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911 The day laws of physics and nature were suspended


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016

  • September eleventh, two thousand & one, was a very strange day. Of course we are told, enemies, hostile to Americans, people hating our Freedoms, attacked various locations near the heart and control centers of American power, New York City and Washington, DC.

Zombies will never see all the evidence that is right in front of them. But hey don't worry we can be sure something like this will happen again right under your dumbass noses , and taking away more of your freedoms will be just so acceptable because you will all fear the fake boogie men who live in caves but can arrange for jets to hit the side of a building Mmmmk.

  • September eleventh, two thousand & one, was a very strange day. Of course we are told, enemies, hostile to Americans, people hating our Freedoms, attacked various locations near the heart and control centers of American power, New York City and Washington, DC.

Zombies will never see all the evidence that is right in front of them. But hey don't worry we can be sure something like this will happen again right under your dumbass noses , and taking away more of your freedoms will be just so acceptable because you will all fear the fake boogie men who live in caves but can arrange for jets to hit the side of a building Mmmmk.
That's a great pic, I love it.

A biological being going through steel. Sort of like an aluminum Jet punching a hole all the way through a building lined with steel beams. Sure. Most folks assume the building is of traditional design.


How does an explosion of Jet fuel make steel beams fly off like that? And if it did, then what fueled the fires after the initial explosion? You can't have it both ways.

If you want to know how it was all pulled off, with the explosives, being coordinated with the different Deep State agencies, how the computer software that controls all of our vital systems, from Wall Street, to the Pentagon, the White House, etc. You need to look into something called P-tech. Likewise, the Deep State, the Shadow government, and all of the elites that made money off of the public government not knowing what was really going on, while working with the terrorist patsies out of Saudi Arabia, is all explained in the following video.

Likely the "planes" were military drones, (in the case of the Pentagon, a missile) that isn't covered in the video, but has been explained elsewhere.

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  • September eleventh, two thousand & one, was a very strange day. Of course we are told, enemies, hostile to Americans, people hating our Freedoms, attacked various locations near the heart and control centers of American power, New York City and Washington, DC.

Zombies will never see all the evidence that is right in front of them. But hey don't worry we can be sure something like this will happen again right under your dumbass noses , and taking away more of your freedoms will be just so acceptable because you will all fear the fake boogie men who live in caves but can arrange for jets to hit the side of a building Mmmmk.
That's a great pic, I love it.

A biological being going through steel. Sort of like an aluminum Jet punching a hole all the way through a building lined with steel beams. Sure. Most folks assume the building is of traditional design.


How does an explosion of Jet fuel make steel beams fly off like that? And if it did, then what fueled the fires after the initial explosion? You can't have it both ways.

If you want to know how it was all pulled off, with the explosives, being coordinated with the different Deep State agencies, how the computer software that controls all of our vital systems, from Wall Street, to the Pentagon, the White House, etc. You need to look into something called P-tech. Likewise, the Deep State, the Shadow government, and all of the elites that made money off of the public government not knowing what was really going on, while working with the terrorist patsies out of Saudi Arabia, is all explained in the following video.

Likely the "planes" were military drones, (in the case of the Pentagon, a missile) that isn't covered in the video, but has been explained elsewhere.

Have you seen this one, look to the right of it do you see what I see? It's a faint outline of something within the puff of smoke.


These are 20 rarely seen photos of the events on Sept. 11, 2001 | American Military News
How is this a current event since it happened in 2001?
I follow Peter Dale Scott, Professor Emeritus of Berkeley. As he noted about the National Emergencies Act due to come up in 2017 . . . .
Here are the most recent signatures, it is the most important policy measure with regards to the Bill of Rights and the COG.

"Once a year 2001, in accordance with the post-Watergate National Emergencies Act, presidents ritually sign a document such as the one signed by President Obama signed on August 30, 2016: “The terrorist threat that led to the declaration on September 14, 2001, of a national emergency continues. For this reason, I have determined that it is necessary to continue in effect after September 14, 2016, the national emergency with respect to the terrorist threat.”

