92-2 SENATE votes for show of support for NATO before Trump touches down

Did y'all actually read what "support" meant? It's 'non binding' window dressing, like telling the frumpy toothless simpleton in new garb that they look very handsome or pretty today. I support NATO too... in their fulfilling their obligation to contribute their agreed upon annual GDP percentage. It hurts us NONE to walk away, it hurts them greatly not being able to take advantage of our generosity.
Generosity AND protection. We’ve got the big stick. They’ve all got twigs.
Great article at this link.Pretty bloody sad and embarrasing that Greece, Poland and Estonia can meet their obligations but Germany and France can't.


"To make the principle work, all countries are expected to chip in. NATO's official guidelines say member states should spend at least 2% of their GDP on defense.

Of the 28 countries in the alliance, only five -- the U.S., Greece, Poland, Estonia and the U.K. -- meet the target.

The rest lag behind. Germany spent 1.19% of its GDP on defense last year, France forked out 1.78%.

Iceland, which doesn't have its own army, spends just 0.1% of its GDP on defense, according to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development.

Five other countries spend less than 1%, according to NATO's estimates for this year: Canada, Slovenia, Belgium, Spain and Luxembourg."

These NATO countries are not spending their fair share on defense
actually, it's not as cut and dried as that. Your facts need updating

quote: “The concern I have is that [2 percent] has become a bumper sticker which sort of amplifies the transactional approach of this administration,” said Douglas Lute, a retired three-star Army general who as U.S. ambassador to NATO​

and Terms of Service Violation
Does anyone know what NATO means? North Atlantic Treaty Organization, did you note it has treaty in it's name? Trump is demanding member countries who are bound by the treaty, actually fulfill their obligations under the TREATY. Exactly what is controversial about that, several presidents have made the same demands, Trump is simply being more forceful, with an intention of actually getting results.
If that is what Trump was actually doing and his intent, there would be nothing wrong with it. NATO nations started paying more when Obama asked them to. But it looks like Trump is wildly lashing out with a childish temper Tantrum. For the good of the nation and the world, he needs to resign

Sticks and carrots, something you simple minded un-American tards don't seem to understand. Other feckless presidents have made the same demands and all they gave us was the finger. Trump doesn't play that shit. Sit back, shut up and reap the rewards.
Sticks and carrots? Don't confuse negotiation with bullying. Trump is no Teddy Roosevelt. For one, Ted actually volunteered to fight for America and never claimed to be a big tough athlete with bone spurs

Trump blackmailed his old bankers

Perhaps the Trump book to read these days is his 1997 memoir of life as a near-bankrupt, “The Art of the Comeback.” The author is feisty, but he’s also wounded. He has bluffed and bargained his way back from the brink. And he made a lot of enemies in the process. Many of his former lenders mistrust him. In the book, he’s already hanging out with Russian, Chinese and Arab big shots who may be able to recapitalize his business.

“I took tremendous punishment as I watched my empire collapsing around me. . . . It crushed my ego, my pride,” he says of his 1990 risk of personal bankruptcy. Trump survived through a combination of bluster and sweet talk. He warned his lenders that he could tie them up for years with lawsuits and bankruptcy proceedings. But instead, he offered the bankers a deal: If they provided an additional $65 million line of credit and backed off for five years, he’d pay them all back. They agreed, and Trump floated back to prosperity during the boom of the 1990s. - end quote

Being a freeloader, I am sure you would hit a pay wall :5_1_12024:

Opinion | Trump is scarred, prickly and needy
Does anyone know what NATO means? North Atlantic Treaty Organization, did you note it has treaty in it's name? Trump is demanding member countries who are bound by the treaty, actually fulfill their obligations under the TREATY. Exactly what is controversial about that, several presidents have made the same demands, Trump is simply being more forceful, with an intention of actually getting results.
If that is what Trump was actually doing and his intent, there would be nothing wrong with it. NATO nations started paying more when Obama asked them to. But it looks like Trump is wildly lashing out with a childish temper Tantrum. For the good of the nation and the world, he needs to resign

Sticks and carrots, something you simple minded un-American tards don't seem to understand. Other feckless presidents have made the same demands and all they gave us was the finger. Trump doesn't play that shit. Sit back, shut up and reap the rewards.
Sticks and carrots? Don't confuse negotiation with bullying. Trump is no Teddy Roosevelt. For one, Ted actually volunteered to fight for America and never claimed to be a big tough athlete with bone spurs

Trump blackmailed his old bankers

Perhaps the Trump book to read these days is his 1997 memoir of life as a near-bankrupt, “The Art of the Comeback.” The author is feisty, but he’s also wounded. He has bluffed and bargained his way back from the brink. And he made a lot of enemies in the process. Many of his former lenders mistrust him. In the book, he’s already hanging out with Russian, Chinese and Arab big shots who may be able to recapitalize his business.

