911 Pentagon - 757 or cruise missile???

BTW, that proves nothing because you could only see it faintly when it was played very slow.......kinda like you are?? You visit abovetopsecret.com much??? LMAO!!!
You're either blind, lying or both to deny seeing letters quickly disappearing behind the lyrics at normal speed. At slow speed, you can read them. But they're still noticeable at regular speed. Especially when you know they're there are you're looking for them.

That you lie like that proves this video is a hoax...

You got duped because you're delusional paranoid fool.

No, you are simply asleep and lack critical thinking skills. Subliminal messages are everywhere on TV. It's no coincidence that my short term memory returned with an incredible ability to retain information and my ability to think a LOT more clearly happened when I stopped watching TV. You believe in "gubermint" and you believe that they have your best interest at heart and that makes you a fucking fool. Believe it or not but you will find out and it will be the hard way.

You poor thing. You're venturing off into strawman land again. I never denied there aren't subliminal messages around.

I said the video you posted is a hoax video and I proved it by showing the video from before it was doctored with the subliminal messages. Many of which, came directly from the movie, "They Live"...


So what does this prove exactly????

What does someone putting text from a movie into that video mean? You really need that spelled out for you?


Hey, dipshit....I have that movie and have watched it MANY times. John Carpenter was one of those directors that were "awake". Not every message that was in the movie was in that subliminal text. I know about subliminal messages and how they use mnemonics ...how they use color patterns. It's called "TV PROGRAM" because that is what it is. Your faith and trust in this POS "gubermint" simply astounds me...they really have a good little sheeple in you.
You're either blind, lying or both to deny seeing letters quickly disappearing behind the lyrics at normal speed. At slow speed, you can read them. But they're still noticeable at regular speed. Especially when you know they're there are you're looking for them.

That you lie like that proves this video is a hoax...

You got duped because you're delusional paranoid fool.

No, you are simply asleep and lack critical thinking skills. Subliminal messages are everywhere on TV. It's no coincidence that my short term memory returned with an incredible ability to retain information and my ability to think a LOT more clearly happened when I stopped watching TV. You believe in "gubermint" and you believe that they have your best interest at heart and that makes you a fucking fool. Believe it or not but you will find out and it will be the hard way.

You poor thing. You're venturing off into strawman land again. I never denied there aren't subliminal messages around.

I said the video you posted is a hoax video and I proved it by showing the video from before it was doctored with the subliminal messages. Many of which, came directly from the movie, "They Live"...


So what does this prove exactly????

What does someone putting text from a movie into that video mean? You really need that spelled out for you?


Hey, dipshit....I have that movie and have watched it MANY times. John Carpenter was one of those directors that were "awake". Not every message that was in the movie was in that subliminal text. I know about subliminal messages and how they use mnemonics ...how they use color patterns. It's called "TV PROGRAM" because that is what it is. Your faith and trust in this POS "gubermint" simply astounds me...they really have a good little sheeple in you.

Damn, you're lying again.

I never said "every message was in" both. I said "many" were. Look at how many lies you have to tell to convince people you're not crazy.

  • You lied when you said you can't see any sign of the subliminal messages at regular speed.
  • You lied when you said I got the video from ats.com even though I gave you a link to fuzzymemories.tv.
  • You lied when you inferred I said every message in the movie, "They Live," was in the hoax video.
No, you are simply asleep and lack critical thinking skills. Subliminal messages are everywhere on TV. It's no coincidence that my short term memory returned with an incredible ability to retain information and my ability to think a LOT more clearly happened when I stopped watching TV. You believe in "gubermint" and you believe that they have your best interest at heart and that makes you a fucking fool. Believe it or not but you will find out and it will be the hard way.
You poor thing. You're venturing off into strawman land again. I never denied there aren't subliminal messages around.

I said the video you posted is a hoax video and I proved it by showing the video from before it was doctored with the subliminal messages. Many of which, came directly from the movie, "They Live"...


So what does this prove exactly????

What does someone putting text from a movie into that video mean? You really need that spelled out for you?


Hey, dipshit....I have that movie and have watched it MANY times. John Carpenter was one of those directors that were "awake". Not every message that was in the movie was in that subliminal text. I know about subliminal messages and how they use mnemonics ...how they use color patterns. It's called "TV PROGRAM" because that is what it is. Your faith and trust in this POS "gubermint" simply astounds me...they really have a good little sheeple in you.

Damn, you're lying again.

I never said "every message was in" both. I said "many" were. Look at how many lies you have to tell to convince people you're not crazy.

  • You lied when you said you can't see any sign of the subliminal messages at regular speed.
  • You lied when you said I got the video from ats.com even though I gave you a link to fuzzymemories.tv.
  • You lied when you inferred I said every message in the movie, "They Live," was in the hoax video.

I can't see any of them at all when shown at regular speed...so you lied.....