Notice -- Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to Certain Terrorist Attacks

These have been issued every year since 911. If they aren't issued, according to law, congress MUST review the national emergency, and if there isn't any, rescind COG state of law. Meaning things like drone strikes and sending troops over seas MUST have congressional approval. Likewise, kidnapping American citizens w/o warrant and stealing them away to undisclosed locations to torture them, just on the presidents say so must end. IOW, the terror war comes to an end.

If Trump doesn't sign an EO continuing this unconstitutional and phony war, it ENDS, tomorrow.

But we don't have representatives, we have globalist statesmen paid off by war profiteers.
The NDAA and the Patriot Act must end. Sixteen years of war need to end and our freedoms need to be returned to us. Thus far, the terrorist and the Washington bureaucrats and Shadow government have us terrified and enslaved. It must end.
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The NDAA and the Patriot Act must end. Sixteen years of war need to end and our freedoms need to be returned to us. Thus far, the terrorist and the Washington bureaucrats and Shadow government have us terrified and enslaved. It must end.

That picture I asked you what do you see there, do you see to the right it looks like a skull.
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FFS!?................ Really, more of this?

Gee.... Where are we at this point 16 years down the road?

Seems ‘Never Forget 9/11’ is now known as “9/11 Fuhgeddaboudit”

Yep, this seems to be correct.


The Six Trillion is the WARS and the Long Term Takers of gobmint benefits, forever.
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How is this a current event since it happened in 2001?

This was not a nation that attacked us, it was about oil.
It's hardly ever heard of these days in the news.

Just say.....

:disbelief:9/11? Fuhgeddaboudit!
How is this a current event since it happened in 2001?

This was not a nation that attacked us, it was about oil.
It's hardly ever heard of these days in the news.

Just say.....

:disbelief:9/11? Fuhgeddaboudit!

REALITY OF FACTS : and there is still a MISSING 28 pages. CRITICAL THINKERS want to know why they keep them hidden, why they have kept them hidden, and WTF are they hiding.


  1. Rapid onset of destruction,
  2. Constant acceleration at or near free-fall through what should have been the path of greatest resistance,
  3. Numerous eyewitness accounts of explosions including 118 FDNY personnel,
  4. Lateral ejection of multi-ton steel framing members distances of 600 feet at more than 60 mph,
  5. Mid-air pulverization of 90,000 tons of concrete, and large volumes of expanding pyroclastic-like dust clouds,
  6. Isolated explosive ejections 20 to 60 stories below the “crush zone,”
  7. Total destruction and dismemberment of all three buildings, with 220 floors each an acre in size missing from the Twin Towers’ debris pile,
  8. Several tons of molten steel/iron found in the debris piles,
  9. Evidence of thermite incendiaries on steel beams,
  10. Nanothermite composites and iron microspheres found in WTC dust samples.

Articles by AE911Truth

The following articles discuss and analyze the evidence for explosive controlled demolition of the Twin Towers and WTC 7. While most of these articles are intended for a general audience, the articles under “Technical Critiques of the NIST Reports” are geared toward readers with greater technical knowledge.

World Trade Center Building 7

AE911Truth — Architects & Engineers Investigating the destruction of all three World Trade Center skyscrapers on September 11 - Evidence
Ah...the day that you sad little conspiracy theorists consider a National Holiday.....along with November 22.
Alex Jones fans.....

Back when it happened, chronic TV watchers like Moonglow and Bodecea, people who made sure to never miss their daily dose of nightly TV news, would be the first to support the notion of. . . .


Now they can't put it behind them fast enough.

It's mostly because now that Trump is president, all bets are off.

The MSM is exposed for the lying POS that they are. Folks now know that the reality that they live in is manufactured.

Trump knew that the JFK thing was manufactured, he has said so. He would come right out and tell America that 9/11 was fake, if he didn't, I think it would cause a revolt in the government and blood to run in the streets before morning.

