99% Survival Rate

No, "millions" won't die. Not even if it went unchecked. Quit being such a fear monger.
Oh really?

Death rate is between 1 and 3%. Herd immunity is 60-70%

Being really kind...call it 1/2%. And herd immunity is 60-70%. Call it 60%

Do the math. That's 1.5 million. And that's best case
You're an idiot. Go read post 29.
You're a jerk off (since we're calling names). There IS no vaccine

Talk to me when we have one.

In the mean time herd immunity and a lot of dying is the policy
You should be really pissed off at China, but thank God we are so close to having the FDA approving
2-3 vaccines.
But, you STILL have a need to politicize this virus. idiot
I AM pissed off at China. That ain't gonna do much for us NOW is it?

And we'll have a vaccine when we have it. No one knows when or even if that will be. Till then we need a national strategy to deal with this thing and we have none.

You're in denial with the vaccines being as close as they are to coming on the market.
They are creating millions of doses. You can thank Trump for fast tracking vaccines
from 4-5 years down to less than one year. idiot
Until we HAVE them...we DON'T have them

And in the mean time "Let em die" is a pretty bad strategy
Now....this is the point you should really be PISSED OFF at China. China is the country that unleashed
this virus on the world. idiot
Yup and they predicted 3.2 million deaths for the US. Predictions are like assholes. Everyone has one
Actually it was 2 million (but why be accurate...) and that was if we did NOTHING..

Thankfully Governors did the right thing. Some later than others. Some hardly at all.
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No, "millions" won't die. Not even if it went unchecked. Quit being such a fear monger.
Oh really?

Death rate is between 1 and 3%. Herd immunity is 60-70%

Being really kind...call it 1/2%. And herd immunity is 60-70%. Call it 60%

Do the math. That's 1.5 million. And that's best case
You're an idiot. Go read post 29.
You're a jerk off (since we're calling names). There IS no vaccine

Talk to me when we have one.

In the mean time herd immunity and a lot of dying is the policy
You should be really pissed off at China, but thank God we are so close to having the FDA approving
2-3 vaccines.
But, you STILL have a need to politicize this virus. idiot

Close? ... maybe. The REAL scientists and doctors as well as the reputable manufacturers involved say a year from now is best case scenario.
I keep hearing Trumpers say that

That means it's fatal to 1%. Do you know what 1% of 350 million is?

Yea...3 and a half million dead. Mostly older folks and those with medical issues.

And the "herd immunity" policy (if you can call it that) means everybody gets it.

You ready to see that many bodies?

Actually the death rate is less than half a percent at this point.

And you know what's 6.5% of 1% of the US population is? The number of Americans who actually died, most were murdered by Democrat governors
Oh...you claim it's only 1/2 per cent?

That's still almost 2 million people dead...most of them of course older folks

In your stupidity you ASSUME everyone in the US will get it. Moron
  • Thanks
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The infection fatality rate, or IFR is actually 0.14% when averaged out over the entire planet. This makes COVID slightly less dangerous than the flu.

This, is actually from the WHO's OWN PROCLAMATION.

WHO (Accidentally) Confirms Covid is No More Dangerous Than Flu Head of Health Emergencies Program “best estimates” put IFR at 0.14%


The WHO’s top brass made this announcement during a special session of the WHO’s 34-member executive board on Monday October 5th, it’s just nobody seemed to really understand it.

In fact, they didn’t seem to completely understand it themselves.

At the session, Dr Michael Ryan, the WHO’s Head of Emergencies revealed that they believe roughly 10% of the world has been infected with Sars-Cov-2. This is their “best estimate”, and a huge increase over the number of officially recognised cases (around 35 million).

Dr. Margaret Harris, a WHO spokeswoman, later confirmed the figure, stating it was based on the average results of all the broad seroprevalence studies done around the world.

As much as the WHO were attempting to spin this as a bad thing – Dr Ryan even said it means “the vast majority of the world remains at risk.” – it’s actually good news. And confirms, once more, that the virus is nothing like as deadly as everyone predicted.

The global population is roughly 7.8 billion people, if 10% have been infected that is 780 million cases. The global death toll currently attributed to Sars-Cov-2 infections is 1,061,539.

That’s an infection fatality rate of roughly or 0.14%. Right in line with seasonal flu and the predictions of many experts from all around the world.

0.14% is over 24 times LOWER than the WHO’s “provisional figure” of 3.4% back in March. This figure was used in the models which were used to justify lockdowns and other draconian policies.

In fact, given the over-reporting of alleged Covid deaths, the IFR is likely even lower than 0.14%, and could show Covid to be much less dangerous than flu.