I did the "Google" search for National Anthem Hoax" and that link was posted by someone as clueless as you are. You clicked on his link and then did a "cut and paste"...so you lied.

You inferred that every message that was in the movie "They Live" was in the National Anthem that was shown in the 60's.....so that means you lied by omission. I can do this all night and all day, asswipe.
You poor thing. You're venturing off into strawman land again. I never denied there aren't subliminal messages around.

I said the video you posted is a hoax video and I proved it by showing the video from before it was doctored with the subliminal messages. Many of which, came directly from the movie, "They Live"...


So what does this prove exactly????

What does someone putting text from a movie into that video mean? You really need that spelled out for you?


Hey, dipshit....I have that movie and have watched it MANY times. John Carpenter was one of those directors that were "awake". Not every message that was in the movie was in that subliminal text. I know about subliminal messages and how they use mnemonics ...how they use color patterns. It's called "TV PROGRAM" because that is what it is. Your faith and trust in this POS "gubermint" simply astounds me...they really have a good little sheeple in you.

Damn, you're lying again.

I never said "every message was in" both. I said "many" were. Look at how many lies you have to tell to convince people you're not crazy.

  • You lied when you said you can't see any sign of the subliminal messages at regular speed.
  • You lied when you said I got the video from ats.com even though I gave you a link to fuzzymemories.tv.
  • You lied when you inferred I said every message in the movie, "They Live," was in the hoax video.

I can't see any of them at all when shown at regular speed...so you lied.....

Anyone who watches that video can see them. Like I said, you're either blind, lying or both.

I did the "Google" search for National Anthem Hoax" and that link was posted by someone as clueless as you are. You clicked on his link and then did a "cut and paste"...so you lied.
You're still lying. I used bing, not google....

national anthem channel signoff -subliminal - Bing

The 1st and 3rd link had nothing. The 2nd link proved fruitless despite searching though their site. The 4th link went to fuzzymemories.tv, but to a different video. But on that same page was a link to search their site for more related videos; and viola -- third video in the list.

And you'll note that none of the links from my search were to ats.com, whatever the fuck that is.

You inferred that every message that was in the movie "They Live" was in the National Anthem that was shown in the 60's.....so that means you lied by omission. I can do this all night and all day, asswipe.
You're still lying. What else can you do after being made a fool, eh?

I did not "infer that every message" was in both.

In fact, my exact words were, "I said the video you posted is a hoax video and I proved it by showing the video from before it was doctored with the subliminal messages. Many of which, came directly from the movie, "They Live"..."

What a pity you have to lie because you so much want to believe that video was real. :eusa_naughty:
So what does this prove exactly????
What does someone putting text from a movie into that video mean? You really need that spelled out for you?


Hey, dipshit....I have that movie and have watched it MANY times. John Carpenter was one of those directors that were "awake". Not every message that was in the movie was in that subliminal text. I know about subliminal messages and how they use mnemonics ...how they use color patterns. It's called "TV PROGRAM" because that is what it is. Your faith and trust in this POS "gubermint" simply astounds me...they really have a good little sheeple in you.
Damn, you're lying again.

I never said "every message was in" both. I said "many" were. Look at how many lies you have to tell to convince people you're not crazy.

  • You lied when you said you can't see any sign of the subliminal messages at regular speed.
  • You lied when you said I got the video from ats.com even though I gave you a link to fuzzymemories.tv.
  • You lied when you inferred I said every message in the movie, "They Live," was in the hoax video.

I can't see any of them at all when shown at regular speed...so you lied.....
Anyone who watches that video can see them. Like I said, you're either blind, lying or both.

I did the "Google" search for National Anthem Hoax" and that link was posted by someone as clueless as you are. You clicked on his link and then did a "cut and paste"...so you lied.
You're still lying. I used bing, not google....

national anthem channel signoff -subliminal - Bing

The 1st and 3rd link had nothing. The 2nd link proved fruitless despite searching though their site. The 4th link went to fuzzymemories.tv, but to a different video. But on that same page was a link to search their site for more related videos; and viola -- third video in the list.

And you'll note that none of the links from my search were to ats.com, whatever the fuck that is.

You inferred that every message that was in the movie "They Live" was in the National Anthem that was shown in the 60's.....so that means you lied by omission. I can do this all night and all day, asswipe.
You're still lying. What else can you do after being made a fool, eh?

I did not "infer that every message" was in both.

In fact, my exact words were, "I said the video you posted is a hoax video and I proved it by showing the video from before it was doctored with the subliminal messages. Many of which, came directly from the movie, "They Live"..."