The collective IQ of America is pretty low.

Unfortunately, the real truth lies somewhere in the middle. Much of the referred article is obviously written by people with a poor fund of facts and just a bit too eager to assign conspiracy as the cause, while OTOH, Bodecea is a bit too eager to utterly dismiss the few glaring incongruities that do not make sense in the 911 saga. Let's take a look at them:

1). The story that the military was conducting rampant anti-terror training that day is something rather irrelevant whether it is true or false. In the official story, military jets in the area were misdirected over the mass confusion as no one had really dealt with this situation before and many mistakes were made. In either case their training or not has not and is not necessary to explain the success of the missions.

2). The airline pilots were obviously not in on their own deaths and at that time, not knowing the fatal intentions of the hijackers, there is nothing strange that they were able to seize control of the planes using fear, confusion, lies and murder. That would not be possible now.

3). That the terrorists were only trained to fly small private planes is a new story to me and conflicts with the official report, however, that said, the basic operation of jumbo jets are the same. Indeed, with the power controls, the jumbo jet is EASIER to steer and fly, and that is all the terrorists needed to know, the basic steering of the jet, the throttle, and landmarks to guide their way. No understanding of the complex instrumentation or avionics was necessary. But I think it is pretty certain that a few of the terrorists had a passing understanding of basic jumbo jet operation, enough to take it out of auto pilot and steer them into the buildings. You only needed ONE person per plane to know these things and Mohammad Atta was one smart cookie.

4). The actual construction of the Twin Towers is not as described: The main support for the buildings was the central column, which both jets missed or avoided. The outside skin of the buildings you saw was a thin skin of structural steel and windows with little strength of its own. It was primarily held up in place by being tied to the central column through the spans which held the floors. In-between, the floors were essentially "hung" between the two as platforms. The interior steel structure was protected with a spray insulation since then proven ineffective in this case and would have been blown off; it was only designed for natural occurring fires.

5). The lack of better video at the Pentagon is disappointing and a survey of the actual camera angles would shed better light, but for national security reasons, we will have to accept this as the best video they got. But if this was a frame, why release any video at all?

6). The disappearance of the two jets into the Towers does NOT conflict with the known construction of either the buildings or the jets. The structural concrete was at the CENTER of the buildings and within the floors and would have only sliced the jets up into sections, which would not have changed anything seen from outside. The jets are built of 6061-T6 aluminum alloy which is a composite of many metals including titanium, magnesium and iron, with a tensile strength of over 40,000 pounds per square inch. That multiplied by the high inertia of the jets at full throttle multiplied by the small cross-sectional area of the nose and wing leading edges would have further magnified the force into one capable of cutting through the outer skin of the buildings consistent with observations. Obviously it happened, we see it, and no "special plane" could have been build, loaded with passengers and flown into the air. Anything significantly stronger would be too heavy to be airborne. And the outlines of the jets puncturing the outside of the buildings of the videos is consistent with all of this, no Willie Coyote needed. Without the support of the central column, the outside of the building was as flimsy as a deck of cards and had little strength on its own. The buildings were designed to be strong with everything interconnected together and to absorb and deal with normal, smaller, accidental plane collisions and fires, magnitudes less than what actually happened. No one ever expected a large-scale commercial jet flown by a top pilot could ever accidentally fly into one of these buildings.

7). The impact at the Pentagon might have been possible to avoid ground effects if the jet were angled downward getting close to the ground only in the last few hundred feet and indeed, this seems consistent with eyewitness observations and that some ground effect might have actually pulled it as low as it actually hit the building. Very very low.