“I took tremendous punishment as I watched my empire collapsing around me. . . . It crushed my ego, my pride,” he says of his 1990 risk of personal bankruptcy. Trump survived through a combination of bluster and sweet talk. He warned his lenders that he could tie them up for years with lawsuits and bankruptcy proceedings. But instead, he offered the bankers a deal: If they provided an additional $65 million line of credit and backed off for five years, he’d pay them all back. They agreed, and Trump floated back to prosperity during the boom of the 1990s. - end quote

Being a freeloader, I am sure you would hit a pay wall :5_1_12024:

Opinion | Trump is scarred, prickly and needy

If it takes a little bullying to get them to honor their commitments, so be it. As for the rest of your BS, try to stay on topic.

OH and speaking of freeloaders, I don't see a supporting member banner under your moniker.

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If it takes a little bullying to get them to honor their commitments, so be it. As for the rest of your BS, try to stay on topic.

OH and speaking of freeloaders, I don't see a supporting member banner under you moniker.
Trump's bully has not helped America. Only a brainwashed cult member would believe it has
If it takes a little bullying to get them to honor their commitments, so be it. As for the rest of your BS, try to stay on topic.

OH and speaking of freeloaders, I don't see a supporting member banner under you moniker.
Trump's bully has not helped America. Only a brainwashed cult member would believe it has

Well from what I'm seeing on the news it has worked and much of the expanded military spending by the other countries will be used to buy US military hardware. If you think that doesn't help the US, well, that just makes you a fool.

Well from what I'm seeing on the news it has worked and much of the expanded military spending by the other countries will be used to buy US military hardware. If you think that doesn't help the US, well, that just makes you a fool.

So all of a sudden what is in the news is not fake? Wow! How can you tell the difference?
Well from what I'm seeing on the news it has worked and much of the expanded military spending by the other countries will be used to buy US military hardware. If you think that doesn't help the US, well, that just makes you a fool.

So all of a sudden what is in the news is not fake? Wow! How can you tell the difference?

Run along freeloader, Trumps tactics have been successful, sucks to be you I guess.

Does anyone know what NATO means? North Atlantic Treaty Organization, did you note it has treaty in it's name? Trump is demanding member countries who are bound by the treaty, actually fulfill their obligations under the TREATY. Exactly what is controversial about that, several presidents have made the same demands, Trump is simply being more forceful, with an intention of actually getting results.
If that is what Trump was actually doing and his intent, there would be nothing wrong with it. NATO nations started paying more when Obama asked them to. But it looks like Trump is wildly lashing out with a childish temper Tantrum. For the good of the nation and the world, he needs to resign

Sticks and carrots, something you simple minded un-American tards don't seem to understand. Other feckless presidents have made the same demands and all they gave us was the finger. Trump doesn't play that shit. Sit back, shut up and reap the rewards.


I'll take the FECKLESS ones who gave us the finger over this slimey narcissistic lying incompetent whore-dog with zero character and even less decency.
Well from what I'm seeing on the news it has worked and much of the expanded military spending by the other countries will be used to buy US military hardware. If you think that doesn't help the US, well, that just makes you a fool.

So all of a sudden what is in the news is not fake? Wow! How can you tell the difference?

Run along freeloader, Trumps tactics have been successful, sucks to be you I guess.

the freeloaders are the ones Trump pardons LOL
Ah, yet another waste of time meaningless vote.

They have time for this petty back-biting and treason, but they can't do anything about real issues.
Does anyone know what NATO means? North Atlantic Treaty Organization, did you note it has treaty in it's name? Trump is demanding member countries who are bound by the treaty, actually fulfill their obligations under the TREATY. Exactly what is controversial about that, several presidents have made the same demands, Trump is simply being more forceful, with an intention of actually getting results.
If that is what Trump was actually doing and his intent, there would be nothing wrong with it. NATO nations started paying more when Obama asked them to. But it looks like Trump is wildly lashing out with a childish temper Tantrum. For the good of the nation and the world, he needs to resign

Nah, it's just that you vermin need to self-deport, and go Make Yemen Great Again or something, anything besides dragging the U.S. down to nothing like you are now.
Sticks and carrots, something you simple minded un-American tards don't seem to understand. Other feckless presidents have made the same demands and all they gave us was the finger. Trump doesn't play that shit. Sit back, shut up and reap the rewards.
I reckon these people don't like winnin', Tex.

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