A 10 Year Old Rape Victim In Ohio Was Just Denied An Abortion

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" Conflicted And Contradictory "

* Far Removed And Inconsistent *

And yet the states disagree on when life begins. They didn't agree with SCOTUS of Roe V Wade. Many believe life begins earlier. And in fact on 2 occasions the time to viability was lowered.

At Roe it was 28 weeks.......down to 22 weeks now. But they in that decision that the LEGISLATURE has the responsibility to determine WHEN LIFE BEGINS..............Roe did one more thing. They recognized that VIABLITY is NOT A FETIS............BUT A LIFE.

The current SCROTUS did not have a choice when ruling to overturn roe , other than to find that roe over stepped its constitutional authority in violation of a birth requirement for equal protection and issue a ruling that abortion could not be outlawed at all , which would lay the responsibility onto the legislature for a 2/3 constitutional amendment .

Again , the issue is not when does life begin as that does not matter to the constitution , as states are comprised of citizens and a citizen receives constitutional protections at birth , ergo birth is a constitutional requirement for equal protection , which includes the wright to life ..

Thad did not occur and the court has committed sedition against us constitution .
And I just informed you that the link is fake news.

Read the law, moron.

I posted a link explaining it and I posted a link stating the Ohio courts allowed it to go into affect.

Heal thyself.
" Conflicted And Contradictory "

* Far Removed And Inconsistent *

The current SCROTUS did not have a choice when ruling to overturn roe other than to argue that the roe court had over stepped its constitutional authority issue a ruling that abortion could not be outlawed at all , which would lay the responsibility onto the legislature for a 2/3 constitutional amendment .

Again , the issue is not when does life begin as that does not matter to the constitution , States are comprised of citizens and a citizen receives constitutional protections at birth , ergo birth is a constitutional requirement for equal protection , which includes the wright to life ..

Thad did not occur and the court has committed sedition against us constitution .
They upheld the 10th and those rights not enumerated to the federal gov't are reserved for the state. The states to decide for themselves in everyday matters.

You ignore the right to life of the unborn baby. And Privacy rights ........which are not violated.........don't count more than the right to life of the child.

Roe V Wade made it CLEAR. They made it CLEAR THAT LIFE BEGINs in the womb via VIABILITY. So all the VIRTUE AND PROJECTING will not change that.


Time for them to do their jobs.
I've addressed this 3-4 times now with no reply.

Let's argue it never happened. Are you going to argue it's never going to happen? No very young girl will get raped and become pregnant?
No, that will happen, more and more often, especially if the present liberal/Democratic trend of releasing criminals and encouraging the grooming of children continues. I won't dodge the question, because I never dodge questions. Keep reading.

Before we debate the death penalty for the babies produced in rapes, how about a serious look at making rape, especially of a child barely old enough to get pregnant, a capital offense? I'm sure you would support one if you support the other, or correct me if I'm mistaken.

How about mandatory life without parole for sex crimes against minors, which would prevent many of those rapes since the recidivism rate for sex offenders against kids is almost 100%. How about the Democratic leadership condemning the ongoing efforts to sexualize children? Will you do that right now? You don't even have to admit it is happening. Can you just say, "I condemn any efforts by adults to sexualize children?"

Yes, I believe that an exception should be made for rape victims of a very young age. Or any age really. My objection to the OP is the obvious fakeness, and the pride that some posters take in their own gullibility. I agree that a ten year old forced to carry a pregnancy is horrible.

That said, keep in mind that the USSC did not ban abortion in any way. They simply gave states back the power to regulate it or not. I would hope my state would have an exception to its abortion ban so that a rape victim, too young to safely carry a baby to term, could have an abortion, upon certification of a doctor (not an anonymous one), of those two facts.

Abortion is a violent crime in those states who choose to ban it. Many violent crime laws across states are similar, but each state has the right to adjust such laws as it sees fit. There will be plenty of states in which abortion will not be a crime at all, so any American can vote with their feet to live in such a state.
" Competent Ruling Ruined By Deceit To Deprive Adequate Informed Consent Of The Public "

* Where Few Would Disagree *

And yet roe decision allowed states to do just that - proscribe abortion in the third trimester when birth was imminent , where birth is a requirement for equal protection .

Roe was perfect as a compromise of moral ethics and constitutional compliance - but right refused to listen to its wisdom and the left were simply too arrogant , complacent and incompetent to adapt .
Perfect for whom. Sure as hell not for babies. And it meant NOTHING TO BLUE STATES. They get to do as they please.

But now say they will tell those in Red states WHAT THEY WILL ALLOW.

The Red States have said fuck you to them.
No, that will happen, more and more often, especially if the present liberal/Democratic trend of releasing criminals and encouraging the grooming of children continues. I won't dodge the question, because I never dodge questions. Keep reading.

No, you only jump off cliffs.

Before we debate the death penalty for the babies produced in rapes, how about a serious look at making rape, especially of a child barely old enough to get pregnant, a capital offense? I'm sure you would support one if you support the other, or correct me if I'm mistaken.

If you mean the death penalty, that would be no as I am pro-life. I do not believe anyone has the right to take the life of another outside of direct self defense.