What a pity you have to lie because you so much want to believe that video was real. :eusa_naughty:

You proved nothing at all.....nada, zero, zilch. What is hilarious to me is that you know nothing about the history of the Tavistock and Brookings Institutes and the Frankfort School and how they were behind the science of propaganda and how the mind works. I know so much more than you due to reading and research that you couldn't comprehend on the best day you ever had. Your beloved "gubermint" and the CIA used trauma based mind control on little children and adults in attempts to brain wash and make "super soldiers" out of them. YOUR "gubermint" allowed children to be sexually abused and tortured to the point that their minds fragmented and developed split personalities that could be used for covert operations. Some of this came out during the Church Committee hearings in the mid 70's but the CIA destroyed or hid the documents detailing what they did....and where did they get MK-Ultra and MK-Naomi from? Nazi scientists that were brought in under "Operation Paperclip" that used humans as experiment subjects of the cruelest variety and then put them in high places after they whitewashed their backgrounds....are ya proud yet????

So you REALLY believe that your beloved "gubermint" would not hide subliminal messages at sign off attempting to "brainwash" someone that has been watching TV so long that they are around for the sign off? You think that people would do a "sing along" at midnight and follow along with the lyrics? Seriously, you are one of the sheeple....gubermint is TRULY your god and you kiss it's ass each and every day you post here......disgusting.
What does someone putting text from a movie into that video mean? You really need that spelled out for you?


Hey, dipshit....I have that movie and have watched it MANY times. John Carpenter was one of those directors that were "awake". Not every message that was in the movie was in that subliminal text. I know about subliminal messages and how they use mnemonics ...how they use color patterns. It's called "TV PROGRAM" because that is what it is. Your faith and trust in this POS "gubermint" simply astounds me...they really have a good little sheeple in you.
Damn, you're lying again.

I never said "every message was in" both. I said "many" were. Look at how many lies you have to tell to convince people you're not crazy.

  • You lied when you said you can't see any sign of the subliminal messages at regular speed.
  • You lied when you said I got the video from ats.com even though I gave you a link to fuzzymemories.tv.
  • You lied when you inferred I said every message in the movie, "They Live," was in the hoax video.

I can't see any of them at all when shown at regular speed...so you lied.....
Anyone who watches that video can see them. Like I said, you're either blind, lying or both.

I did the "Google" search for National Anthem Hoax" and that link was posted by someone as clueless as you are. You clicked on his link and then did a "cut and paste"...so you lied.
You're still lying. I used bing, not google....

national anthem channel signoff -subliminal - Bing

The 1st and 3rd link had nothing. The 2nd link proved fruitless despite searching though their site. The 4th link went to fuzzymemories.tv, but to a different video. But on that same page was a link to search their site for more related videos; and viola -- third video in the list.

And you'll note that none of the links from my search were to ats.com, whatever the fuck that is.

You inferred that every message that was in the movie "They Live" was in the National Anthem that was shown in the 60's.....so that means you lied by omission. I can do this all night and all day, asswipe.
You're still lying. What else can you do after being made a fool, eh?

I did not "infer that every message" was in both.

In fact, my exact words were, "I said the video you posted is a hoax video and I proved it by showing the video from before it was doctored with the subliminal messages. Many of which, came directly from the movie, "They Live"..."

What a pity you have to lie because you so much want to believe that video was real. :eusa_naughty:

You proved nothing at all.....nada, zero, zilch. What is hilarious to me is that you know nothing about the history of the Tavistock and Brookings Institutes and the Frankfort School and how they were behind the science of propaganda and how the mind works. I know so much more than you due to reading and research that you couldn't comprehend on the best day you ever had. Your beloved "gubermint" and the CIA used trauma based mind control on little children and adults in attempts to brain wash and make "super soldiers" out of them. YOUR "gubermint" allowed children to be sexually abused and tortured to the point that their minds fragmented and developed split personalities that could be used for covert operations. Some of this came out during the Church Committee hearings in the mid 70's but the CIA destroyed or hid the documents detailing what they did....and where did they get MK-Ultra and MK-Naomi from? Nazi scientists that were brought in under "Operation Paperclip" that used humans as experiment subjects of the cruelest variety and then put them in high places after they whitewashed their backgrounds....are ya proud yet????

So you REALLY believe that your beloved "gubermint" would not hide subliminal messages at sign off attempting to "brainwash" someone that has been watching TV so long that they are around for the sign off? You think that people would do a "sing along" at midnight and follow along with the lyrics? Seriously, you are one of the sheeple....gubermint is TRULY your god and you kiss it's ass each and every day you post here......disgusting.
For someone who claims to know more than me, as evidenced by all the lies you told, I'm bitch-slapping you silly.


.... and yeah, I proved the video is a hoax. I showed the video before it was altered. And the best part is -- your acceptance of that reality isn't even necessary. :mm:
So you REALLY believe that your beloved "gubermint" would not hide subliminal messages at sign off attempting to "brainwash" someone that has been watching TV so long that they are around for the sign off? You think that people would do a "sing along" at midnight and follow along with the lyrics? Seriously, you are one of the sheeple....gubermint is TRULY your god and you kiss it's ass each and every day you post here......disgusting.
Add this to your ever growing list of lies...
  • You lied when you said you can't see any sign of the subliminal messages at regular speed.
  • You lied when you said I got the video from ats.com even though I gave you a link to fuzzymemories.tv.
  • You lied when you inferred I said every message in the movie, "They Live," was in the hoax video.
  • You lie when you claim I believe the government wouldn't do that.
Hey, dipshit....I have that movie and have watched it MANY times. John Carpenter was one of those directors that were "awake". Not every message that was in the movie was in that subliminal text. I know about subliminal messages and how they use mnemonics ...how they use color patterns. It's called "TV PROGRAM" because that is what it is. Your faith and trust in this POS "gubermint" simply astounds me...they really have a good little sheeple in you.
Damn, you're lying again.

