subject? You partook also as a detractor. Being a pilot and studying hundreds of airplane crashes to become a safer pilot I had to agree that the damage at the Pentagon was a lot less than should have occurred from a "heavy" airliner. When one looks at the initial impacts at the towers and compares them to the Pentagon there is an enormous discrepancy. The central hole is just too small and there is no massive damage where the wings and engines should have impacted. It just isn't there. I only look at the facts. The explanations are for others.
You're hallucinating.

I asked... Where on Earth did you see me post that the government never lies to me?

You never did say where you saw me post that. And you can't as I never did.

Then I asked, The real question is ... are you sane enough to know just how insane you are?

You never answered that one either. Instead, you ranted about how the government lies.

So where do you believe your "gubermint" lied to you and since you know that they can and will? Why do you believe the utter bullshit of 9/11 where 17 boxcutter wielding terrorists buttfucked the Pentagon, the CIA, NORAD, NSA, NRC with combined budgets of over 1 trillion dollars per fucking year???? Yeah, I know more than you and I am VERY sane...but to a blithering idiot like you? I am sure that you can't wrap your mind around what I know. Deal with it.......
I believe the government lied us into the Vietnam war. I believe they lied us into the Iraq war. I believe there have been many lies told by the government.

That doesn't mean everything you think is a lie, is. Like that Internet hoax video you posted. Despite showing you a copy which didn't have subliminal messages, you still can't let go of your delusions. You're a sick pup. I feel sorry for you, you're so stricken with chronic parI
You're hallucinating.

I asked... Where on Earth did you see me post that the government never lies to me?

You never did say where you saw me post that. And you can't as I never did.

Then I asked, The real question is ... are you sane enough to know just how insane you are?

You never answered that one either. Instead, you ranted about how the government lies.

So where do you believe your "gubermint" lied to you and since you know that they can and will? Why do you believe the utter bullshit of 9/11 where 17 boxcutter wielding terrorists buttfucked the Pentagon, the CIA, NORAD, NSA, NRC with combined budgets of over 1 trillion dollars per fucking year???? Yeah, I know more than you and I am VERY sane...but to a blithering idiot like you? I am sure that you can't wrap your mind around what I know. Deal with it.......
I believe the government lied us into the Vietnam war. I believe they lied us into the Iraq war. I believe there have been many lies told by the government.

That doesn't mean everything you think is a lie, is. Like that Internet hoax video you posted. Despite showing you a copy which didn't have subliminal messages, you still can't let go of your delusions. You're a sick pup. I feel sorry for you, you're so stricken with chronic paranoia.

Wrong again.....that video is 100 percent legit and the subliminal messages used now are much more sophisticated using mnemonics and bright light patterns. You never debunked the video, the slowed down version that showed the words being ever so cleverly changing to appeal to the subconscious mind cleverly developed by the Brookings and Tavistock institutes. Yoiu cannot win this argument because subliminal messaging has been around even since the days of radio. MKNaomi was a CIA mind control program and that is a declassified fact.
Now you're lying. That's what you twoofers do. Here's the video you claim did not debunk your bullshit, without subliminal messages...

FuzzyMemories.TV - - WMAQ Channel 5 - PSA's, Meditation, and Station Sign-Off (1989)

ery slow
ROTFLMAO!! You went to a conspiracy website(to lamely attempt to debunk me even using the talking points of the posters there? You are SOOOO busted! BTW, that proves nothing because you could only see it faintly when it was played very slow.......kinda like you are?? You visit abovetopsecret.com much??? LMAO!!!
To demonstrate your advanced stages of derangement... you call fuzzymemories.tv, a website which collects vintage videos from TV, a "conspiracy website."


Did ya really think the forum needed more evidence you are batshit insane than from what you've already provided??

Even worse for you, you're now caught lying too. You claim the subliminal messages on the hoax video can only be seen in slo-motion.

That's a lie. Maybe they can only be read in slo-mo, but their blurred image is visible at regular speed. You even posted that. In the hoax video you posted, it starts off at regular speed where you can see text is quickly overwritten with the National Anthem lyrics. And while you moronically deny they can be seen at regular speed, after playing a segment at regular speed in the hoax video you posted, a voice over asks, did you see that?

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