8). That there was no evidence of wings hitting the sides of the building or any residue of the plane or passengers is harder to explain but not impossible. Since the Pentagon WAS a heavily reinforced THICK concrete and steel building of the highest order, what SHOULD have happened is that the wings would have been utterly shattered on impact, rebounded and folded back along the fuselage while the entire plane literally crumpled and exploded in total focused annihilation. The jet would not have penetrated the building and just as seen in the one video, the jet would have imparted the ENERGY of the total impact and explosion against the outer wall with the wall pushing back. If the energy of the plane impact and explosion was even slightly greater than what the wall could repel AS A SECTION, that section of the wall would have been knocked inward according to Newton's simple Third Law of Motion, and that seems to be exactly what happened in the pictures. There literally would be nothing left of the plane but tiny pieces and dust. No bodies would have survived.

9). Obviously one of the missing jets WAS accounted for and was taken down into the ground at Shanksville. This was corroborated by last minute calls made by passengers. That there is no evidence other than a hole in the ground is confusing, but again, the earth would not have given much way and the jet would have explored to smithereens in the violent compression/explosion. If anyone doubts this, all they need to do is arrange to have a similar jumbo jet flown robotically straight into the ground at top speed THREE times. If ALL of them fail to end up similar to Shanksville then now you have a question.

10). It takes no violation of physics to explain the melting of steel; the jet fuel combined with materials present inside the buildings would produce an intense fire with sufficient heat that after the explosion of the impact blew off the fire protectant foam, the heat from the sustained fire would have over a period of 20 minutes or so would have been enough to SOFTEN the long spans of steel holding each floor up to the point that the floors would have sagged under their weight, pulled loose of the hangers at each end and started to fall. First one dropped onto another, now the two or three would have easily overcome the strength of the floors below it not just from the multiplied weight, but from the energy of absorbing the impact of the floors above dropping on them which for a moment would be ten times their weight, and very quickly, the process would have been self-sustaining and impossible to stop, and this pancaking effect has been corroborated by witnesses there at the time who both saw and heard it. The central tower would have been damaged and fractured, collapsing, and the outer skin buckled by the lack of stabilization and support, and the buildings would have fallen just as it was seen.

11). The other third building 7, that it later fell is not too hard to understand considering the close proximity, possible damage from the other building's impacts and collapse that the damage, if not the subsonic shocks of the Towers falling, was enough to bring this building down. Remember that ALL THREE were tied together by a common substructure below ground. The little puffs of smoke seen in the one video were probably nothing more than the internal collapse taking place inside at or below grade blowing smoke forced up through one of the stair towers and out of the building.

12). The assertion that the airline was somehow "in on it" by letting all of the hijackers on without any manifest is absurd--- --- especially because doing so would have only ADDED to the suspicion and difficulty in explaining, THE ONE THING any conspiring body would have SOUGHT TO AVOID.

In conclusion, as a person with aviation and avionics experience and knowledge, a background in physics and having studied the 911 report in detail, there are no laws of physics being violated here nor needing violated, few loose ends and no conspiracy needed, and no one, Bush or otherwise, needed to go to these lengths of destroying the Twin Towers and damaging the Pentagon and the loss of all those lives to have effected a sufficient reason to justify the attacks against Iraq and Afghanistan, ESPECIALLY considering that we got nothing out of it! Had we seized their total assets of oil and money, you might make me believe it a bit more.

The one thing most difficult to explain not even mentioned in your article was the videos showing what appeared to be an additional fuselage or long appendage body attached to the underside of one or both jets which should not have been there. It is somewhat consistent with some military applications, but then, these would have been glaringly obvious to all at the airport, no "switching of planes" in the air was possible unless the entire airline industry was in on it, and the appearances of these added bodies may just have been video artifacts.

IN CONCLUSION: the original story of the attacks stand as accurate, the article above is specious in its assertions and inconsistencies trying to make a case without real facts to support it, and while not everything adds up perfectly, no grand conspiracy is needed at all to explain and accept it. But it never hurts to keep an eye on big brother.
The NDAA and the Patriot Act must end. Sixteen years of war need to end and our freedoms need to be returned to us. Thus far, the terrorist and the Washington bureaucrats and Shadow government have us terrified and enslaved. It must end.

That picture I asked you what do you see there, do you see to the right it looks like a skull.
Oooooooo! Spooky!

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