I never said "every message was in" both. I said "many" were. Look at how many lies you have to tell to convince people you're not crazy.

  • You lied when you said you can't see any sign of the subliminal messages at regular speed.
  • You lied when you said I got the video from ats.com even though I gave you a link to fuzzymemories.tv.
  • You lied when you inferred I said every message in the movie, "They Live," was in the hoax video.

I can't see any of them at all when shown at regular speed...so you lied.....
Anyone who watches that video can see them. Like I said, you're either blind, lying or both.

I did the "Google" search for National Anthem Hoax" and that link was posted by someone as clueless as you are. You clicked on his link and then did a "cut and paste"...so you lied.
You're still lying. I used bing, not google....

national anthem channel signoff -subliminal - Bing

The 1st and 3rd link had nothing. The 2nd link proved fruitless despite searching though their site. The 4th link went to fuzzymemories.tv, but to a different video. But on that same page was a link to search their site for more related videos; and viola -- third video in the list.

And you'll note that none of the links from my search were to ats.com, whatever the fuck that is.

You inferred that every message that was in the movie "They Live" was in the National Anthem that was shown in the 60's.....so that means you lied by omission. I can do this all night and all day, asswipe.
You're still lying. What else can you do after being made a fool, eh?

I did not "infer that every message" was in both.

In fact, my exact words were, "I said the video you posted is a hoax video and I proved it by showing the video from before it was doctored with the subliminal messages. Many of which, came directly from the movie, "They Live"..."

What a pity you have to lie because you so much want to believe that video was real. :eusa_naughty:

You proved nothing at all.....nada, zero, zilch. What is hilarious to me is that you know nothing about the history of the Tavistock and Brookings Institutes and the Frankfort School and how they were behind the science of propaganda and how the mind works. I know so much more than you due to reading and research that you couldn't comprehend on the best day you ever had. Your beloved "gubermint" and the CIA used trauma based mind control on little children and adults in attempts to brain wash and make "super soldiers" out of them. YOUR "gubermint" allowed children to be sexually abused and tortured to the point that their minds fragmented and developed split personalities that could be used for covert operations. Some of this came out during the Church Committee hearings in the mid 70's but the CIA destroyed or hid the documents detailing what they did....and where did they get MK-Ultra and MK-Naomi from? Nazi scientists that were brought in under "Operation Paperclip" that used humans as experiment subjects of the cruelest variety and then put them in high places after they whitewashed their backgrounds....are ya proud yet????

So you REALLY believe that your beloved "gubermint" would not hide subliminal messages at sign off attempting to "brainwash" someone that has been watching TV so long that they are around for the sign off? You think that people would do a "sing along" at midnight and follow along with the lyrics? Seriously, you are one of the sheeple....gubermint is TRULY your god and you kiss it's ass each and every day you post here......disgusting.
For someone who claims to know more than me, as evidenced by all the lies you told, I'm bitch-slapping you silly.


.... and yeah, I proved the video is a hoax. I showed the video before it was altered. And the best part is -- your acceptance of that reality isn't even necessary. :mm:

You proved nothing at all.....zero, nada, zilch....and you couldn't even bitchslap your ownself...I am your "daddy" . (snicker)
Damn, you're lying again.

I never said "every message was in" both. I said "many" were. Look at how many lies you have to tell to convince people you're not crazy.

  • You lied when you said you can't see any sign of the subliminal messages at regular speed.
  • You lied when you said I got the video from ats.com even though I gave you a link to fuzzymemories.tv.
  • You lied when you inferred I said every message in the movie, "They Live," was in the hoax video.

I can't see any of them at all when shown at regular speed...so you lied.....
Anyone who watches that video can see them. Like I said, you're either blind, lying or both.

I did the "Google" search for National Anthem Hoax" and that link was posted by someone as clueless as you are. You clicked on his link and then did a "cut and paste"...so you lied.
You're still lying. I used bing, not google....

national anthem channel signoff -subliminal - Bing

The 1st and 3rd link had nothing. The 2nd link proved fruitless despite searching though their site. The 4th link went to fuzzymemories.tv, but to a different video. But on that same page was a link to search their site for more related videos; and viola -- third video in the list.

And you'll note that none of the links from my search were to ats.com, whatever the fuck that is.