None of the mainstream press picked up on this. Though many outlets reported Dr Ryan’s words, they all attempted to make it a scary headline and spread more panic.

Apparently neither they, nor the WHO, were capable of doing the simple maths that shows us this is good news. And that the Covid sceptics have been right all along. . . . "


"Our current best estimates tell us that about ten percent of the global population may have been infected by this virus. This varies depending on country, it varies from urban to rural, it varies between different groups.”

No, "millions" won't die. Not even if it went unchecked. Quit being such a fear monger.
Oh really?

Death rate is between 1 and 3%. Herd immunity is 60-70%

Being really kind...call it 1/2%. And herd immunity is 60-70%. Call it 60%

Do the math. That's 1.5 million. And that's best case
That's not counting the asymptomatic, which is easily half the number of "cases".

You're in way over your head here.
Anti-body tests put THAT number at less than 10%

Where are we at now (best case of course)?
That's not what the WHO is saying.

You need to get yourself informed. . . even as to what your side is saying. :heehee:
I keep hearing Trumpers say that

That means it's fatal to 1%. Do you know what 1% of 350 million is?

Yea...3 and a half million dead. Mostly older folks and those with medical issues.

And the "herd immunity" policy (if you can call it that) means everybody gets it.

You ready to see that many bodies?

Wrong, as usual. In people 60 or younger the death rate is .001% in people over that age the death rate is .1%

It is only those who have significant medical issues where the death rate jumps to over 1%
I keep hearing Trumpers say that

That means it's fatal to 1%. Do you know what 1% of 350 million is?

Yea...3 and a half million dead. Mostly older folks and those with medical issues.

And the "herd immunity" policy (if you can call it that) means everybody gets it.

You ready to see that many bodies?



You're gonna kill yourself on Wednesday, aren't you?
I keep hearing Trumpers say that

That means it's fatal to 1%. Do you know what 1% of 350 million is?

Yea...3 and a half million dead. Mostly older folks and those with medical issues.

And the "herd immunity" policy (if you can call it that) means everybody gets it.

You ready to see that many bodies?

Actually the death rate is less than half a percent at this point.

And you know what's 6.5% of 1% of the US population is? The number of Americans who actually died, most were murdered by Democrat governors
Oh...you claim it's only 1/2 per cent?

That's still almost 2 million people dead...most of them of course older folks

In your stupidity you ASSUME everyone in the US will get it. Moron

It also assumes we won't ever have a vaccine and that the doctors won't continue to get better at treating it as they have been doing. Even without the vaccine, death rates keep plunging
Have millions died (you foul mouthed piece of shit)? They will if we keep on the current path
No you didn't....have millions died?

Yes or no
Are ALL Trumpers reading challenged?
Jesus. I used to really like the Irish...

Answer.... it's simple

We Irish despise your ilk
Now you're just trolling and that WILL get reported.

Maybe Meister could have a look at your posts?

Have millions died (you foul mouthed piece of shit)? They will if we keep on the current path
No you didn't....have millions died?

Yes or no
Are ALL Trumpers reading challenged?
Jesus. I used to really like the Irish...

Answer.... it's simple

We Irish despise your ilk
Now you're just trolling and that WILL get reported.

Maybe Meister could have a look at your posts?


You just trolled.

Now answer...

Have millions died? Yes or no?

Give up the reporting...you belittle yourself and look like a whiny bitch
Tell it to the mods
It also assumes we won't ever have a vaccine and that the doctors won't continue to get better at treating it as they have been doing. Even without the vaccine, death rates keep plunging
No assumption. Until that happens we are stuck with what we have.

And that's essentially nothing...herd immunity. Let em die
I keep hearing Trumpers say that

That means it's fatal to 1%. Do you know what 1% of 350 million is?

Yea...3 and a half million dead. Mostly older folks and those with medical issues.

And the "herd immunity" policy (if you can call it that) means everybody gets it.

You ready to see that many bodies?

Wrong, as usual. In people 60 or younger the death rate is .001% in people over that age the death rate is .1%

It is only those who have significant medical issues where the death rate jumps to over 1%
Well SOMEONE is dying at about an overall rate of 3%. That just means it's THAT much deadlier to folks over 60. Dead is dead.

I guess you don't care as long as younger folks don't die (as often) ...

I keep hearing Trumpers say that

That means it's fatal to 1%. Do you know what 1% of 350 million is?

Yea...3 and a half million dead. Mostly older folks and those with medical issues.

And the "herd immunity" policy (if you can call it that) means everybody gets it.

You ready to see that many bodies?