How about mandatory life without parole for sex crimes against minors, which would prevent many of those rapes since the recidivism rate for sex offenders against kids is almost 100%. How about the Democratic leadership condemning the ongoing efforts to sexualize children? Will you do that right now? You don't even have to admit it is happening. Can you just say, "I condemn any efforts by adults to sexualize children?"

Life would be acceptable. Where are we seeing many cases coming from? The church. I'm pretty sure that isn't the fault of the Democrats.

Yes, I believe that an exception should be made for rape victims of a very young age. Or any age really. My objection to the OP is the obvious fakeness, and the pride that some posters take in their own gullibility. I agree that a ten year old forced to carry a pregnancy is horrible.

Is it false? Maybe. Do you know that for sure? No. Is it legit to point it out to show what you seem to believe something missing from Ohio's law?

That said, keep in mind that the USSC did not ban abortion in any way. They simply gave states back the power to regulate it or not. I would hope my state would have an exception to its abortion ban so that a rape victim, too young to safely carry a baby to term, could have an abortion, upon certification of a doctor (not an anonymous one), of those two facts.

Abortion is a violent crime in those states who choose to ban it. Many violent crime laws across states are similar, but each state has the right to adjust such laws as it sees fit. There will be plenty of states in which abortion will not be a crime at all, so any American can vote with their feet to live in such a state.

I've noted many times that some states can have no restrictions.
The discussion is Ohio and you've been discussing that. Just say you were wrong and move on.
No, you said RvW was a compromise. I agreed, but said it should have been coded into law.
Obviously that is national.
Is this a staff writer on Daily Kos or did someone just "submit" this story? Cause it all seems a little too pat to me. Ohio passed the 6 weeks law and just like that there's a 10 year old (!) who missed the deadline by three days?

Additionally, although girls this young do get periods (and younger than in earlier decades) the first few are usually anovulatory. A 10 year old can get pg but it's really rare.

So yeah, this one does not pass the smell test.
Tough SHIT


I live in Indiana
No, you only jump off cliffs.
I give you a legitimate answer, as requested, and you respond with a personal insult. Don't worry, I'll still give you legitimate answers, when others are stumped. But I have to say that eagle1462010 was correct to say that the OP started out with a lie and so deserves no answer.
If you mean the death penalty, that would be no as I am pro-life. I do not believe anyone has the right to take the life of another outside of direct self defense.
Except for inconvenient unborn babies, of course?
Life would be acceptable. Where are we seeing many cases coming from? The church. I'm pretty sure that isn't the fault of the Democrats.
You must be kidding. The Catholic Church is even more liberal than the American Democratic Party, except on the issue of abortion. They are abandoning that position even as we speak, as shown by the Pope's willingness to give communion to baby-killers.

Not willing to condemn adults sexually grooming children?
Is it false? Maybe. Do you know that for sure? No. Is it legit to point it out to show what you seem to believe something missing from Ohio's law?
I don't know it for sure. If it turns out that this story is true, don't blame reasonable people for doubting it. Blame the left's propensity to cry "wolf," for the current state of your lack of credibility.

I've noted many times that some states can have no restrictions.
Right, so what's wrong with different states having different violent crime laws? Let Texas have the death penalty for capital murder, and California have liberal prosecutors who "don't believe that prison works." Then the criminals can vote with their feet which state to commit crimes in.
Indiana has called a special legislative session for July 25th to address the abortion issue. My bet is they'll tighten restrictions
I give you a legitimate answer, as requested, and you respond with a personal insult. Don't worry, I'll still give you legitimate answers, when others are stumped. But I have to say that eagle1462010 was correct to say that the OP started out with a lie and so deserves no answer.

See, you consider this a legitimate answer even though you have no clue whether the case happened or not.

Except for inconvenient unborn babies, of course?

I'm pro-life. I understand many do not understand what that means.

You must be kidding. The Catholic Church is even more liberal than the American Democratic Party, except on the issue of abortion. They are abandoning that position even as we speak, as shown by the Pope's willingness to give communion to baby-killers.

Not willing to condemn adults sexually grooming children?

I don't know it for sure. If it turns out that this story is true, don't blame reasonable people for doubting it. Blame the left's propensity to cry "wolf," for the current state of your lack of credibility.

You started off saying the article was a lie. Now you are saying you have reasons to doubt it. I said it's a reasonable issue to address either way.

P.S. you are the one who glossed over the issues in the Southern Baptist church. Well, glossed over isn't the right word. Completely skipped over it would be.

Right, so what's wrong with different states having different violent crime laws? Let Texas have the death penalty for capital murder, and California have liberal prosecutors who "don't believe that prison works." Then the criminals can vote with their feet which state to commit crimes in.

I didn't say it was wrong.
The Columbus Dispatch is a known fake news outlet?
What do you call a news media outlet that flat out lies? I call that fake news.

The Columbus Dispatch flat out lied in the article linked to in the OP, plain and simple. Therefore it's fake news.
They sure are. In states where a perp can get a double sentence for harming a woman AND her unborn baby.

Can they be declared on a mothers taxes while in the womb?

Can a mother receive child support while they are in the womb?
What do you call a news media outlet that flat out lies? I call that fake news.

The Columbus Dispatch flat out lied in the article linked to in the OP, plain and simple. Therefore it's fake news.

Link showing they lied?
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