You inferred that every message that was in the movie "They Live" was in the National Anthem that was shown in the 60's.....so that means you lied by omission. I can do this all night and all day, asswipe.
You're still lying. What else can you do after being made a fool, eh?

I did not "infer that every message" was in both.

In fact, my exact words were, "I said the video you posted is a hoax video and I proved it by showing the video from before it was doctored with the subliminal messages. Many of which, came directly from the movie, "They Live"..."

What a pity you have to lie because you so much want to believe that video was real. :eusa_naughty:

You proved nothing at all.....nada, zero, zilch. What is hilarious to me is that you know nothing about the history of the Tavistock and Brookings Institutes and the Frankfort School and how they were behind the science of propaganda and how the mind works. I know so much more than you due to reading and research that you couldn't comprehend on the best day you ever had. Your beloved "gubermint" and the CIA used trauma based mind control on little children and adults in attempts to brain wash and make "super soldiers" out of them. YOUR "gubermint" allowed children to be sexually abused and tortured to the point that their minds fragmented and developed split personalities that could be used for covert operations. Some of this came out during the Church Committee hearings in the mid 70's but the CIA destroyed or hid the documents detailing what they did....and where did they get MK-Ultra and MK-Naomi from? Nazi scientists that were brought in under "Operation Paperclip" that used humans as experiment subjects of the cruelest variety and then put them in high places after they whitewashed their backgrounds....are ya proud yet????

So you REALLY believe that your beloved "gubermint" would not hide subliminal messages at sign off attempting to "brainwash" someone that has been watching TV so long that they are around for the sign off? You think that people would do a "sing along" at midnight and follow along with the lyrics? Seriously, you are one of the sheeple....gubermint is TRULY your god and you kiss it's ass each and every day you post here......disgusting.
For someone who claims to know more than me, as evidenced by all the lies you told, I'm bitch-slapping you silly.


.... and yeah, I proved the video is a hoax. I showed the video before it was altered. And the best part is -- your acceptance of that reality isn't even necessary. :mm:

You proved nothing at all.....zero, nada, zilch....and you couldn't even bitchslap your ownself...I am your "daddy" . (snicker)
You're more like my grandmother. Old and senile.
So you REALLY believe that your beloved "gubermint" would not hide subliminal messages at sign off attempting to "brainwash" someone that has been watching TV so long that they are around for the sign off? You think that people would do a "sing along" at midnight and follow along with the lyrics? Seriously, you are one of the sheeple....gubermint is TRULY your god and you kiss it's ass each and every day you post here......disgusting.
Add this to your ever growing list of lies...
  • You lied when you said you can't see any sign of the subliminal messages at regular speed.
  • You lied when you said I got the video from ats.com even though I gave you a link to fuzzymemories.tv.
  • You lied when you inferred I said every message in the movie, "They Live," was in the hoax video.
  • You lie when you claim I believe the government wouldn't do that.

The link at ATS.com gave a link to "fuzzymemories.tv" which you copied and pasted here....so that proves that you lied.
Lying by omission is the same thing...fact. So if you believe that your beloved "gubermint" would subject citizens and little children to horrific abuse if the abused could serve "da gubermint"? Why is it such a stretch that they would not inject subliminal messages into a sign off? You are contradicting yourself....settle down and take a minute to "think"...it might be a liberating experience. You, we......all of us are neck deep in shit, dude......and it's worse than you could even wrap your mind around.
I can't see any of them at all when shown at regular speed...so you lied.....
Anyone who watches that video can see them. Like I said, you're either blind, lying or both.

I did the "Google" search for National Anthem Hoax" and that link was posted by someone as clueless as you are. You clicked on his link and then did a "cut and paste"...so you lied.
You're still lying. I used bing, not google....

national anthem channel signoff -subliminal - Bing

The 1st and 3rd link had nothing. The 2nd link proved fruitless despite searching though their site. The 4th link went to fuzzymemories.tv, but to a different video. But on that same page was a link to search their site for more related videos; and viola -- third video in the list.

And you'll note that none of the links from my search were to ats.com, whatever the fuck that is.

You inferred that every message that was in the movie "They Live" was in the National Anthem that was shown in the 60's.....so that means you lied by omission. I can do this all night and all day, asswipe.
You're still lying. What else can you do after being made a fool, eh?

I did not "infer that every message" was in both.

In fact, my exact words were, "I said the video you posted is a hoax video and I proved it by showing the video from before it was doctored with the subliminal messages. Many of which, came directly from the movie, "They Live"..."