Wrong, as usual. In people 60 or younger the death rate is .001% in people over that age the death rate is .1%

It is only those who have significant medical issues where the death rate jumps to over 1%
Have millions died (you foul mouthed piece of shit)? They will if we keep on the current path
No you didn't....have millions died?

Yes or no
Are ALL Trumpers reading challenged?
Jesus. I used to really like the Irish...

Answer.... it's simple

We Irish despise your ilk
Now you're just trolling and that WILL get reported.

Maybe Meister could have a look at your posts?

Have millions died (you foul mouthed piece of shit)? They will if we keep on the current path
No you didn't....have millions died?

Yes or no
Are ALL Trumpers reading challenged?
Jesus. I used to really like the Irish...

Answer.... it's simple

We Irish despise your ilk
Now you're just trolling and that WILL get reported.

Maybe Meister could have a look at your posts?


You just trolled.

Now answer...

Have millions died? Yes or no?

Give up the reporting...you belittle yourself and look like a whiny bitch
Tell it to the mods

Nah, I'm not a whiny bitch unless someone lies on me or goes after my family

Now, once again.. millions?

If you can't or refuse to answer sit down....if not? Maybe I'll report you for trolling
I keep hearing Trumpers say that

That means it's fatal to 1%. Do you know what 1% of 350 million is?

Yea...3 and a half million dead. Mostly older folks and those with medical issues.

And the "herd immunity" policy (if you can call it that) means everybody gets it.

You ready to see that many bodies?

Wrong, as usual. In people 60 or younger the death rate is .001% in people over that age the death rate is .1%

It is only those who have significant medical issues where the death rate jumps to over 1%
Have millions died (you foul mouthed piece of shit)? They will if we keep on the current path
No you didn't....have millions died?

Yes or no
Are ALL Trumpers reading challenged?
Jesus. I used to really like the Irish...

Answer.... it's simple

We Irish despise your ilk
Now you're just trolling and that WILL get reported.

Maybe Meister could have a look at your posts?

Have millions died (you foul mouthed piece of shit)? They will if we keep on the current path
No you didn't....have millions died?

Yes or no
Are ALL Trumpers reading challenged?
Jesus. I used to really like the Irish...

Answer.... it's simple

We Irish despise your ilk
Now you're just trolling and that WILL get reported.

Maybe Meister could have a look at your posts?


You just trolled.

Now answer...

Have millions died? Yes or no?

Give up the reporting...you belittle yourself and look like a whiny bitch
Tell it to the mods

Nah, I'm not a whiny bitch unless someone lies on me or goes after my family

Now, once again.. millions?

If you can't or refuse to answer sit down....if not? Maybe I'll report you for trolling
Sorry sweetie. You don't get to give orders. Have a nice day
It also assumes we won't ever have a vaccine and that the doctors won't continue to get better at treating it as they have been doing. Even without the vaccine, death rates keep plunging
No assumption. Until that happens we are stuck with what we have.

And that's essentially nothing...herd immunity. Let em die

Or in your case, let them die if it serves the Democrat party and save them if it serves the Democrat party
I keep hearing Trumpers say that

That means it's fatal to 1%. Do you know what 1% of 350 million is?

Yea...3 and a half million dead. Mostly older folks and those with medical issues.

And the "herd immunity" policy (if you can call it that) means everybody gets it.

You ready to see that many bodies?

For someone who whines about trolling you troll a lot

Wrong, as usual. In people 60 or younger the death rate is .001% in people over that age the death rate is .1%

It is only those who have significant medical issues where the death rate jumps to over 1%
Have millions died (you foul mouthed piece of shit)? They will if we keep on the current path
No you didn't....have millions died?

Yes or no
Are ALL Trumpers reading challenged?
Jesus. I used to really like the Irish...

Answer.... it's simple

We Irish despise your ilk
Now you're just trolling and that WILL get reported.

Maybe Meister could have a look at your posts?

Have millions died (you foul mouthed piece of shit)? They will if we keep on the current path
No you didn't....have millions died?

Yes or no
Are ALL Trumpers reading challenged?
Jesus. I used to really like the Irish...

Answer.... it's simple

We Irish despise your ilk
Now you're just trolling and that WILL get reported.

Maybe Meister could have a look at your posts?


You just trolled.

Now answer...

Have millions died? Yes or no?

Give up the reporting...you belittle yourself and look like a whiny bitch
Tell it to the mods

Nah, I'm not a whiny bitch unless someone lies on me or goes after my family

Now, once again.. millions?

If you can't or refuse to answer sit down....if not? Maybe I'll report you for trolling
Sorry sweetie. You don't get to give orders. Have a nice day

For someone who whines about trolling you troll a lot.

Now back to millions....you opened a can of worms, can't answer.... then trolled

Worthless asshole

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