What a pity you have to lie because you so much want to believe that video was real. :eusa_naughty:

You proved nothing at all.....nada, zero, zilch. What is hilarious to me is that you know nothing about the history of the Tavistock and Brookings Institutes and the Frankfort School and how they were behind the science of propaganda and how the mind works. I know so much more than you due to reading and research that you couldn't comprehend on the best day you ever had. Your beloved "gubermint" and the CIA used trauma based mind control on little children and adults in attempts to brain wash and make "super soldiers" out of them. YOUR "gubermint" allowed children to be sexually abused and tortured to the point that their minds fragmented and developed split personalities that could be used for covert operations. Some of this came out during the Church Committee hearings in the mid 70's but the CIA destroyed or hid the documents detailing what they did....and where did they get MK-Ultra and MK-Naomi from? Nazi scientists that were brought in under "Operation Paperclip" that used humans as experiment subjects of the cruelest variety and then put them in high places after they whitewashed their backgrounds....are ya proud yet????

So you REALLY believe that your beloved "gubermint" would not hide subliminal messages at sign off attempting to "brainwash" someone that has been watching TV so long that they are around for the sign off? You think that people would do a "sing along" at midnight and follow along with the lyrics? Seriously, you are one of the sheeple....gubermint is TRULY your god and you kiss it's ass each and every day you post here......disgusting.
For someone who claims to know more than me, as evidenced by all the lies you told, I'm bitch-slapping you silly.


.... and yeah, I proved the video is a hoax. I showed the video before it was altered. And the best part is -- your acceptance of that reality isn't even necessary. :mm:

You proved nothing at all.....zero, nada, zilch....and you couldn't even bitchslap your ownself...I am your "daddy" . (snicker)
You're more like my grandmother. Old and senile.

Your old and senile grandmother has more common sense than you....I would bet on that. You are an idiot with no abilty for critical thinkng.
So you REALLY believe that your beloved "gubermint" would not hide subliminal messages at sign off attempting to "brainwash" someone that has been watching TV so long that they are around for the sign off? You think that people would do a "sing along" at midnight and follow along with the lyrics? Seriously, you are one of the sheeple....gubermint is TRULY your god and you kiss it's ass each and every day you post here......disgusting.
Add this to your ever growing list of lies...
  • You lied when you said you can't see any sign of the subliminal messages at regular speed.
  • You lied when you said I got the video from ats.com even though I gave you a link to fuzzymemories.tv.
  • You lied when you inferred I said every message in the movie, "They Live," was in the hoax video.
  • You lie when you claim I believe the government wouldn't do that.

The link at ATS.com gave a link to "fuzzymemories.tv" which you copied and pasted here....so that proves that you lied.
Lying by omission is the same thing...fact. So if you believe that your beloved "gubermint" would subject citizens and little children to horrific abuse if the abused could serve "da gubermint"? Why is it such a stretch that they would not inject subliminal messages into a sign off? You are contradicting yourself....settle down and take a minute to "think"...it might be a liberating experience. You, we......all of us are neck deep in shit, dude......and it's worse than you could even wrap your mind around.
It matters not if other websites link to that video. You think I'm the only one to find it?? Your brain is rotted from the inside to think that means the video I found on fuzzymemories.tv does not prove it's a hoax.

And just because I believe it's within the realm of possibilities that the government would, and possibly even has, used subliminal messages on the masses; doesn't mean THAT video therefore is real. Had there not been evidence to the contrary, I could have believed it was real. But unlike you, I use the brain in my head which G-d blessed me with and when I see proof that video was a hoax, which is very common on the Internet, I'm capable of discerning reality from dementia. You? Not so much.
Anyone who watches that video can see them. Like I said, you're either blind, lying or both.

You're still lying. I used bing, not google....

national anthem channel signoff -subliminal - Bing

The 1st and 3rd link had nothing. The 2nd link proved fruitless despite searching though their site. The 4th link went to fuzzymemories.tv, but to a different video. But on that same page was a link to search their site for more related videos; and viola -- third video in the list.

And you'll note that none of the links from my search were to ats.com, whatever the fuck that is.

You're still lying. What else can you do after being made a fool, eh?

I did not "infer that every message" was in both.

In fact, my exact words were, "I said the video you posted is a hoax video and I proved it by showing the video from before it was doctored with the subliminal messages. Many of which, came directly from the movie, "They Live"..."

What a pity you have to lie because you so much want to believe that video was real. :eusa_naughty:

You proved nothing at all.....nada, zero, zilch. What is hilarious to me is that you know nothing about the history of the Tavistock and Brookings Institutes and the Frankfort School and how they were behind the science of propaganda and how the mind works. I know so much more than you due to reading and research that you couldn't comprehend on the best day you ever had. Your beloved "gubermint" and the CIA used trauma based mind control on little children and adults in attempts to brain wash and make "super soldiers" out of them. YOUR "gubermint" allowed children to be sexually abused and tortured to the point that their minds fragmented and developed split personalities that could be used for covert operations. Some of this came out during the Church Committee hearings in the mid 70's but the CIA destroyed or hid the documents detailing what they did....and where did they get MK-Ultra and MK-Naomi from? Nazi scientists that were brought in under "Operation Paperclip" that used humans as experiment subjects of the cruelest variety and then put them in high places after they whitewashed their backgrounds....are ya proud yet????

So you REALLY believe that your beloved "gubermint" would not hide subliminal messages at sign off attempting to "brainwash" someone that has been watching TV so long that they are around for the sign off? You think that people would do a "sing along" at midnight and follow along with the lyrics? Seriously, you are one of the sheeple....gubermint is TRULY your god and you kiss it's ass each and every day you post here......disgusting.
For someone who claims to know more than me, as evidenced by all the lies you told, I'm bitch-slapping you silly.


.... and yeah, I proved the video is a hoax. I showed the video before it was altered. And the best part is -- your acceptance of that reality isn't even necessary. :mm:

You proved nothing at all.....zero, nada, zilch....and you couldn't even bitchslap your ownself...I am your "daddy" . (snicker)
You're more like my grandmother. Old and senile.

Your old and senile grandmother has more common sense than you....I would bet on that. You are an idiot with no abilty for critical thinkng.
Spits the moron who was caught telling no less than 4 lies in a failed attempt to convince anyone with a functional brain that an Internet hoax was really a conspiracy.
So you REALLY believe that your beloved "gubermint" would not hide subliminal messages at sign off attempting to "brainwash" someone that has been watching TV so long that they are around for the sign off? You think that people would do a "sing along" at midnight and follow along with the lyrics? Seriously, you are one of the sheeple....gubermint is TRULY your god and you kiss it's ass each and every day you post here......disgusting.
Add this to your ever growing list of lies...
  • You lied when you said you can't see any sign of the subliminal messages at regular speed.
  • You lied when you said I got the video from ats.com even though I gave you a link to fuzzymemories.tv.
  • You lied when you inferred I said every message in the movie, "They Live," was in the hoax video.
  • You lie when you claim I believe the government wouldn't do that.

The link at ATS.com gave a link to "fuzzymemories.tv" which you copied and pasted here....so that proves that you lied.
Lying by omission is the same thing...fact. So if you believe that your beloved "gubermint" would subject citizens and little children to horrific abuse if the abused could serve "da gubermint"? Why is it such a stretch that they would not inject subliminal messages into a sign off? You are contradicting yourself....settle down and take a minute to "think"...it might be a liberating experience. You, we......all of us are neck deep in shit, dude......and it's worse than you could even wrap your mind around.
It matters not if other websites link to that video. You think I'm the only one to find it?? Your brain is rotted from the inside to think that means the video I found on fuzzymemories.tv does not prove it's a hoax.

And just because I believe it's within the realm of possibilities that the government would, and possibly even has, used subliminal messages on the masses; doesn't mean THAT video therefore is real. Had there not been evidence to the contrary, I could have believed it was real. But unlike you, I use the brain in my head which G-d blessed me with and when I see proof that video was a hoax, which is very common on the Internet, I'm capable of discerning reality from dementia. You? Not so much.

Yeah, I am sure you are lying......finding "fuzzymemories.tv" does nothing to disprove what I contend but it was on ATS.com and that is where you got it from and it does not disprove anything at all. As I have stated before, I know more than you and my ability to discern information is superior to yours any day of the week. I KNOW this goes on and it goes on daily but they have learned to be more discreet but those that are awake catch them . I am a truth seeker and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that political parties don't mean shit because they are just different sides of the same coin. TV is the greatest propaganda tool ever created and they use it to this day. I opted out of TV and I am glad I did. Continue to be a sheeple and keep believing that your beloved "gubermint" loves you and governs from the ground up instead of passing down acts, statutes and codes from on high all designed to bring in revenue and to control your stupid ass.
Well, it couldn't have been staged in advance since the light poles would be blocking traffic. No reports of such were made on the busy highways outside of the Pentagon.

Air traffic control happens in real time. That could not have been staged.

Are you stating that someone placed multi-hundred pound wheel rims and tires in the Pentagon prior to the attack? And nobody would have said anything about this either before or in the 15 years after?

Words have meanings. Just saying "they're lying" or "they did it" only meanst that you have zero proof. When you have the facts on your side, the evidence does the talking for you. Which is why, almost universally, your interactions end up with you having to call people names. If you can, defend your thesis. If you cannot, I suppose we can look forward to more internet links and other distractions...

Your job is to:

  • Explain how the wreckage got there
  • Explain how ATCs tracked AA77 into Pentagon airspace but not out of it
  • Explain how a supposed missile took out 5 light poles and a transformer THEN exploded in the Pentagon.

A 747 rim which is heavier than a 777's comes in at slightly over 150 lbs. One person could easily roll one into place.

With the entire press corps covering the scene?

You mean the bought and paid for media????
So the media is in on it... the government is in on it... terrorists are in on it... investigators are in on it. The only ones NOT in on it are the nuttiest of the loons.

As in most major scams what should be the guide is following the money. Who profited from allowing and even possibly partook in what happened on 9/11? Was anyone in charge of let's say the radar tracking at the time who could have profited? Was anyone in or close to power going to benefit from allowing what happened on 9/11? Anyone come to mind? Who ever could it be? The guy must be a Dick.


We know 4 planes were destroyed. I’m not sure what the going rate for a 757 or 767 class passenger jet is but it’s probably tens of millions of dollars each. I would imagine AA and UA had the planes insured. Not sure if hijacking was covered. But if it was, the insurance companies paid out likely close to $200 million dollars. If no planes were lost??? Well, the insurance companies have been defrauded.

Strange they are not screaming about losing so much money.
"We know 4 planes were destroyed"

CHOSEN LIAR who never quits.

We know ONE PLANE, the 767 CARGO version that hit the South Tower, that was destroyed. No other planes were used by the CHOSEN TRAITORS on 911.

"We know 4 planes were destroyed"

CHOSEN LIAR who never quits.

We know ONE PLANE, the 767 CARGO version that hit the South Tower, that was destroyed. No other planes were used by the CHOSEN TRAITORS on 911.


You twoofers are certifiably insane. :cuckoo:

....... but fun to watch, so please continue.

candycorn said:

So the powers that be now not only had one plane hijacked but crashed a second plane into the building itself.
What's irrational at best and dubious at worst is ignoring the portions of the evidence that contradict your preferred conspiracy theory.

We have conflicting eyewitness accounts as to the types of planes (yes, plural) seen near the Pentagon on the morning of the attack, with several close-up witnesses corroborating each others' descriptions of the plane that struck the Pentagon (yes, they actually SAW it fly into the side of the building) as a small commuter-type jet. The fact that other not-so-close-up witnesses described one or more of the other planes seen by many in the area...actually SUPPORTS the flyover hypothesis.

What's more, AFTER the initial strike, there were a number of local news reports of mass evacuations in the area due to rumors of up to 3 additional airborne threats. Again, this is something that simultaneously supports my beliefs while contradicting yours.

I could list several other factoids that are inexplicable in terms of the official narrative but expected or even predicted by alternative theories. In other words: while your preferred theory holds no explanatory power whatsoever for a variety of widely reported facts, my preferred theory holds that power in abundance (including WRT the three little aspects you've apparently hung your hat on).

As to why the flyover scenario may have been deemed necessary by the planners/perps of the 9/11 black operation, I can only speculate. My best guess would be that it was likely seen as the best way to ensure the deaths of the people on-board the remotely guided "commuter plane" that struck the Pentagon. It seems to me that someone may have wanted to remove ANY chance of their survival in particular. Again, that's merely speculation on my part, but there's certainly nothing "irrational" about it. In fact, unlike The Official Conspiracy Theory® in NUMEROUS respects, it fits the known facts of the day like a glove.

I'm not out to change anyone's mind, as if that were possible with some of the characters posting in this thread (lol), least of all yours. Truth be told, if you sincerely believe the official line without any intellectual honesty-driven pangs of conscience, I envy you.

I'm done in here. This thread has reeked to high heaven from the giddyup, and I'm fresh out of both patience and Lysol.
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A 747 rim which is heavier than a 777's comes in at slightly over 150 lbs. One person could easily roll one into place.

With the entire press corps covering the scene?

You mean the bought and paid for media????
So the media is in on it... the government is in on it... terrorists are in on it... investigators are in on it. The only ones NOT in on it are the nuttiest of the loons.

As in most major scams what should be the guide is following the money. Who profited from allowing and even possibly partook in what happened on 9/11? Was anyone in charge of let's say the radar tracking at the time who could have profited? Was anyone in or close to power going to benefit from allowing what happened on 9/11? Anyone come to mind? Who ever could it be? The guy must be a Dick.

Yeah, I have found evidence by a researcher by the name of E.P Heidner that that spent years researching the money trail and I have vetted the information and I can't disprove a word of it. Basically put, G H Bush and friends (probably the Carlyle Group) used funds from the Black Eagle Trust to piggyback off of Leo Wanta's currency swaps that brought down the ruble and ended the USSR. Bush and friends used money from the Black Eagle Trust to buy up 240 billion dollars in Russian oil and gas 10 year securities. The Black Eagle Trust goes back to WWII and the stolen gold and other treasures that Japan had hidden in the Philippines because they couldn't get it to Japan due to the naval blockade. General Edward Lansdale, someone that later played a huge role in the death of JFK was in charge of torturing the driver of the Japanese general ( that directed the burying of 280,000 metric tonnes of gold) in order to find some of the hidden tombs. This was used to fund numerous black ops and it was the money used to buy up Russian oil and gas.

The problem was to how and get those securities passed through the SEC and have it pass their sniff test because a lot of questions would have to be answered. Cantor-Fitzgerald was one of the contractors that authenticated ownership of securities and they just happened to be in one of the WTC towers. The Federal Reserve declared a state of emergency thus allowing securities to pass through with no scrutiny. That is but one of the financial gains by the elites but it also accomplished many other goals of the globalists.

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